About a few years after season 5 of Total Drama, the contestant are well doing okay, except Duncan who is still in prison but is trying to behave himself. Well on a cloudy night. All the contestants except for the one's from Pahkitew island are outside a big mansion in the cold.

"Okay tell me again why we're all here anyway?" Jo said in an very angry and annoyed voice

"Well Jo we all got letters telling us to come here for some reason...well except Duncan...I hope he's okay." Courtney said a bit sad caused she really miss him. "I hope he gets out soon."

"Don't worry Courtney he'll be okay now come on I'm getting cold." Gwen said very cold and everyone was getting cold too so they entered the mansion. But on top of a building in front of the mansion, a man in a black coat with his hoodie on saw them enter the house, smiled evilly and said

"Yes...perfect all is according to my plan hahaha oh they're in for a special surprise hahaha." He then cracked his knuckle and waited for them to return.

Inside the mansion they all walked through the hall and in search of someone. "So Chris gave us letter to come to this place and tell us something important, you think he wants to announce another season then I'm gone." Zoey said to the others

"I hope not I'm tired of Chris and his stupid life threating challenges and I don't care that it's for a million dollars!" Heather said angrily "But also I don't want to be in another one with a guy who tried to kill us." Mike wide his eye and said in a slight angry voice

"Wait do some of you guys still think it's my fault for what happen to you all in All Star." Some shaked their head "No" but Heather, Alejandro and Scott went to him and said

"I still do...you almost throw me into that toxic pool."

"You spoiled my honor of the Burromuerto." Alejandro said to Mike angrily

"And you also got me beaten up by that mutant shark!" Scott said to Mike. Mike then took a deep breath in and said

"Okay I don't want to be mad but I said I'm sorry to you all okay. Oh and also for the last time...I DIDN'T DO IT OKAY IT WAS MAL!" Everyone got scared of Mike's voice. Mike wide his eyes and quickly said "Uh I'm sorry okay, but why do you guys think it was me...Mal did it all and I tried to stop him! But I know I failed but I'm sorry okay." Everyone understood him but Scott however.

"I don't care okay you still made me lose my chance with Courtney." Mike then got a bit angry and said

"Oh like you almost ruined my chances with Zoey by blackmailing me!" Both got into eachother faces but Zoey and Courtney separated them.

"Scott just leave him okay I forgave him beside I know he did tried to stop him."

"Thank you Courtney." Mike said calmly Scott just rolled his eyes

"Um guys can we please continue I want to know what's going on okay." Cameron said to them. Everyone else nodded and continued their walk. When they all then made it to a room and it was closed.

"Can someone check?" Lindsay said holding Tyler. Nobody volunteer until

"I'll look." Mike said to everyone, Mike then went to the door and open it. When he enter there was nothing "It's okay guys there nothing-" Mike then felt something when he looked at it directly. "AHHHHHHHHH!"

"Mike! What's-" Mike then ran out quickly to Zoey "What happen." Mike just looked frighten like he seen a ghost

"CHRIS!...He's being hanged." Everyone looked confused so he open the door and they saw something frightening. They see Chris being hanged up by a tied rope on the ceiling "See! I think he's dead." Alejandro and Trent checked him quickly. Trent then said

"Guys Chris's dead." Everyone gasped until Ale showed them a note

"Look there a note." He open it and read it "To the contestant of Total Drama as you can see I have killed your precious host but I'm not done yet, from here on now I will murder each and every one of you all until there is no longer any one you fools. Be careful hahaha. Sighed by Sharkeye."

"Oh my gosh someone going to kill us!" Katie said scared as hell and hold Sadie

"Oh come on there no way someone going to kill us I out bye." Jo then want outside and then

~CLICK~ "Hehe goodbye Jo." Sharkeye then aim and shoot a bullet to her but before it hit her

"Jo look out!" Dawn said, pushed Jo and was shoot on her head." Everyone else came out and saw Dawn's dead body.

"DAWN! Oh my god is she?!" Zoey screamed as teared formed in her eyes and hold Mike "She's dead."

Everyone then looked up and saw the killer, Jo then screamed "So you're the one that killed Chris and also killed Dawn!"

"Heh heh heh oh yes that's me as you recalled from my little note on McLean that the name is Sharkeye and I see that I have killed Dawn the one who read auras...hehehe well that's my first kill. Beware contestant, I'm not done...from here on now you will all met your fate hahaha-HAHAHA-GGAAHAHAHAHAHA so as of now I bid you all adieu ...for now." Sharkeye then disappear from the building. Everyone then looked at Dawn's dead body.

"She dead...I can't believe it." Scott said sadly as a tear appear

Sharkeye then took out a list and crossed Dawn's name out "One down...thirty six to go."

Well what you think bad, good okay listen I love Total drama but I just wanted to write this okay so review and follow this and I'll be back with more.