RoyalRose: Oh yeah you did come up with those ideas. They were really good and I was so close to using Freedom but then Love worked better. Well at this present time, no there will not be a squeal as I have no ideas for one.

EveningWish: My next story will be a sort of rewrite to my story Asylum but with some big changes. Well your idea wouldn't work for me as I like to stick to facts as much as possible and thus couldn't make North Elsa and Anna's father. North is a great father figure. I actually had an idea for North to be Jack's grandfather in one story and he takes over when Jack's dad runs out. Of course that's all up in the air.

AuroraNight: So sorry for forgetting. I've had so much on I'm actually surprised I remember what day of the week it is. I've missed the part I would have used it. Super sorry, it was going to be actually in the story but I forgot.

Guest Reviews: I know I said love is cliché and I still believe that but I felt like it worked a lot better (besides I had what you said about freedom in my head). Well just because I can drink, drive and gamble doesn't mean I am going to drink and drive. Not that kind of person. I don't really drink anyway and I'm trying to get my license. Well that is true about gambling if you don't have a limit. Yeah being an adult does comes with a lot of responsibility but you get a lot of freedom too. Like I can pretty much do whatever I want. On school, you probably have preschool or something before. Well you said you liked long replies, so I gave you one. My next fanfic idea (which I hope you will read when I put it up which should be after summer school ends for me which is Thursday) will be a rewrite of my story Asylum (I don't know if you have read that) but will have some changes. With the quote, I can't remember what episode. My brain is filled up with Polynesia stuff as that is what I'm learning. Well good news, my essay is all done, edited and finished! Just got to hand it in tomorrow by ten! But then I have to start really hard studying for my test on Thursday. With your homework, I care because its obviously bothering you and it would probably be easy for me (no offense, just older and more wiser as that comes with age) to do. A 90 in Maths is good isn't it? It would be fantastic here in New Zealand.

Chapter 22: The Epilogue

(Some Years Later)

"Jack!" Bunnymund's voice rang out for not the first time that day.

Jack was sniggering from his room. Elsa was rolling her eyes from the couch which she lay on. Elsa knew exactly what had been going on. Bunnymund and Jack had been involved in a series of prank wars, not like that had been anything new. They were always at each other throats. It had provided a lot of entertainment and annoyance for not only Elsa but the rest of The Guardians as well. They had barely gotten back from their Guardian duties when Jack infuriated Bunnymund by freezing his favourite Australian town which caused Bunnymund to retaliate and thus start the war.

Elsa's Guardian duties were to help Jack bring winter which was an arrangement that they were both happy with. Sure, Jack would rather goof off and play with the children who were excited to see Jack as they knew that it would mean a snow day but that made Elsa laugh all the same. Elsa had to be the one to tell Jack that they had to move on to the next country as winter was expected. Sometimes Elsa had to be the one to quell the laughter and fun that Jack had been have goofing off. Jack would complain but soon would come around.

"I got him good this time," Jack was still giggling.

Elsa rolled her eyes again. She was dating an idiot. She and Jack had been together for a number of years now and they were going just as strong as they had been when they first had gotten together. Whenever Jack would be cross about Elsa having to disrupt him having fun in the snow with other children, Elsa would just give him a small kiss and everything ended up working out. However, they had a great relationship and they worked well together. The Guardians had found out only a few weeks after Elsa had joined The Guardians. It was pretty obvious that they liked each other despite them trying to hide it for a while. Bets had gone around The Guardians to see when Elsa and Jack would announce their relationship. In the end, after an outburst from Tooth and the blessing from North, they finally did and never looked back.

"That's great Jack," Elsa said not looking up from her book. On her last visit to Arendelle, which she did as much as possible but it wasn't always as Elsa's duties took up majority of her time, Anna had given numerous books from the Arendelle library for Elsa to read. Elsa had missed that library greatly. She, when growing up, would spend nearly all her time in the library when she wasn't in lessons or having meals or spending time with her parents (especially her father as she was his heir and needed to learn everything she could about the ruling Arendelle). She had gone through a number of books but since there had hundreds of books in that library; she hadn't got through them all. She now planned to. Since there was no deadline on her life, she had literally all the time in the world.

