Ever so slowly and carefully, Lee Everett creaks the door open; gun drawn and raised as he takes a quick look inside of the building. The place has enough spider webs inside to make it look like it came straight out of a Halloween film, but so far, he can't see any immediate danger in the area.

However, as he has come to realize over the past few months, there's danger nearly at every turn. Lee knows that he can't let his guard down for even a second out here.

Shoving the door wide open the rest of the way, the thirty-seven year old history professor tiptoes over to what looks to be some sort of workbench. Seems a little convenient, especially considering that this garage was spotted by Kenny on the way over to Savannah, but Lee isn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Twisting one of the knobs for the drawers just below the desk, however, reveals nothing but a few miscellaneous nuts and bolts – no good for anything they have on board.

"…you've gotta be kidding me…" Lee groans, wiping his hand on the side of his pant leg when he realizes that those were actually just mice shits, and not even tools. With only the thin amount of light coming in through the dusty windows spread about in a random assortment around the garage, he can barely see a foot in front of him, let alone what's actually in some of the boxes.

A similar result happens as he searches the place further, except with fewer droppings and more dead ends. He had discovered some old tires just sitting idly in the corner, but unless he or someone back at the RV had a tire pump and something to patch the holes with, Lee was shit out of luck on that one.

Slightly discouraged, Lee frowns in annoyance as he stands in the centre of Gary's Garage, as it says on the sign out front. Placing his hands on his hips, the man refuses to believe that every inch of this place has been picked clean, knowing that he doesn't always have the sharpest eye when it comes to looting. He's never felt comfortable with the idea of taking things, feeling like it's almost as if he's disturbing the memories of those who had been here beforehand. However, with the group already on edge enough lately as it is, he knows that his own personal morals sometimes have to be put on hold for the greater good. It's not as if there's an old, southern man threatening to shoot him for trespassing on his property.

He's about to head back out and mention that the coast is clear, until he suddenly hears something coming from one of the rooms upstairs. Curious, as he was sure that he had checked nearly everything on the upper level, Lee stifles his courage together and ventures up the stairs. Even the stairs are rickety around here, and Lee gets a little anxious as he makes his way up. The guy's not as heavy as he ought to be thanks to a lack of food, but that still doesn't mean that he can't fall through.

Once he gets to the top, Lee pulls out his gun again and waits a minute to see if he can hear the noise again. After waiting for a little while, he begins to figure that it was just his imagination and plans on heading back outside, but the sound reappears as his skin starts to crawl.

Coming from one of the rooms to the left of him, Lee gulps as he steps just outside of it. The door's old, that much he can tell from the paint that's started to strip and peel away, and he starts to wonder just how many years this place has been intact for now. Clearly the building was falling into disrepair even before the dead started walking around, and too much pressure on the wooden support beams might mean that the entire place could cave in on him at any moment. Were it not for the stonework and concrete reinforcing the place, this likely would be the case, but even those are starting to crack.

Procrastinating for long enough, Lee kicks the door in as he casts his gaze down to the floor. A walker, not even out of her childhood yet, tries to crawl towards him as her brittle bones snap and grind together. Clearly she had starved to death before turning, and Lee feels a tight knot forming in the pit of his stomach upon looking at the creature.

"Jesus…" he mutters sorrowfully, trying not to picture Clementine befalling a similar fate as he aims his gun up to the walker's head. He hates having to do this, but seeing no other option, he pulls the trigger and cringes as the bullet nearly splits her head in two. Black ooze that used to be blood goes trailing down her forehead as Lee bends down in front of the girl.

I can't think of them like that, he scolds himself, finding it difficult to keep his composure together after seeing a walker this young. They're not people anymore, Lee. Get it together – you have to be strong for this group. You're their leader now, or have you forgotten that already?

Believing that the least he could do is to give her a proper burial, even though he had just convinced himself that she was no longer human, Lee puts his gun back in his pocket and scoops her up; gagging at the smell as he carries her back down the stairs.

