Heya fellow readers! Firstly, I'd like to wish you all a happy new year. It started very well for me and I do hope it's the same for you. Secondly, a few days ago, on the 19th, marked the five years anniversary of this story. I can't believe the idea for it germed in my mind so long ago. From what began as a barely decent self-insert all those years ago evolved into this. I'm glad to have gained in maturity and experience to improve what this story was at the beginning to what it is today.
I hope I can conclude it before the end of 2020 but it's not a certainty. January is barely over and I think a lot will happen during the eleven remaining months. Anyway, enjoy this chapter as it's one of the longest I've ever written. It's content at the end will explain a few things and also leave some questions for you.
See you nex time!
Chapter 29
The healing process took a little longer than what was expected. Two full days instead of one and half. Orik stayed at his friend's side during the whole time. The duo spent a lot of time talking, sharing their backstories and some anecdotes worth a few laughs. During the forced stay in his room, an elf came by a few times, ordered by Queen Islanzadi to inspect his arms, make him do a few stretches and exercises before finishing by asking some questions on how he was feeling. He seemed pleased by Alex's progress.
During his last visit, he declared that the young man was completely healed and didn't have any objection against him resume training, at the only condition to take it slow at first. He thanked the healer and let out a sigh when the elf left the room.
"Gosh, I can't believe it's finally over. And to say you helped me bath AND eat." Alex pinched his nose, blushing. "I admit to say I'm more than a little embarrassed right now, enough to die from it if it was possible. To have great difficulties to even feed myself or even use the washroom…"
"There's nothing to be ashamed of! It was my pleasure to help a friend in need." The dwarf shrugged, looking at the human with a smile that slowly, ever slowly, transformed into a smirk. "I'm sure a lot of ladies would be more than pleased to spend some alone time with you."
The swordsman's face went full red at this moment and his eyes widened in shock, absolutely not prepared to hear something like this. He looked absolutely mortified.
The latter let out a throaty laugh, amused. Even if he wasn't a child anymore, it was funny to get a reaction out of him and during the last two days, he discovered that Alex could be embarrassed extremely easily depending on the topic. It was a quality he appreciated about him, to be able to keep some innocence despite everything he went through during a large part of his life and some horrors he himself accomplished to get closer to his goal.
He sighed. "You're lucky that you're my friend or I would have killed you otherwise."
"Aye. Keep telling yourself that."
The duo chuckled. Since their departure from Tronjheim, their friendship has blossomed a lot, forming a strong bond; maybe not on the same level as Eragon and the dwarf since he was now his 'adoptive' brother but not far from it. Alex looked at him, a warm smile on his mouth. "I want to thank you Orik."
"I already told you, think nothing of it."
Chuckling, he shook his head from side to side. "No, not that. Thanks for being my friend." He looked to the ground for a split second but immediately, his almond eyes went back to him. "It means a lot to me, especially after all of this."
"Wow, knowing you, it must have costed you a lot to say this. Do you think your ego and pride will survive such a blow?"
If looks could give a heart attack, the short man knew he would have a dozen of them already and it made him snort to be glared like that by the swordsman. The latter's eyes softened and he chuckled.
"I am a distant man, that I know, and I can give the cold shoulder from time to time. But I'm not THAT asocial. This situation and my past choices shaped me into who I am today, or at least, who I was until a few months ago. Meeting all those people who I can count on and vice versa helped opening this shell I had around the heart."
Orik's mouth formed an "O" of surprise, astounded by what he was hearing. "Well, I'm glad you're telling me this."
"I already did it with Eragon, Brom, Saphira and Arya. It felt like the right thing to do at the time and it's the same now. I had a few 'friends' after Robert died, some people I spent good time with but it was different. I kept my distances and I couldn't open up like this with them. They felt that something was abnormal but refused to confront me about it, certainly by respect I suppose. I managed to have a few love interests too but it never lasted."
"Yeah, that's comprehensible, especially after living such a traumatic event. But, what are you going to do when it will be over? Go back to your old life?"
A few months or even weeks ago, his response would have been clear as day but now, the seed of doubt was implemented in his mind, slowly making him hesitate. It was his love for Saphira that made him waver in his choices. A big part of him wanted to resume his previous life, one as a computer technician in a town hall, and another part, one that was slowly growing and more present as days passed by, liked the idea of settling down here, with the blue dragoness at his side. However, there was a gigantic obstacle to their relation: their responsibilities. Her as Eragon's dragon and only hope for the next generation of dragons and Riders while he still had to avenge his best friend and go back to his family and his life on Earth. He knew he couldn't be at peace if he didn't give his farewells to his relatives. And even if he managed to do it, it was uncertain the pendant would have enough energy left for the trip back in Alagaësia.