The door burst open and Bunnymund came in completely drenched with snow. The snow had started to melt and the water was now soaking Bunnymund's skin and looked like it was freezing him to the bone. It was lucky that Guardians couldn't fall ill otherwise Elsa would have thought the colds, the flu and maybe even pneumonia would be in the near future if Bunnymund didn't get dried. Bunnymund was glaring at Jack with the greatest anger in all his looks. Elsa looked up from her book. Jack and Bunnymund were locked in a death stare lockdown.

"What is it now?" Elsa swung her feet over the edge of the couch and stood up. She folded her hand, a finger marking her page in her book.

"Your boyfriend somehow made it automatically snow in my room," Bunnymund said threatening pointing at Jack.

Jack was about to say something but Elsa put her hand on his arm to stop him. Jack closed his mouth and his face softened. Bunnymund looked surprised at this sudden change in behaviour from Jack. He was probably waiting for Jack's retaliation but it never came which just furthered Bunnymund's confusion.

"Jack," Elsa said softly. "Just leave it."

"Okay," Jack said.

"Now let's end this stupid prank war," Elsa said. "Otherwise we're going to be late to meet Anna."

"Okay," Jack said. He turned to Bunnymund. "There will be no more pranks."

Bunnymund looked as if Jack had poured an ice bucket of cold water over his head. He started to stammer and stutter. His brain could not compute what had just transpired between the three of them.

"Come on Jack," Elsa grabbed Jack's hand and led him away.

"Is that it?" Bunnymund called after them.

"Calm down Anna," Kristoff said.

"I can't," Anna said.

They were both sitting in lounge sort of room that had a large window that could see the entirely of Arendelle. Anna had been pinned to the window staring out beyond for a good few hours by now. Kristoff had been in the room turning the pages of a good book. Anna took her eyes off the window and scrambled off the seat she had been occupying for the good portion of the day.

"She said she would be here five days ago!" Anna said.

"You know Elsa," Kristoff said. "Her Guardian duties must come first."

"Hmm," Anna said. "It was like that while she was alive. Her Queen duties always came first in that situation first too."

"Relax," Kristoff said looking up from his book. "She said she would be here. You just have to be patient."

"Kristoff," Anna said. "I have not seen my sister in over a year. Forgive me if I can't be patient."

"She will come," Kristoff said reassuringly.

"That's what you said last time," Anna said, "and the time before that."

"Elsa's busy," Kristoff said. "You can't blame her for that."

Anna shrugged slightly and returned to the window. Two figures came swooping down from the sky and landed on the bridge. That had to be Elsa and Jack. There was no denying it. How many people did Anna know who could fly? Anna bolted from the room and didn't even wait for the guards at the front doors to open the gate for her. She simply just flew through them and raced up the bridge to where Elsa and Jack were standing. Elsa was dusting off her dress when Anna collided with her and nearly knocked her over. Jack let out a laugh while Anna just hugged Elsa very tightly.

"Anna," Elsa croaked. "I can't breathe."

"Oh sorry," Anna let go of Elsa and she let out a breath of relief. Anna just stood there and beamed at her sister. Anna may be over sixty by now but she still had all the energy she once had as a child. Elsa kept reminding her of that fact. Anna just watched as Elsa attempted to be able to breathe again.

"So what's new?" Jack asked Anna as they headed back up the bridge towards the castle. Kristoff was standing by the open doors which led into the courtyard. He was smiling down at the two new guests.

"Oh nothing new," Anna said. "Some new grandkids but that's really it. Of course, someone would have known that if they were here last January." She glared hard at Elsa who cowered under the stare.

