So, as promised for those who have read my other Knb story, My Savior, My Angel, here is the new fic! There's not much I want to say about this story since I know there are many stories like this but I still hope you like this review on how it can improve and such :)

I was going to name this 'Identity' but I really don't like that so I just ended up with 'Who am I?' If you have better suggestions for names, I will be more than happy to listen to them. Please give me a title so that I can change it!

Hope you guys enjoy!

Cherry blossom trees surrounded the area and some of its petals blew with the wind, making the atmosphere even livelier. A new school year had started, which meant there would be fresh meat to pick on, fresh meat to play pranks on but at this time, fresh meat to recruit for their clubs. Some students screamed to the top of their lungs and lunged papers at anyone who passed by them while others did their best not to trip and somehow avoid the forceful recruiting attempts. All the while, there was a waist length teal haired girl walking along the crowded entrance, not even bothering to make eye contact with anyone.

Expertly, she moved across the packed school entrance while others had difficultly penetrating through the crowd. She knew it was expected. That's why it was so easy to walk without colliding into anyone. No one noticed her, so there was no reason to be held up.

Though having a hair color like sky-blue would surely attract some attention, it did the exact opposite. No one even spare a glance at her; therefore, she was only but a shadow walking along. She clutched the book she was reading but instead of her eyes trailing along the lines, her fingers did it for her. Yes, it was true. She was blind. She had always been ever since she was four years old.

She seemed to be engrossed in the book but at the same time, she listened intently to the screams and shouts of recruitment. She heard such clubs as wrestling and American football and was about to give up when finally, she heard someone say her favorite word.

She pinpointed where the voice had come from and skillfully moved from person to person until she found a table where it seemed there were four people, three people on chairs and one who seemed to be sprawled on the table. Her ears ringed as she heard two of the people talking about the application for basketball. She hesitantly grabbed a paper and pen and prayed that it was the paper was on the blank side. She then proceeded to write her associated name and middle school, as well as her classroom number and finally, after much difficultly writing, she let go of the pen. She placed it on top of the clipboard and started walking to the school building. The damage was done. She had officially applied to the basketball club.

"Uh, Riko, you missed one of the application forms." A glasses wearing student pointed out as he lifted the paper. Weirdly, it was filled out in the blank side of the paper and the writing seemed to fly off the page.

Riko, a short haired brunette with clips to hold her bangs, looked surprised to see the application. She had just gotten through talking to the monster that was named Kagami Taiga and she thought she had all the forms with her. She took it from the other student and skeptically looked at the page.

"The hell? It looks like a five year old wrote this or something!" She said but nevertheless, she read the content.

"Kuroko Tetsuya, huh? In classroom 1-B and… What?" She suddenly exclaimed the glasses wearing person jumped in shock.

"What happened?" He asked and she shoved the paper in front of him.

"Hyuuga-kun, look at the middle school this student went to." She said hurriedly and glasses wearing person, who was now known as Hyuuga, read the writing before his eyes grew wide.

"Are you kidding me? He's from Teiko middle school? The Teiko middle school?" Riko nodded eagerly but then held her head in her hands.

"Why can't I remember such a player with the name Kuroko Tetsuya? I don't understand. His name should have popped up in an instant if he were in Teiko. Why can't I remember such a prodigious player?" She cried in anguish while Hyuuga patted her back soothingly.

"Don't worry. We'll probably remember when he goes to the gym after school." He said and Riko gave him an evil smile. Suddenly, Hyuuga prayed for the fresh meat that had applied for Riko's training of Hell without knowing.

The classroom seemed awfully loud when she entered the room. Most of the people had taken their seats and judging by how friendly their chats were, she assumed most were from the same middle school. Focusing on the vibrations on the floor, she found an empty seat that was at the corner of the room and she could not have been more grateful. She took her seat and at that moment, someone else had taken theirs in front of her. Even though she couldn't see who it was, she knew it was a man and he was a powerful being. He gave an aura of absolute dominance in everything. Her hands itched to poke him in the back and ask for his name and identity but she knew better than that. Instead, she concentrated on her book, trailing her fingers on the bumps that to her were translated to letters.

