Rachel smiled as she finished arranging the tiara in Jenny's hair and stepped back to admire her handiwork. Her soon to be sister in law was glowing with happiness, as any bride should be – she knew from Tom that Mike was a very eager groom, and she had a sneaking suspicion from Jenny's glowing countenance that she'd would be making Rachel an aunt sooner rather than later. The tiara was Jenny's something borrowed, her garter was the something old and blue, with the rings being their something new. Just as Rachel had, Jenny had opted for an empire wasted gown, falling from her as yet slender waist in a beautiful waterfall of fabric. Jenny had opted to have her hair loose and curled, saying simply that Mike liked it down – Rachel wasn't about to contest the issue, there were some things she didn't want to know, much as she adored both of them. It was the silence that snapped Rachel out of her musings, with 18 month old twins in the house, plus a 12 year old, and a teenager, silence wasn't a quality the Chandlers had become accustomed to.

"Ashley!" Rachel called to her step daughter "can you come here for a moment, love". Ashley strolled into the room, her face lighting up at the sight of her aunt in her wedding gown.

"Wow Aunt Jenny! You look gorgeous, nice job Mum" Ashley beamed at Rachel, who couldn't stop smiling herself. It still felt so special to hear Ashley and Sam call her mum – it was something the children had asked for. Mommy was Darien, and Rachel had never wanted or sought to fill that role or term, but Mum was a role she filled with ease, and both Tom's elder children felt happy using it. As Ashley had said herself, Rachel was doing that job anyway, might as well make it official.

"What's up anyway?" Ashley inquired "Doesn't look like you need my help here"

"No but it's gone awfully quiet, and I suspect the twins are up to something – again!" Rachel replied.

For two small children, Bella and Nate seemed to be able to wreak an inordinate amount of chaos - when they were together that was. Apart, Nate had grown into a sturdy blonde little cherub, full of good humour and ample amounts of curiosity. Bella was slightly quieter than her twin, but no less curious, and had most of the male members of her family (immediate and extended) wrapped around her chubby fingers. She was, according to her father, Rachel in miniature but with his azure blue eyes, and the ability to cry almost on command, leading her older sister to dub her "Tiny Tears", after the toy doll. The previous week, Mike had dropped by to visit with Tom, Rachel, and the children after picking up the wedding rings, and had left the boxes on the kitchen table, and within reach of tiny, curious fingers, whilst he chatted with Tom. The twins, eyeing the two boxes had decided to see if they were flushable, only they knew quite why, and it was Jed's eagle eye that spotted the two miscreants before the ring boxes disappeared down the U-bend! Mike had nearly been apoplectic, but having had 3 small children before, couldn't find it in his heart to be angry with the godchildren he adored. Still, it taught everyone a lesson to not leave things within reach of curious fingers and to go looking when the twins weren't being noisy, silence meant trouble, double trouble!

"It's ok Mum, they're having a nap on the porch swing, Grandpa's with them – we figured a nap now might stave off an attack of the crankies later on!" Ashley replied, laughing "You know how cranky they get without a nap"

"Don't I just!" Rachel chuckled "Two tiny little beings that are more trouble than a ship full of sailors!"

"They are, aren't they?" Jenny joined in "I guess I'll find out myself soon enough". That statement alone confirmed Rachel's suspicions, and she hugged Jenny, a hug Ashley was happy to join in.

"Are you going to have twins too Aunt Jenny?" Ashley inquired, hugging her aunt again.

"No! Thankfully, it's just one baby!" Jenny said, relieved "We only found out last week, but we're very happy about it".

Rachel and Ashley reached over and hugged Jenny tenderly, being careful not to undo Rachel's handiwork – it had taken quite a while to achieve, as stillness was not one of Jenny's finer qualities! Excited childish chatter broke into the tender moment, and Rachel excused herself to see what had woken the twins and got them so excited, preferably before they got over excited. Stepping out onto the porch, Rachel spotted the cause of the twin's excitement in the form of her brother in law Jimmy. Like his father and sister, Jimmy was a regular visitor to the Chandler household having elected to join them on land. He'd taken a position with base security, and she knew from chatting to Tom he was highly thought of by all the base staff. The twins adored their Uncle Jimmy, not least because he'd read to them from their favourite books unceasingly, indeed Rachel had lost count how many times she'd heard Jimmy read "The Tiger Who Came To Tea".

Jimmy was sat on the porch swing next to Jed, with one twin in each arm, tickling each one in turn, causing a gale of childish laughter. He looked up at Rachel's entrance and smiled, Jimmy could see why his older brother had fallen in love with her, she was truly something else. He hoped he'd find someone like her eventually - smart, sassy, and gorgeous, but for now Jimmy was more than content to play the doting uncle to both the twins, Ashley, and Sam.

"Up Unca Jimmy Up!" Bella demanded, sensing her uncle's attention wasn't where the little girl felt it should be, firmly on her. Jimmy tickled her again, causing another round of childish laughter.

"You are up pumpkin! How much more up do you want?" Jimmy laughed, cuddling his niece as he stroked her soft brown curls, Tom was right, she was Rachel's double in miniature!

Nate watched the exchange for a moment, before noticing his mother standing in the doorway and scrambled gingerly off Jimmy's lap and tottered eagerly over to Rachel, who scooped him up into her arms. She buried her face in his soft blonde curls, inhaling his sweet baby scent, her heart so full of love for this gorgeous little boy.