"Sorry," Elsa said. "Things got busy in Iceland. A huge snowstorm was expected and Jack didn't want to disappoint."

"Don't forget about that blizzard you caused in Canada," Jack said. "They will be shovelling snow there until the new year."

"Oh yeah," Elsa giggled. "That was fun."

"Sounds like you two were having fun," Anna said. "By any chance, were you two having more fun than you were supposed to?"

"Anna!" Elsa looked highly embarrassed while Jack blushed scarlet and Anna giggled.

"Only joking," Anna said. "Well come on in!"

"Well we can't stay too long," Elsa said.

"What?" Anna looked highly disappointed. "But I have so much planned!"

"Well Jack has a surprise for me," Elsa said. "Don't know what it is though. He says it will be fun though."

"Couldn't Jack have planned the surprise next week?" Anna glared at him. Even though she really wanted Jack to be her future brother-in-law, sometimes his poor planning was not something that Anna really cherished."

"Well no," Elsa said. "That's why we're here. I thought we could pop by on our way over. There's been so much happening recently. That's why I couldn't have come by earlier despite me actually saying I could. Things have just popped up."

"Not with Pitch though?" Anna said her face turning into some look of concern.

"Oh no," Jack said. "He's long gone, well for now at least. He's probably all tucked up in his lair feeling all bad because we got him a second time. But what happened to that Hans guy that he paired up with?"

"Shipped back to The Southern Isles," Anna said. "King Viktor II was not happy when I told him what Hans had been up to. He's back in his prison cell where he belongs. Hopefully this time he will stay there."

"That's good," Elsa said. "May he rot there forever."

Anna led Elsa inside the castle where they sat down in the lounge where Anna had sat waiting for Elsa and Jack. A servant came in and offered them all tea. They all accepted it and soon Anna had a hot cup of tea in front of her. Small talk was the main topic of their conversation while they drank their tea. Elsa talked about all adventures that she had been having with Jack. They all sounded so fascinating. To be able to travel around the world in a carefree manner and be able to bring winter to the places to go seemed like such a wonderful and amazing thing to be able to do. Anna sometimes wondered what that would feel like. Jack had taken her on a couple of flights around Arendelle to the Ice Castle on Anna's request. Anna had felt the feeling of flight was something spectacular and was something that was completely indescribable. She had never felt so free.

After Elsa had told Anna everything that had been happening with her, it was Anna's turn. Not much had changed in Arendelle. Arendelle was just slowly expanding and changing overtime but nothing too drastic. Elsa had been fascinated to hear what had been happening in Arendelle since the untimely occurrence of her death and during the times that she had been away with Jack on their adventures. They would talk and talk and talk about everything. Anna hadn't felt this connection with her sister in years, well not since her death which even though Elsa was now, maybe not alive, with them, it was still very painful. It had been some very difficult years for Anna although, she felt like she had gotten over them.

Eventually after what seemed only minutes, the grandfather clock in the room liked to disagree with that, Elsa and Jack stood up and said that they had to go. Elsa was looking forward to this surprise that Jack had planned for her. Elsa had told Anna that Jack had planned this for a while now and she was eager to discover what it was. Anna didn't want to say goodbye. She never knew when she would next see her sister. She felt like their visits were too far apart from each other. Anna got up and gave Elsa a massive hug and didn't let go for several minutes.

"I'll see you soon," Elsa said.

"When?" Anna asked.

"I'll pop round whenever I can," Elsa said. "I know it's hard but this is the life I now lead. It's unpredictable kind of like the weather."

"I understand," Anna said. "It's just hard not seeing you every day like I used to. But at least I actually get to see you again."

"Yeah," Elsa nodded. "It's not like I'm still dead. I'm here to stay now."

"Yes you are," Anna grinned.

