Author's notes:
You can also read this story on my Deviant-Art page: gallery/ (If this link does not work just search for cakeaholic on DA)
(Parts off this story are slightly different from the one that is posted on my DA gallery, but I promise that they're both good and worth reading) :)
This fic follows the anime and not the manga.
The characters Lord Death, Stein, Spirit, Crona and Ragnarok will not be in any future chapters, since this fic mostly focuses on the main gang rather than all the other characters as well, sorry if this disappoints you in any way.
Italics - means the person is thinking just so you know.
Warning: This story is a sad one and I understand if it makes you want to cry, or kill me for making it, as I have been there myself before LOL XD
Writer's POV:
It has now been a while since the great Kishin, 'Asura' was defeated, and the young gang of Meisters and weapons have been improving well since then, Maka and Soul have collected 36 Kishin souls so far and are slowly getting better at their fighting and resonating skills.
Black Star and Tsubaki have collected about 16 Kishin souls so far but come close to losing many of those missions, and Black Star is slowly getting more used to using 'The Enchanted sword' mode.
Death The Kid and his girls have collected about 88 Kishin souls and are now known as the strongest fighting trio in all of the D.W.M.A.
As for Crona, he and Ragnarok are slowly adjusting to school life at the D.W.M.A, and to get them started on missions the two have been sent to a far off location and so far they're both doing very well together, but sadly no one has been able to contact them since they left Death City.
However while all this has been going on the young Reaper, Death the Kid has been thinking and talking to his Father about taking solo missions, so that he can get the feeling of how it will be for him once he becomes a fully-fledged Grim Reaper. And so today is his leaving day.
He shouldn't be gone long since he has picked a fairly easy Kishin who has taken control over a small town called, 'Wondrous Valley' (the town isn't too far away from Death City). Despite its name the small town is now dull and mostly empty, the only people that were able to survive and hide away from the Kishin now are homeless, and some of them have become crazed, dangerous and very violent. Sadly it would seem that the Kishin has ruined what was once a lovely little town that had always lived up to its name, until now.
So the young Reaper was ready to leave for his first solo mission, but before leaving he of course had to say his goodbyes to all the others.
Maka's POV:
So there we all were, saying our goodbyes and waving Kid off as we all were gathered at the entrance of the D.W.M.A. Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Soul and I and even Lord Death had come by to wish the young Reaper good luck on his trip.
"Now are you sure you don't want us to just tag along with you?" Liz asked obviously worried about her Meister.
"Yes," Kid simply answered with that charming, gentle-man smile of his that would always make me feel weak in the knees.
"But what if something goes wrong and you get-
"Nothing will go wrong, Trust me I'll be fine," Kid cut off Liz as he reassured her with a kind smile and a small pat on her shoulder, which seemed to calm her nerves somewhat.
"Don't worry sis, Kiddo's a big boy now, he can take care of himself," Patty added as she too patted her older sister on the shoulder.
"They're right, there's no reason to worry, Kiddo picked a very easy Kishin, and the people that are still in the small town often stay hidden, so I really doubt he'll run into any of them. This mission will most likely be a walk in the park for him," Lord Death chimed in as he walked over to the trio and patted Liz on her head gently.
'Both Kid and Lord Death have made quite the connection with the sisters over these few years,' I thought with a smile as I watched Kid and his Dad comfort the older weapon.
"Don't worry Liz if the Reaper messes this up, I'll be sure to give him a talking to afterwards," Black Star added as he cracked his knuckles loudly.
"Are you going to step in a save me if I fail to defeat the Kishin?" Kid asked with a mocking smirk now playing on his lips as he looked to Black Star, while Liz and Patty chuckled at their Meisters question.
"WHAT, NO! If you mess this up I'll smack some sense into you for failing at something so easy," Black Star shot back with a glare to Kid, "Got it Reaper boy?" Black Star asked as he grabbed hold of Kid's collar and held onto it tightly with both hands.
"Got it," Kid replied with a nod, before he took Black Star's hands off of his collar, and just smiled to Tsubaki, who was now standing next to her Meister, while she smiled nervously to Kid.
"I'm sorry Kid, I think he's just trying to say that we'll be looking forward to when you come back," Tsubaki bowed slightly as she pulled Black Star away from Kid.
