Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since the last update. We appreciate your reviews! ;) Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Cole had never been very close or friendly with the other members of the gang besides Tobias. Most of them were older than him; most of them thought of him as a weak runt not good for very much, and feeling and experiencing things he shouldn't be experiencing yet. Leave that for the big guys. You're not old enough to be allowed these things they would say to him.

With all this in mind, Cole wasn't really excited to train with them.

Together Cole and Tobias walked into the main room.

"Glad you two finally decided to show up." A senior member called at them from the sofa.

Tobias rolled his eyes. The rest of the gangs attitude wasn't helping Cole settle into this life, and it certainly wasn't helping whatever issues Cole had. He really wasn't sure what Cole's past was; Cole wasn't exactly chatty. Tobias snorted to himself. No, Cole definitely wasn't chatty.

Cole looked at Tobias questioningly, and Tobias shrugged.

"Alright everyone," the Boss said, calling the meeting into order. "First things first, there are some skills we as a team need to perfect." He paced back and forth; all eyes were on him. "Hand to hand combat for one. Firearm handling as another. And of course you all know how to lockpick, but do you all know how to crack a safe? And Cole, your puniness will come in handy for once. You will receive more training, and not just the basics."

There were whispers throughout the group. Cole just stood there in silence, not knowing what to expect.

"We will begin with hand to hand combat. Get your weapons from the table and choose a partner. I want to start with warming up - show me what you can do."

People pushed each other trying to get the best weapons. Cole was jostle and pushed to the back, and had to wait until everyone had gotten theirs. Of course the oldest and flimsiest knife was left. Tobias hadn't thought of Cole. Sometimes he only thought himself. Not that this moment was anything that mattered. It just would've been nice not to have been pushed and nearly trampled.

Cole paired with Tobias and they began sparring. Tobias started out rather easy on him, then steadily pushed harder. Cole hadn't done much fighting before, and was definitely an ameteur; but he held his own against Tobias for a while.

The Boss nodded approvingly at Cole as they sparred. Tobias hit Cole over the head with the bottom of the knife. Cole stumbled. It wasn't entirely unexpected considering Tobias, but it was still painful. The Boss just told Cole to "pick himself up", he was leaving himself open to another attack. Cole flipped him off as soon as his back was turned. Tobias stifled a laugh, and Cole rolled his eyes.

Cole stood up and dusted himself off. He attacked Tobias with a side-swipe. Tobias blocked, and Cole twisted his dagger in his hand and hit Tobias under the chin with the back end of the dagger. Tobias stepped back and rubbed his chin.

"Nice hit kid," he said. "But you need to work on your aim."

"But I hit you."

"Not squarely. It was a little to the right, I didn't get hit with the full impact."

Cole rolled his eyes. He attacked Tobias again, this time aiming for the stomach. He started with a small attack to lure Tobias's blade, where Cole knocked it out his hand and hit him in the stomach with the butt of his dagger. Tobias was surprised.

"That was good. How.. did you knock my dagger out my hand. I didn't know you were strong enough; you're such a runt."

"I'm not a runt, ************. And I'm stronger than you think."

"Whoa, first of all language. I would never," Tobias said with a coy smile, "And second of all, **** you."

Cole threw down his dagger and said "You hypocrite!", though he was almost laughing inside. He stormed out of the room.

The Boss turned around. "I turn my back for a minute and everything falls apart! **** this ****."

"AND YOU WONDER WHERE I LEARN IT FROM!" Cole shouted from the stairs.

"**** YOU!" Tobias and the Boss both shouted at Cole.

"**** YOU!" Cole shouted back, as he stomped up the stairs. At the landing he started kicking the wall. The entire company in the training room stood in an awkward silence, listening to each thump. Finally the Boss sighed. They heard Cole yell and slam the door to his room.

"Well-I-think-that's-enough-training-for-today-whatdya-say." The Boss said quickly. Everyone nodded in agreement and quickly dispersed. Tobias, The Boss and Ronnie stayed in the room. Ronnie awkwardly grabbed a box of cereal and sat at the table, eating straight from the package, staring at The Boss and Tobias.

"You should probably go talk to him." The Boss said, giving Tobias a pleading look.

"No, you're the one in charge. This is your problem." Tobias said, shaking his head and folding his arms.

"What? I didn't even want him. You brought him here, you deal with him."

"How was I supposed to know the kid had anger issues?" Tobias said defensively. He paused before saying "Wait, thinking of it I totally should have seen this coming."

The Boss threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Look, let's just let him cool off." Tobias suggested. The Boss nodded.

"He reminds me of a psychotic badger I met once." Ronnie said from the table.

Tobias and The Boss stared at him in silence.

'One things for sure,' Tobias mused to himself 'This was going to be an interesting next couple of months.'

So we were trying to show how messed up Cole is right now, as he hasn't had any sort of good atmosphere for his bringing-up - basically his whole life is and has always been stinky and dirty, and his childhood is practically non-existent.