*Slowly pulls hands from eyes and blinks* *Peers from behind a wall, to see if it's safe*

Hello? Yes? Yes, I'm still alive and on this world... and taking baby steps again.

I hope I haven't disappointed everyone with my long disappearence? Oh, I did? I am sooo sorry. But I just... well, I guess it took me somewhat longer then planned to get back up after being beaten down so much.

BUT, I am getting back up and I will write! Because that's what I do... that's where my heart is, and what my escape for this world is. I will not let it be taken away from me... Not that perfect either... running away into another world so to speak, but it's better then the alternative, isn't it?

I do have to say... there is a clue for an connection for a very possible next story in this chapter. so if you see them, please let me know what you think it is ^^


It was later that evening, when Tony, Olivia and Gibbs stood on Gibbs' front lawn across from Jackson. Danni and Mia were up on the guest room, talking to each other.

''It has been a pleasure to meet you, Tony'' Jackson held out his hand and the younger man smiled politely and shook it firmly.

''You too, Mr. Gibbs. I hope to see you again sometimes'' Tony told him.

''Jack, kid. The name's Jack. Remember that'' Jackson demanded, kindly. He turned to the woman of the three. ''And it was certainly a pleasure to meet you, my dear!'' He grinned, took her hand and kissed the top of it. Gibbs rolled his eyes at his father's actions. The man hadn't changed much. And so, Gibbs didn't have other reactions towards what his father did.

''Pleasure is all mine, Jack'' She smiled. ''If you will excuse me. I will be checking if Mason is still asleep'' She told the men and with another smile, she turned and went back inside.

''Leroy. I really do hope you will not ignore me again for so long''

Gibbs narrowed his eyes. ''You can hope. But I will not promise anything'' He told his father firmly.

It had been a life time since he had seen his father last. He had practically written him out of his life. Out of every memory. But him showing up here, yesterday, made it feel like, it had been just last week since he last saw him. It didn't feel like 45 years, to Gibbs. And maybe that was the point, that made Gibbs a little... apprehensive.

Tony watched as Jackson looked like he was going to step towards Gibbs, but then thought better of it. Gibbs hadn't moved a muscle, but Tony saw in his eyes, that he was now glaring at the man. He concluded, that was the reason that Jackson didn't go through, with his action. Jackson also held out his hand towards Gibbs, instead. And Gibbs gave it one firm shake.

Jackson sighed and looked at the house for a moment longer, then he opened the door of his old car and sat down in the drivers seat. ''Goodbye, Son. Tony''

''Until next time, Mr. — Jackson'' Tony said and saluted him. Jackson smirked and closed the door. He started the car, that with slight difficulty did as it was asked and began to run. Slowly he backed out of the drive way and turned towards the came from.

Tony and Gibbs both watched the car drive off, until it turned a corner. Tony heard Gibbs sigh deeply. ''You okay?''

''Fine, Tony. Come on. I bet Olivia and our other girls are waiting for us to go inside so that they can talk''

Tony grinned. ''It keeps being weird, doesn't it?''

''Oh, yeah'' Gibbs smiled.

Olivia looked up as Tony and Gibbs walked into the living room. Tony sat down next to her, and as if it was instinct, well it probably was, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned into it. He gave her a kiss on her cheek and she smiled up at him. Gibbs sat in one of his armchairs and resisted to smile at the couple.

''So... are they here?''

There was a pause as Tony and Gibbs looked at each other, unsure. But before either one of them could answer, they were cut off.

''We are'' Rose spoke up first. She was the only one that Olivia personally knew, even if it was so long ago. But she really did like to start.

Olivia let out a yelp and jumped startled, making both Tony and Gibbs chuckle. Tony squeezed her hand and smiled reassuringly, when she looked at for guidance.

''Hello?'' Olivia said quietly.

Rose smiled at the small voice. ''Hello, Olivia. How are you?''

''Gods, I'm not even sure'' Olivia replied, shaking her head. ''How are you?'