However, before he could put more thought into it or even answer, there was a knock at the door. "Yes, enter!" It opened and Niduen walked inside, putting two fingers to her lips when she saw the two men.
"Ambassador Alex, we received an instruction from Oromis-elda. He asks you to go see him because he wants to speak on some matters and insisted you take your pendant and your sword."
His almond eyes widened in surprise. He knew that the old Rider told him they needed to have a word later but he didn't know it would be so soon. However, what seemed strange was to ask of him to bring his broadsword. The young adult cleared his throat and nodded. "Sure, thank you for giving me the information Niduen. Yet, I have a question: how do I get to the Craig of Tel'naeir? It would take quite some time to walk there."
"We will lend a steed for the round trip; he knows the way. He is waiting for you outside of Tialdari Hall."
"In that case, I'll prepare myself."
She didn't respond and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. Alex began undressing and then, put on the clothes more suited for fighting. The same one he had during his travel all around Alagaësia minus his tactical vest, damaged in the battle of Farthen Dûr.
The dwarf put a hand on his beard, stroked it and hummed in concentration. "Why would he want you to take your weapon?" He asked, questioning himself about this strange summon. "I can understand the artifact since it was the object that bought you here but this… maybe he wants to test you, especially after the debacle with Vanir."
"Probably. He must be surprised by the final result and want to understand why or how I bested an elf. Anyway, the only way to figure out is to see him."
After making his laces and tightening his shoes, he strapped his blade to his back, adjusting it to make sure it was easily accessible with his left hand.
"That's my cue for leaving I suppose. It was fun to spend those two days with you Alex, I hope we'll see each other more during the remaining of our stay."
"Yeah. Me too."
When they walked in the lobby, connected to Alex's chambers, the duo said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. A white horse without a saddle was waiting for him at the entrance of the building. Without much difficulties, he managed to get on its back but before he could say a word or even get comfortable, the steed began trotting. The elves he met on his way saluted him and the young adult answered back, even if the emotions on their faces were unreadable for a lot of them, some still had a look of wonder and newfound respect for him.
From what he discovered in his studies, even if the elven people didn't base their society on pure strength, contrary to the Urgals, they still respected those who were strong, intelligent or wise. And polite, too. Fortunately for him, Alex had a little of those qualities, even if he lacked some in the wisdom department, and his status as ambassador gave him some valuable points to be on their good side. After leaving Ellesméra and riding for almost half an hour, the swordsman finally reached his destination. He stepped down from his mount, caressed the stallion on the neck with a smile, thanked him in Ancient Language and began walking to the hut where The Mourning Sage was living.
As he approaching within hearing distance, he made himself known. "You asked for me, Oromis-elda?"
The old Rider turned around on his stool, a faint smile on his lips. Curiosity, enthusiasm and a little bit of hope could be seen his gray eyes as he studied the approaching swordsman. With the grace that only an elf could muster, he stood up and met him halfway. As Alex was rising his hand to make the gesture to greet him, he suddenly stopped mid-way when he saw Oromis presenting his right hand.
"Indeed. You must be a little tired of the protocol, I suppose? A little change from time to time is always a good thing."
The young adult shook it, smiling. "I try to respect the local customs as much as I can."
He fell into place beside the elf, matching his relaxed pace.
"Except for bowing to royalty. I heard you refused to do it to Ajihad, Hrothgar and Islanzadi."
"That is much true. I am not a subject from Alagaësia so I consider that I don't have to do it."
"As a foreigner, your point is understandable even if I don't share it. Different customs, different mindsets after all. Oh and I'm sorry for the long walk. I couldn't ask Eragon to go back and forth to transport you, they don't know I wanted to have this little private meeting. I'd like to talk about a few things, about you especially."
Alex raised an eyebrow, his curiosity spiked.
"I've read the report on your speech about Earth's wonders and technological prowess. It's mind-breaking but no, what interest me more, and us by extension, is yourself. Who you are, what do you want and what you'll do next… I'm intrigued."
They finally arrived in front of the cabin where the ancient Rider resided. Glaedr was lying next to it, observing the two of them silently. Oromis disappeared inside, rummaging through the furniture for something specific. "Please, take a seat Alex, I'll arrive shortly."