Elsa and Jack left Arendelle after a teary goodbye from Anna. It had been amazing to see Anna and Kristoff again but also sad to say goodbye. Elsa wished that she could stay a lot longer and judging by what Jack was saying about needing a break, it may be possible for them to stay in Arendelle for a while. They wanted it to be surprise so when they showed up, Anna will be both extremely surprised and thrilled. However, the thing on Elsa's mind at the moment was the surprise that Jack was planning.

He flew, carrying Elsa, in a direction that was north of Arendelle. Jack had a grin plastered all over his face as he flew. They soon appeared back in North's workshop. North grinned at them while they entered and Jack took Elsa to a room filled with snow globes. He picked up that had a little town in it. Jack gave Elsa one more smile before he smashed in into the ground. Elsa felt some strange feeling as she was somehow sucked through some kind of portal and barely a few seconds later, Elsa's feet slammed into the ground. She looked around and found herself in a town that she didn't recognise.

"Where are we?" Elsa asked Jack.

"Burgess," Jack said simply.

"The place where you once lived?" Elsa inquired sounding quite curious.

"Indeed," Jack nodded.

"Why are we here?" Elsa asked as they set up the high street together.

"Got a little something to show you," Jack said with a cheeky grin.

Elsa grabbed Jack's arm with both of hers while they walked down the street. She tried to get out whatever Jack was planning out of Jack but he managed to keep his secret. Elsa wondered what it could be. Jack had taken Elsa to his home town, so could Jack be taking her to his family? But then Elsa remembered that Jack's family had died many years ago. Maybe he was showing her his old home? Potentially, Elsa wasn't about to rule it out. Perhaps there was some kind winter festival going on in the area. That would explain why they had to come here today. It could be like a one day event thing. Elsa's brain kept whizzing around as she tried to think of something that Jack would bring her all the way to Burgess for. He didn't tell her to bring anything like a winter coat or something, not that they needed one as the cold never bothered them anyway. That probably meant that everything they needed was at this mysterious place that Jack was bringing her to. Elsa looked up and saw that Jack had a smile on his face. He could tell what Elsa's brain was thinking about.

"Nearly there," he said.

"Good," Elsa said, "because the suspense is killing me."

Jack laughed at this. Eventually they came to what looked like a small park which had a bunch of children playing around in it. Was this what Jack had brought her to see? Maybe one or more of these children was special to Jack. Or maybe the children were just the starting position. This surprise had Elsa all rallied up. As soon as Jack approached them, the kids all went crazy. They raced at Jack and started to scream.


"It's Jack!"

"Are you here for another snow day?"

Clearly someone was popular. Elsa giggled as Jack was surrounded by a bunch of these little children who clearly all wanted a piece of him (well also a snow day which Jack was never ever going to deny). Jack smiled down at each kid and even picked up a couple to throw into the air before he caught them. The children just seemed to love Jack and Elsa knew why. Jack was just great with children.

"Okay, okay," Jack said over the hubbub of noise. "I have a surprise for you."

"What's the surprise Jack?" several kids yelled in delight.

"I have a friend here with me," Jack said, "but I don't know if you can see her."

Several kids got a confused look on their faces. They scanned the area but they didn't do anything further. Some just shrugged their shoulders as if to say something like 'don't know what you mean Jack'. Elsa knew what was on. Jack was trying to get some believers for her but she didn't think that was just the surprise. Elsa already had a few believers around the world thanks to Jack and there was of course Anna, Kristoff and the others back home in Arendelle.

"You just got to believe," Jack said. "She's standing right there."

He pointed over to where Elsa was standing which wasn't that far from where Jack was standing. He waited as the kids tried their best to try and see Jack's friend.

"I see her!" a boy suddenly yelled.

"And me," said the girl standing next to him.

Jack's grin got wider. "Jamie and Sophie, I knew you could do it."

Soon all of the others managed to see Elsa too. They grouped around her and suddenly Elsa felt surrounded. They were all yelling something at her with little looks of glee on their faces. They all looked so happy to have finally be able to see Elsa.

