This takes place after the Flash/Arrow crossover. Like six-eight months later.


Blood, Hurt, and Revelation

It's been six months since Barry had been affected by that mate-human and attacked Eddie. Then with the arrival of the Reverse Flash, Barry has been having a little trouble being himself. While he didn't mean to let the words Iris said to the Flash affect his friendship with her it was still bound to happen. Due to all these floods of feelings Barry needed a way to release them.

Deciding to throw himself into training he started spending most of his weekend at Starling City with Oliver Queen. Oliver had been getting busier ever since he had gotten back Queen consolidated. Never the less he always made time for Barry. The tabloids were always questioning their relationship but could never get concrete evidence.

To make it clear they are in fact dating.

The only people who know are Diggle, Felicity, Roy, Thea, Joe, Caitlin, Cisco, and Wells. Iris doesn't know because they haven't been spending that much time together. Never had he found the right time to tell her. Especially after he had told her he was in love with her. Those feelings didn't last too long. When he and Oliver started dating they both quickly fell in love with each other. Barry spends his days off and weekends in Starling and races back to solve crimes since it only takes five minutes.

Joe wasn't sure how to handle the news well at first but was happy once he had a discussion with Oliver about his relationship with Barry. Henry took the news well when Barry first told him. Though out of his two dads, Joe was the most reluctant. With his knowledge of Oliver being the Arrow and the fact that he killed at first didn't sit well. But with the knowledge of how he helped when Barry was affected by the meta-human. That was what helped Joe trust their relationship the most.

Oliver wasn't too happy that Barry insisted on keeping up with the crime fighting. Though when Barry used his words against him Oliver gave up and decided to help.

Then one night six months later changed everything.

It was supposed to be a routine bank robbery. A routine bank robbery might sound weird but it just means that there were no meta-humans to add to the chaos and violence.

Though this story doesn't start from there. Now let the story truly begin.

Iris and Eddie were walking to her car from dinner. Iris was complaining about how Barry was still avoiding her.

"I understand why he might be avoiding me since he told me he loves me, but for it to be for six months. That's just too long." Iris complained.

"I know you want to see Barry but you have to think about how he is feeling right now. Maybe he is trying to move on and doesn't want to be around you to make it harder." Eddie reasoned.

Reaching her car they climbed into the car and started it.

"I know I just miss my best friend." Iris sighed.

"You probably will and you just have to be patient until he is ready to see you."

"Can we talk about something else?" Iris begged.

"Like what?"

"How is that task force going?"

"Not well every time we get a new lead about the Flash, it is always where he has saved people and with his growing hero status many people aren't willing to talk to the cops who are trying to take in the Flash."

"Did you tell any of them that the Flash attacked you?"

"I did at first but most of the time no one cares."

"Well I hope you catch him."

As they were driving in the car on a deserted side street all of a sudden Iris hit something.

"What was that?" Iris screamed.

Getting out of the car she walked to the front. Looking down she walked to the front. Looking down she and Eddie gaped at the scene in front of them. Lying down on the ground was the Flash who was groaning in pain.

Eddie coming to his senses grabbed his handcuffs and started walking towards the Flash.

"Wait, Eddie what are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm arresting him for assault."


"Why not?"


Iris pointed towards the Flash. Eddie took a step back and took a whole look at him. Eddie's mouth dropped open as he stared. The Flash was lying on the ground three bullet wounds in his chest could be seen all of which were still bleeding. Plus an icicle was covering the center of his chest. Iris concerned about the shallow breathing felt for his pulse.

"Oh my God, he is freeing. Eddie call for an ambulance."

"The word ambulance knocked the Flash out of his pain stupor.

"No. No ambulance." The Flash vibrated his voice so that they wouldn't recognize it.

"If we don't get you treated you might die." Iris tried to reason.

"Take me to S.T.A.R. Labs."

Iris not willing to argue this fact agreed hesitantly.

"Fine. Eddie grab him and help him into the back seat."

Eddie not really having much say in the matter grabbed the Flash underneath his shoulders and half carried, half dragged him to the car. Placing him on the seat, Eddie shut the door and ran around to the front of the car.