The swordsman nodded before obeying. He looked at the golden dragon who did the same in return. The former inclined his head in respect and greeted him the right way.
«Young Alex, it is a pleasure to meet you properly. »
"For me too. I never thought I would have the chance to see a dragon in my life, but now two. I can consider myself blessed."
Glaedr let out a laugh, so distinguishable and characteristic of his specie. Oromis walked out of his house, transporting another stool, two mugs full of water and a few objects.
«Such things are bound to happen when you travel with a Rider. »
"This sentence is totally true. Expect the unexpected when your friend is a one of them, especially the Rider who has the task to overthrow the mad king. Now, show me your hands, they tell a lot of things about someone."
Alex did as he was told and the elf took his wrists in his hands and observed them from every angle, touching different parts with his long and thin fingers.
"Above all, a scholar. You're used to writing, despite the slight deformation due to your swordplay. A deformation less pronounced than I thought. Tell me, since how many years have you being training with a blade?"
"Eleven, almost twelve years."
"I've seen far worse, you're lucky. However, there's another located between your two first fingers on your right hand but it's nothing I'm familiar with."
"I can explain that. The recoil from using the guns, it's impressive when you're not used to it and it take quite some time to get the good posture and absorb the shock from the shot."
"Ah, understandable. I also feel some bumps on a few places, almost imperceptible, typical of a broken bone. Your training must have been extremely harsh, to push your body to its limits. Could you take your shirt off?"
Alex nodded. "Sure." He unstrapped his broadsword and put his upper clothes on the ground. He was lean and muscular but not to the point of a bodybuilder. His well-developed muscles were visible and stood out even more when he was contracting them but there was still some normal fat present.
"You confirm my suspicions." Oromis stood up and walked around him, using a single finger to touch some part of his upper body, intrigued about its hardness and nodded, seeming satisfied with the way it reacted. "Every part of your body was shaped accordingly to your swordplay and hand-to-hand fighting. Even the hidden muscle in your arms. It takes years to get a body optimized to that point and it wouldn't be a lie to think you're also a natural with the way of the sword."
The young man was blushing madly, visibly uneasy by the compliments. He already received some from his trainers when he was younger but to have one from someone as experimented and who was the master of many Riders, it was the icing on the cake.
"Thank you Oromis-elda."
"However, I see scars all around your body. Some of them small and others bigger. Do you put yourself in danger willingly? Are you prompt to violence?"
"Yes." He began. "I used to be hot-headed when I began my formation, impatient because I wanted results and I wanted them immediately. I refused to see the bigger picture. But can you blame a fourteen years old boy for wanting revenge on those who killed his best friend?"
"Fortunately for me, I learned to calm my emotions thanks to meditation and some breathing techniques. As years passed by, they managed to overwhelm me less and less. It still happens but it's rare now. As for violence… I was 'born' in it, there's violence everywhere on Earth. Rape, murders, robbery, genocide or even war. Even the most pacifist man in the world would break down and do a full 180° if he was confronted to the horrors of an armed conflict. It's a part of me, of my culture but it does not define who I am."
Oromis stopped his palpation, then took his mug and sipped from it. "I am glad to hear it. You're an interesting character. Now, if you're willing to show me your level with a sword. I'd like to see how the man who bested Vanir fight."
The elf took the broadsword in his hands, weighting the blade, seeming satisfied with his conclusion. "The blacksmith who made your sword know his art, I am not an expert on the domain but the result is pleasing to have in hands." He used his magic to protect its edge and gave it back to him before entering his hut and walking out with his own weapon, Naegling.
At the second their swords met, Alex knew he wouldn't win, just like with Durza and Arya. This time, his hysterical strength wouldn't save him from a loss. Compared to the last Rider of old, he was an infant in term of experience, knowledge and reflexes. He could only delay the inevitable for a time but nothing more. This opponent was on a whole another level, far above anyone he fought until now. In a way, it reassured him because it meant he could deal with the Ra'zacs without much difficulty but on another side, if one day he had to measure up to Galbatorix, his chances of winning were null.
Feints, blocks, parry, jumps, rolls and others acrobatics figures were used by the young man, displaying his full arsenal and even copying other fighting styles from people he fought before. Nothing disturbed Oromis and he stayed impassible through the duration of the duel. Even as he switched from one style to another in the middle of a combo, it didn't trouble the other duelist. All his blows were stopped in their paths while he began collecting bruises and small cuts.
