Soon, kitten. Don't worry. The message flashed across the screen and Avalon grinned, already replaying the events in her mind.

Two days. It had been two whole days since Avalon showed the house to Jon. He had made no attempts at contacting her-not a single text or a phone call. A crumpled up ball of paper flew across the room to join a small pile growing in the corner. "I can't concentrate! What the fuck is wrong with me?" Avalon whined, dragging her hands over her face. Moxley huffed at her from his place on the couch, annoyed with his owner's outbursts that had been increasing in frequency all day. When "Hooked on a Feeling" cut through the silence, Avalon leapt for her phone, before remembering that was her best friend's ringtone. "What do you want?" she groaned.

"Hey, whoa, Ms. Grumpy Pants. What's up your ass?!" Becca shouted.

"Sorry Becs. I don't know what my problem is. No, strike that, I do. It's a 6' 4" blonde god who hasn't called or texted me."

"Uh…it's kinda creepy that you know his height."

"Not the point! Why am I mooning over a guy this much? I should just be happy I ever met him…right?" Avalon chewed on her lip as she replayed the day in her head again. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Sweetie. He said you'd see him soon. Just give it time. Doesn't he travel, like, daily? Give him time," she soothed her.

"I know, I know. It's Friday. They do media during the week and house shows on the weekend. He'll probably be busy for another week."

"You know…he texted you. You have his number. Why don't you just text him?" Becca suggested.

"NO! Absolutely not. That'd be weird. I just have to have patience. Good things come to those who wait," Avalon sighed.

"And we all know how much you want to cum," her best friend dead panned.

Avalon rolled her eyes, used to Becca's crude humor. "Yes, you're hilarious. Now, unless you have something important to say, I need to go. Dinner doesn't make itself."

"It does when it comes in the form of a TV dinner. Have fun."

Hanging up the phone, Avalon leaned her head back and sighed. "Wrestlers and their fucking busy schedules."

Sizzling filled the kitchen as Avalon tossed some sliced onions and peppers into a pan. She hummed to herself as she made hamburger patties while the veggies sautéed behind her. After scrubbing her hands, she proceeded to remove the veggies from the pan before placing the patties into the pan. She was reaching to flip them over when her phone started ringing. Avalon did a double take as she read the name. Jon Good. Taking a deep breath, she answered. "Avalon, Preferred Property Sales."

"Hey Avalon, its Jon."

"Oh, hi Jon! What can I do for you?"

"Colby's really interested in the house and wants to make an offer."

"Really? That's great!" Avalon grinned as she flipped her burgers over once more.

"Is there any way I can meet up with you tonight and go over the contract and numbers?"

"Oh um…" She glanced down at herself, in a t-shirt and sweats, and tried to figure out how quickly she could get put together. Her momentary distraction cost her as the oil in the pan popped, burning her hand. "Fuck, ouch!"

"Are you okay?" Jon's concern made her smile slightly.

"Yeah, sorry. Cooking dinner and it just happened to burn me a bit. Anyways, I could meet you at my office in about 45 minutes?"

"I don't want to interrupt your cooking. If it's no problem, I'll come over there and we can talk about it."

Avalon panicked as she took in her living space, covered in papers and books both for school and work. "No, really, I can meet you somewhere-"

"Just give me your address, kitten," Jon commanded quietly.

"556 Maple Grove Cir. It's a long driveway, just keep going til the end," she murmured back.

"Perfect. GPS says 15 minutes. See you soon, kitten." With that, he ended the call. Avalon stood still for a minute, shell shocked, before rushing around the kitchen. She quickly threw everything she needed back into her pan and set it on low to simmer. Running to the living room, she tried to gather up all the loose papers, but mostly ended up shoving it to one side of the table. A quick vacuum around the couch and a lit candle freshened up the room. As she heard tires on the gravel outside, she realized too late she had forgotten to change her clothing. Moxley started to bark, alerting Avalon to the fact that Jon was already coming to the front door. Shit. He's going to turn around and leave when he sees what a mess I am. Avalon patted her hair down and moved to open the front door.

"Hi Jon, please excuse the mess—" she started to say.

"Don't worry about it, you weren't expecting me. I kind of sprung this on you." His grin was contagious as he followed her through the hall and into the kitchen. She took in his long sleeve gray shirt, low slung jeans, and baseball cap with his blonde curls popping out from underneath and sighed. "Wow, what smells so good?"