Stepping out into the sunlight, Lee tries to judge the speechless faces of his group as he stands there; a walker in his arms as he spots Clementine hiding behind Katjaa's leg.

"…it's all clear inside," he mentions quietly, having difficulty with talking at the moment. "We need to be thorough on this – anything you think might be useful, grab onto it. We'll set up a scouting party for the road up ahead, just to check if the way is clear. And I… I'll be right back…"

With everyone knowing their duties, the group splits off to wherever it is they need to go, but with none of them taking Lee's discovery lightly. Emotions today are definitely running high.


"Kenny, you've checked that same spot over at least five times now. Don't you think you should try searching somewhere else?" Carley suggests, watching as the fisherman closes yet another cupboard in disappointment. His moustache bristles as he comes up empty-handed again, not wanting to have stopped over here for nothing when they could potentially be at or nearly in Savannah by now.

But, seeing that she's actually got a point and isn't trying to be malicious about it, Kenny sighs and reluctantly nods as the two of them head back over to the rusted-out truck where Mark is currently looking through. The bespectacled man isn't having quite as much trouble walking as he had before, which means that he's at least showing a little improvement, but he still needs to take frequent breaks and has to lean up against certain things whenever he needs it.

Carley's just worried that the little episode he had back at the dairy hasn't spelled doom for him already. Morphine addiction isn't something that can be kicked easily.

"Hey, Kenny – think you can do something with this wreck? Strip it for parts or something?" Mark asks as Kenny opens up the front hood and frowns. "I'm going to take that as a no…"

"I'm a fishing captain, not a miracle worker," he jokes gruffly, beckoning for the two of them to come over to observe the damage for themselves. "See that black-looking thing right there? That's the engine, and it's burned-out to shit. Radiator's missing, too, and none of the other parts are compatible with the RV or Nate's truck. In other words, we're not using any o' these parts for scrap."

Feeling a little deflated upon hearing this news, Carley frowns before trying to open the trunk of the car. Once again, she finds nothing but dust and a few old driver's manuals from the 1970's. Not exactly the greatest reading material, but she snatches them up anyway out of curiosity. It might be good for a laugh to see just how much things have changed since then.

"So, how's the search coming along on your end?"

Turning towards Lee as he enters into the room, Mark shrugs his shoulders as Kenny shuts the hood closed once again. The guy's still feeling a little miffed about this so-called "shift in leadership", but with quite a few (including his wife, for reasons he's still trying to understand) actually being on board with the idea of Lee keeping things in line, he hasn't mentioned his unrest just yet. "No such luck," he remarks, placing his hands on his hips as he arches an eyebrow. "This place is stripped clean, Lee. Ain't no way we're getting any use of out o' this shit."

"That's what I was afraid of," Lee sighs, walking over so that Mark can drape an arm over his shoulders so that he can support him. With Carley helping out on the other side, Kenny yanks on the chain that serves as a garage door opener. Pulling down with all of his strength, he manages to open it back up again as the four of them are reintroduced to the hazy sunlight. With that chill in the air, the survivors know that winter will soon be approaching.

The road sign they had passed couldn't be lying, Kenny's sure of it. Savannah is out there within their reach, and secretly, the fisherman's actually really glad that the group had come to this decision. With Lee facilitating the discussion, they had talked long and hard the next morning about where they could possibly be ending up over the course of the next few days.

Although Lilly had brought up some pretty valid points about not knowing what they were going to find, many within the group had come to the conclusion that it might be just as shitty of an idea to not go see what's around than to delve deep into unknown territory. At least with heading out east, they may be able to make short work of getting back down to Florida if things end up turning ugly.

However, and he hasn't really mentioned this to anyone just yet, the possibility of getting all the way to another state in the RV may be a problem. Kenny really wanted to stop at this garage because many of the interior components in the vehicle had been heavily damaged to start with, not to mention the bullshit that happened when they all tried to escape. Bullet shells had pierced into the radiator and caused a ruckus inside, so sooner or later, this puppy's gonna give.