Finally, after half an hour, he was disarmed the same way Brom did numerous times on Eragon. Alex was gasping loudly, trying to catch his breath. Once again, he ignored the recommendations prescribed to him and fought at full strength so soon after his recovery. It's not like he didn't have a choice in the matter since Oromis had pushed him in his limits.
"Now, I see what made you won. Even if you perfected your swordplay, you're limited by your own body. However, as you said to Vanir, the principal difference is your real-life experience on the battlefield and the fact you fought for your survival a few times. This and your short physical/mental enhancement tipped the scales on your side. You still have room for improvement, because nobody is perfect after all, but there is potential in you. Now, if you could wait just a moment, I'd like to speak about another topic with you."
The elf deactivated the protection on his broadsword, put his own blade back in its place and came back with a few objects, all of them incrusted with a gem. "These objects all have an enchanted jewel, filled with some energy and a spell." He explained.
"If you're willing, I want us to make a little experiment."
Suddenly, the old Rider said a few words in Ancient Language and Alex felt his body become heavy. The weight on him was too much and it forced him to kneel down. Panic and questions assaulted his mind, confusing him as to why he could be directly affected by magic now. And it was at this moment he remembered what Islanzadi told him two days ago: they had healed his muscles with magic. He swore in his head, reprimanding himself for not understanding earlier. Grunting in effort, he tried to move, slowly standing up but another word coming from Oromis' mouth was enough to increase the pressure and force him to stay down.
"It confirms my suspicions. You can still resist to a certain degree but your immunity to our magic is disappearing. In some time, you'll be totally affected by it… and it also means no more invisibility for your mind against mental attacks. I'm sure you noticed it too."
The man with brown hair nodded. "How?"
"I spent some time researching in dusty old tomes and parchments, all of them related to the founding of the modern Alagaësia and earlier. I needed information to try to understand this phenomenon." It was at this moment the spell was cancelled, freeing Alex from its influence. He stood up, cleaning his clothes from the dirt before being invited by the elf to sit on the stool. Then, he handed a collar with an amethyst on it and a pebble. "Could you take those, one in each hand and follow my instructions?"
He hesitated. He trusted the Rider but was wary of the idea he may have behind the head. At the same time, if it was the only way for him to get answers and understand why magic had an effect on his body. The swordsman took the gem in his left hand and had the rock in his other palm.
"Now, I want you to close your eyes and breath slowly, just like during meditation." Alex did as he was asked, his heartbeat calming down while his mind was cleared of any questioning that might distract him, only focused on inhaling and exhaling. "Good. When you are ready, concentrate on the pebble and only it. Visualize it in your head before imagining it begin to float above your hand, gaining in height until it reach eye level."
Surprised by the order, and not knowing where he was going with this, he still obeyed. After a few long minutes, the object weighted less and less until the young adult didn't felt its mass anymore.
Oromis cleared his throat, a small uncertainty in his voice when he spoke next. "Alex, you can open your eyes but, do it slowly! And don't freak out by what you'll see."
Following the instructions, he frowned at first and then, gasped in surprise and shock, his coherent thoughts derailing at the sight in front of him and making him lose concentration. The small rock reacted to this and stopped levitating, falling back into his hand. Looking back at the Rider of old, he couldn't even voice his confusion. Questions bombarded his brain, which was trying desperately to understand what just happened and overloaded in consequence.
"I understand that you feel lost at the moment, that you don't have any idea why it happened or how…"
"It's… it's impossible." Replied Alex, finding his voice and unsure if what he just saw was the reality or an illusion. "I shouldn't be able to do that."
There was a sympathetic look in the elf's eyes, his smile was oddly sad.
"As much as you want to deny it, it already happened in the past and you did again just now."
"But… when? I never resorted magic before, may it be consciously or not."
"Are you sure? I tend to think the fact you're talking with me right now is proof enough that it's not your first use of magic. The only way to open a portal between this world and yours is to trigger the crystal into activating the spell and draw energy from its reserves. In other words, if Alagaësian magic is flowing in your veins, may you be a magician or not, you can use this kind of artifacts. Portals, levitating objects, fireballs… as long you're using a receptacle filled with energy, it's possible."
Despite the fact that he was sitting, Alex lost his balance and fell on his side on the ground, his eyes looking nowhere in particular and mind flabbergasted by the meaning of those words. For him, there was no logical explanation about all of this.
"In that case…"
"In that case," continued Oromis. "The only supposition I have is a little far-fetched but would fit perfectly. We have very few records on the Grey Folk but this incident is one of them. I didn't find much on it, however it was more than enough to assemble the puzzle."