"Oh um, hamburgers with homemade gravy and some sautéed veggies." Avalon glanced at Jon to find him eyeing the pan with intense interest. "It just finished. Did you want some?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't plan this as soon as I heard you were cooking. I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal." Both laughed as Avalon dished up two plates and grabbed some sodas before they headed to the table. Jon eyed the paperwork shoved to the edge of the table with curiosity. He picked up one sheet filled with diagrams and calculations as Avalon moved to grab napkins. "What is all this? It can't be real estate," he asked.

Avalon turned to see Jon studying her latest circuits homework and blushed. "Those are circuit analyses," she explained as she moved back to the table, "and no, it's not real estate. That's actually my homework that's due next week."

"Homework? You're in school?"

"Yeah." She pushed food around on her plate nervously. Jon stared at her expectantly, waiting for some kind of explanation. "I'm studying electrical engineering with a focus on robotics." Taking a small bite, she waited for the laugh that usually followed that statement when she told guys what she was studying.

"Wow, that's pretty awesome." Jon smiled at her as he finished the food on his plate. "What made you choose that?"

Avalon was shocked. He wasn't teasing her. He was actually interested. "Um…Disney, actually. I'd love to work on the animatronics one day."

"Seriously? That's really cool. I'd love to hear more some time." His smirk popped back on to his face as he grabbed the empty dish from in front of her and placed them in the sink. "That was the best dinner I've had in a while, by the way," he told her as he watched her gather up her laptop and some paperwork.

"I'm glad you liked it! Now about this contract…"

An hour and a half later, the completed contract had been sent to Colby for review and signature, and Avalon and Jon were enjoying a bowl of ice cream.

"So why are you the one looking at the house and not Colby?" inquired Avalon.

"He wants this to be a surprise for Leighla. Plus, all I had this week were media events. No house shows for me."

"Damn, look at you. Best friend award for sure!"

Jon laughed, shaking his head. "Just the things you do for friends." Avalon stood to take his bowl from him, but tripped over Moxley who decided it would be fun to weave through her legs at that exact moment. The bowls, thankfully empty, dropped to the ground as Avalon fell against Jon's chest.

"Fuck, Jon, I'm sorry!" she exclaimed as she tried to move away. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she pushed away, only to be stopped by an arm wrapping around her waist.

"Don't apologize," he murmured, his eyes on Avalon's lips. The hand not holding her against him found its way to her cheek, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her eyes. "You're beautiful, you know that, kitten?" He smirked as a blush crept into Avalon's cheeks. Jon moved both of his hands to her hips and picked her up to straddle his waist. His fingers dipped into the waistline of her sweatpants as Avalon leaned her head down to rest against Jon's. Her pulse quickened as Jon slid the sweats over her hips and pushed them down her legs, allowing Avalon to pull her feet out of them and drop them to the floor. She slipped her hands under his t-shirt, grazing across his abs and continuing on up, prompting Jon to release her hips to pull the shirt over his head. Avalon quickly followed suit, stripping off her t-shirt to leave her in bra and panties.

She stared down at the man beneath her, not quite believing this was happening again. He looked even better in person than on TV. Hell, she herself had been hunting for shirtless photos of him along with her fellow fangirls, just wishing for one peek, and here he was, situated beneath her, his hands tracing patterns along her sides and hips. Leaning down, she trailed open mouthed kisses along Jon's chest and neck, stopping just below his ear to suck slowly. She grinned as she heard a sharp intake of breath and felt his fingers dig into her hips. "Lose the jeans," Avalon whispered as she moved off of Jon and turned to walk away, hips swaying slightly. Her grin widened as she heard a flurry of movements behind her, only to shriek when a hand gripped her shoulder and spun her around.

"Where do you think you're going," Jon growled, pulling Avalon tight against him. She could feel his hard length through his boxer briefs as he looked down at her.


"Good girl," he murmured. His arm suddenly snaked down under her knees and Avalon felt herself being lowered to the carpet. Jon placed her down gently before exploring her neck and shoulders with nibbles and kisses. Every flick of his tongue and nip of his teeth made her catch her breath. One hand traveled slowly up her side to brush against her breasts as the other one tangled itself in her hair. As Jon's leg brushed against her warm center, Avalon gasped and raised her hips slightly, searching for more friction. Her hands moved themselves into his curls to pull his mouth back to hers. Reaching behind her back, Jon unclipped her bra and helped Avalon to remove it before using both hands to pluck and tease her breasts.

"Jon.." The moan escaped her mouth before she could stop it.