''I am well'' Rose replied. ''I am sure that this is a lot to take in. I must say, that I've heard stories of Shannon, and by that I can say that you take it far better then Jethro and Anthony did, the first time they were confronted by Shannon''

''And that's so surprising?'' Tony asked, pretending he was offended. ''Olivia at least had something to prepare her. I told her before someone she couldn't see, who is... well not here, talked to her. I and Dad didn't have that. I mean I was in the middle of a breakdown, when Shannon talked to me. Gibbs, almost got one from her speaking up!''

Gibbs glared at Tony for stating the truth, but it didn't come over as if Tony was affected by it. That seemed to happen almost every time he glared at the younger man, these days. He didn't have to snap at him though, as someone else did.

''Anthony Dimitri DiNozzo! You will not disrespect the dead like that!'' Rose shrieked. Her voice slightly higher.

Tony's eyes went wide. ''Mum!'' It almost sounded like a whine. ''I did not mean it like that! You know that''

Rose chuckled. ''I know, I just love the caught-with-the-hand-in-the-cookie-jar look. I've missed it''

Tony grumbled, but the almost normal banner, seemed to have convinced and relaxed Olivia somewhat.

Other chuckles and some giggles sounded now too, making Olivia jumped again, though, not as hard as before.

''Are you always doing that?'' Olivia asked, scoffing.

''Well, Gibbs and I like to think we sense them just before they speak up'' Tony grinned, while Gibbs rolled his eyes again, at Tony's brag.

''You wish'' Shannon retorted. ''You still jump a feet into the air sometimes, young man!''

Tony opened and closed his mouth, making Olivia chuckle at him and Gibbs suppress a smirk. They talked for a couple of minutes. For Olivia it all seemed so surreal. It wasn't supposed to be possible. But here she was talking to voices... if she would just say that, they would think she was insane, but she wasn't alone in this. Tony and Gibbs had been talking to the voices as well.

Mia and Danni had talked like real sister did. Mia mostly questioning about Danni's afternoon with Logan Rowe. She had never heard her sister talk about a boy that way and gathered that her older sister really liked the boy. She mentally smirked about it. That may be good blackmail material, for when she needed it.

She listened as Danni told her about Tony's confrontation, and somehow wasn't surprised that her dad knew about it. And that he was angry about her lying. If she had learned anything about Tony and this family, then it was that his friendships, his family was build on trust. Trust was Tony's priority. She was clever enough to connect it with his vague stories about his childhood and the story about Gibbs leaving NCIS and living in Mexico for a couple of months.

She didn't know any details, but Mia was good at overhearing conversations. Some might call it eavesdropping, but she would never do that. She just overheard things... by coincidence of course. She knew a lot of things, that they didn't know, she knew, because they all labeled those things on 'Adults stuff/conversations'.

Anyway, after Danni had told her story about this afternoon, Mia had decided to cover herself with the nice duvets. It wasn't long before she fell into a peaceful sleep.

But she was the only one. As Danni was still awake and not tired. She had gone to the bathroom and just came back. She was glad that Mia was asleep so quickly, as she didn't think she could hide her discomfort from her sister.

She had lied. For the most part they already knew that, but she used her problem to get Tony off her back.

''I lied, so what? Nobody got hurt. See, No new bruises or anything''

Danni almost laughed out loud, when she heard her own words in her mind. Tony's words felt like being stabbed. That she hurt him, for lying to him. And it hurt even more that he thought that the truth was out now. The truth about her secret... meeting, was indeed out, but she still had her secrets. She was still hiding. She knew he thought he knew mostly everything, but oh, how wrong he was. He didn't know. He didn't know how weak she was on the one side and how strong she was on the other.

Because she was weak, as she had a problem. One worse that he could ever imagine. One he didn't know was that bad. One that she didn't know how bad it was. One moment she was perfectly fine. She loved how her life was now, but she still held her dark side. She had lost her control of her mind of her actions on her own body. She was strong and good enough to hide it from everyone, but weak for giving in, weak for believing everything she thought. If she told him or anyone else, they would hurt for her. She didn't want to tell— she couldn't. She was drowning.

Turning onto her side, Danni grimaced. She rubbed her upper arms, feeling the bandages underneath her long sleeved shirt. She knew she couldn't keep doing it on her upper arms for long, anymore. But she had Tony off her game for a while, so she wasn't too worried.