"As I said when we first met, when one, or certainly many, of the magic users tried cast a spell to teleport, it backfired on them, creating these two crystals in its wake. The witnesses to this event reported the disappearance of the spellcasters. My theory is that they were sent on Earth accidentally and discovered they couldn't use their power there, meaning they couldn't go back in Alagaësia or even contact the others. In the end, they must have settled in a country, or around the globe, and had families of their own, passing down their lineage from generation to generation until today. Conclusion: one of your ancestors is a Grey Folk."
The swordsman didn't know what to say anymore, so he kept his mouth shut, listening and processing this discovery.
"You are not the only one, you know. There was someone, the Soothsayer, who was an oracle living in Illirea, Urû'baen name before the Fall, for centuries before leaving her chamber under the castle. Nobody knows where she went or if she's still alive."
"But if I'm a child of a Grey Folk, and one of my parent's branch is too, why did some of them died of old age? If I'm anything like this Soothsayer, I shouldn't be affected by time, or at least, far less than your common human."
Oromis raised an eyebrow at this, genuinely curious. "There wasn't a single case of one of them living far older than what is considered normal for a human?"
"No, not that I know of."
"I see." He crossed his arms, concentrated and after a long moment, he opened his mouth. "And what if, what if your Alagaësian traits are only triggered if you're in contact with magic? It would explain why you could activate the gate on Earth."
"Does that mean I could be as old as any elf if I stay here? And use magic?"
"Well, I don't want to hypothesize because we don't have enough data on this subject but I wouldn't be surprised if you outlive even our race. The longer you stay here, the stronger your heritage will affect you I think and as for magic, it's not certain it could manifest itself. Maybe you need a trigger like your hysterical strength."
The boy with almond eyes nodded absently. "If you're right in your suppositions, it would explain a lot of things."
"I must have gave you a lot to think about." Oromis put a hand on Alex's right shoulder. "If I am right, and the few things I've read about the Grey Folk correlate with everything that happened to you since your encounter with the Ra'zacs are true, I'd like to discover this path with you. As long as I'm alive, I could be a teacher to you."
"We rarely had the chance to be in contact with a descendant of the ancient folk and it would give us a lot of information to learn from one of them, for the good of all Alagaësia."
"Does… does anyone know you had this little theory in your mind?" He demanded, hesitant.
The old Rider shook his head. "Glaedr is the only one." He looked at his golden partner, a faint smile on his lips. "I felt it was natural to speak with you about it first. It's your heritage and yours alone, I don't have the right to spread the news if I was proven right."
"Thank you for your input Oromis-elda." His voice was weak, hesitant and distant. Oromis knew he would need some time and a few hours of sleep to accept this new truth. "It was interesting, I took great pleasure in spending this evening with you."
"Me too. I may not be available all the time but when you'll be able to project your consciousness, ask me some other time if you want to discuss."
"Yeah, it seems to be an excellent idea." The swordsman stood up, still confused and lost. "I bid you a good evening Oromis, and to you too, Glaedr. I hope we'll be able to converse more next time I'm coming."
«So do I. Your world and people seems to be interesting, I'm intrigued in learning more about them. »
The young adult began to walk back to the stallion, as he jumped on his back, the Mourning Sage caught his attention. "Alex, I recommend you to begin learning our written language with dictionaries and thesaurus, it'll help you a lot if you can use magic, to learn spells."
The mention of books put a smile on his face. "I already begun to learn it since a lot of your books use the Liduen Kvaedhi. It's fastidious but I'll survive."
"Go then, I hope we'll see each other before the Agaeti Blödhren."
Before he could ask what it was, his steed began trotting toward Ellesméra. As he disappeared from his sight, Oromis began to tidy up the furniture and dishes. His companion continued to watch in the direction Alex took before turning his head toward his Rider who was also looking where the swordsman was a few minutes ago.
"What do you think? Does he deserve it?"
The golden lizard grumbled. «There is resentment and hate in his heart. He is aware of it, know to who it's directed and learned with time to not be overwhelmed by his emotions. It is a gigantic step. » Then, he let out a sigh and turned his neck in direction of the setting sun, admiring it for a moment.«Is he worthy of it? I don't know but he is on the right track. It'll all depend on his final choice in the end: stay or leave. And if he choose the former, I'm curious to see the final result. If we're still here when it'll happen. »
"So do I my friend, so do I."
But it was followed a small laugh. «Also, it will be a relief to not have young Saphira chase me anymore! »