"I love you. Hikaru. I will marry you."
Hikaru pulled back from Ringo, grinning like the idiot he is. "Thank you!" He hugged her tighter.
"There is one condition though.." Ringo hesitated slightly, looking up at her fiance. His face fell. Ringo lightly shook her head, "It's nothing bad... I just want you to get along better with my family...including my father." Ringo told Hikaru biting her lip.
"That doesn't sound too bad. I don't know how much your brother will like me, but I can try!" Hikaru said smiling again. He took Ringo's hand, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing it ever so gently. "I'd do anything for you, Ringo."
"Hikaru...my father is still in jail," Ringo said quietly.
"And I promise to do everything in my power to get to know him," Hilary said gently. "Now, let's go inside and get you warmed up." Hikaru led Ringo inside her house.
It had been a few weeks since Ringo decided once and for all she would marry Hikaru. It had been all over the news and radios and both families had gotten numerous phone calls about the wedding.
Meanwhile, Hikaru was going to the prison Ringo's father was being held twice a week to see him.
Hikaru liked the man, who was rather charming. He had black hair and was getting rounded with age. He laughed a lot and had obvious smile lines. He just didn't see how the man could've been a thief or abused someone in his past.
"How's Ringo?" Ravi, as he liked to be called, asked, as was always his first question.
"Good. Still looking for a dress, she refuses to let my mother design one for her." Hikaru answered him. "Getting treated well?" He asked in response.
Ravi laughed. "Of course!" And the two would continue to talk until Ravi had to go. Upon leaving, Hikaru would stop by Ringo's knowing she wouldn't be there and talk to her brother. Then before she got back, he'd leave.
Ringo turned around in the mirror looking at the dress again. It was very pretty, shimmery white, tight around her chest, loose around her midsection and further down, but she didn't like it.
"Mama, what if I don't find one?" Ringo was freaking out. She desperately wanted the perfect wedding dress, but no matter how many boutiques and stores she went to, she just couldn't find one.
"You'll find what you are looking for hun," Tami told her daughter with a knowing smile. "Your wedding is in the summer of next year. I don't know why you are rushing." That was a lie, the plan was to surprise the couple with an early wedding, so it was better that she was rushing.
"I want everything to be perfect I guess, and I want the media to calm down," Ringo stated, going back to the dressing room to change.
Hana peeked out from behind a curtain. "I found another one you might like." This dress was simple with see through, long sleeve lace sleeves. It was a dress made to go right above the knees and it was just what Ringo was looking for. Ringo peeked out from the door to see the dress Hana was talking about.
Hana smiled at her sister seeing the sparkle in her eye. "Thought so." The young girl had been spending more time with the twins sister and was getting along with her well, and together they designed the dress for Ringo, though they didn't tell her that. She gave it to her sister to try on and sat with her mother.
"You made that Hana?" Tami asked, smiling gently. Herr daughter nodded. She knew how stressed both women were, what with the planning of the wedding, they decided to have it at the park Ringo and Hikaru had first kissed and where he proposed.
"With a little help." She smiled, remembering all the emails she and Ageha had sent between themselves to get it perfect. It was a good thing it was ready and perfectly fitted for Ringo, or her wedding wouldn't be able to happen the next week.
Karin walked into the room with several different dresses in her hands. "Where's Ringo?" she asked and at the same time, Ringo came out of the dressing room wearing the dress. She was a bright smile on her face.
"Mama, Hana, Karin, I think this is the one." She spun around giggling happily. Karin smiled at her younger sister. "Good timing because I found these!" Karin held up several dresses in a few different colors, in similar fashions, with a sash going in different directions or tied around the middle or over the shoulder.
Hatsu had been spending more and more time with the twins, seeing as it seemed he was going to be related to them soon. They were nice, and though he didn't really like that Hikaru was getting married to his younger sister, the most fragile out of the four. However, he was getting pretty close to Kaoru.
"So, Hikaru, how's my dad?" Hatsu asked, pausing the game they were playing, Kaoru pouting because he was about to win. Hikaru simply shrugged.
"He's doing good. Happy at least, you know, for Ringo. He asked about you. Wants to know about your love life." Hikaru told he, shoving his shoulder a little to unpause the game. "Anything I should tell him?"
Hatsu glanced at Kaoru before unpausing the game. "Tell him I'm interested in someone...and to but out of my love life." All the boys laughed and continued their game.
"Who're you interested in?" Kaoru asked curiously, seeing as he kind of liked the older boy. Hatsu froze, trying to hide his blush.
"No one you know," Hatsu said and rushed upstairs to get some snacks. The twins gave each other a look. They needed to know who he liked, especially for Kaoru's sake.
"Who do you think it is?" They asked at the same time. "I think it's you." Hikaru gave his brother a look. Kaoru slapped his brother playfully. "Yeah sure." When Hatsu came downstairs with snacks, the boys talked and continued playing games, With Hikaru glancing at the other two from time to time.
"Is this my dress Mama?" Yuno asked twirling in a pastel green dress that went just below her knees. She, along with Caty and Gina, was going to be a flower girl. The other two girls dress were going to be yellow and pink. Ringo laughed at her little sister. They had managed to find all dresses, and even though Ringo didn't know that her wedding was going to be in just a few days, everyone else did, and they were trying their best to be prepared.
Mami, holding one of her twins, passed the baby to Ringo and grabbed her miniature sewing kit. "Hold still Yuno." She told the small child to pin the dress for alterations later. Caty and Gina's dresses had fit for the most part with Caty's being a little too long. As Mami finished pinning the dress, the baby, Taiga, started crying for her, which woke up her sleeping sister, Keke.
Ringo struggled to keep Taiga from falling out of her arms when trying to pass her to her mother and Yuno tried to quiet baby Keke. "Auntie Mami? What are the babies going to wear at the wedding?" Yuno asked, making faces at he
r little cousin.
"Yuno, they're little babies, maybe just a little skirt," Ringo informed her sister, but Mami shook her head. "I'm sorry sweetie, I wasn't planning on taking the twins to the wedding." Mami smiled at her. Ringo frowned. "But you're going to be there right?"
"We are all going to be there." Her other aunt, Kami, said coming into the room with the other children, all fitted into their outfits. "Now everyone sit down for a quick picture." The kids all sat or stood for a picture, before literally trying to tear off the clothes, which Mami and Kami then took them to change again.
"And in this one, there are three guest rooms. The kitchen, however, is small and there are no servant quarters." The house guide was explaining to Hikaru. A new house that she could decorate to her liking was his wedding present to her, and he wanted to make sure it was just right.
"I don't really want servants anyways. Could we maybe look into one with a bigger kitchen, but fewer rooms overall?" Hikaru asked. He wanted a few extra rooms for guest and any children he and Ringo planned to have in the future. He also wanted to make sure Ringo had room to cook, make new music if she wished, and that he had his own office for designing clothes. So far he had seen three houses, and he couldn't find what he was looking for.
The lady frowned,"Well, I think there might be one more, it's a bit secluded though. There's a big back yard, it has a basement and, from the top of my head, three bedrooms, five baths, three full." Hikaru smiled.
"Can we look at that one?" he asked.