With his family to protect, along with knowing that they are in the company of a very pregnant Christa, there may be some more decisions to be made, very soon. Maybe even the cutting of some loose ends…

"Ken?" Lee hollers, waving his hand around and beckoning for him to follow. "C'mon, we should probably scope around for some food. Lilly's gonna be back with Nate, Russell and Andy any minute now."

"Yeah, sure…" he grumbles, waiting until Lee's out of earshot before muttering, "who the fuck put him in charge, anyways…"

So far, this little escapade that Nate's been on with Russell as they've been travelling with this new group hasn't exactly been going according to plan. What started off as a deal for supplies has turned into a days-long driving fest with almost no hope of success. Nate had never considered driving all the way out to middle of who the fuck knows where in the search of some damn boats, and he certainly doesn't appreciate being held out on.

No babes, no getting laid, and (arguably most importantly, but he's still debating) no motherfucking supplies. To say that he's been getting pissed off lately would be a bit putting things far too lightly.

Russell, on the other hand, hasn't had his spirits broken down quite just yet. At least with these people, he can kind of judge how well things are going and whether or not there are any self-righteous assholes among their numbers. There are assholes, to be sure, but as far as he can tell, these people tend to look out for one another. There haven't been any attempts to go behind each other's backs, as far as he's seen so far – a lot more suitable than the previous people he was with.

This is why, much to Russell's annoyance, he's getting very irritated with Nate whispering in his ear all about the maniacal shit they're gonna pull when these folks aren't looking.

"I already told you no!"

"Jesus, fucking… keep your voice down, would ya? No sense in getting caught already…" Nate warns, placing his grimy hand over top of Russell's mouth as the boy gags. He smells like a mix of cigarettes and gasoline. "Look Russ, we're getting short-shafted here. This bitch promised us supplies, and so far she hasn't delivered at all. As far as I'm concerned, all of that shit on their RV belongs to us, anyhow! It'd be so easy… you and me sneak over there in the middle of the night, take what's ours and scoot on outta there."

Swatting Nate's hand away as he spits on the dirt, Russell makes sure that Lilly and Andy are still preoccupied up ahead before continuing. "What makes you think they wouldn't hear us? And besides, that Christa woman's got a baby on the way, and what about the kids? Are you really gonna tell me that you're willing to risk their lives just so that we can get away?"

"Don't think of it that way, kid! Think of it as… umm… a loan payment! Yeah, we're just the bank coming in to claim what's rightfully ours!" he retorts, urging for him to wait up for a second as he practically drags him over to the side of the road. "The longer we stay here, the bigger the chance that we'll get fucked in the ass. Do you really want that to happen? I've heard it's like driving a rusty sword straight up your – "

Shaking his head and ushering for him to stop, as he doesn't want to picture that image in his mind, Russell feels dirty about all of this. Yes, he knows that Lilly had made a deal with them, and that so far she hasn't measured up to her end of the bargain… but knowing Nate, this plan of his won't simply involve breaking and entering. The guy's crazy at times, and it wouldn't surprise him if Nate were to try and shoot up everyone in the van: kids and Christa included.

The thing is, however, and the real reason that Russell's been putting up with his shit for weeks now, is that the boy's afraid of him. And he has every right to be, too – the first day they met, Nate nearly let him get eaten by a walker just after talking about girls.

You better not fucking say she's a five! Nate had yelled that day, grinning like an idiot as Russell realized that he was in some seriously deep shit. Ever since, he's been fearing for his life – if he were to try and leave, then what would the guy do to him? It's not as if the two of them were friends or anything…

Unless… unless Nate truly saw their relationship that way…

"So this is happening, then. As soon as possible," Nate infers, coming to that conclusion after not hearing any response for a while. Before Russell can say anything else, however, the both of them turn their heads to a small commotion coming from up ahead. "Dumbasses… come on, we'd better see what the broad and the hick are up to. Won't be much longer until we're shaking these fuckers, Russ. Just you wait and see."

