AN: First sex scene. Be kind. Also please forgive me if Daryl seems ooc? I'm having a hard time finding a balance between original season one Daryl and a season one Daryl that is already with Beth. Of course a Daryl that has been with Beth for a good chunk of time is going to have a lot less anger issues then one who hasn't but I don't think that that all of his problems are quite solved yet so I think he's still going to have outbursts now and then. Thank you for the reviews and kudos! What do you guys think should we go to the CDC or skip it? I'm wavering.


"See this here? This is what we're lookin' for." Daryl pointed down at the ground, dropping low so he could study the earth. Beth tilted her head studying the ground at her feet. As far as she could tell it was just a scattered pile of leaves surrounding a shallow indent. She surely wouldn't have seen it on her own.

"Is it a deer?" Beth asked hopefully, squinting sideways at the print.

"Mmm," Daryl hummed. "Ain't rained in a while. Ground's hard so the prints won't be deep. C'mon." He stalked forward and Beth trailed behind trying to be as silent as possible.

She felt like a lumbering oaf in the forest next to Daryl Dixon. His boots skimmed over the forest floor like he was made out of air, never stepping on anything that made a noise louder than a whisper. In comparison she felt like she was stepping on every dry stick and pile of leaves in the tri-state area. They had been walking a few hours now, traveling farther and farther from the quarry, mostly uphill. It had been blessedly quiet. They hadn't seen one walker since they started out, but Daryl had managed to bag three squirrels, which were hanging in a brace on his back. It was hot and beads of sweat were starting to trickle down her neck, collecting at the base of her spine. She watched him move silently in front of her, his lean body weaving gracefully through branches and underbrush. The forest was this man's element. She never saw him so relaxed as when he was surrounded by trees, like some ancient forest god, wild and free.


"Hmmm?" she looked up from the ground, shaken free from her thoughts by the deep rumble of his voice. He had turned back and was now facing her only a few feet away.

Beth studied him; hair that was cropped short in order to keep it out of his eyes, the sharp planes of his cheekbones, the soft curve of his lower lip, the fine sheen of sweat that covered the hard lines of his naked arms, the shining question in his dark blue eyes. Warmth pooled in her stomach and then crept outwards. She dropped her bag and stalked towards him, wrapping her arms around his middle, and burying her face in the crook of his neck, breathing him in, cigarettes, leather, pine, and the heavy scent that was uniquely him.

She had clearly taken him by surprise by it didn't take more than a moment for him to return her embrace. He held her tight with one arm, crossbow slack at his side. She moved her lips to his neck and started working her way along his jaw, smiling when she felt his hand fist into the back of her t-shirt. He whispered her name into her hair and she shuddered, heat zipping down her limbs. Tilting her head up she met his hooded gaze and pressed her mouth to his his, swiping her tongue across his lower lip. He kissed her back instantly, crossbow and squirrels dropping to the forest floor, angling his head to taste her more thoroughly. Her hands wound their way around his neck tangling in his hair and his palms spanned her lower back pushing up her shirt so they rested on bare skin.

"Beth," he broke away looking down at her, his blue eyes bled black. "This might not be the best idea, out in the op..."

She cut him off, kissing him again. She didn't care. She knew it was dumb and selfish but she didn't care. All she wanted in that moment was to feel his arms around her, be as close to him as possible. He groaned as her hands drifted downwards, running across his stomach and down to his waistband. She ran her hand down the hard length of him, grinning against his mouth as he shuddered and kissed her harder.

Suddenly she was being lifted off the forest floor. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist as he picked her up and pressed her into a near by tree. Her shirt rode up and she winced a little as sharp bark dug into the soft skin of her back. It didn't matter. The bright bite of pain only intensified all of her other feelings. Daryl was gripping her waist tightly but ass she broke away from his mouth to nip at his neck one hand moved up and under her shirt cupping her breast through the light fabric of her bra. He swiped his thumb over her nipple and she gasped and arched into him. She was on fire, golden heat radiating from her core. Beth writhed against him, pressing herself into his hard body, searching out the friction she was aching for.

"Hold on baby," he murmured and unbuttoned the top of her jeans, dropping her to the ground just long enough so that she could shimmy out of them. His strong hands lifted her back up, kneading the backs of her thighs.

She met his gaze, suddenly feeling almost shy. "I missed this," she whispered. This was far from their first time but it had been weeks since they had been so alone, not since the world had flipped and spun and crashed, leaving them panting against each other in the quiet cathedral of the forest. He kissed her again, softer this time as fingers dipped under the band of her underwear, sliding against her center. He dipped into her and quick as lightening Beth's world exploded. She shuddered against him crying out. He covered her mouth with his own dampening her cries.

"You gotta be quiet Beth," he whispered as she clung to him shivering, his fingers still moving against her.

