Author's Note
To all my readers, followers and fans. I truly regret to inform you that I've decided to place Aedan's story on hiatus. I realize that this may come as a disappointment, but let me explain. Like many of you, I am certain, I've lately been playing Dragon Age Inquisition and I so desperately want to write about my own Inquisitor. This has been consuming me and has taken my interest away from this fic for the time being. I will attempt to continue with this story when I'm not engaged in any other interests.
I realize that may come as a disappointment to some and I hope you don't think lesser of me for it. Please know that Aedan will be cannon with my Inquisitor, and for those of you who have given me editing advice, please know that I will carry what you've told me into my next story.
Sincerely and with fondest regards,
I will be posting my new story soon. So please, keep an eye out and tell me what you think.
Fly straight and do not waver,
Bend but never break,
Together, we are stronger than the one,
~The Vir Tanadhal, The Way of Three Trees.