Caught in between both of the groups, Russell doesn't have time to figure things out as he's thrust forward by Nate and has to jog forwards to catch up with Lilly and Andy. The latter looks as though he's seen a ghost.

"What happened?" Russell asks, more so to Lilly since Andy is currently searching like a madman through the bushes.

Rolling her eyes, Lilly gestures towards him with her gun as she tries to explain the hubbub. "Andy claims that he saw someone out in the woods… But so far I haven't seen anything but squirrels and tree branches."

"I'm telling you, someone raced by just now! I wouldn't make this up!" he insists, parting bushes with his hands as he tries to search the area. "It was a girl, I swear! She had blonde hair and was hearing a bright orange hoodie!"

With nobody else being around to confirm his story, and with no other evidence to suggest that he's right, this leads the three of them to start believing that recent events may have started causing Andy to hallucinate things. The deaths of his mother and brother had hit him hard, and they were surprised enough already when he volunteered to come scout the road with them; figuring that he would still be grieving in the RV even days after it happened.

"Andy… sigh… just come back with us, alright? There's nothing out here," Lilly advises, looking annoyed that they're still wasting time when everyone else has probably finished up searching around. She still thinks that heading out here is a mistake and that they should be heading in the complete opposite direction, but obviously she was in the minority on that.

She had thought that at least Lee would be on her side, but surprisingly, the guy was almost dead-set on heading out to the coast, too. More than likely it's got everything to do with the little munchkin following him around, but she has to admit – if she was Clementine's age, then she'd probably want to go find her parents out there, too.

It'd break her heart to end up finding out that they're more than likely dead, given what Lee had said about the answering machine.

"I'm… I'm not lying…"

With nobody else really knowing what to do, Lilly just taps the big guy on the shoulder and motions for Andy to follow along with the rest of them; mentioning how they need to get back on the road as soon as possible. Seeing that nobody else is going to believe him, he simply keeps his head down and lags behind the group. Now more than ever, the St. John boy needs some breathing room. And they definitely could all use a break from the bullshit that's been tossed their way.

Little do his companions know that Andy was actually right all along.

Breathing deeply, just like Katjaa had told her to do beforehand, Christa squeezes onto Omid's hand tightly for support as she closes her eyes. Her back aches after months of carrying this baby around, but thankfully the group's given her the one spot in the RV with at least a little bit of back support.

Basically, it's one of the only cushions that haven't completely been torn to pieces.

"That's it, babe – you're doing great," Omid encourages, smirking even though deep down he feels nervous as hell. The guy doesn't have a clue about how to be a dad, and aside from Kenny, he wouldn't have a clue about who to ask for help. "You know, this reminds me of our Vegas weekend, remember? That time after the casino where you spent half the night kneeled behind my back in the boy's washroom. Good times, good times…"

"That's because..." she tiredly responds, managing to find a slight smile of her own as she recalls that trip, "you… had seven margaritas and a Jager bomb all before we even left the hotel!"

"Well, yeah – they were practically giving them away for free!"

Appreciating the fact that her boyfriend has such a different personality from her own, all joyful and easy-going while she was more of a serious, buckle-down type, Christa's stomach finally stops hurting as much as she leans her head back slightly. Planting a light kiss on his forehead, and finding it amusing how much taller she is than him, Christa relaxes as he gives her a bit of a shoulder rub.

"We can get through this together, Chrissy," he whispers lovingly. Despite his anxiety about raising a child in this world, he's looking forward to it like there's no tomorrow. Excitement couldn't even begin to describe it, and with the knowledge that Christa's going to be right there beside him through it all… well, that's enough of a purpose for him to keep strong.

Not even that bandit's arrow could keep him down, even though he figured he was a total goner at the time.

As if noticing their curious glances for the first time, Christa smiles and waves over at Clementine and Duck; both of whom have secretly been watching the couple for the past ten minutes straight.

"Something the matter?" she asks, wondering why they hadn't said anything up to now.

