I had to write this, because for some reason I still have crazy, terrible writers block for Maps. I'm writing this, to see if I really just should skip Maps and move on to this because I have more passion for this... I was thinking I could do all the major plot points of Maps as flashbacks in Journey. I don't know exactly what I'm thinking because there are so many different things I could actually do. But let me know how you all like this, because I have a feeling this is going to be very very good. This is technically part three to my All Around the World story, so go ahead and read that before you read this just so you know who my main characters are that aren't in beyblade. Maps is part two, but more than likely going to be discontinued. Thanks for reading!

The Journey

Chapter One

Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade in any shape or form, I just own Kira and Luna :)

There was cheering coming from all around us as the sun beat down on our backs. It was summer once again, as the months had passed by. We were almost coming up on the two year mark from when we all met, the Blade Breakers. The worlds' first multi-national beyblading team with an immense amount of support from everyone all around the world. We had won the hearts of many, and had overcome many trials together. Of course, we wouldn't be anywhere without multiple people. My grandfather, first and foremost. He brought us together and introduced us, he funded everything we did and had more support for us than anyone else I knew. Luna, my beautiful cousin and the love of Kai's life. I think she pushed him to be better than he ever could have been without her. She was always there, even when things got tough for us, and that's really hard to find in sports like beyblade. Then there was Lucy, even for knowing us for such a short time, she was one of the few people we could definitely trust.

"What're you thinking about?" Ray's voice came from behind me and I jumped, feeling shaken being pulled out of my thoughts. I looked up behind me and saw him smiling holding up a bag. He was wearing his usual yellow, white and red gi. I had on a pair of jean shorts, a black tanktop, and flip flops. My hair was down in waves, and came to the middle of my back.

"Oh you actually got some gyoza, thank you!" I smiled taking the bag from him as he sat down next to me on the bench and gave me a swift kiss on the cheek.

"No problem. How many kids has Tyson beaten by now?"

"He's not actually fighting them, Ray, just training them." Hilary nudged Ray in the side.

"Who would have thought we would ever see this day?" Kenny laughed. We were in a nearby park in the middle of the city. Kai was lounging in the grass behind us, Luna was off with her parents.

"I think it's kind of sweet actually, Tyson teaching them to kick ass." Lucy joked, and I shook my head. Always had to be so inappropriate!

"It doesn't actually mean that they'll learn anything." Hilary retorted. Tyson was, of course, letting the kid who was battling him, have the advantage...for the time being. But Tyson had his confident face on, and I smiled watching. It was just like it was yesterday, seeing him battle for the first time. So much passion for this game was hidden behind his eyes.

"Well, just look at my data, Hilary. If Tyson holds back anymore, he won't really be teaching the kids anything. If they want to learn, he'll have to go harder on them so they can see how much they need to improve. I can use my research as a sort of 'yard stick' to show them their places of needed improvement." Kenny slid over his laptop, and Hilary gazed.

"Come on, Ty! This is getting boring! Show these kids how it's done!" I taunted, I couldn't help it. This battle was going on ten minutes, and I knew my grandfather had a special announcement in place for everyone today. He had been in meetings with the rest of the BBA for weeks now, I can only imagine that it would be to plan the next big tournament.

"Yes, finally! C'mon let's take Tyson down!" Tyson's blade started to quiver.

"Oh no.." I heard Tyson whisper, but I knew better than to believe something like that.

"Yeah, come on, beat Tyson!" Hilary jumped up, and I giggled to myself.

"Sorry kid, not today." Tyson smirked and Dragoon started to spin straight again, flew straight for the poor souls' blade and knocked him out of the bey arena.

"That's what you get for voting for the opposition, Hil." Ray chuckled and I shook my head.

"How many times do we have to tell you, he never fights seriously against them."

All the kids surrounded Tyson, as he laughed at his victory.

"I did terribly, didn't I?" Tyson's opponent, sighed.

