Hi, first time at a Merlin Fic. I read a few stories of Morgana casting love spells on Merlin and found them funny as heck. Not sure if I ship Merlin and Morgana but I wanted to write this. Just an idea I had while starring off into space. REVEW and tell me what you think.


Morgana was really getting annoyed of all her failed attempts to take over Camelot. She was furious that she had to try so hard to take what was rightfully hers. She gave up so much, including the life of her beloved sister, to take the crown and all she seemed to do was fail over and over again. Yet, no matter how many attempts it took she was going to successful. The Kingdom WAS going to bow down to her. Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, and the others WERE going to pay for everything.

She was working on her new plan to take over Camelot. She needed an ally with in Camelot. She needed someone who was close to the king and who had Arthur's complete trust, someone who it was impossible to even image that they would betray the king. Merlin was the exact someone she needed.

Merlin was not exactly the fool everyone thought him to be. He had foiled her plans countless times and survived the countless times she had tried to kill him. Even when she programmed him to kill Arthur he still somehow pulled himself out of the Enchantment. She had no idea how he did it, but he could be extremely useful to her if she could get him under her power. She knew the exact kind of enchantment she wanted to use on him.

She had been experimenting with countless love spells. She always struggled on mastering love spells but she so close to getting it right. She needed to get an enchantment so that Merlin would fall head over heels. He would be so infatuated with her that his loyalty to Arthur would mean nothing to him anymore. He would be so in love that he literally would throw himself off a cliff to make her happy. She could get him to spy on the kingdom for her and hopefully even her kill Arthur.

She went to her cabinet and grabbed a jar holding a few strands of Merlin's hair. Luckily last time she held him captive she was smart enough to collect some of his hair for future reference. She then plucked a stand of her own hair from her head and dropped both strands into a boiling pot. She added a few more ingredients and watched as it turned bright pink and gave off a sweet smell. She grabbed a needle and slowly pressed the tip into the pot. She grinned as it started to hiss and pulled it out. One prick from this and Merlin would fall for her, hard.

Just as she reached for a cloth to wrap around the needle when suddenly a huge noise startled her. She whipped around to see that it was only her beloved dragon running with to show her the bird between its teeth. She smiled fondly for a second then realized she felt a small pain in the side of her hand. She looked down to see the needle had pricked the side of her hand. Her head began to spin and she suddenly found that just standing was difficult. She stumbled and then everything went black.

Morgana groaned as she opened her eyes. Her head hurt and it took her a moment to realize were she was, on the floor. She suddenly sat up as she remembered where she was she panicked. She had accidently enchanted herself. She could not believe that she had made such armature move. Her plan to get a spy into Camelot failed because of herself; for once it was not Merlin's fault….

Even the thought of Merlin made her heart flutter. She giggled at the thought of her adorable Merlin and his stunning blue eyes. She would love run her fingers through his black hair and kiss him…. She knew her feelings towards him were because of the enchantment and it would probably be smart to find a cure. No, she liked the way she felt. She loved the warm feeling in her chest she got and she never wanted to part with it.

The more she thought about it, she realized something. She would not do anything to make him happy nor would she throw herself off a cliff to please him. She must have did something wrong with the spell. She still had her common sense. She must have done something wrong with the spell and for the first time she was happy that she made a mistake on her magic. She did love him, but she also wanted have the crown. She smirked; she wanted him to be her king.

Of course he would never betray his loyalty to Arthur he would die before he even thought about it. Not to mention he hated Morgana. She would have to enchant him, but something stronger then she herself was enchanted with. Under this spell she loved him but still wanted to get what she wanted. Even if he loved her like this he would still want to protect Arthur. She would have to use the spell she was going to use in the first time. Then he would love her more than his loyalty to Arthur and once it was all over he would be her king.

She could already see him sitting on the throne next to her. Oh, they would hold such royal events. They would dance all night. She twirled around the room and hummed a tune as she danced with her imaginary Merlin. He would soon be completely hers.


Hey, tell me what you think. REVIEW PLEASE