"It's alright, I'll miss you too Black Star," Kid replied with another mocking smirk as he looked back to Black Star.
"Who said I was going to miss you?" Black Star mumbled under his breath, before Tsubaki pulled him to one side, in order to avoid the two strong Meisters getting into an argument of sorts.
And so while Tsubaki was calming Black Star down and Lord Death and Patty were still comforting and reassuring Liz, Kid walked over to soul and I.
"I'm surprised you haven't said anything yet Soul," Kid commented as he smirked to my weapon.
"I'm just glad that we'll be free of your freakish symmetry habits for a while," Soul simply replied with a blank expression to Kid.
Kid just chuckled slightly, before he turned to me. My heart started to beat a little faster as butterflies started to flutter around in my stomach, while I smiled to Kid slightly.
"I'm gonna miss you Maka," Kid said with that wonderful and charming smile of his that made my head spin and my cheeks go red.
"I'm going to miss you too, Kid," I replied in a low tone as I now felt my heart beating frantically in my chest. I ended up turning away slightly as Kid gazed into my dark emerald eyes, while I was being drawn into looking into his shining golden ones.
"Kid, promise me you'll be back soon at least," Liz spoke up as she walked over to Soul, Kid and I.
"I promise, I'll be back before you know it," Kid replied as he turned to Liz and smiled to her reassuringly again, before he smiled back to me again slightly, making my blush deepen slightly.
Kid walked Liz back over to her younger sister and gave them both a small hug, before he smiled to them both, while Liz was clearly holding back tears.
"Girls are always so emotional," My partner sighed with a bored look on his face as he obviously just wanted to go back to our home now.
Everyone then said their goodbyes' to Kid and wished him good luck, before he summoned his floating skateboard and stepped onto it, ready to leave.
"Well, I'm off," Kid stated before his skateboard rose up into the sky, while we all waved to him. For a minute I saw Kid wink to me slightly, making me blush again, before he turned and flew off into the far horizon, and was out of sight in what seemed like a second to us all.
I smiled slightly as I gazed in the direction Kid had just flew off in, and wished that his mission would go smoothly, and that he would be home soon. But at that moment something felt terribly wrong to me.
For some reason that I unfortunately couldn't find, I could hear my head telling me that we had all made a big mistake by letting Kid go on this mission all by himself. I just brushed off the feeling as it was probably just my nerves getting to me, but I just wasn't able to shake off the feeling that this was going to be the last time we were all going to see Kid for a VERY long time. I felt like this had been our very last goodbye with that charming Reaper and I just had no idea why.
I wished and prayed that the feeling would go away, but it didn't. I tried to think positively, but that didn't help at all, if anything it made my worries worsen slightly.
We were all now starting to hope that Kid wouldn't be gone for that long, but I felt that he wouldn't be coming back for a very, VERY long time, my heart began to ache slightly at that thought.
Maka's POV:
It had been about four or five days since Kid had left for his solo mission, and with every passing day this terrible feeling I have that he wasn't going to be coming back anytime soon has been growing worse and worse.
All I could think about while sitting in class was, 'I'm wrong he'll come home soon, but…But what if I'm right? Then what?' I really wanted Kid to come home soon and prove me wrong, I needed him too. I would probably go insane if he didn't.
Just when I was able to push those thoughts and feelings to the back of my mind for a minute, and try to focus on the lesson that Professor Stein was teaching us all right now, Lord Death walked into the classroom.
Everyone looked to him surprised to see him here and now, while Stein stopped the lesson and also looked to Lord Death with a surprised, and quite confused look on his face.
"Students I have some terrible news," Lord Death spoke, choking back what sounded like a sob of sorts to me.
Everyone seemed even more confused now as they could all tell that something was bothering the great Grim Reaper. I however was shaking slightly as my heart started beating faster, and I could feel tears slowly welling up in my eyes, 'What's going on? Why do I feel like this?' I asked myself before Lord Death spoke again, as if to answer my question, and answer my question he did alright.
"My son, Kid he's…He's dead. He was killed shortly after defeating the Kishin in that small town, we're still trying to figure out how and why," Lord Death paused for a moment as he swallowed quite loudly, "That is all, I'm sorry to have disturbed your lesson Stein," He said with a bow to Stein, before he left out the door and closed it behind him.