"Of course not! You just need practice, practice, practice and maybe one day you can make me look like a chump!"

"You really think so?"

"Duh, it's bound to happen eventually." I chimed in, smiling and walking over to them.

"So can you show me how to trick out my blade so I can beat you guys?" The kid held out his blade, barren of a bitbeast.

"Uhh, you didn't hear anything I just said, did you?" Tyson scratched the back of his head, and then snatched the blade out of the kids' hands. "Alright I can totally trick this thing out!" Tyson began to try to rip the blade open, but of course... it didn't happen. "Uhh... it's stuck.." He handed it back to the kid. "IT'S STUCK."

"Uhhh.. no it's not." Ty pushed the sleeves of his jacket up on his arms, and pushed me back.

"I'm gonna need a little room here, guys." I lifted my eyebrow, and crossed my arms watching him. "OPEN UUUUUP!"

"What exactly are you doing...?" I asked him.

"Alright, everyone together now. OOOOPEEEEN" All the kids joined in with him, yelling 'open' and I couldn't help but to burst into giggles as Kenny pushed him to the side.

"As you can see, Tyson is the master of blading, whereas I'm the master of mechanics." Kenny grinned, and Lucy marched over.

"Actually, Kenny that would be me." All the kids gasped as they both started arguing who the best mechanic was and I laughed walking back over to the bench.

"I'm so glad we're all on good terms again, I missed all of this." Ray nodded, and then looked over my shoulder.

"Uhhh..." I turned to see what he was looking at and a huge cloud of dust was rushing towards Tyson, the group of kids, Lucy and Kenny. Kenny let out the most girlish scream I had ever heard anyone make.

"YOUR REIGN'S UP TYSOOOON!" A small squeakish voice came from where the cloud of dust was. The cloud of dust stopped right in front of Tyson and the kids and after it cleared, a small boy with bright red hair, and a smirk on his face appeared. "Well look who I've found. The man who claims he's the world champ. Sorry to break the news to you, but there's a new number one in town, and you're looking right at him, Daichi's the name."

"You've got to be joking..." Tyson gabbed, staring at the boy wide eyed. The boy had a pack on his back and threw it straight into the air, a launcher and a blade flew out, and Daichi jumped up, grabbing the blade and launched it at Tyson. The blade flew right in his path and circled around the World Champion the kids made sparse, and we were all standing, staring at this young random.

"Okay, what's exactly going on here? And just who do you think you are barging in on these lessons like a little barbarian!" Hilary yelled and Daichi rolled his eyes.

"Back off! Do I look like I wanna talk to you, lady? I'm here to have a little one on one with the guy who claims to be World Champ." Hilary started to laugh deliriously as she walked back over to the bench.

"Tyson, this. Tyson, that. When does it end?"

"So you think you can beat me, huh? So have a lot of people, and I've yet to come across anyone who actually can, kid."

"Well, where I come from, I'm number one." Daichi smirked. "So I think you've met your match."

Tyson walked over to the mini-sized beyarena and pulled out his launcher.

"You're not going to actually fight him, are you?!" Kenny asked.

"No, I'm going to teach him a lesson. When I win, you're gonna leave. Got it?" Daichi reattached his blade to the launcher as well.

"Alright, but when I win, YOU'RE gonna have to leave."

"Tyson, I don't think this is a very good idea." Kenny sighed. Kai sat up and narrowed his eyes, watching the exchange. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as I grabbed it and saw a message from Max.

'Your gpa is about to go on BBN news, says it's something big, should we be worried?' So he was about to make his announcement... I bit my lip and sent my reply to Max. Hopefully he would find out some info soon.

"LET IT RIP!" The two blades went head to head and we were all watching intently.

"You're packing some power there kid, but I'm afraid to tell you that your technique is as old as the hills." Tyson grinned and Daichi grunted.