She nodded but it wasn't enough, not nearly enough. She left one arm wrapped around his neck and reached down. He was hard against her hand and she kissed him again as she pushed down his pants and wrapped her fingers around his length. He growled and dropped her to the floor spinning her around so that her back was pressed against him. His hands cupped both of her breasts roughly and his mouth left a trail of fire down the side of her neck. He bent her over and she braced herself against the tree in front of her, arching herself backwards, pushing herself towards him. She felt him drop a chain of long kisses down her spine as he pushed down her underwear. Suddenly he was inside of her, hard and hot and powerful and she had to bite back a moan. She bit down even harder on her lower lip as he reached around her to touch where they were joined, his fingers finding exactly the right place to touch and rub. She was so keyed up that she was already close, her thighs tense and shaking. Release came like an ocean wave and she felt him come soon after pulling out to spill across her upper thigh. He leaned forward and kissed the spot where her neck met her shoulder, lips soft and breath warm before he released her.

She leaned into the tree trying to catch her breath, her knees wobbling like jello. She smiled and glanced over her shoulder as she felt him move behind her, watching him clean the back of her thigh with the handkerchief he kept tucked in his back pocket. She flashed him a lazy grin. Another flash of warmth erupted inside of her as he spun her around and kissed her, his lips moving gently against her own. The kiss ended and he ran a finger over her jawline and then tucking a stray curl behind her ear. He crouched down and helped her into her jeans and then gathered her boots so she could pull them on.

Beth smiled again and wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her lips to his ear. "I love you." He tightened his grip on her in response, burying his face in her hair. Daryl had only repeated those words to her a handful of times. It wasn't something that she needed to hear. It was something she already knew, knowledge rooted in her bones, curled around her heart.

Pulling away she leaned down and swung his crossbow over her shoulder dancing a few steps away from him. "Come on Mr. Dixon we gotta a deer to track!"

"After you Greene," he quipped grabbing up the squirrels and swinging them over his back.


They got lucky the next afternoon and came across a doe on their way back to the quarry. Time froze and Beth held her breath as Daryl lined up the shot. At the last possible second the deer spooked and the shot went wide catching it in it's rump. With a panicked squeal the animal bolted.

"Shit," Daryl cursed and started forward. Beth followed quickly, both of them crashing through the underbrush, Daryl keeping his eyes on the faint trail of blood staining the ground.

"At least it's going the right way," Beth panted. "At this rate it'll run right into the middle of camp." Daryl grunted in reply, eyes glued to the trail.

They ran faster when they heard the screams.

Beth and Daryl burst into a small clearing. A lone walker was bent over their deer tearing out it's intestines and stuffing them into it's gaping bloody mouth. Carl and Sophia were cowering nearby, but luckily the walker was too distracted by the deer to shift it's focus. Beth rushed to them pushing them behind her while Daryl stalked up to the walker and quickly put a knife through it's brain. It had hardly even had time to look up from it's feast.

"Fuckin' geek took our fuckin' deer," Daryl muttered kicking at both carcasses.

"Daryl," Beth intoned nodding her head at the children who had their arms wrapped around her waist. Dixon cursing didn't particularly bother her but she didn't think Lori Grimes would take to kindly to her son getting anymore ideas then he already had. The hero worship in Carl's eyes when he looked at Daryl was pretty plain to see. He had already been asking about crossbow lessons much to the chagrin of both Shane and Lori.

They all turned as they heard Lori shout for Carl followed by hurried footsteps pounding through the trees. Shane, Lori, Carol, and a man Beth had never seen before emerged from the wood. They had clearly heard the children's shouts. Both men were armed and even quiet Carol had a knife drawn.

Carl immediately let go of Beth and ran for his mother. Sophia did the same. "What happened?" Lori asked frantically, kneeling down to embrace her son. "Carl baby are you bit, nothing scratched you?" Carl shook his head and Beth could see the woman shoulder's slump in relief.

"Disease ridden freak stole our deer," Daryl spat, kicking at the dead walker again, clearly still upset about the loss of venison. Tilting his head his gaze focused on the newcomer. He stepped in front of Beth, so that she was just slightly behind him. "Who are you?"

"Rick Grimes," the stranger responded. He was tall, lean, and clean cut in a plain white t-shirt. His blue eyes were kind but calculated and Beth could tell that he was studying her and Daryl just as much as they were studying him.

"Rick Grimes," the man responded.

Beth's mind whirred. The pieces clicked into place as Rick stepped forward and placed a hand on Lori's shoulder, the wedding band on his ring finger glinting in the sun. "Oh," she breathed. Quickly realizing she was being rude by staring she stepped forward and around Daryl, offering him her hand and a small smile. "I'm Beth Greene." Rick Grimes took her hand, his grasp solid and warm. "This is Daryl," she turned back to introduce Daryl but he was busy pulling his bolt out of the dead deer. It released with a squelch and Rick stepped forward his hand outstretched.

"Rick Grimes."

"You another law man," Daryl asked eyeing the man's hand warily.

"Was," Rick replied evenly.

"Yeah you got the look." Daryl sniffed and then glanced over at Beth before he took the man's hand briefly. "Daryl Dixon," he rumbled. "Hope you didn't ask my brother to shake your hand, prolly get a black eye for your trouble." Daryl looked past Rick to Andrea, Amy, and Dale who were hovering in the trees. "Y'all back from the run?" he asked Andrea. Not bothering to wait for an answer he pushed past them all. "Where's my brother? Merle! Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! Me and Beth got us some squirrel!"

