Christmas Magic Chapter One

Hi everyone! This is my very first Christmas fic ever! Please read and review. Oh yeah, I do not and never will own Sailor Moon. This fic will be a three-part fic. It starts December 23rd and ends on Christmas Day. I may do an Epilogue, but it depends on how much response I get from my story. Enjoy!

**************************************************************************** ** December 23rd

The streets of Tokyo were normally busy, but this time of year was more crowded than usual. Children were being held closely by their parents. Couples were walking hand in hand. Santa Clause was on every corner. Others stopped to look in shop windows, while some wrapped their arms around themselves fighting off the cold. Yet there were still more people roaming about; busily doing last minute shopping, or trying to find that perfect gift for a friend or loved one.

A gentle snow began to fall, and a young woman sighed blissfully. It was her favorite time of year. She loved the decorations and everything about Christmas. Yet, something was troubling her. She envied the happy couples. She had been like them once. Walking down the streets hand in hand, shopping, smiling, and laughing. How she missed doing those things.

As she continued walking down the street she stopped in front of the arcade. She loved this arcade. She walked in and sat at one of the stools.

A young, handsome, sandy blonde-headed man smiled at her. He waved and signaled that he'd only be a minute. He walked up to her and said, " Long time no see. What will you have Serena?"

" Nice to see you too Andy, hot chocolate if you don't mind."

" Of course, and this time it's on the house."

" Thanks," she said and smiled up at him.

Andrew Thompson was one of Serena's best friends. Her other friends had all moved around the world and were doing great things.

Ray was currently on tour in Europe. She had become a famous singer. She wrote and composed her own music. Her music was well known.

Her friend Amy had moved to Germany and was one of the best medical doctors in the country. She had even developed a cure for cancer.

Then there was Lita. Lita loved to cook and was a great chef. After graduating college, she opened a fancy restraunt in Tokyo called Rose Gardens. Her restraunt soon became a hit and she opened many chains around the world. Lita could have lived almost anywhere she wanted, but chose to stay in Tokyo with Serena.

Mina had fulfilled her life long dream. She signed contracts for modeling agencies and had quickly made a name of herself.

Last but not least, was Darien. Darien was Serena's boyfriend. Darien had moved to Boston and attended Harvard. He got his Ph.D. in medicine and went to work for Boston Medical Center. He and Serena were still together. Darien wouldn't have stayed in Boston if Serena had not wanted him to stay. As we all know, Serena did want Darien to stay, but didn't want to ruin the opportunity of a lifetime so she let him go.

So, what was Serena doing with her life? Serena had graduated from Tokyo University at the top of her class. She quickly opened up a fashion- design business called Serenity. Her designs had quickly become hits and all around the world people wore her fashions.

Now it was only Serena, Lita, and Andrew. The three had become extremely close during the past few years. Especially Serena and Andrew. Now, back to the present.

Andrew set two mugs on the counter and sat in one of the stools. They both took a sip of their hot chocolate and Andrew asked, " So have you heard from Darien lately?"

" No. I guess life gets busy as a doctor. At least he makes a point to come see me every couple of months."

" So how are you doing with this long distance thing?"

Serena looked down at her cup and sighed, " Not too good, Andrew. It's hard, it really is. I can't stand to see all the happy couples because it makes me think of Darien. He's in Boston and I'm in Tokyo. I love him and I always will, but I don't know if he still feels the same. He could of met someone and Boston for all I know."

" Don't think like that Serena. Darien loves you with all his heart. He is coming for Christmas right?"

" Yeah. His plane is suppose to get in tomorrow."

" Well that's great. I bet you're excited."

" Yeah, I guess. I just hope he makes it this time. The last several times things have come up at the hospital and he hasn't been able to make it."

" Don't worry," smiled Andrew," he'll make it." **************************************************************************** ** Later that night

A fire burned in the fireplace. Serena was cuddled in a blanket on the sofa reading a book. The silence was interrupted when the phone rang.

Serena answered, " Hello."

" Serena it's me."

" Darien, hi! I cant' wait to see you tomorrow."

" Well here's the thing."

Serena sighed awaiting the bad news.

" I'm at the airport right now. My late flight for tonight is cancelled because of the snowstorm, so it looks like I won't be able to make it after all. I'm so sorry I'm going to miss Christmas, but I'll make it up to you. I promise."

" I'm sure you will."

" Serena don't be mad."

" I'm not mad," whispered Serena silently, " just disappointed."

" I know. Me too. Well I'll call you on Christmas. I love you."

" I love you too."

**************************************************************************** ** Boston

Darien Shields put the phone down and walked down the hospital hallway. He had lied to Serena, but it was well worth it. He knocked on his boss's door and walked inside.

" Ah, Mr. Shields. Come to say goodbye have we?"

" Yes Doctor White. It was great working with you."

" You're one of the best Shields. I'm just sorry you have to quit. You're going to do great things in your life."

" I know sir. I'll miss working here in Boston. But I miss my girlfriend even more."

" I don't understand why'd you'd quit your job over her Shields."

" I have something up my sleeves, Doctor White."

" Ah, I see. Well you better leave. You don't want to miss your flight."

" You're right. Merry Christmas."

" Merry Christmas to you too! Good luck, and I'll send a recommendation to Tokyo Hospital."

" Thanks."

**************************************************************************** **

Andrew was just getting ready to sweep the arcade when Serena walked in.

" Hi Serena."

" Hi Andrew," sniffed Serena.

" What's wrong?"

" Darien can't be home for Christmas. His flight got cancelled because of snow."

Andrew just shook his head and said, " That's too bad."

" Why don't you seem upset about this! He blew me off again for God knows what!"

" Darien says his flight got cancelled. So it's not his fault."

" I can't believe you. He's your best friend and you haven't seen him in months! You act like you don't care at all!"

" I do care. Serena calm down. Maybe he can catch another flight tomorrow. But right now I have to go home. I'll see you tomorrow."

**************************************************************************** **

Andrew was walking down the street when his cell phone rang.

" Hello."

" Hey buddy."

" Hi Darien. So is your flight still coming in tomorrow morning?"

" Yeah, around 7:00 a.m."

" I'll pick you up at the airport at seven then."

" So how's Serena?"

" She's mad at me because she thinks that I don't care that you can't come."

" Oh, sorry about that man."

" It'll be okay. Well if I have to get up early, I'm gonna need some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow Dare."

" See ya tomorrow."

**************************************************************************** ** And so you have it. December 23rd is over. Why is Darien coming to Japan? Why did he quit his job? Find out in the next chapter: December 24th. Please Review. I'll update sooner if I get some reviews. Cya.