"Tell me what you want, kitten," he whispered into her ear, nipping on the lobe.

"Please…", she panted, "I need you."

"You need me?"

"Yes, Jon." Was he really going to make her say it? The silence that followed answered the question for her. "I need you…inside of me…please," she murmured.

Jon let out a low rumble before he reached for his jeans, pulling a condom out of a pocket. Avalon watched, becoming more excited every second, as he removed his boxers and slide the condom over his impressive length. He lowered himself down to hover over her once more. "Are you sure?" he asked, trailing kisses down her neck and over her breasts. Avalon nodded and bucked her hips up to emphasize the point. Jon peeled her underwear off her hips and slid them down her legs. Kicking them off, Avalon threw a leg around his side and pressed her heel down against him, urging Jon closer.

"Please Jon…I won't ask again."

Jon smirked as he lined himself up at her entrance. "Well then, hold tight, kitten," he purred before plunging himself inside. Avalon's gasp at the sudden feeling of fullness quickly turned into moans as Jon thrust inside of her. Her legs wrapped themselves around Jon's waist, urging him closer, wanting him deeper. Her fingers searched across the floor for something to grab, finally sliding up and gripping his arms. Jon leaned down to take a breast into his mouth, sucking and teasing while he continued his impossible pace. "So fucking tight," Jon murmured, releasing a low groan as Avalon tightened herself even more around him. He glanced up at her face to see a wicked grin there. "Oh, you think you're funny, kitten?" One of his hands grazed down her chest and stomach to flick her sensitive nub, causing Avalon to moan his name loudly. As his fingers continued to assault, Jon didn't let up his pace. His hips flung forward, bottoming out inside of her, causing Avalon's chest to bounce with each push.

She couldn't catch a breath as he carried her closer to her finish. Her eyes were closed, one hand still gripping one of his arms, the other hand running through her own hair. Avalon let out a whimper as she felt her whole body begin to tighten up. "Jon…I'm so close."

"Me too, kitten. Cum for me, Avalon." The words pushed her over the edge. Her whole body felt like an arrow, pulled taut against the bowstring, and suddenly that arrow was released. Jon's name was ripped from her throat as her back arched up off the carpet. She was vaguely aware of Jon pumping twice more into her before shouting her name. They came down from their high together, Jon rolling both of them over so Avalon rested against his chest. Once the stars cleared from her eyes, Avalon took in a deep breath.

"Wow," she giggled.

Jon glanced down at the blonde laying naked across his chest. "You can say that again," he murmured. The shrill ringing of a cell phone broke through the silence. Jon reached for the phone, fishing it out of the back pocket of his jeans. "What?" he growled. "Okay…yeah. Uh-huh. Alright then, I'll take care of it," he snapped before ending the call. Taking in Avalon's questioning look, he smiled. "That was Colby. He signed the contract and is overnighting it back here. He wants me to buy some furniture and start getting it set up."

"Oh…yeah, I can give you the names of a couple places around here that should be good," Avalon told him.

"That would work. Or…you could come with me and help." Jon had to chuckle at the look of surprise on her face. "I'm no good at that kinda shit. Colby would come here to find some big couch, a little table, and a bed, and that's it."

Avalon laughed at that, imagining the look on the young man's face when he would walk into that massive house with only 4 or 5 pieces of furniture inside. "Sure, Jon, I'll help with the furniture."

"Thanks, kitten," he grinned. The two lay there a little longer before Avalon leaned up.

"Did you want to…um…" She paused, eyes shifting around the room, trying to decide what to say. "Stay…stay here tonight?" The question came out as a murmur, her eyes finally landing on her hands which were twisting together, proving just how nervous she was. The silence seemed to drag on as Avalon waited for Jon to say something. "Never mind, I'm sure you have places to be-"

"I'd love to."

Guys, I'm so so sorry this took so long to get out. I had one helluva case of writer's block and the scenes just never seemed just right to me. I tried to make it longer to make up for the long wait. Hugs and kisses to nattiebroskette for giving me advice and just generally listen to me complain about my story. Also, huge shout out to my girl Amber who has been reading and editing this and reminding me to get my ass back on my laptop and keep writing. Please bear with me the next few weeks, its exam time and I may not be able to write as much. But keep an eye out for a Dean-OC one shot I've been working on to get rid of the block, it'll probably get posted during tomorrow's Raw. Thanks to everybody has followed, reviewed, and favorited, you keep me writing. The reviews remind me that yall want more, so thank you.