An unfamiliar presence entered the room and everyone in the class stood up to bow. The teacher must have given a signal to sit back down because she felt the people's feet becoming relaxed.

"Hello class, I'm your teacher for this year. I am glad to see such promising students before me today. I will start with attendance." He said and started to ramble off names that were always followed with a 'here'.

"Kagami Taiga." The teacher called and the person in front of her rumbled a 'here' to him. Ah, so this was the person who was talking to another person back at the basketball booth. She wondered if he played as well as he emitted his powerful aura.

"Kuroko Terumi." The teacher then called out and she said 'here'. However, the teacher must not have heard her because he asked once more if Kuroko Terumi was here. Though she tried saying 'here' once more in a much louder voice, the teacher moved onto the next person, mumbling how ungrateful this name was.

She, also known as Kuroko Terumi, walked up to the podium where he was at and in a louder voice, said, "Sir, I am here."

"What -?" The teacher looked up from the attendance and jumped back in shock at the sudden presence that was in front of him.

She could feel gazes shifting towards her and many of them gasped in surprise.

"What the – "

"When did she ever come in here?"

"I didn't even know a person was in the corner there."

"What is she, a ghost?"

Many people gossiped in not so whispering voices but she couldn't blame them. She had such a weak presence; barely anyone was able to detect her at first glance, much less when she stood in front of the whole class.

"Sir, I am here. My name is Kuroko Terumi." She announced once more and the teacher must have been staring at her because she felt his eyes on her.

"Ah, is this the student?" He said to himself aloud, not that she didn't hear him. "Kuroko-san, would you mind if you lift your bangs for a second? I can't see your eyes." He requested and she hesitated for a second.

"Don't worry; I've gotten specific orders from the principal not to let anyone know." He whispered and once she heard that the principal was mentioned, she lifted up her bangs. What the teacher wasn't expecting were milky and somewhat glossy whitish-blue eyes, a color much like her hair but in much lighter shades.

"So, it's true. Well, Kuroko-san, welcome to Seirin High." He greeted and she nodded. While she went back to her seat, she couldn't help but hear the gossip that was forming around her already.

She sighed internally and went back to her book. No matter how many times she went through initiation like this, she doubted she would ever get used being the center of attention every time during the beginning of the school year. She was always deemed a ghost for her weak presence.

To be honest, she practically was.

Her legs twitched with eagerness though her face remained as impassive as ever. Thankfully, during the whole school day, the people had already forgotten about her and the morning incident and were minding their own businesses. Even more thankful was the fact that the teacher always gave her sheets that were compatible with a blind person like her. Lectures that were oral were the best because she was confident that she could remember ever word she was given. It was a gift that followed after she lost her eyesight. That and her amazingly enhanced senses.

The final bell rung and everyone jumped from their seats, also eager to leave the classroom, though for different reasons. She grabbed her school bag and duffel bag and proceeded to go to the nearest bathroom.

The freshmen gathered to the court and glanced at their seniors.

"Hey, isn't that manager cute?" Once of the freshmen asked and the other nodded.

"She's a second year, right?"

"Yeah. If she were a bit sexier though…" The first complained but then was met with the fist of Hyuuga.

"You're completely off the mark, idiots! She's –"He was cut off by Riko.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Aida Riko and your coach for this all boys basketball club." The freshmen took a moment to process that this second year girl was their coach.

"What?" They all shouted, not able to believe that this person in front of them was their coach. Riko, on the other hand, twitched in annoyance and gave them an innocent smile; a smile that gave the seniors shivers.

"Let's start then, shall we? Take off your shirts!" She ordered and the freshmen all stared at her, shocked, before everyone except for two people all yelled protests. However, they were immediately silent when they saw her fierce glare and finally, one by one, they took of their shirts.

