And here it is, folks. The ending to Five Nights at Freddy's 2: Free Roam. I hope this epilogue wraps things up nicely, and I hope you're still hungry for more because I plan on getting to work on the story for 3 as soon as I can. I won't bother you with details, but I will say this: it's gonna be a grim one.

So hold on tight, and let's see how everything wraps up. On with the show!

I wish I could say that after I left the basement everything was sensible and that it was dealt with, but as the SWAT team barged into the pizzeria I knew that I'd have one heck of a long week trying to get back to something resembling normal.

The first order of business was to track down Golden's backup data; I directed the SWAT team to their hard drives, and they wasted no time in getting their best computer experts in to start wiping the AI files… Where they discovered something that changed the entire story.

The 'Toy' animatronics had been suppressed by Damien's Marionette and the interference it had caused. With the Marionette wrecked, the Toy Band had gained full sentience… The techs tried to explain it to me, but I didn't even bother trying to understand. Then Freddy tried to explain it, and I told him that I'd throw his hat in the wood chipper if he kept technobabbling. That shut him up.

The news crews in the aftermath were the worst part; they were bombarding me with questions, and I essentially had to demand that Adams escorted us all to the police station just to get away from the lousy vultures. There, I managed to sit down and help them put together a press release. We'd tried to find some kind of work-around, some way to keep the truth about the band quiet, but with all the reporting done live that was impossible. It was Chica who said it best: "If we lie to them, they'll keep distrusting us and thinking of us as a danger. If we tell them the whole story, they'll understand."

So, for the first time since the Drone Incident, the entire story was declassified and brought to the media. The circus that surrounded it gave me an absolutely massive headache, and simply got in the way of everything else that we were trying to do. Between news reporters trying to interview me, the band, the Toys, Faz, and even some people from Golden Mile and scientists trying to get one of the band to come with them for research purposes, I'd nearly had to bust out the shotgun to get some of them to go away.

Finally, the Toy band had stepped in, saying they would be willing to work with the researchers in exchange for a new, individual identity; they didn't want to be associated with Fazbear Entertainment, and they didn't want to be confused for the Band anymore. They were their own individuals, and they wanted to make names for themselves.

The SWAT team found Damien's corpse stuffed into a suit next to the powered down Withers. At first, blame was being pressed on me for the murder, but I managed to work around it – with Adams' help – by saying that they had followed one last bit of Golden's programming and killed Damien. With no orders left, they powered down. Even though most people didn't buy the story, the sheer star power I had simply by stopping Golden Freddy a second time meant my detractors and accusers were quickly silenced in everything but the tabloids.

The very fact that Golden Freddy was somehow still alive had people incredibly ticked off, naturally. They thought he was dealt with, and the fact that he and his bots were broadcast on live TV meant that people wanted answers. They turned to the police, who turned to Fazbear Entertainment, who turned to Golden Mile and the combat backup protocols in Golden's model. It took roughly two weeks for Golden Mile to start getting absolutely shuttered, and then the news crews took a good look at the footage recovered from the new pizzeria's basement.

The fallout from that little release ended with the entirety of Fazbear Entertainment being hit with a gargantuan lawsuit, one they couldn't get away from this time. The entire corporation was forced to shut down, and a number of their higher-ups were sent to prison for what the public saw as their hand in a series of brutal murders. They even managed to bring the deaths from both the old location and the Drone Incident to their feet. By the time the court case was finished, there was nothing left of Fazbear Entertainment.

While all this was going on, both the Toy Band and my friends showed at Michael Schmidt's funeral. All four of the original band spoke, then Faz, then I stepped up.

"Michael Schmidt was many things. A good friend, a clever individual, a bit of a coward on occasion-" There was a faint chuckle at that. "But most of all? He was what everyone says I am. Mike Schmidt saved the lives of countless people during the Drone Incident. By attracting the Drones attention away from the band, Adams, and myself, Mike Schmidt ensured we were able to stop Golden Freddy's first scheme. He provided valuable assistance during the courtroom trials that led to Golden Mile's shutdown, and finally…" I took a breath, grasping the podium.

"He gave his life to save mine. If it wasn't for Mike Schmidt, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you… And it's likely that either the Marionette or Golden Freddy would have one that day. We all owe a debt to Mike Schmidt's sacrifice… I hope that I can live up to it, somehow."

We buried him in a quiet graveyard on the outskirts of town. His tombstone read quite simply, but quite plainly.

"Michael Schmidt. Unsung Hero of the Drone Incident. May his sacrifice not be in vain."

It was roughly a month before everything was sanitized and the mess of court cases and insanity had ended, leaving the band and I temporary superstars. We kept to ourselves, mostly… However, the tabloids loved playing it up whenever they saw Foxy and I out together. We ignored them, and whenever she saw paparazzi it usually took just a snarl for them to back off.

Life was starting to move on; Freddy and Bonnie had begun working with a local comedy/improv club to help better the acts, Chica was now running a gourmet pizza parlor in downtown, and Foxy and I now both worked with Open Eyes as a private investigation team. Life was finally starting to go back to some semblance of normal. I just had one last thing to do…

XXXXX (POV Switch: Third Person) XXXXX

Alex Redding walked into the police evidence lockup, nodding to the officer in charge. "You've got about ten minutes, Alex. Try not to break anything, okay?" He nodded, heading straight for one of the computer terminals from the 'new and improved' pizzeria. It was hooked up to power, and he didn't even need to log in to access the files. Slowly, he pored over the many files and folders… Before finding what he was looking for. 'Animatronic AI/Active Status Readout'.

He searched the files… And let out a sigh of relief as he didn't find anything beyond what was expected. All of the Toy Band had broken their connection… And the unidentified folder was empty. It didn't take much thinking for him to decide that it must have been Golden Freddy's AI, and he relaxed as he looked over the empty file.

'One last check…' He opened up the AI Readout screen. The program booted, and he flipped through all of the active animatronics. Their readouts all seemed okay; the Toy Band was functioning well in their new position as research assistants. Finally, the unknown AI… Alex held his breath as he opened that screen.

"Offline." He let out a sigh of relief and nodded, turning away from the machine as he set everything to close down. As he walked away, he didn't notice as a set of words formed in the bottom corner of the screen.

"Until Next Time…" Then, one last word flashed onscreen in the split second before the program closed.

"It's Me."

Alex Redding closed the door to the evidence lock-up, unaware that, perhaps, the end was not yet written…

Dun dun duuuuuuuun! What happened? Is Golden Freddy still 'alive' in some form?

Guess y'all will have to stay tuned for Five Nights at Freddy's 3: One Last Tear to find out!

A few words on this, before I wrap it up... Y'all are great fans, you know that? After how long it took me to finish this story, and yet somehow you guys stayed with me, stayed patient, and finally saw this adventure through to the end. I know I'm not great at keeping up with things, and that I'm not exactly good at showing my gratitude, but... I seriously am grateful. You guys are amazing fans, and the fact that you waited and saw this story through with me... Well, it means a lot to me, guys. Thank you all so very much.

So yeah. Read and review, and I'll see you guys in FNAF 3: One Last Tear. Take care!