AN: Hey Everyone, here is the first chapter. It's a bit short, but the next chapters will be longer. This is a kinda a prologue.

Disclaimer: All rights belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins

Chapter I: I get kidnapped

Percy's P.O.V.

"Good night, Wise Girl" I told my girlfriend after giving her a kiss. I went inside the Poseidon cabin and slumped onto my bed. Finally, after a long day at camp I could rest. Sighing contently I turned the lights off and fell asleep without changing into my PJ's.

That night I dreamed of the last time I saw my Dad. Last summer at camp, when he told me I had to go on a quest again. Naturally, I complained a lot. Who wouldn't? I just saved the world, and then I'm shipped of to another quest!

Sensing that I wasn't going to agree on the quest, my father told me that I had a year to change my mind. Six months have passed, and I have been doubting my decision. He told me that the quest was important for the future of his kingdom. And since I was his only demigod, the quest would only succeed if I went.

But okay, back to the quest. So, my father told me about this quest were I will need to be sent to the future. He said I had to protect the son of my godly brother Triton. After that he just left, leaving a fishing rod behind.

The dream ended, and I opened my eyes to a flash of white light. When I finnaly got my sight back I saw Hera standing beside my bed.

Wide eyed I jumped out of bed and my hand flew to my trusted sword riptide. But Hera stopped me. A dark green light shot from her hands straight against my head. I was out faster than I could say 'Holy Hera, what just happened?'

When I opened my eyes for the second time this evening, I was underwater. I scanned my surroundings, but couldn't find a sign of how I got here. Until I saw my Dad. How did I miss him in the first place? I hastily used the water to pull me up and bowed to him.

"Why are we here?" Was the first thing I could think of after standing up. "Where is Hera?"

My father gave me a sad smile. "I wasn't in time to stop Hera from kidnapping you, I'm sorry for that."

My eyes widened. "Kidnap!" I screamed in shock. I knew Hera didn't like me, but to actually kidnap me? Is she nuts?

Dad gave me a look which told me to shut up and listen. "Yes, she really went so far to kidnap you, I don't know where your body is. You're dreaming this, Hera put you to sleep."

I frowned. "Thank you for informing me, but what now?"

"Now, I'm going to ask you if you want to take the quest."

"Oh... uhm." I stuttered completely overwhelmed. "How is that supposed to work if I'm asleep?"

"I'll just send you to the future. It doesn't matter that you are practically a ghost now. It may even be useful." He replied with a duh... look. "I can make sure that only demigods are able to see you."

I nodden in acceptation. "In that case, I suppose it's better than sleeping."

My dad shot me a grin that looked exactly like mine, and raised his Trident. "Great, see you in six months!"

"Wait, what?" I managed to get out before, once again, everything

went black.