Notice: I saw the tenth episode and I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that this takes place after the ninth episode but I am thinking of incorporating the new episode in later chapters. If you want that let me know. If you don't then I will probably do it anyway.

Now, the story.


When everyone realized Eddie and Iris were still in the room and saw everything, many of them didn't know what to say. Luckily, Cisco was still in the room.

"Don't worry about the blood or the bullets that happens all the time. The almost dying part not so much but he should be fine in three or four hours." Cisco said nonchalantly.

Iris's jaw just dropped down in astonishment.

"Fine! Fine! My best friend almost died again and has been fighting crime for months now. And not only did he not tell me but my father knew and didn't tell me. He was shot and bleeding after he almost DIED and you say it will take three to four hours for him to be better. That's impossible." Iris ranted.

Caitlin deciding to enter the conversation spoke up finally.

"I think I can answer that question for you. Since Barry has super speed, one benefit that came from that is super speed cellular regeneration." Caitlin said in her doctor's voice.

"You're doing that thing Barry does where he doesn't speak English." Iris said exasperated.

"Basically, it means that Barry heals faster than most people." Caitlin explained.

"So that means that I can yell at Barry in a few hours." Iris said with a thoughtful expression.

"Sure, now Joe; does Barry have to be at work tomorrow?" Wells asked.

"No, he has a day off tomorrow."

"Good, I want to run some tests to make sure that the ice from Captain Cold's gun doesn't leave any residual damage." Wells said in his scientist voice.

"We'll have to ask Barry but you have to remember that it is his day off." Joe said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh right. Well since he will show up in a few minutes we should probably wait until then to ask." Wells said with a thoughtful yet thinking expression.


Joe's phone started going off and he had to answer because it was the police station.

"Yeah? … There was a bank robbery at Central City Bank. … The Arrow intervened? … Yeah Barry accidently hit his head and he can't move yet for fear of a concussion. … Yeah I will tell him when he comes back the day after tomorrow that he has work to process. … Yeah, bye."

"What was that about Joe?" Eddie asked.

"Apparently, someone tried to break into another bank after Barry stopped the other one." Joe said.

"What was that about the Arrow, Dad?" Iris asked.

"Well, since Barry is hurt and couldn't be there to help it looks like the Arrow decided to jump in and help. Thanks to that we saved a few cops. Our forces were spread pretty thin after the bank robbery that hurt Barry earlier." Joe said with a shrug in his shoulders.

"Why would the Arrow help? Why is he even in Central City again he stays in Starling?" Iris asked.

"Well we will find out in a few minutes. Isn't that right Felicity?" Wells said while facing away from the door.

"Yeah he will be here in a few minutes. It takes him a little longer because of the fact that he doesn't have super speed. Speaking of speed, where is Barry?" Felicity asked.

"There was another bank robbery hours earlier, Captain Cold was there and managed to severely injure Barry." Wells stated.

"Is Barry all right?" Felicity frantically asked.

"Yeah he should be waking up within the next few minutes." Caitlin interjected with.

"Good because when he gets here if he doesn't see Barry right away we will have to deal with one angry hero with a bow and arrow." Felicity said with a slightly nervous expression.

"What was that Felicity? I didn't quite hear that." The Arrow walked into the room with his hood and mask still on.

When he was fully in the room he took off his hood and mask. Not noticing that Iris and Eddie were also in the room.

"I said nothing Oliver. Oh and by the way you will have to add two more people to that list of people who know your secret identity." Felicity offhandedly said.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

Felicity pointed towards the side where Iris and Eddie were standing.

"Oh gotcha. I trust you two won't tell anyone about who I am and what I do in my spare time." Oliver said.

Iris and Eddie both nodded their head still dumbfounded over everything that they have found out over the past few hours.

"What? When all the rest of us found out you practically threatened us all." Felicity said with disbelief.

"Felicity, you have to remember that it has been a week since I have seen my boyfriend and right now I want to know where he is." Oliver said impatiently.