I looked around and could see that everyone in the classroom was speechless, shocked and some were already close to tears like myself.
I felt overwhelmed and empty for a minute as I looked down to where Liz and Patty were sitting.
"Kiddo's dead?" Patty asked as tears started to run down her cheeks, while she looked to her older sister.
"It seems that way," Liz answered in a low tone, she also looked close to tears, but was seeming to be more able to control herself then her younger sister.
"But he promised that he'd come back soon," Patty stated as her shoulders began to shake and she started to sob slightly.
"I know Patty, but it seems that he wasn't able to keep his promise," Liz replied before she wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her tightly, while Patty started to sob louder, and more tears ran down her already tear-stained cheeks. I could see that Liz was crying slightly too as she held onto her sobbing sister tightly.
I looked over to Black Star, he was still too shocked to say or do anything it would seem, as he sat there staring off into space with wide eyes.
I looked to Tsubaki who was sitting just beside her Meister, she seemed close to tears as well, as she covered her mouth with her hand, so that her slight sobs were muffled slightly.
I lastly turned to my partner who was sitting beside me, he was quietly cursing under his breath as his teeth were clenched together, while his hands were in tight fists, making his knuckles turn a bright shade of white, as his hands began to shake slightly.
My mind was going blank as I felt like I wasn't even there in that classroom right now, I looked around at all the devastated students like I was watching some drama on T.V or something. Even Stein seemed overwhelmed with the sudden news as he sighed slightly, and ran his fingers through his grey hair.
I was then brought out of my trance-like state as I heard Soul speak to me, "Maka, are you alright?" He asked, a look of sheer worry and understanding was on his face as I turned to him slightly.
I nodded slightly to him as I felt no control over my actions or emotions anymore. My heart ached, my head hurt badly, tears had begun to stream down my face, and thoughts of Kid rushed through my head in all of a second. I could now feel my shoulders shaking violently, as a few slight sob escaped my lips.
"Soul…..He can't…..He can't be dead right? He…He told us he'd be back…He said that nothing would go wrong…..So…So he can't be dead right? Right?" I just about managed to get out as I choked back sobs and clenched my teeth together tightly.
"I'm sorry Maka, but he's gone," I almost couldn't hear Soul over the sound of my now pounding heart.
"No….Say it's not true Soul, please…..Please tell me it's not true…." I shook my head slightly as I just couldn't face or even think to imagine that Kid was now gone. That the feeling I had been having of him never coming back had now rung true, I didn't wanted to be right, I never wanted to be right in thinking that none of us would ever see him again, but we all had to face the cruel truth that I unfortunately was right all along.
"It's true Maka. Kid's not coming back home," Soul replied with a sigh, before he wrapped his arms around me and held my tightly, just like what Liz had done to Patty.
A feeling of great pain pierced through my entire body. I cried into Soul's chest as that perfect, charming smile of Kid's haunted my mind, and all I could feel was sadness and emptiness. I felt like I couldn't breathe properly as my chest felt tight and my breathing soon turned into heavy pants.
I could feel Soul softly rubbing my back while whispering a short, "Shh…" into my ear every now and again. He was trying to calm me down somewhat, but he's efforts were all in vain it would seem.
I now knew why I couldn't shake that feeling off, it was because that feeling was telling me what would happen. I don't know how or why, but I really wished that I had listened to it now, I wish that I had told someone about it and told them to go after Kid. My mind and feelings were screaming at me to go and save Kid, and I just ignored them all. Because of that Kid is now gone, never to return again.
I should've listened, but I didn't, why didn't I? I should've known that those thoughts and feelings weren't just me being nervous or parodied. I should've known that something was wrong, that I was feeling this way for a reason, but I didn't. I didn't realise that my feelings were telling me that Kid was in trouble and needed my help desperately. I should've have listened to those feelings and acted on them, but I didn't.
I was right all along in feeling that way, Kid wasn't going to be coming back anytime soon, and he wasn't going to come back ever now. That really was our last goodbye to him, and we won't ever see him again. I should've seen the truth and asked someone to help, so why didn't I? I could've saved Kid, he would be home safe and sound by now if I had. I should've seen it, why didn't I? Why?