Once he would find out. He would leave. And she hoped by got that he would leave, or he would get rid of her... in a no murder kind of way. Either way, he would keep and take care of Mia. That was all that matters. As long as Mia was okay and happy, nothing else mattered.

She looked at the smaller girl on the other bed and sighed. Her eyes drooped and before she knew it, they didn't open for the rest of the night. There was one wish that often slipped into her mind, 'if only she could go to sleep peacefully and never wake up again'.

''Are you coming?'' Olivia asked Tony, as she stood up and walked over to the kitchen to go up to bed.

''No.. uh, I'll be up for a little while longer, get another beer'' Tony replied.

''You sure?'' Olivia smirked at her.

Tony raised an eyebrow at her, for a moment, then just smiled and nodded. ''Yup''

Olivia shrugged. ''Okay, don't be too long. Night, Gibbs''

''Night'' Gibbs said after her, as she turned and walked out of the living room. When she was gone, he looked questioningly towards Tony. ''So, any idea what Shannon wants to talk about?'' He felt a tingling going over his cheek over his cheek.

''Nope'' Tony replied.


Tony shrieked and jumped, while Gibbs gave nothing away that he had been startled.

It was followed by a high giggle and two somewhat lower chuckles.

''See? I told you'' Shannon's voice.

''Yes, you did, indeed'' Rose's voice.

''That's not the same!'' Tony protested. ''Kelly is a Gibbs. Gibbs' can sneak up on everyone!'' He turned to Gibbs. ''How come you didn't jump?''

Gibbs smirked. ''I got a warning''

Tony glared harder at him, but Gibbs didn't back down, knowing that Tony wasn't seriously angry at him.

''So ladies, what is it that you wanted to talk about?'' Gibbs asked.

Rose and Kelly both smiled up to the third Ghostly woman in their presence, Shannon, who in her turn glanced at the fourth one, who smiled nervously as she took in the house.

''Jethro... We've been here for the whole process as Jackson was here'' Shannon began. ''I was also there when you had one of your less prettier moments in the basement and nearly hit Tony with the jar''

Gibbs grimaced at that fact and shot another apologetic look towards Tony, who just shook his head gently, willing the man to believe he wasn't angry about it. Gibbs sighed. ''And?''

''Well, it brought us on a idea. Actually Kelly reminded us about something and that brought on a idea'' Shannon said, at their intrigued faces, she continued. ''You remember our explanations about the Great Spirit?'' Both men nodded. ''We as Spirits ourselves took it upon ourselves to ask them for a favor. Of course they were first very surprised, telling us that no one ever had the courage to do so. But after we explained some things, he eventually agreed that it would do some good''

''What did you ask him... her?'' Tony asked.

It was Kelly who asnwered. ''We asked them if Daddy was allowed to talk to grandma Ann!''

Gibbs felt his heart drop, while Tony's mouth opened and closed, clearly not knowing how to respond to that.

''And it just so happens, that three ladies with charming beautiful eyes could convince the Great Spirit to do so, if only for a couple of minutes'' Rose said cheekily, which reminded Gibbs of Tony's bragging.

''What?'' Tony gasped. ''You mean...'' He trailed off, grinning as he saw the disbelieving face, filled with shock of Gibbs.

''You're Serious?'' Gibbs said almost in a whisper tone.

''Dead serious, Leroy'' A fourth voice joined in.

Gibbs released a huff of air, as if he was sacked in gut. He didn't know how to say, he didn't know what to do. He wasn't one to show emotions rawly and he wasn't going to now. At least that was the plan. It was harder to do, than he thought it was. ''Mom''

''Hello, baby'' The curly redhead said. Her voice was smooth, warm, calming. A smile was obvious. ''Oh, baby, look at you. You are such a handsome man''

Still Gibbs didn't know what to say.

''Leroy... Leroy, it's okay child'' Ann said. ''It's okay, I'm okay''

Gibbs spoke up, but the words were unexpected. ''How could you do this to me?''

''Baby... you know why I did what I did'' Ann sighed, regretfully.

