There was no combination of words that could satisfyingly explain what I felt when the dropship was hurtling through earth's atmosphere. There were simple words, like 'excited' and 'scared', but it was so much more than that. Add Wells and criminal kids to the mix and everything just went crazy. Wells made it clear that he felt he was the best suited to be in charge of everyone, and the delinquents made it clear they would do what they want.

I gulped down my fear for the future. Even though I was securely strapped in and safer than those who had loosely put the straps on and those who had taken them off altogether, adrenaline coursed through my blood. My ears roared, palms got sweaty, and my heart beat was erratic.

Impact. For the first time in forever I glanced at Wells and hoped he could hear me apologizing to him.

We weren't landing.

We were crashing.

The seatbelt cut into my shoulders as the dropship hit and my head hit the back of my seat.

I wake up confused. For the first time in my life I'm not surrounded by metal. I'm lying in the doorway of the dropship, my head in Wells lap. I ignored that little fact for the moment as I stared at the sky. My first sunset. The pinks and oranges ran into each other in a beautiful explosion of color. A breeze blew by me and I instantly fell in love with the smell of dirt and trees.

"You hit your head. You've only been out for about an hour." Wells says timidly.

I didn't want to ruin this moment by arguing with him, by remembering the past, so instead of replying I just gave his leg a gentle pat and stood up. I had missed out on the first hour and there was so much to see.

"We need to talk." Wells calls after me.

I just shake my head. There is no possible way I'm going to let him ruin this for me. The other kids obviously wanted to stay close to the dropship, they were all huddled in different groups, laughing, crying, climbing trees, rolling around on the ground. I wanted to go farther than everyone else, even if it was dark. I didn't have to stay with everyone anyways, right? Making it on my own had a certain ring to it. But then I remembered the cold wristband that I wore. That was practically the only thing holding me back. It was like a sort of shackle, keeping me from finally being free. Why was it holding me back?

Shaking my head I continued my March through the tall trees. Nobody seemed to notice me as I slipped further from them and the dropship. I picked up a rather sharp stick, hoping that it would be enough to defend myself from anything that could be out there. Maybe that was it. Maybe I was just scared of this place and didn't want to fend it off on my own. Radioactive plants and animals did not sound too friendly and there was always safety in numbers. It might not even be that. Just that back at the dropship was everyone she was familiar with and she didn't want to be alone in general.

A sense of adventure was starting to pump through my veins. Everything was new and beautiful and probably deadly. It took me a good hour before the 'dangerous' part really started to click. It was dark by now and with the darkness came ominous animal noises that sent chills down my spine and I began to doubt the reliability of my pointy stick.

Just when I was beginning to get really freaked out the forest went deathly quiet. No movement, no calls. My head swiveled to the left and right quickly and I back up into a tree. Humming to keep myself calm. If I thought that the sunset and the trees were beautiful, it had nothing on what happened next.


They were all sorts of colors, bright blues and purples and oranges. They surrounded me, occasionally landing on me and then flying away in the same direction. I was completely hypnotized, so I followed them. If I fell behind even a little they seemed to slow down until I caught up.

Maybe I was dreaming. This was just too surreal. I didn't realize that there were tears (happy ones) streaking down my face until I saw a gleam in the distance, moonlight hitting something metallic. Voices and laughter filled the silent air. Orange firelight bouncing off of everyone's faces. As soon as I began to notice these things, the fireflies were gone and I was left alone. They had brought me home.

If I was looking for a sign to stay and not leave everyone behind, that was it.

Who else was going to help keep everyone alive? Maybe I would just stay until they could make it on their own. Until they knew how to patch themselves up and so on.

Then I would leave my past behind me. Leave the stars behind and make a life for myself, even if I was alone. People only hurt you in the end.

I had a lot of work to do. I was strong enough to do this.

So I wiped the tears away and walked back into the makeshift camp like I belonged there all along. Like I hadn't just been about to leave their sorry asses to whatever was out there. Like it didn't tear me up inside.

The girl was strange. For one, she had light colored hair and skin, as if she was never exposed to sunlight. Secondly, she obviously thought that her pointy stick could protect her. And of course there was the fact that her and her people had fallen from the sky. The tribe had watched as that fiery hunk of metal, looking much like a shooting star, fell to the ground.

Bellamy had ordered his people to not reveal themselves to these Sky People just yet, only to observe. To see who they were, if they were armed, and if there was any apparent leadership.

They were mostly teenagers, only a few children. No real weapons, or if there were they weren't being carried around. Leadership was shaky, like they hadn't really thought about who would lead them. There were a few of them who obviously thought they deserved to lead.

So not only were they young, naive, and weaponless, but it seemed that they had no idea what they were doing.

Bellamy was able to gather all of this within the hour that the door to the metal ah…thing… had been opened. The kids seemed exhilarated to be here. They spoke the language of the mountain men, which didn't sit well with him. They rushed out of the hunk of metal in waves. The very last two people was a tall, dark boy carrying the light colored girl. He didn't go very far, just layer her down on his lap, like he was waiting.

Someone would occasionally go up to the boy and talk to him. Some seemed to value his input, and others seemed to resent it. Bellamy shifted in his perch in the tree and waited for something to happen. Lincoln was a few trees to his left as still as a rock.

And finally, after making all of these boring observations, he saw the girl get up. The boy said something to her, but she either didn't hear him or just ignored him. Bellamy was startled at first, because she seemed to be staring right at him, but after a moment he was certain that she was looking at the sky, not the trees.

Walking toward the tree line, she barely gave her people a second glance. That's when she picked up the stick. He heard Lincoln snort slightly and couldn't help but smile too.

These people were idiots.

Still, she was the only one doing anything interesting, so Bellamy motioned to Lincoln to stay and keep watch while he followed her.

Silently, he dropped down onto the ground and began his trek after her.

Humming seemed to be a habit for her, and if it wasn't so beautiful he might have gotten annoyed after a while. Her movements slowly got more and more jumpy. Every noise creeping up on her. But she tensed up as soon as there was a lack of noise.

At least she seemed smarter than the others. A lack of noise usually meant there was a predator somewhere nearby. Bellamy was now on guard to, at least until he saw the fireflies. They rarely came out around people, let alone touch them, but they seemed to gravitate towards the girl.

He couldn't believe his eyes when they started leading her back towards her people. There was no way they could grow to trust someone as fast as they had her. He knew for a fact that she had never been here before. She looked at everything like it was new to her. It was the first time Bellamy could really see her face. This girl was ethereal.

Why was she crying?

He followed her to the edge of the clearing her people had claimed as their own and saw her hesitation. She didn't want to go back.

Then she wiped at her eyes, and held her head up high, looking very much like his sister. Like a leader.

This girl was a puzzle.

Bellamy planned on figuring her out.