pairing: Ciel/Elizabeth
rating: lol K. for the first time. wow.

summary: It was her sixteenth birthday, but he forgot to buy and give her a lovely present.

a/n: I don't know I just like to try writing Ciel this way, so. ٩(๑❛ワ❛๑)و

warnings: OOC-ness, most likely! Sorry for that, but I would like to keep them that way, I suppose.

Silk. Ribbons. Laces. Ruffles.

Chivalry and elegance.

These were only some of the words that the bluenette can summarize from his vision. There were too many sweets in every table, and his cerulean orbs could only see orange-gold schemes because of the room's lighting as well as the night outside. A myriad of nobles had worn their best clothing, regal as ever such as he (although he could proudly say that he had worn the best in his wardrobe for the occasion).

He flinched and pursed his lips as he sipped his wine, now being the gentleman as he can be: slow yet with grace.

He narrowed his cerulean orbs around the room as he looked for the one who had hosted the assemblage, his ever so jolly betrothed, Lady Elizabeth Midford.

His stomach flip-flopped and he couldn't fathom why he could feel it. As humorous as it should be, he was at fault for not bringing a present for the young lady.

His day started with his butler who became a chatterbox, which was rare.

"Young master, it is time to wake up, for it is Lady Elizabeth's birthday celebration…!"

"Young master, it seems that you have forgotten this day; did you prepare a present for your fiancée?"

And finally, "Forgive me, Young Master, but I certainly think that a present which is brought by yourself will be more meaningful for the young lady. I'm positive that she shall be pleased if you do."

He did fancy to give her one, but considering that his time was hectic and limited to be shopping something adorable or cute, he just couldn't.

The earl wanted to smack his butler on the face for not giving him any ideas but that wouldn't help him much at all. The pitch-black servant continued to nag him to give Elizabeth a gift and he was affirmative that be was about to explode into pieces if he did not stop.

For the youth, presents were only for formalities of one's birthday. The dilemma was what gift should he bestow a girl who has everything she needed in life?

Dresses? Perhaps she has thousands of them! Books? For goodness' sake, their family has one of the enormous libraries! Toys? He had given her a stuffed toy the previous year.

He certainly had no clue. Elizabeth, being into her sweet sixteen—he should give her something more special.

He sighed.

So, he thought that it would be better if she would give him time to think a grand present for her. Or maybe not, and a surprise gift is much better? No, no. He should apologize. Apologize for forgetting such an important event that Ladies of Gossips shall even make it more of a bigger issue, and he could imagine them saying, "Earl Phantomhive forgot his betrothed's year of birth! Could you ever possibly believe so, indeed!?"

The best solution he thought: is to apologize.

And when he found her standing with some of her guests, he felt his breath being stolen by Aphrodite herself. Because she was stunning in the dark green dress which she was wearing. She was pulchritudinous in those white gloves that reached her elbows. She looked like a goddess with her hair curled with baby's breath adorning it.

He could have considered himself lucky if he hadn't made a contract with a demon and marry her. He could have considered himself blessed if there would be no barriers between him and her.

If he only had the magic to turn back in time and play again with her, just like in her childhood.

He walked (good posture shall not be removed in his presence) towards his lady and bowed, earned a surprised gasp when he gave her gloved hand a peck (he took point in this). Ciel took note how their engagement ring perfectly fitted her ring finger.

"Elizabeth," he breathed, "A happy birthday to you."

"Ciel!" She beams at him, sparkles in her eyes as he held his hand firmly ,although she was affirmative that her mother will scold her for doing so. "You came!"

"Of course," he endeavored to elicit a smile, "Today is your birthday. And—how could I forget?" Liar, he thought.

Lizzy grinned, squeezing her hands with his. "Thank you! Today is such a meaningful day for me."

"I must send my deepest apologies, none the less," he twitches beneath her touch, a tad bit afraid that she may shed tears or get disappointed. Or both. Ciel didn't want to her sob or else everyone will blame him (he coughs—Edward) for making his fiancée cry. He saw how she tilted her head in response. "—for… Well.., In contrary, I lied… I forgot to bring you a present."

"Oh," she voiced out, dismay flashed through her emerald eyes and he felt a pang of guilt. Don't cry, don't cry…

Of course, she expected him to give her anything, just—anything. But she held her hopes up. Too much. She regretted for doing so. Rather than letting her sadness sweep across her face though, she only allowed herself to stretch her lips for a heartwarming smile. She did fully understood him.