Riko started to walk and glanced at the freshmen before adding comments on their body. Some had to work more on upper body, and other had to work on stamina and such; all the while, the boys stared at her dumbfounded, wondering how on earth she would know such things just by glancing at them. Thankfully, Hyuuga gave them an answer.

"The father of that girl is a sports trainer. He was always recording data in order to make training menus. It's a special skill she gained after spending every day at his workplace and looking at muscles and data. Just by looking at someone's body, that girl can see every stat and ability." He announced proudly and the boys stared at Riko at awe. However, she wasn't directing her attention to the boys but at the monster named Kagami Taiga.

She stood in front of Kagami with shock and amazement. 'How is this possible? These numbers are by far above everyone else's. These cannot be the stats of a boy in his first year of high school! I can't even estimate his potential. This is natural talent!' Her eyes practically glowed lights by this point and unbeknownst to her, a bit of drool was coming out of her mouth.

"Uh, coach?" Hyuuga asked which made her snap out of her daydream and cough awkwardly.

"Right, sorry."

"That's the last man. I think we checked everyone." Hyuuga said and Riko nodded. She then remembered the Teiko member, Kuroko Tetsuya.

"Wait, we forgot Kuroko-kun." She said.

"Oh, right. The Teiko kid." Hyuuga said and whispers from the freshmen spread like wildfire, with only Kagami being the oblivious one.

"Has anyone seen Kuroko-kun?" She yelled but when there was no answer, she shrugged.

"Guess he's not here today." Hyuuga said and Riko nodded in agreement.

"Ok then. Let's start practicing!" She ordered but was stopped when a boy with a below average height raised his hand.

"Um, excuse me. I'm right here." The boy said and everyone in the court jumped in shock. Riko yelped as she realized that all along, this boy had been standing in front of her.

'How the hell did I not see him before?' She thought, too shaken to be able to speak.

"What the -? How long have you been here?" Hyuuga shouted, obviously not amused by the freshman's antics.

"I've been here all the time." The boy deadpanned with an emotionless face. The others didn't seem keen on believing him.

"My name is Kuroko Tetsuya. Nice to meet you." He introduced and bowed formally to the seniors, which immediately extinguished the annoyance that Hyuuga was harboring.

"Wait, Kuroko Tetsuya? You're from Teiko middle school? But how? You can't be a regular, can you?" Riko asked, still disbelieving this phantom in front of her. Hyuuga smirked uneasily.

"Of course not. Right, Kuroko?" He asked but the boy said nothing, making him uncomfortable.

"I was a regular. I played in matches all the time." He said simply and everyone couldn't believe their ears. How could such a weak looking boy play in matches with the Generation of Miracles? Both the seniors and freshmen stood frozen in shock. Kagami, on the other hand, had no interest for a weak looking person like he but did wonder what was so good with Teiko middle school. As he was raised in the States, he had no clue on what he was missing out on.

"Um, let's move on then. Kuroko-kun, please take your shirt off." Riko ordered but Kuroko did not comply. Instead he subtly fidgeted with his shirt.

"Kuroko-kun…?" She asked uncertainly and finally the boy looked up. She couldn't see his eyes because his bangs covered them but she was able to get out a sky-blue color, like his short hair. However, they seemed a lot lighter in shade which somehow scared Riko.

"I'm sorry, Aida-san. I'm afraid I cannot to do that." He answered and Riko fumed in anger. She grabbed his head and started to apply pressure. There were mumbles of protest from the boy.

"What do you mean you can't? It's like freshmen can't take orders from their seniors now." She gritted out of her teeth and Hyuuga and another senior had to pry her hands off his head.

"I am sorry." Kuroko said before bowing. "I am embarrassed to say that I have an injury that makes my stomach somewhat repulsive and humiliating. I am sorry I cannot take off my shirt." He complied and suddenly, Riko regretted pulling such a move on Kuroko.

"Ah, of course. I'm sorry I almost crushed your head, Kuroko-kun." She said awkwardly.