"Ready to play your part today little man?" Rachel asked him, kissing Nate gently who promptly planted a resounding kiss on his mother's cheek. He was such an affectionate little scamp, despite his trouble making antics when he and his sister were alone together.

"I help Sammy carry rings!" Nate crowed happily to the assembled family, who just laughed. Sam had been practicing with his little brother ever since Jenny and Mike had mooted the idea of the two boys being the ring bearers.

"Me help wif flowers" Bella lisped, determined not to be left out of the conversation.

"You will precious! " Jenny said, as she stepped out onto the porch, taking satisfaction in the pride and joy reflected in the eyes of her assembled family.

This was her wedding day, and she thanked everything she could think of that those she loved most were here to share it with her. The road she and Mike had travelled to get here hadn't always been smooth, but never once had she doubted his love for her.

"Sweetheart, you look beautiful – I couldn't be prouder!" Jed told her, drawing Jenny into a hug, tears in his eyes. His little girl was getting married, and he couldn't be prouder. "Ready to go marry that sailor of yours?"

"You bet!" Jenny replied "Is everyone ready?"

The chorus of assent that came back at her did a great deal to calm Jenny's wedding nerves. Everything had been planned to the nth degree by Rachel – who knew that in amongst all her skills lurked a wedding planner extraordinaire?! Just then, the wedding car drew up, driven by Danny and Burk, both of whom looked stunning in their dress whites.

"Your Chariot Madame?" Danny said, bowing low, causing Jenny and Rachel to giggle helplessly at his antics.

Burk just stood there shaking his head, you'd never know his friend was a capable SEAL leader and father of two. He smiled at the sight of the four Chandler siblings, thinking of his wife Ravit, an Israeli Naval officer he'd met on one of the Nathan James's voyages overseas – they too were expecting their first child and Carlton couldn't be happier. If anyone had told him this was what awaited him after they'd learned of the scale of the Virus induced crisis, he'd have laughed. Yet here they were, about to marry off the last of the Nathan James's bachelor's; most of the crew who had been unable to find their spouses or had lost them to the virus had remarried, either a fellow crew member, someone from the town, or from the base.

Loading the Chandler family into the car took some time, with the twins thinking it was a fine game of chase to scurry around the car giggling, until Rachel put a stop to it with a firm word. As they arrived at the Church, the Chandler's marvelled at the beautiful old Church that Rachel, Tom, Danny, and Kara had married at almost 2 years ago. Once again, the townspeople had joined with the personnel from base and ship to decorate the church with bouquets of the local wild flowers, sprinkled with several beautiful blooms from a local greenhouse that had started up. Mike and Jenny had decided to have the service by candlelight, just as the Greens and Chandlers had. Electrical power was still rationed carefully as the US struggled to rebuild in this post-virus world, but things were slowly recovering as people pulled together just as their countrymen had done when the country had been founded.

Jed helped Jenny step down from the car, squeezing her hands tenderly as he placed a loving kiss on his daughter's cheek. Jenny returned the gesture, the only thing that marred the day was that her mother wasn't here to see this.

"Come on, Sweetheart, let's get you up the aisle before your husband-to-be expires on the spot!" Jed chuckled to himself, Jenny just shook her head in amusement.

As the music began and they began to walk up the aisle, Jenny was aware of only one person – the tall, blonde bear of a man stood proudly at the altar wearing his dress whites. Mike released a breath he hadn't been aware he'd been holding as he saw Jenny walk up the aisle on Jed's arm, god she looked so beautiful! Loosing Christine and his children had been a devastating blow he hadn't thought he'd ever recover from, but Jenny had changed that. Her infectious laughter, coupled with a lively, caring nature had slowly drawn him out of the depression he'd been slowly sinking into. Jenny's love had saved him, of that he was sure – and the news that they were to become parents had left Mike feeling overjoyed, thanking god for the blessing of this beautiful woman's affection.

Mike had never been quite sure who had pursued who, but he'd realised that his world wouldn't be complete without Jenny Chandler in it. It hadn't taken him long on the heels of that revelation to propose to Jenny, and fortunately for him she'd said yes. Not only that, his best friend, and soon to be in laws had approved – the Chandlers were a very close family that Jenny clearly adored, their approval mattered. He watched as the two youngest Chandler boys walked in front of the bride, Sam holding Nate by one hand and balancing the ring pillow on the other. Just behind Jenny was Rachel, as Matron of Honour, followed by Ashley and Bella as flower girls. The ceremony seemed to fly past as they exchanged their vows, taking comfort in the traditional words that bound their futures together. As they exited the Church, Mike and Jenny smiled at the sight of their friends and fellow officers lined up to form the traditional arch of swords.

"Shall we Mrs Slattery?" Mike asked his now wife, who grinned her assent. Stepping forward, the couple walked under the arch and towards a bright, positive future – no matter what happened now, they knew they could face it together.

Tom and Rachel stood off to one side, surrounded by their children and family. Tom leaned over and kissed his wife's upturned lips, slipping an arm around her waist, pulling her into his arms. The virus had rocked Tom's world, but it had also brought him his soul mate, the woman who made his life complete. Whatever else happened, he knew that Rachel would always be there for him, as he was for her. They had each other and their family, everything else was a bonus Tom was profoundly grateful for.

The End – love it? Hate it? Please review, your kind words are music to this author's ears!