Patience, she thought. Drat, don't be selfish. "It's alright, darling. Just you being here is quite enough!" And it was true. Being here for her was enough, but she couldn't help but feel down about it.

The young earl smiled briefly, "I see."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her brother, Edward, and his friend named Earl John Knightly, being in the swarm number of ladies in his and her age. She saw him struggling to entertain their guests in letdowns, considering what just happened to him.

A very downcast thing to say that Edward likes someone she didn't know, yet she knew that the love was not reciprocated. It concerned her a lot. Edward was like Romeo in the first act of Shakespeare's play and she hoped that he would find his Juliet.

And due to this concern, her attention for her fiancé diverted to her brother.

"Elizabeth," Ciel demanded her attention, saw that her gaze were in a different direction which was not his. Worried. He had to tell her that he would make up to it and buy her a present the next day. Or just, time. "Lizzy," he spoke her nickname, but she looked someone or something from afar, still. "Lizzy!"

She jumped a little, and returned her eyes to his. Her usual facade came back, and spoke in a sweet voice, "Y-yes, dear?"

"I was telling you that I will make it up to you," he narrows is eyes, wondering who or what was she looking at. He followed her previous gaze, and saw her brother entertaining the women of upper class and another gentleman who was of his age. "If it is fine..?"

Was she looking at that man? Who is it? Was she…?

He scowled at this.

"Oh, of course it is. As I told you, it is okay."

He nodded, and he saw the lad who she was looking at earlier walk towards her, his gloved hands now holding a bouquet of red and white roses. Ciel swore that if his eye was enough, he could send daggers to this man's head just using it. Who is he….?

"Lady Elizabeth!" the mysterious man exclaimed, a smile donning his features as he called. Agreeable-looking for the ladies, if Ciel would add, because the women behind the man sighed dreamily at his presence. "Happy birthday!"

"Oh, Earl John Knightley!" She acknowledged him happily, and said Earl John kissed her gloved hand as well. "Thank you very much for attending the party."

"Not at all! It is the birthday of a friend's sister, indeed, and before I forget, these roses are for you, my lady."

Lizzy accepted them with a countenance of felicity, carrying the flora like a babe in her chest. "A huge thank you. Oh, these are wonderful, John! I must say that I should put them in a vase in my bedroom before I retire the day."

"I'm very honored that you like them. They are bought from one of the best stores in England! And also.. It would be rude of me if I'm not going to tell you that you look enchanting for today."

Pinks dusted her cheeks, and answered with glee, "How thoughtful of you to say so!"

Why didn't he think of complimenting her earlier? What kind of embecile was he? Of course, she looked gorgeous, but why didn't he say so?

And right there, Ciel felt left out, even though the exchange of words were only a few. Quite a lonely lad he was; he bowed with a moue, and he didn't know that it was a misunderstanding that Elizabeth was only looking at her brother, and not the man who gave her the roses.

Didn't the man know who he was, though?

"If you'll excuse me, Lady Elizabeth," Ciel said, and he liked how he interrupted their small little chat, "but I'm afraid I need to speak with my butler for a moment."

Confused, she raised a single brow, "Alright," then curtsied, and talked to Earl Knightley once again.

Ciel sniffed, quite displeased, and walked towards his butler with a frown. Sebastian stood in one of the posts, and smiled in his usual way, as if he knew what was actually happening. That didn't help Ciel as much. At all.

"Young master?"

"Sebastian," the lad's voice was deeper, the servant noticed, "I need you to do something."


"Buy a villa. Right now. At this moment."

Surprised at the sudden request of something big (villas are expensive!), the butler asked once more, "Sir, what—"

"You heard me. I don't need to repeat myself," the bluenette turned, eyeing the pair of two particular nobles whom he..despised being together right now. "A large one. With a thousand roses in it, or an enormous garden. Lizzy will be pleased, I am sure," and he smirked, like he won over something. Like he thought of something genius. Something Sebastian knew, but did not mention.

And with that, the raven-haired demon gave a simper. It was only once in a blue moon that his master would act like this—like he was alive and will continue his life-like a normal human being.

"Understood," replied he, without another word, voice with loyalty, and a hand on his chest. And moved. Jealousy, I suppose so, he thought how foolish it was.

The demon found today's episode interesting to watch.

And guess what was Lady Elizabeth's reaction for her birthday gift..