"It is no problem. I had a lot of that back in middle school." He said and then there was a silence that filled the room.

"Well then, let's start practice!" She announced and so began Riko's Hell training.

Kagami held the tray that had various hamburgers. The people who had been waiting for their order stared after Kagami, unable to believe that such a person could eat that many burgers. Once he took his seat, he began to unwrap a burger and hungry devour it. However, his plans were ruined when at that moment, his eyes fell on sky-blue hair.

"Huh?" He gasped, trying hard not to choke from his bite. The boy just kept drinking his milkshake, seeming to be oblivious to his almost dying.

"What are you doing here?" He spluttered and the boy shrugged, still sipping his drink.

"I always come here. The milkshakes are delicious, especially the vanilla flavored ones." He answered simply and Kagami sighed before tossing a hamburger to him. He caught it with ease though judging by how his lips formed an 'O', he wasn't expecting it.

"If you only eat milkshakes, no wonder you're scrawny and weak looking." Kagami explained and Kuroko nodded before unwrapping the hamburger.

"You owe me one. Actually, I know how you can repay me. Follow me." He said after he saw that Kuroko had finished his hamburger. To be honest, it was a complete mystery how he could have finished all of his hamburgers before Kuroko could finish his. Nonetheless, they got out of Maji Burger and Kuroko followed Kagami to anunknown place.

'Memorize his footsteps. Memorize his movements. Memorize his vibrations. Memorize him.'

"I'll be frank; you have no scent at all. I can't even pinpoint how weak you are at this point. It's weird. At least some people who have an odor of weakness but you don't have anything. I don't know what's up but I do know that you came from Teiko. What is so great at that school anyways?" Kagami said bluntly. Kuroko didn't even look at him and only stared at his chest. What was up with that?

"Have you lived anywhere other than Japan?" Kuroko asked.

"Yeah. The States. Why?"

"Because I am slightly surprised that you do not know Teiko Middle School. Do you perchance know who the Generation of Miracles are?" He asked and Kagami just shook his head. When there was no response from the shorter boy, he voiced it.

"No, I have no relation in Japan because most of my friends are from the States. Who are the Generation of Miracles?"

"The Generation of Miracles is a group of five members with extraordinary basketball ability; so extraordinary that one would think they would be in NBAs at this point, though they are only high schoolers like you and me. They and I went to the same middle school, namely Teiko, and thus, their abilities flourished, making them known as the Generation of Miracles." Kuroko explained and suddenly, Kagami smiled.

"So, that means there are people who are strong in basketball? Perfect." He said while rubbing his hands in enthusiasm.

"Why do you say perfect? Most are afraid of them and those who are not have not yet faced their power tremble before it."

"Life's no fun without a strong opponent." He answered and Kuroko nodded like he understood. Kagami then found basketball lying around and picked it up.

"Well, then. I'm sure you're wondering why we're at a basketball court." He said and Kuroko said nothing, just staring at his chest. "I want you to play one-on-one with me." He announced and there was a subtle smirk on the smaller boy.

"Challenge accepted." Kuroko then said while unbuttoning his jacket. He threw it off and positioned himself to a defense stance. Kagami smirked as well and the game began.

However, it was not long after when Kagami's eyes widened in shock.

'This person… He's so – ' He thought while he easily intercepted the dribble and Kuroko ran to get it. 'Weak.' He bitterly thought as Kuroko came back.

"Are you messing with me here?" He growled and Kuroko shook his head.

"Of course not." He simply said, holding the ball against his hip. "I thought it was obvious that Kagami-kun would win this match. You are much stronger than I."

"You are messing with me, aren't you? What the hell are you planning at?" He was close to crushing the shorter boy's head but refrained when he heard Kuroko speak.

"I wanted to feel your strength for myself. It seems I have found what I was looking for. Tell me, Kagami-kun, do you like winning?" Kagami was taken aback by the sudden question.