"Oh yeah? Just watch me!" Daichi smirked and his blade started pushing Tyson's back toward him. Tyson was actually putting up a fight against this kid, and possibly didn't stand a chance. Daichi pulled his attack off of Tyson. "So you think you can last against me, do you? I'm just gonna tell you something right now, Tyson. Your Dragoon doesn't stand a chance against my Strata-Dragoon."

"Strata..." I whispered.

"Dragoon..." Kai finished. I looked back at him, and he appeared to be as puzzled as the rest of us. Just who was this kid...

"But mine's the only Dragoon..." Tyson whispered. Daichi places his fists on his hips.

"Correction: used to be the only Dragoon."

"You better shut up before I clock the shit outta you, kid."

"Heh, how do you know yours is the only Dragoon out there, how can you prove yours isn't the fake."

"Don't let him rile you up Tyson, that's all he's trying to do..." I whispered. This kid was just absolutely infuriating!

"That's enough, Tyson!"

"I think Ray's right, Tyson. Maybe we should just try to figure this out, calmly and rationally." Kenny suggested.

"I don't have time for calm and rational. I need to show this kid who's boss, that he can't just show up here claiming that he's the best. That's not how things work around here."

"Atta boy, Tyson! Show him who's boss!" Hilary cheered and Ray, Kenny, and Lucy glanced at her and sighed.

"Dragoon, attack!"

"Strata-Dragoon, counter attack!" Ray and Kenny gasped, and Lucy opened up her laptop.

"He's got this, you guys, don't worry." I winced watching the two blades collide, and felt a surge of energy bounce off of them.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this day, Tyson." Daichi grinned, and Tyson grinned, chuckling in return.

"Your blade might have more power than mine, but brute strength don't mean nothin' if you don't have an brain behind it, kid." Tyson's blade flew up into the air and flew back down on the other side of him back towards Daichi's blade. "Dragoon, go!"

"Now, I get it! Tyson let Daichi attack him so that he could suck the power out of Daichi's blade!" Kenny gasped.

"And if you add the power to Tyson's blade and subtract the power that Daichi's lost.. then that should mean that Tyson's stronger!" Ray added. I looked back and smiled at them.

"You all should have a little bit more faith in our World Champ."

"He's packing at least three times the power he was before!" Lucy yelled excitedly. "He's got this in the bag!" With almost no effort at all Tyson knocked Daichi's blade out of the arena.

"Good job Tyson! That was ingenious." Kenny congratulated.

"Wait a minute, the battle isn't over yet! My blade is still spinning." Daichi called out, and Hilary shook her head.

"I don't think so! Official beyblade rules state, once a blade is knocked out of the stadium, the battle is over."

"Well who gives a crap about your stupid 'official' rules, where I come from, we don't have any fancy stadiums or arenas. The whole world is our stadium, and we don't sissy out of a real beyblade battle!"

"Hey calm down kid, how are we supposed to know how your rules work..."

"Well the battle isn't over yet, and I'm gonna prove it to you! So unless you wanna give up, follow me!" Daichi ran off, and of course, Tyson wasn't far behind him. Kai watched the two, and I swear I saw a tiny smirk on his face. Daichi's blade flew up in the air, and headed straight for Tyson's, knocking Dragoon back and making it flip and slide down the path.

"You ain't even seen nothin' yet, HURRICANE EARTH ATTACK." (Forgive me, I couldn't find his attacks online, anywhere...so if you know what it is, help would be greatly appreciated). A huge gust of wind formed from Strata-Dragoon, and created a tornado.

"C'mon Tyson, you can beat him! You know you can!" I called out, Ray grabbed onto my waist and held onto the bench we had been sitting on.

"Where is he getting all this power from? I've had enough of this, we can help!"

"No Ray, we have to let him do this himself." I shook my head.

"Tyson! Don't give in to his little tricks, stick to your game plan and win this." Kai called out, his hair was blowing around like crazy in the wind, but I could tell he was confident in Tyson's abilities.