Beth hurried to follow, her stomach sinking as she saw a worried look pass between Shane and Rick. Shane managed to pushed past her before she could catch up to Daryl. "Daryl, just slow up a bit. We need to talk."

Amy grabbed Beth's arm as she went by. "Somethin' bad's happened," Amy whispered hurriedly in her ear giving her arm a gentle squeeze. Alarmed now Beth picked up her pace getting to the main area of camp just in time to see Daryl throw down the squirrels in front of their tent.

"Talk then," Daryl said turning to face Shane, a clear challenge in voice.

Shane hesitated for a split second but then continued, his tone even, his movements slow and controlled. "It's about Merle. There was a problem in Atlanta."

"He dead?" Daryl's voice was ice cold but his face was starting to redden. Beth's heart sank, tears pricking her eyes.

"We're not sure..." It was Rick who responded moving slowly up besides Shane.

Beth stepped forward, angling herself closer to Daryl. She didn't like how the two men were moving to either side of him, almost cornering him. She especially didn't like how everyone was looking at him like he was bomb about to go off. "Seems he's either is or he ain't," she added.

"Lady's got a point," Daryl spat.

Rick sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "No easy way to say this..."

"Spit it out then," Daryl replied.

"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked to a piece of metal. He's still there." The man at least had the grace to look ashamed.

Beth gasped and Daryl started pacing, his face growing ever redder, his movements frenzied. "Hold on. Let me process this. You handcuffed my brother to a roof and left him there?!" he bellowed.


Beth cried out as Daryl lunged for Rick tackling the other man and nearly taking him to ground. Shane rushed forward and grabbed at Daryl hauling him back.

"Stop!" Beth yelled rushing forward. Daryl was still struggling in Shane's grip. "STOP!" she demanded and all three men went still. "Let him go." No one moved. "Let him go!"

Shane released Daryl and Daryl shook himself off panting, glaring daggers at both Shane and Rick. Beth whirled around and marched straight up to Rick, crossed her arms and stomped her foot. "Start talkin'"

Rick looked at her with wide eyes. She knew she must look a fright. Small and girlish with eyes that were too big for her face, bright blonde fly away's framing her head like a halo. She knew her face must be bright red and that there was mud caked halfway up her legs from wading through a riverbed earlier in the day. She hardly felt intimidating but this man had messed with someone she considered family. Merle was a mean old asshole but he was their asshole and she wanted answers. Beth frowned harder as she saw Ricks gaze shift to Daryl who gave the man a smirk. "You don't need to look at him." Beth spat out, her temper flaring higher. "You need to look at me and tell me why you abandoned a man on top of a roof and left him to die."

"Merle does not work or play well with others," Rick replied.

"We already knew that," Beth reasoned. "Knew that before you took him with ya," she added glancing around at the others. Andrea and T-Dog were looking particularly guilty.

T-Dog stepped forward. "It's my fault. I had the key and I dropped it."

"You couldn't pick it up?" Daryl asked incredulously.

"I dropped it in a drain," the big man replied his eyes shifting to the ground.

"Fuck man!" Daryl shouted.

"I chained the door to the roof! The walkers can't get at him. The chain'll hold," T-Dog stated.

"Just tell me where he is so's I can go get him." Beth's heart broke a little at the pain in Daryl's voice.

"I'm going back," Rick replied softly. "I'll show you were he is."

"I'm going too," Beth declared immediately.

Daryl turned to her. "The hell you are!"

"You ain't the boss of me Daryl Dixon!"

Daryl marched up to her and grabbed her arm pulling her a little ways away from the others. She let herself be tugged behind the camper as the other camp members began to drift away in order to give them some semblance of privacy. "Beth I gotta go get Merle."

"I know that's why I'm comin' too," she replied softly.

Daryl looked at her for a long moment. "You know there ain't no one else I'd rather have watching my back..." He hesitated before continuing, "but if you come, you're all I'm gonna be worryin' about. That's not fair to Merle."

Beth bit at her lower lip, trying to keep from crying. The thought of Daryl going back into the city for any reason, even as reason as good as this one worried her, especially if she was going to stay at the camp.

"It's safe here Beth. I know you'll be safe. Only seen a couple of walkers up this far. They don't like climbin'. Me and this Rick Grimes will go in, get Merle, and then come right back."

Beth stepped into Daryl pressing her face into his shoulder. "Promise me," she whispered wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Promise." Daryl sighed, returning her embrace dropping a kiss on top of her head.

"I wish Merle weren't such a pain in the ass," Beth whispered.

Daryl sighed again. "Me too."

"Hey," Beth pulled back tilting her head up to look him in the eye. "Merle's gonna be just fine. You always say he's the..."

"toughest son of a bitch I know," Daryl picked up, finishing her sentence.

"It'll all work out. I know it will." Beth pressing her face back into the crook of his neck and Daryl tightened his grip in response.