"Of course I do. Who doesn't? I want to be the best in Japan. I strive to be number 1." He announced with confidence and Kuroko gave him a miniscule smile that could not even be known as a smile.

"Well, if you want to be the best, you will have to go through the Generation of Miracles. I will be blunt, Kagami-kun. If you were to ever face them in a match, you would lose in a heartbeat." Kagami's face fell immediately.

"Kuroko, you bastard." He growled and almost grabbed his head in annoyance when Kuroko spoke once more.

"Therefore, I have decided that I will help you bring you to the top and defeat the Generation of Miracles. I promise you." He said and Kagami looked at Kuroko skeptically.

"How the hell are you going to do that? If the Generation of Miracles are as strong as you say, how are you, the odorless weakling, going to help me?" He said in annoyance but Kuroko just gave him a small smile.

"I am not like you, Kagami-kun. I am but only a shadow." He said before bowing and leaving the court yard. Kagami stood there, confused by his words.

'A shadow? What did he mean?'

Terumi soon arrived to her apartment and changed out of her clothes. Even though she had been doing this cross-dressing for some time now, it was never comfortable to exercise with, especially when the wig was always making her scalp itch most of the time. She then took a shower and welcomed the warm water pouring down on her. She wondered if she would be able to pass off being a guy this time. Even more so, she wished none would know of her disability.

Once finished with her shower, she changed into more comfortable clothes and called the hospital where her mother was at.

"Hello, this is Chukyo Hospital. How may I help you?" A woman picked up and Terumi told her that she wanted to talk to her mother who was in room 308. She receptionist connected the lines and soon, she heard her mother's angelic voice.

"Terumi, how are you?" Her mother asked.

"I should be asking you that, mother. How is your stomach?"

"It's the same as always, I guess. But enough talking about my illness. How are you doing?" She urged and Terumi sighed, knowing the deeper meaning of the question.

"No, mother. I still do not remember." She answered and her mother sighed deeply.

"Well, it will come, dear. How was your first day?" She asked eagerly, changing the subject quickly.

"I had a perfectly good day, mother. My teacher already knows about my disability."

"Really?" She sounded not at all surprised.

"Mother, just because the principal at Seirin High is one of your closest friends does not mean I can get special treatment."

"Oh, but Teru! It's not special treatment at all. I clearly remember talking to Ayaka and telling her to make sure you had Braille handout sheets. She guaranteed that there would not be any special treatment whatsoever." Kuroko was not convinced at all.


"Honey, please let it go this time. I'm in the hospital and there is no one to take care of you now. I need to make sure you're doing alright."

"I am." Kuroko said and she could practically feel her mother's gentle smile.

"So, is that all you want to tell me?" She asked.

"No, I also joined the basketball club." Kuroko said and there was no response for a while.

"Really, Teru? Are you joining the basketball club again? After what happened in middle school? Are you ok with that?" Her mother asked hesitantly.

"Mother, it is fine. I grew out of it. I am starting to love basketball again. I can handle it." She said and her mother sighed on the other line.

"Whatever you say, honey. I'll support you all the way. Do you need anything from the supermarket or do you need some new sports bras? If you want, I can call up Maya-chan so she can go with you." Her mother asked but Kuroko declined.

"I am fine, mother. Don't worry about me. When are the visiting hours tomorrow?" She asked and her mother replied that it would be during school hours.

"Come see me in the weekend, ok? I miss you, Teru-Teru." Her mother said wistfully and Kuroko said the same thing before disconnecting.

She then crawled into the bed sheets and waited for the next day to come.

So, how was it? I know it might be a bit confusing with the pronouns since Kuroko is a girl but is cross dressing as a guy. I'm trying my best to try not confuse people but honestly, I have no idea how. If it's in Kuroko perspective, I'm always going to write 'Terumi' but if it's in other's perspective, I have no choice but to put 'he' instead of 'she'.

If it is confusing, tell me and I'll try to make it easier to understand.

Give me any suggestions on how to make it better and I'll get right on it!

Please review :)