"He's right, Daichi has nothing on you Tyson, give it your best shot."

"He's not gonna know what hit him. Dragoon, engine gear full blast!" Tyson's blade sped up, flew up the side of a swing set, flew through the air into the middle of the tornado and straight into Daichi's blade. "We've got this Dragoon!" The tornado cleared up and Tyson's blade was still spinning, but Daichi's was left on it's side, motionless.

"Look, Tyson won! You did it Ty!" Hilary was practically screaming, and beamed with excitement.

"Alright, I beat you fair and square, kid. So just admit it, and get outta here!" Daichi was on the ground next to his blade, holding it in his hand...looking truly defeated. I had to admit, I felt sorta bad for the kid.

"Alright fine, I lost. Does that make you happy? That I admitted I lost! I guess what my dad said about my blade was all a lie." Daichi launched himself onto Tyson's legs and practically had tears falling out of his eyes. "You just gotta battle me again, you have to!"

"I've had about enough of you as is, so let go of me, monkey boy."

"That's enough from the both of you." A voice from above us called. We looked up and saw a man in a metal suit with a metal mask over his nose and mouth. He had long hair like Tyson's but it was a lighter blue. Tyson looked confused...as I'm sure we all were. The man ripped his bright green blade and it landed in front of Tyson and Daichi.

"Well they're just all coming out of the woods today, aren't they.."

"My name's Jin of the Gale."

"Well 'Jin of the Gale, you're just gonna have to wait your turn, because Tyson and I were about to have a rematch!"

"You just don't give up, do you?" Tyson sighed.

"Well I'm not going anywhere, so why not let Tyson decide." Jin crossed his arms, and Daichi ripped his blade.

"Fine by me! Tyson who're you gonna battle?"

"Why don't I just battle the both of you and get this overwith now?" Tyson ripped his blade and it landed on the ground, spinning in front of the other two.

"Two against one...that doesn't seem fair at all..." Ray murmured, and I nodded.

"Maybe this will even up the playing field a bit." I walked forward and pulled out my blade and launcher. "Let it rip!" Draiga flew from the launcher and onto the ground before me.

"Wha, who invited you old lady?" Daichi glared in my direction, and I narrowed my eyes back.

"Who're you calling old, you twerp! Just wait til I beat your tiny little midget ass and then we'll see who's old!" Draiga flew in and blocked both of the attacks from hitting Tyson's blade.

"Tyson you haven't had a break in a while, let Kira take care of this!" Ray called out.

"No way am I gonna let some girl fight my battles for me, you might let her dude, but that's not my game!" I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I turned and glared at the person I was defending.

"You're just lucky you're not on the other end of my blade!"

"Hey wait, stop the battle!" Max rode in on his bike, Luna trailing right behind him.

"Guys, we've got big news from the BBA!"

Draiga flew up into my hand and I turned to look at Max and Luna.

"Did you hear any news from Grandfather?"

"Oh boy, did we. But I'm not too sure if you're gonna like it."

"I wonder what it could be..." Ray whispered. We all walked over to Max who pulled out his laptop and he went immediately to the BNN website where the press conference with my grandfather appeared.

"Uhh, sir. If I may ask, what was the announcement that you called us all here for?" One of the male reporters asked.

"Ahh yes," Grandfather grinned. "The BeyBlade World Tournament will soon be underway, with Preliminary Qualifying Tournaments to start within the end of the month."

"End of the month..." Max whispered.

"But this won't be the usual World Championship that all of us are used to. As usual, beybladers will have to qualify to participate, but in this one they will do it in a tag-team. I believe having the tag-team layout will make this year's tournament a truly memorable event."

'Tag team... Please don't tell me this means what I think it means.'

"Woah, a tag team!" Tyson gasped.

"I wonder why they changed the rules..." Hilary frowned.

"Maybe Mr. Dickenson thought it would reach a further audience this way...if that's even possible. Those preliminary rounds are going to be insanely tough, since there are only two spots on every team.." Kenny sighed. I furred my eyebrows and stared at the screen.

