Forward: I have a morbid fascination with Two Gentlemen. The ending is infuriating, not only because Proteus is so quickly forgiven, but because of Sylvia's silence most of all. How did she feel to have her beloved attempt to hand her over to the man who had just tried violating her?

Not too happy, I would think, even as a 16th century woman. This was ultimately meant as a harmless writing exercise, so hope you have fun.

I can scarcely believe what I'm hearing! Do my ears deceive me? No, no I do not believe that is so. Oh, Valentine, how dearly I did love you, but really?!

"Not a friend in the world," Valentine? Have I been "nothing"? Have you not had my support this whole time, my love, my tears? I risked my reputation and my safety by running away from home to find you. I took my life in my hands for your sake—would you not call this friendship? I know I am but a woman, but my heart burns with a passion as strong as your own, certainly stronger than that traitor, that Proteus.

Words could never encapsulate how foolish you are! I understand the merit of forgiveness, God bless your gentle heart, your undying loyalty even to a Judas such as this—

But this is happening a little too fast, don't you think?

Just now, he's tried tearing off my clothes to force me to—oh God, I cannot even say it! I'm so repulsed, not only with him, but also with the man who claimed I was the world entire to him!

Trying to hand me over to him like I was some trinket— I don't want him, that nauseating Proteus! And now, Valentine… now I'm not so sure I want you either…