Dismembered Survivors

Chapter One

I don't own Metroid or the Halo franchise.

As the day begins to fade, the night and what lies within grew nearer. Samus Aran looked out of her orange Jeep as the trees began to engulf them further into the heart of the forest making her safe house appear closer. Her golden long hair fluttered in the wind as she stepped harder on the pedal relishing in the speed. "Here we are, boy." A loud bark caused her to grin and ruffle his hair.

A rusted gate stopped their path and Samus looked behind them. "I'll be right back, O.K.? A small whimper replied. She grabbed her S-12 that lay by her feet and cautiously got out of the car. Her combat boots smacked against the mud creating a steep crater, and procured a key from her jean pocket. She placed the key into the gate hole and let out a sigh of relief. "Home, sweet home." A loud bark abruptly shook her from her mini second of dreaming back to reality, that and the two rough hands on her shoulders.

She immediately reached for the Eickhorn Advanced combat knife stored in a secret compartment of her boots when a loud laugh stopped her. "It's just me princess." She loosened up and placed the knife back. "I could've killed you, Anthony." Her tone was evidently annoyed and he was humored at that.

"Just keeping your skills up." He teased. "Oh and hey, I caught three when you were gone, thought you might want to check them out. Now. I'm no scientist but I can tell they're freshly turned; Still having one of those 'episodes'.

"Thanks and by the way, don't ever do that again." Her voice was full of anger at the realization that she could've been bitten for being so careless. She turned to face him only to find a large smile. "Gotta keep you on your toes some how. She reluctantly gave into the smile and gave him a light punch in the shoulder. His big smile turned into a mixture of pain and embarrassment as he winced and rubbed it. "Looks like the other 'side' of you is coming out." Her brows instantly knotted together and she took a step back. "You know I have limited control over it."

"I'm sorry princess, I didn't-" A loud growl interrupted their conversation as four inhuman creatures ran toward them. "Anthony, get in the car!" His eyes widened and gave her an unsure look. "Like hell, I leaving you with four!"

"Now!" Her tone was that to when she was commanding in the marines. He didn't dare question her as he climbed into the driver's seat. She grabbed the shotgun from the sling around her shoulder as the creatures began to approach and waited until one was within arm's reach. She let out a torrent of bullets right into it's head causing it to fly back into the others and crimson brain matter to burst bits to coat her face.

Grabbing her knife in her boots, she tightened her grip and sliced off the next throat. With abnormal speed, she grabbed the upcoming two by their heads and cracked them together caking her with even more brain matter.

A loud howl reminded her that she wasn't alone and headed back to the car. She let out a deep sigh as she looked down noticing the once white now blood soaked camisole. "This is why I can't have nice things in this life." She grumbled to herself.

"That was quite the show, princess." She climbed in the passenger side, wiped the blood and sweat from her forearm and just patted her companion on the floor. "Lets go see the three you caught after that, I'm done for the day."

Hello! Thanks for reading, it's short but more will quickly follow along with John's appearance If you guys want this to be updated more that Simple Missions That Aren't Simple, just leave a comment saying so and I'll work on the other story more often. I for one haven't seen any drastic AU's about these two so I thought it would be fun to do this for a change of scenery. Leave a comment, suggestions or reviews and I would love to hear what you guys want to expect from this story, thanks for reading! I'll update once I have at least 1 review.