"Nothing can break us apart, we're the BladeBreakers! We can do this together! I mean, who knows! Maybe it'll be Max and me, or Ray and me..maybe even Kai and me! Oh who am I kidding, Kira will be on the team for sure, so it has to be Kira and me!" Tyson chuckled out loud to himself.

"Why's the tag team gotta have you on it?" Ray asked. "It could easily be Kai and myself, or Kira and myself as much as it could be you."

Already the arguments were starting, I could only feel this going downhill from there.

"I uh...I just remembered I gotta get home... I'll see you all later, yeah?" I laughed nervously. I saw the look on Ray and Max's faces...this wasn't good. I turned away, and heard Tyson's confusion.

"Whaaa? I thought we were gonna do barbecue at my place tonight! You promised!"

"Another day, Tyson." I half smiled at him, and saw the look Luna was giving me. She ran up to me as I was about to climb on my motorcycle.

"It's gonna be okay, Kira, we're gonna get through this."

"That's easy for you to say... your placement on this team isn't on the line." I sighed placing my helmet on. "I've gotta get home and figure out how to deal with this. See you later Lune."

I pulled up to my house after an hour of riding around the city, trying to process everything that had happened today. I pulled the helmet off my head and headed up into my grandfather's house, walking down the long wooden, empty halls. I placed my helmet in my room and went over to his office where I figured he would be.

"Ah, Kira. I figured you've seen the announcement by now."

"I have." He looked up from his computer and crossed his hands over his stomach.

"And? I'm sure you have some sort of opinion on it." I felt the anger inside me boiling up.

"How could you do this to us? To Tyson! You know how important loyalty is to him, and you know exactly how competitive every single one of us is! This is going to tear the BladeBreakers completely apart. The star, dream team that you worked so damn hard for to put together, is now going to be destroyed because of this stupid tournament. Are you happy about that?" I felt a tear fall from my eye, and swiftly wiped it away as my Grandfather stared me blank in the face.

"I am. Because I know it's going to push all of you."

"Push us?"

"None of you got to see your true potential while being on the BladeBreakers. All of you are undeniably strong together, but how many of you are undefeated alone? I cannot allow you the luxury of having them to fall back on for your whole beyblading career. I want you to experience bigger and better things, and I want each and every one of you to show the world how great all of you are. I never intended for the BladeBreakers to be a long term deal. You have no idea how happy I am the friendships you've created from this team, they were the best thing to happen to you, but I want you to show the world how great Kirana Dickenson is without the BladeBreakers behind her."

"Okay, and what...am I supposed to just show up with some nobodies like I did last time? I don't want to enter this with a bunch of rookies again and make a fool of myself, when I know if this goes how I think it's going to, everyone else is going to show up with grade A, played beyblade their whole lives kinda teams..."

"I think you're overlooking a few people my dear.." Grandfather reached into his suit and pulled out a few papers and sat them on the desk in front of me.

"The Majestics? Are you... mad? They're not a team or anything close to it."

"Maybe not yet, but they could be with your help."

"I just can't believe you're suggesting this right now."

"I'm not forcing you to make any decisions, Kira. You can stay on the BladeBreakers for all I care. Heck, run with Kai and Tyson, with your help, they'll definitely be unstoppable... That is, if you get chosen. As I recall, you've never beaten Kai in a match, and you haven't ever battled Tyson, so who's to say you'll even actually get chosen or go far in the tournament. Heck, you may as well just drop out all together, shouldn't you." He smirked and I sighed, looking up at the ceiling and snatched the plane tickets off of his desk.

"I'll think about it."

"Just... think with your head this time, and not with your heart."

Alright, there's chapter one :) I'm actually really really happy with this! I really hope you all enjoyed, and I can't wait to see what's to come and I hope you're all excited along with me. Don't forget to review!

Until next time!