Miss Moneypenny is the only Bond Girl that I have ever wanted to be, even though she doesn't get the perks. I wrote this to explain why she flirts back and accepts the escapades of the notorious MI6 agent, 007. She is much stronger than we give her credit for. Be sure to comment and tell me if you agree, and let me know if you find this new side to Moneypenny plausible.

###007### ###007### ###007###

The door slowly props open and as I look up a hat flies in landing perfectly on the hook.


"Afternoon, Moneypenny," He saunters over to my side of the desk. His brown eyes were looking at me with that all too familiar flirtation in his eyes. Just once I want him to look at me with that come-hither-grin and actually mean it.

"Afternoon, James," I replied as sharply as I could manage. I looked down at my paperwork and refused to face him. "You're late and M is on a rampage. You get in there, oh watch your back." He goes to slide his arms around me, but I am on my feet in seconds.

"Are you alright, Darling," James whispered the inquiry.

"I'm fine, Dear," I curtly reply, "I've just been given instructions not to keep you." Not a lie, I am often told not let 007 dally but I take all the overtures I can get. James stood very close to me breathing in my peppermint scent, I could feel his eyes traveling the length of me. I know playing hard to get usually intrigues him, but this is a game that I am tired of playing. James leans in and I close my eyes to guard myself.

"I missed you, Moneypenny," he smiles. I simply hum my response while continuing to flip through the files. I pull out the file that I am looking for when M buzzes to inform Bond that he is need immediately. James stops short of the door and looks back at me. I can see his obvious discomfort when we lock eyes for the first time since he walked in.

"See you soon, James." He flashed me his wall-crumbling smile, and once again my heart ached.

You've no idea what you do to a girl, do you James?