Duck breaks the silence first, as he usually does. The guy's gums never seem to stop flapping. "Is the baby almost here yet? It's been a really long time, hasn't it?"

Chuckling at the question, Omid nods his head as the kids start to get pretty damn excited. "Yeah, I'd say that it shouldn't be much longer now, actually," he informs them, waving to Katjaa as she passes by outside the RV.

"Have you picked a name for it?" Clementine inquires, tilting her head to the side in order to get a better look at her stomach. Noticing her stare, Christa invites the girl over to listen in for herself, and Clem timidly complies as she bends down in front of her.

Placing her ear up against her stomach, Clementine's eyes widen in surprise as she smiles sweetly. To her, this is one of the coolest things she's ever done in a long, long time.

"Whoa…" she comments before standing back up and sitting down on one of the other open seats; swinging her legs back and forth as she can see Duck ready to explode with questions of his own.

"And… no, not really," Christa mentions, referring to her first question about names. "This doofus over here wants to name him Omid Junior if it's a boy, but…"

"My daddy named me Ken Junior! Now I'm just like him!"

"…nevermind," Christa mumbles, keeping her opinions to herself as she gets ready to answer a billion and a half questions from the bored children. This is what usually happens to the two of them if there isn't anything to do.

Being stuck on an RV isn't quite as exciting as Clementine had pictured it might've been. She had wanted to go check out the shop with Lee, but Christa had almost insisted that she and Duck stay in here with them, and he wasn't about to argue with a pregnant lady.

"What if you have twins? What if instead of a baby, a big, scary monster comes out instead?" Duck asks seriously, with the pair nearly doubling over from laughing at the question. "Do you think you could name it Duck Junior if it's a boy? What if you run out of diapers? What are you gonna do if it starts growing extra arms and legs?"

"Where do babies come from, anyways?" Clementine wonders aloud, stopping the pair in their tracks as Duck nods as well.

Christa and Omid aren't laughing anymore.

"Yeah, I wanted to know that, too!" Duck chimes in, waiting impatiently for a response as he talks once again. "Do they really come from the stork? Because that sounds like it'd be craaaaazzzzzyyyy far for a bird to come from!"

"Uhh…." Omid trails off, with the both of them feeling intensely uncomfortable with this situation. Neither of them think that they should be the people responsible for talking about the birds and the bees, so, thinking quickly, Omid stands up and starts to lightly move the kids to the doorway. "Umm… yes! Yeah, Duck, you nailed it right on the head! The stork comes and drops it off in Christa's belly – why don't you kids go find Katjaa outside, alright?"

Without a chance to argue, Clem and Duck are practically planted on the ground as Omid quickly shuts the door behind him; confusing the hell out of the children as they scratch their heads.

"Grownups are weird…" Clementine states, frowning as she watches Lee head off with Kenny into the woods.

"Yeah, no kidding! I don't think he was telling the truth…"

"Duck, look! Lee and your Dad are running off!" she interrupts, tapping on his shoulder and pointing to the two men; both with guns out as Duck almost instantly takes her by the hand.

Not wanting to be left behind and bored any longer, the two of them follow the adults in search of whatever it is they're looking for.

Starving, and feeling their hungry bellies rumble with each passing step, Lee and Kenny stop for a moment before venturing any further. There wouldn't be much sense in getting lost out here, not with the rest of the group waiting back with the vehicles.

"This ain't working, Lee. We need to double back," Kenny advises, causing Lee to nod in acceptance as they once again find absolutely nothing worth hunting. It's almost as if the entire state has suddenly just become bone dry in terms of resources.

Checking to see how many rounds he has left in the gun chamber, Lee counts five bullets before closing the clip back up and turning around. "I guess it was worth a shot at least," he mentions, patting on the man's shoulder as he starts to walk back. "Cheer up, man. We've been through worse than this."

"You say that like this is supposed to be a good thing…"

Knowing that a talk like this was bound to happen sooner or later, Lee slows down a little bit as Kenny catches up to him; not looking at the guy directly in the eye as he keeps his vision open for walkers.