"Wait, hold up. Your gay and have a boyfriend. Why hasn't any of the tabloids found out about this yet?" Iris asked. She really should try to suppress her journalistic side.

"That would be because we are still in the honeymoon period and I would like to enjoy my time with him before the tabloids decide to analyze every ounce of our relationship. Now, where is my boyfriend?" Oliver asked exasperatedly.

Caitlin noticing this pointed to the room where Barry was currently resting still.

"He is in there Oliver but be careful. He almost died earlier and is still recovering." Caitlin said.

"What do you mean he almost died?" Oliver asked frantically.

"Well when he went to stop a bank robbery earlier today Captain Cold was there and had a better gun that bypassed Barry's super healing and we almost lost him once." Caitlin told Oliver.

"Is he fine now? Will there be any side effects? Should I be worried about him moving tomorrow?" Oliver quickly spit out questions.

"I'm fine now. There doesn't seem to be any side effects and I'm not sure I want to move at all tomorrow." Barry said leaning against the door frame.

"Barry!" Oliver exclaimed.

Rushing over to Barry, Oliver pushed him up against the door frame and started to check his upper body for lingering injuries. It was slightly easier because Barry's suit was hanging around his waist and was no longer covering his upper body.

"Oliver I told you I was fine." Barry said with a laugh.

Oliver decided to ignore Barry and continued checking him over. Deciding that Barry was indeed fine captured Barry's lips with his own. The force of the kiss was so strong that it pushed Barry flush against the door jam. Oliver just followed along and continued to kiss Barry. When Barry felt Oliver's tongue on his lower lip, he opened with a moan. The two them just continued their make out session, completely forgetting about the others in the room.

Speaking of the others, most of them use to this scene that happened every time they finally got to see each other, just rolled their eyes and continued on with their work. Edie and Iris on the other hand, well, their jaws were on the floor in surprise.

Joe noticing that the make out session was getting a little too far decided to interrupt the two before the lab became an adult movie scene.

"Ok, that's enough you to. Oliver, stop kissing my son now before I handcuff you to the other side of the room from Barry." Joe said sternly.

Oliver knowing from experience that Joe will in fact handcuff moved off of Barry. Though not too far. He just simply moved to behind Barry so that he could rest his head on his shoulders while his arms were wrapped around Barry's waist.

"Sorry Joe. I forgot you were all here." Oliver replied sheepishly.

"We understand Oliver just please don't do it again we would all like to keep our sanity in place." Joe said with a smile.

"I make no promises. When the love of your life is standing right in front of you and you find out that he just almost died then you are going to want to be as close as possible." Oliver said with a loving expression as he squeezed Barry to him more.

"AAwww. I love you to." Barry said with a kiss to the side of Oliver's head.

"Wait, Wait. When did the two of you get to the point of saying 'I love you' to each other?" Joe asked with a shocked expression.

Barry and Oliver exchanged a glance. When they turned back to Joe they spoke simultaneously.

"About a month ago."

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Why didn't you tell me Barry, I'm your father?" Joe asked exasperatedly.

"Well it was new and I we were both busy with all the police work and my work as the Flash that I never had time to tell you." Barry said with a shrug.

"What about me then?" Iris exclaimed moving away from the wall.

"What do you mean?" Barry asked confused.

"Well, I'm your best friend who hasn't talked to you in six months and you don't even have the decency to tell me that you're dating a hot billionaire. Not to mention that you also didn't bother to tell me that you're also the Flash." Iris said with her voice constantly rising.

Barry had the decency to at least look sheepish.

"Well, since I told you that I was in love with you and then when the meta-human affected me and I attacked Eddie. I didn't really know how to be around you." Barry said while looking at the ground.

Iris thought over what Barry had said. She knew that over those two situations had made her relationship with Barry a little awkward.

"Fine, I accept that reasoning. Why didn't you tell me after you started dating Oliver?" Iris asked.