As soon as Eddie was buckled Iris headed toward S.T.A.R. Labs completely disregarding speeding laws. As they were driving Eddie's detective side started coming out.

"Aren't you wondering why he wanted to go to S.T.A.R. Labs at all?"

"I am but I'm not going to let him die. So since I'm driving put your hand on his neck and check his pulse."


Placing his hand on his neck Eddie noticed that his pulse was getting fainter.

"We need to hurry his pulse is getting fainter. I don't know how much longer he has until he dies."

"Hopefully he can last another five minutes."

When Iris said that, she pressed the gas and started going faster than she was before. Luckily there wasn't that much traffic on the way to S.T.A.R. Labs and it only took three minutes for them to park in front of the building.

"Quick Eddie, grab one side I will grab the other."

With both of them supporting a side of the Flash they made their way to the front door. When they entered they couldn't see anyone in the immediate vicinity.

"Hey is anyone here we need help." Iris yelled.

Joe who was just heading to leave heard Iris's voice from down the hall. Panicking he started to run down the hall.

"Iris, are you okay?"

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

Just as Joe was about to answer he noticed Barry between the two who still hasn't stopped bleeding and the icicle was still stuck to his chest.

"Crap. Iris move. Eddie and I will get him to the lab."

"Caitlin, Cisco, Wells we have a problem!" Joe yelled when they were outside the door.

Looking up from their respective monitors right when Joe entered the room with Barry in Between them they jumped into action. Wells just stayed at his monitor so that his wheelchair wasn't in the way.

"Quick, get him onto the hospital bed." Caitlin frantically said.

They carefully placed him onto the bed and moved away. Joe moved back but stayed near. While Eddie stood next to Iris where they could see everything but not get in the way.

"Can you hear me? Come on you got to tell me what happened." Caitlin said while shining a light into Barry's eyes.

"Captain cold … Bigger gun … More effective."

After he said that he passed out.

"Joe come over here help Cisco remove his mask and the suit from the upper part of his body but be careful I don't know if the icicle went through the suit or not."

Moving next to him Joe carefully removed his mask and Cisco carefully undid the front of the suit on his chest.

As they did Iris and Eddie stood in the corner gaping at the site of Barry in front of them.

"Barry?" Iris said in disbelief.

Despite their confusion at the moment they started to tune back into the conversation.

"Caitlin, why isn't he healing fast?" Cisco asked.

"I think the ice in the new gun is counteracting the regeneration. So with that icicle sticking out of his chest he can't warm up because it is preventing that from happening."

"So how do we get rid of the icicle?" Joe asked.

"I have an idea." Cisco said.

"No." Caitlin immediately responded.

"You don't even know what I was going to say." Cisco replied indignantly.

"You were going to suggest some new gadget that hasn't been tested yet. Right?"

"Well do you have a better idea?"

"Just let me finish these x-rays."

When the x-rays finally completed, Caitlin quickly took a look at them.

"Luckily the ice isn't lodged into his skin. So if we pull it out his healing should start."

Right when she finished saying that the heart monitor that they had hooked up to Barry blared loudly. Spinning around everyone saw that Barry was flat lining. Racing over Caitlin started chest compressions while Cisco charged up the paddles.

"Joe come over here and grab onto the icicle."

"Ok, now what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to pull out as hard as you can."

Deciding not to argue Joe pulled as hard as he could, ripping the icicle free from his skin. The skin where the icicle came out was raw and red. Before anything could happen Cisco pressed the paddles onto Barry's chest, sending currents of electricity through his body. After the first shock Barry's heart started once more. Realizing that Barry would start healing soon, Caitlin grabbed a scalpel and tongs and made the bullet holes larger and started to fish out the three bullets that were in Barry's chest. Together that took two minutes to get the three out. Bandaging Barry, Caitlin with Joe's help moved him into a side lab where he could heal.

As they started cleaning up after all the blood that came out of Barry, they all seemed to remember that Iris and Eddie were in the lab and just found out the identity of the flash.


This wasn't as long as I was hoping it would be but it seemed like a good place to stop.

There will be more chapters.

Review if you like. No flaming please.