"Woah," one kid said. "She's really beautiful."

"She's really something."

"Is she your girlfriend Jack?" that comment by one child had both Jack and Elsa blushing a little bit but luckily went unnoticed.

"Calm down," Jack said.

"What can you do?" Jamie said eagerly.

"I'm the Snow Queen," Elsa said in her best regal voice (it hadn't been hard as Elsa had pretty much been using one since she was in her mid-teens). "Therefore I can make it snow and make ice. Like Jack, only better."

Jack slightly scowled at this.

"Make it snow!" Sophie squealed which was met with several kids yelling in delight.

Elsa obliged and she raised her hand up to the sky. Suddenly little drops of snow were softly falling to the ground. The kids all yelled in delight.

"Watch what else I can do," Elsa said. She then swirled her hand around in a circle motion and suddenly Olaf was with them. Elsa had discovered that she had a few new abilities and summoning up her snowmen to anywhere she wanted was one of them.

"Hi my name is Olaf and I like warm hugs," Olaf said with his arms wide.

"Woah," one kid said.

"It can talk!"

"I love you Olaf," Sophie said giving Olaf a big hug.

It wasn't too long before Olaf and the other kids were all busy playing together. Elsa may it snow even harder so more snow appeared on the ground. The children participated in a snowball fight which had Jack and Elsa on opposing teams. Elsa laughed hard when Jack got a face full of snow from her but it wasn't so funny when Jack did the same thing to her. Jack eventually led Elsa aside while the kids were building snowmen while Olaf watched. They had just accepted that Elsa could make talking snowman like that. Elsa guessed that they were around so much magic from Jack anyway that it just seemed to be a regular thing. Although, they did look rather surprised when Elsa showed them Olaf. They had taken to him straight away and Olaf had taken to them straight away. Olaf liked to play all day long if he could. Back home in Arendelle, that's all he did with Gustav and now Henrik who was old enough to play.

"So?" Jack asked. "What do you think?"

"I think this day has been amazing," Elsa sighed as she leaned on Jack's shoulder.

"The surprise was meeting Jamie and Sophie," Jack said. Together they watched the brother and sister with aid from Olaf chase a boy who had stolen Olaf's carrot nose. Elsa was giggling at the sight.

"I'm guessing they play a rather significant role," Elsa said.

"Indeed," Jack said. "Jamie was the one who believed when no one else did. Last time when Pitch was all strong and mighty, he had managed to cause nearly every kid in the world not to believe in me. Jamie was the last one and he believed. I thank him every day for believing in me because without him, I might not be here and the world may not either. He's a great kid and a great friend. This is why I wanted you to meet him – well him and his sister."

"He does seem like a great kid," Elsa said. Her eyes locked back onto Jamie. He had managed to get Olaf's nose back and he was doing some kind of celebration dance. It was rather cute to watch.

"Of course," Jack said, "he's not the only one who's great around here." He grinned in Elsa's direction who blushed slightly. "Elsa, I never want to let you go. I love you so much and it gives me great joy to see you happy and smiling."

"Me too," Elsa said. "I feel the same way. I love you so much too Jack."

"I want it to make it my life's mission to make you happy every single day," Jack said.

"Oh Jack," Elsa said. "You already do by being here with me. The best part of it is, is that we have the rest of time to be with each other. I never want to be apart."

"I love you," Jack said pushing some hair out of Elsa's face and looking deeply into her eyes.

"I love you," Elsa said looking deeply into his.

Their lips met and Elsa let happiness swim through her just like how it has been ever since Jack and her got together. They had, had nothing but happiness and Elsa knew that's how it was going to be like in the future.

A/N: So this is the end of this story. I hope that everyone has enjoyed reading this. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, favourited and followed this story. Really appreciated all the support. If you want to ask anything don't hesitate to PM me. So anyway, please review =)