"Look, Kenny… this whole leadership thing… it's only – "

"I don't wanna hear it right now, understand? Jesus, Lee! Do you have any idea how much of a fucking dictator you sounded back there?!" he accuses, sliding his hunting rifle over his shoulders as he goes to a nearby tree. "I know that our fights have been gettin' pretty hairy lately, but that doesn't mean you get to rule over our lives! You're puttin' me, my family and all the rest of us at odds with each other! How long is it gonna be before one of us gets fed up and tries to pull a gun on one of our own? On you?"

Feeling a little threatened, Lee frowns deeply and straightens out his back as he folds his arms across his chest.

"Are you trying to suggest something here, Kenny?" he questions, wanting to make sure that they're still somewhat on the same page.

Shaking his head and sighing, Kenny tries to dissuade any confusion as the two stand at a bit of a crossroads. "No, Lee… it ain't like that…" he tells him. "It's just… that announcement, tellin' everyone that you're in charge and all… Just kinda came out of nowhere, ya know? I guess I just wasn't expectin' it, is all. Things are just so hectic right now that I don't even know what to make of it… or where the two of us stand with each other, for that matter."

Lee is about to come back with something of his own to say, but he suddenly hears something from over to his right out in the distance. "Wait here," he tells the man, pulling out a gun as he goes over to investigate for himself. "Could be our chance to snag us a meal. If it bolts, then try to be ready to shoot it, alright?"

Muttering something unintelligible under his breath Kenny waits until Lee disappears from his sight before turning to the reason he came over to this tree in the first place. Undoing his fly, Kenny relieves himself as he whistles an old sailor's hymn that he and his coworkers used to sing back when they went out on long voyages.

At least he's expressed his discomfort with the current political system in the group right off the bat. As far as he's concerned, it's better for them both to know about this now rather than waiting until one of them blows up at the other. There's no room for secrets or hidden agendas out here, especially when they've both got people to look out for. Harboring resentment for people will only succeed in getting them both killed in the crossfire, and neither of the two men want that to happen.

Because deep down, beyond all the disagreements and spats that they've gone through, there's a level of brotherly respect there that can't be allowed to break.

Suddenly hearing a rustle in the bushes himself, Kenny darts his head left and right as he zips his drawers back up. Turning around, he raises his weapon out in front for self-defence; no longer thinking that this is simply some deer out in the forest. He'd have seen something that big by now, what with the noise being so close by.

"Come out and show yourself! Hands in the fucking air!" Kenny orders, narrowing his eyes as he sees a shadow move on one of the bushes nearby.

Firing off a warning shot, Kenny gets the side of his head banged up as he falls to the dirt and scuffles with some mysterious person rolling around with him. The guy manages to get one good elbow into the person's stomach, but a kick to the ribs has him doubling over a little bit as he starts to wheeze. Feeling the dirt starting to enter his lungs as the dust is kicked up, Kenny gets hit in the face again as he's forced onto his back; gun having been taken away by a person in some kind of medical mask and an orange sweater. A tuft of blue hair sticks out from underneath the person's hood, revealing her to be a girl from what he can tell, but the most intimidating thing is what she's carrying in her hand.

Looking like something that a mountain climber would use, the woman tightly clutches onto some type of hook thingy as she prepares to bring it down on top of his head.


Stopping herself mid-swing and turning her gaze to the left, having to stop anyways since Lee's arrived with a gun to her head, the woman lowers the hook upon noticing two kids standing there – both looking frightened about what's going on.

"…shit…" she mutters, with Kenny barely registering her words as he rolls over and jogs over to his son.

"Mind telling us who the hell you are? And why I shouldn't put you down right now?" Lee barks, although relenting a little bit as Clementine shakes her head in disapproval.

Lowering her hood and taking the mask off, Molly huffs in defeat as she places the weapon back into its holster; turning to Lee with a blank expression.

"The name's Molly," she introduces, looking a little thankful when he lowers the gun a tad, "and I'm looking for food."