A/N: So, I don't know how long I've had this story rolling around in my head, but it's been there for at least a year. I was cleaning out my room for the summer when I found and old notebook with the interesting conversation in the second chapter and all the ideas and more I had came rushing back to me. The dialogue in the first section does not belong to me and I don't own CSI.

Sara entered the SUV where Catherine was sitting, already waiting for her with the radio turned on. She buckled herself in and prepared for the round of questions she was sure were coming from the older women. She was pleasantly surprised, however with what came next.

"You got plans?" Catherine turned to ask her colleague.

Sara responded with a one word answer. "Nope."

"Wanna get a beer?"

Her lips twitched upwards as she replied, "Drive."

The silence between them was slightly awkward now, with no co-workers around or the pretense of work hanging over them. Catherine was the first to break the silence with a question.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was serious as she looked the brunette in the eyes.

"I'm fi-" Sara began, before being cut off with a withering glare from Catherine. "I don't know anymore Cath, I mean I thought I was… but you know… How could I have been so stupid?" She sighed and shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I mean you saw it right away and I just didn't want to believe it. Makes me wonder if this is all just pointless."

Catherine looked confused. "If what is pointless? If you're talking about love honey, you're asking the wrong woman. Men are nothing but trouble."

Sara nodded as she drank the rest of her beer. The silence was thick between them and it became apparent that Sara wouldn't answer her question.

"You ever seen the nightlife here in Vegas Sara? You've been here, what three years now?" Catherine asked as she played with the label of her beer.

"Nope. Never had time." Sara shrugged, as if she didn't care much about it.

Catherine's eyes went wide. "You mean to tell me that you've been here for three years and never been to the strip?"

Sara shook her head sheepishly, "Unless we have a case, then no I haven't. I don't see what's so special about a bunch of casinos trying to take your money and it's not like there's anything to do but gamble…" She trailed off as she signaled to the waitress, making her walk over.

"Two shots. Tequila."

Catherine's eyebrow rose at the order. "Trying to get me drunk Sidle?"

"No!" Sara protested before seeing the quirk of Cath's lips and realizing her co-worker was teasing.

"Since you've never done any of the typical Vegas sightseeing honey, we're doing that next." Catherine's smile was large, teasing now. "It's not all gambling and casinos; trust me, I've been here long enough."

The waitress had returned with their shots and Cath quickly ordered two more before downing her first shot.

"I'll make you have fun tonight if it's the last thing I do." She winked at her younger colleague.

"I'm already having fun Cat." Sara replied using the shortened name even though she knew the older woman hated it.

"Going out for a beer after finding out your boyfriend has been using you with a colleague you argue with every day is fun Sidle? We really need to broaden your horizons." She replied laughing. "Starting with getting you to loosen up."

Their second round of shots had come and Catherine was quite content to stare at the younger woman until a familiar beat came from the speakers. She began to bob to the beat and when she turned to look at the younger woman, there was a small amount of trepidation in Sara's eyes.

"No." she stated as if she knew what Catherine was going to ask. "I need a bit more alcohol before I go around shaking my body to some random pop song."

If she thought that would discourage Catherine she was highly mistaken. The redheaded woman simply flagged down the waitress.

"Two more rounds for us. And make hers double shots." She gestured to the brunette and smirked at Sara's wide eyed expression. "You just got your heart broken honey. We're going to have a night to remember. And before it's all over, I will make you dance with me."

"I wouldn't say my heart was broken Cath… And there is absolutely NO way I'll dance with you. Nothing you do would possibly convince me to do that."

Sara had a grin on her face as she said this, as though she was teasing. Catherine grinned back at her, accepting the challenge.