"Well we were using all our spare time to be together. Then we always were interrupted with our duties to our cities that I didn't have any time to tell you or see you often enough to tell you." Barry said.

"Enough with the questions. In case you have been forgotten my boyfriend almost died today and needs some rest. Caitlin can I take him home now?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah you can take him home. Just be careful if you do any strenuous activity. We don't know the full extent of any side effects that might happen." Caitlin managed to say with a straight face.

"Ok. Ready to go home babe?" Oliver asked while kissing Barry's neck.

"Wait, Barry there are still some tests that need to be done. Bloodwork, muscle checks." Wells said.

"We still have some things we need to discuss." Iris interjected with.

"We can do that tomorrow. I really need some sleep. Besides, Oliver can give you guys the apartment address and you can all come over tomorrow and we can discuss these things some more. If you need me I am going to go get changed the non-super speed way." Barry said and walked back into the room where he woke up in.

"Well Mr. Queen I don't need the address because I don't want to go over to your places so I will see you guys when you come to the lab another day." Wells said and wheeled out of the room.

"I don't need the address and neither does my dad because we already know where Barry lives." Iris said.

"No you're going to need the new address because Barry and I moved into a new apartment here in Central City. Here you go." Oliver said and distributed the address to those still in the room.

After Oliver had given everybody the address, Barry walked back into the room fully clothed.

"Ready to go?" Oliver asked as he walked over to Barry.

"Yeah I'm ready. Oh and I hope you're not planning on going to sleep right away when we get back." Barry whispered to him as he kissed Oliver on the cheek and grabbed his hand.

"Felicity, Dig. I don't want any interruptions for the rest of the night. If anything comes up it can wait until the morning." Oliver said fast.

Pulling on Barry's hand Oliver practically sprinted out of the lab to his motorcycle that was still in the parking lot.

"Dad, did you know that Barry had moved apartments?" Iris asked while staring at the new address.

"I had no idea but it doesn't surprise me." Joe said while looking at the same address.

"What do you mean?" Iris asked.

"Well Oliver is very protective of Barry. So when he probably saw where Barry was living and the trouble that happens in the area, he probably asked Barry to move in with him in a way so that he knows that he is safe when he is not here." Joe explained.

"So Oliver moved him into the most expensive area of Central City?" Iris asked.

"Well he is a billionaire, who is a vigilante superhero by night. If he let Barry stay in that area I would have been very surprised." Joe said.

"Ok then, so now when do we go over there tomorrow? Oliver never told us when we could come over tomorrow." Iris said.

When Iris said this Felicity and Diggle exchanged glances.

"From our experiences, do not go over there before ten in the morning." Felicity said thinking.

"What do you mean?" Iris asked with a confused expression.

"Well one time about two months ago Barry was spending the weekend with Oliver at the Queen mansion." Diggle began.

"I needed to go talk to Oliver about some work related things that could not be delayed." Felicity continued.

"I needed to talk to Oliver about some Arrow things. So we arrived at the mansion at the same time. Rosa, his maid, let us in the mansion. When we were walking around the mansion trying to find Oliver we started to hear some noises. Following the noise we ended up outside Oliver's bedroom. Let's just say that what we heard at that point was mentally scarring and we quickly left and went to the family room. They finally came down at ten thirty and that was after they took a shower." Diggle said with a blush darkening his face.

"So we will all meet up at the apartment at ten thirty." Joe said with an ashen look on his face.

They all nodded, not wanting to have to go through that trauma as well.


Meanwhile with Barry and Oliver:

As soon as they got to the apartment building they quickly took the elevator up to the apartment. When they finally got the door open they entered.

Once the door was closed and locked Oliver pushed Barry up against the wall in the entrance hallway and started kissing him forcefully. When Oliver started thrusting his tongue into his mouth, Barry moaned.

Moving down the hallway, the two of them headed towards the bedroom discarding clothes along the way.

The night was a long one but they did get some sleep but when they woke in the morning they decided to go again. Alas they remembered that everyone would be coming over soon.