Isis: Sorry this is late! Enjoy reading!
With Sam:
Sam gave a satisfied sigh as he got up from the bed and stretched out to get rid of any kinks. After a few minutes, he made his way downstairs and toward the kitchen to go get some breakfast. He frowned when he realized Mojo wasn't following him like usual, but he shrugged it off. Sam opened the fridge and reached out to take out the milk.
Sam glanced behind him and frowned when he saw his dad with a serious expression on his face.
"What is it dad?" Sam asked as he closed the fridge door and gave his dad his undivided attention.
"Do you remember where your cousin Will was stationed at?" Ron questioned Sam who gave a nod.
"Yeah, he was stationed on SOCCENT Forward Operations Base down in Qatar. What is this about dad? Did something happen?" Sam questioned with a worried expression on his gave a sigh before responding.
"A few days ago, SOCCENT operations base in Qatar was attacked. As far as anyone knows, there was no survivors." Sam stared at his father in shock. 'Will can't be dead.' Sam thought as he just continued to stare at Ron before turning his head to look at the floor.
"Wh-...Where's mom? How's she taking it?" Sam finally asked a few minutes later. Will was her Nephew and the only one left of her sister, besides Will's daughter Annabelle. Wait, what will happen with Annabelle?! A sad sigh from Ron got Sam's attention back on him.
"She cried for a few hours before she decided to go pick up Annabelle. We'll be taking care of her. After all, if they find Will alive Judy will not allow either of them to leave this house for a long time." Ron replied with them both giving a small chuckling at the last thing he said. They stood there awkwardly for a few more before Ron spoke again. "You're going to be late for school if you don't hurry, but I can call the school to let them know what's going on and you don't have to go."
"No. I promised Miles and Mikaela to take them out for ice-cream after school today." Sam responded before hurrying over to get his backpack, completely forgetting about breakfast as he headed out the door.
With Bee Earlier this morning:
Judy Witwicky shut the front door behind her as she hurried over to her car. Sniffles and quiet sobs would escape her lips, which woke Bumblebee from his recharge mode. Bee watched her get into her car and drive off with concern. What happened? What was going on? Half an hour later the front door was opened once again by Sam who was hurrying over to him with a shocked but mournful look. 'What has happened to cause Sam's mom and Sam himself to act like they are?' Bee thought as Sam closed the Driver's door, then just sat there staring at nothing. After a few minutes, Sam sighed before starting Bee up and headed off to school.
Inside the Pentagon:
John Keller, current Secretary of defense, gave a sigh as he watched his people work on finding out what had happened at SOCCENT Operations base in Qatar. Several of his teams have come up with ideas and some information that could be helpful. But none of them were as helpful as Maggie Madsen's team was. they were the only team to pick up on the virtual attack on Air Force One. Even though no one was able to catch the culprit, we were still able to protect some of the information they were after.
Suddenly all the screens in the room start glitching before becoming static. John hurried over to someone to find what was going on. Shouting was heard throughout the room as some screens would come back on but then become static again.
"What the Heck is going on Matthews?" John asked the closest man near him, who was rushing about to different computers.
"I don't know, sir." Matthews answered as he reached for the landline to call some other department to see if they were having problems too. Only to find the phones weren't working either. "Sir, the phones aren't working."
John frowned before he decided to check another landline phone to only get the same result. He quickly took out his cell to try to use that to find out it didn't work either.
"Mr. Secretary!"
John turned to look at who had addressed him. A man in a dark suit with brown hair and mustache stood before him with a serious look. "Who are you?"
"I'm Thomas Banachek and we need to talk."*
With Sam at school:
Sam sighed as slammed his locker door before walking toward the exit. It probably was a bad idea to go to school today. He already got detention for the rest of the week because he wasn't paying attention in class. Luckily enough, Trent hasn't bothered him at all today...Yet. Sam quickly glanced around to see if Trent was nearby. He was only met with the empty hall as everyone had left an hour ago. 'I wonder if Mikaela and Miles are still here or went home.' Most likely the former was the case as they will be wondering what was wrong with him.
And just as he had predicted, there was Mikaela and Miles standing next to his car. Sam gave another sigh as he made his way over to the two.
With Bee before Sam came out:
Bumblebee watched the two friends of his charge discuss to one another about Sam's weird behaviour. Obviously, they knew almost as much as he did on the subject. When Sam came out of the school both of the humans grew quiet and waited for Sam, who made his way over reluctantly.
"Sam, are you alright?" Mikaela asked followed by a "Dude, what was wrong with you today?" from Miles. Sam stopped in front of them, both looking at him in concern.
"Miles, do you remember my cousin?" Miles nodded and Sam continued turning to Mikaela. "You haven't met him. His name was Will Lennox and he was at the base down in Qatar."
"You mean the one that got attacked a few days ago?" Mikaela questioned receiving a nod. Mikaela and Miles both gave their condolences. Mikaela with a hug and Miles with a pat on the back, while Bee watched the entire interaction. Soon, the three friends got into Bee and headed to get ice-cream in hopes to bring up the mood.
With Barricade and Frenzy:
~"You are sure that this is the town that Witwicky kid lives in?"~ Barricade asked Frenzy as they drove down the streets of Tranquility.
~"Yes"~ was Frenzy's fast reply as he studied the area around them. Barricade soon sped up to try to search more ground faster.
With Will:
Will and his team are resting in the aircraft that was taking them home. Along with the tale of an unknown enemy. All of the thinking of what this could mean and how it would effect their families and loved ones.
With Bee:
Bee watched as his human charged walked over to his mother, who held a toddler in her arms. They said a few words before they both went into the house. He sat there for another few hours when Optimus contacted him.
'Bumblebee, this is Optimus. We are a day away and need you to send the coordinates of your location to us. Go to a high point that is isolated and still somewhere in the city. Did you get that Bumblebee?'
'Yes sir. Bee out' Bee quickly scanned the house to check if anyone was awake. Upon finding that all vital signs indicate they were all sleeping, Bee quickly started up and headed out. What he wasn't expecting was Sam to wake up and follow him.
With Sam when Bee first started up:
Sam suddenly jolted awake. He wasn't sure what woke him so abruptly, until he heard the distinct sound of his car. Sam jumped out of bed and ran to the window to confirm that yes someone was stealing his car.
He let out a cursed as he raced out his bedroom door, grabbing his favorite jacket on the way. He quickly ran down the hallway, then down the stairs and finally he burst through the front door. He screamed at whoever was in his car to stop but it was unheeded. He cursed again as he went over to grab his bike and chase after the bastard before he got too far ahead. Before he left, he shouted at his parents to call the cops then quickly rode off after his car.
~A small time skip~
Sam came to a slow stop as he approached the railroads he saw his car drive over minutes earlier. He studied the area around him as he got off his bike and set it off to the side. It was dark, creepy and resembled a scene from some kind of horror film. A shiver made its way down his spine as he studied his surroundings. He cautiously made his way through the creepy place as he looked for his car and whoever the bastard was that stole it. A sudden noise made Sam race to hide behind the closest scrap of junk. After a moment, Sam looked over his hiding spot to see something he never expected.
"What the fuck?!"
Isis: Sorry it isn't very long. I wanted to end it there, plus I was starting to feel bad for not updating. So, hope you liked and leave a review! ^-^