Gibbs let out the same sigh. ''I do know. I just... I don't know if I agree with your decision... ever''

''You don't have to agree on anything. I just want you to know I did it, because I couldn't bare to have Jack cheating on me. I couldn't bare the pain I had, but the worst thing was seeing you sick because of me. You weren't eating or sleeping, you weren't taking care of yourself, even though Jack should've been the one to do that for you. But you only thought of me. You were taking it to such a level that you were becoming very sick if you were going to go on with your routine any longer. We didn't have any money left to get you medicine also''

Gibbs frowned. ''I don't remember being sick'' He said.

''But you were. Your body was breaking down with exhaustion. You didn't eat or drink and your immune system was very low. You caught a cold, but you weren't even aware of it, because you were too busy. In that time, your cold was in the verge to become bronchitis and in that time it would almost always become pneumonia, something that wasn't very common to overcome. And without money you would have died. I had to do something. I was going to do anyway, but I wasn't about to take you with me, baby''

Gibbs' frown deepened, he really couldn't remember being sick. ''So you don't have any regret that you died?''

''I don't regret I put an end to not only mine but also the pain I was causing because of my cancer. Yes, you hurt when I died and I am so sorry for causing you such pain, but...'' She skipped a second. ''Would you really want me regret that my only son died also because he's too damn selfless? I do regret getting sick and not being able to see you grow up or seeing you so happy with your family or not being able to be there for you when your family died. But I don't regret taking some of your and your fathers pain and troubles with me''

''I know, mom'' Gibbs sighed, running a hand over his face.

''You were and have become an even greater person. I am proud of the son that I raised and have. Bad things happened and you're still here and you've become a great role model for others to do the same. Anthony is one example of the that, aren't you Tony?''

Tony grinned. ''Yes, ma'am!''

A heartfelt laugh came back. ''Don't call me that, young man, I did work, you know''

Tony's grin only widened at that statement.

''I can see you are in good hands, Leroy. You have what I always wished you would have, a family. and you are what I wanted you to be. Happy. I am proud of you and how strong you are. And one day, when your life is complete, I will see you again. But I hope that will be a long time from now, you understand that?''

''I understand'' Gibbs nodded slowly.

''Keep each other save?''

''We will'' Both men said at once.

''This was just a one time thing?'' Gibbs asked, and couldn't help to add the sound of disappointment in the question.

''I'm afraid so, Leroy. And I have to go. And I keep my promise. I will always be with you. Even if I am over there... I will always be here''

Gibbs wasn't sure, but he could swear he felt a tingle going over his chest and stopping at his heart.

''Always. I love you''

''Love you, too'' Gibbs whispered, but it was so quiet that even Tony wasn't sure if he had said anything.

It was quiet for a couple of moments no one was speaking and the only thing that was heard was the clock ticking. They thought that the other girls were away too, to over 'There'. Gibbs took a deep breath and glanced at the younger man in his presence. Tony was looking down at the floor, clearly not knowing what he should do. What had Gibbs done when Tony talked to his mother? And then he remembered that he had ordered Tony to the kitchen while he stayed with the others in the living room, while Tony talked to his mother. And when he came back he grabbed the girls and went straight to his own house without saying less then three words. Of course that wasn't the entire reason behind his behavior.

Eventually Tony looked up and smiled to Gibbs. ''I better get to Olivia'' He slowly stood up. He paused for a moment and then spoke again. ''Your mother is right you know. You are a great role model and I don't think I will ever stop learning from you. I am proud too... to uh... to be your son. I never said that, did I? Well I am. I am proud to have you as a father and glad you dragged me here and didn't give up on me. I am thankful for that you know'' He scratched the back of his head. ''And now I am rambling and I will just stop, and stop embarrassing myself. I just wanted you to know I was''

Tony and Gibbs just stared at each other. Tony a little nervously as he leaned on one leg and then the other. After a few moments Gibbs stood up and slowly walked over to Tony. He stopped right next to him. Both staring the the opposite direction. It was then that Tony felt Gibbs hand on his shoulder and a calming squeeze. It wasn't until that moment that Tony realized he had gone frozen, because he relaxed under the touch. A second later his hair was ruffled and Tony smiled.

''I'm going to the basement'' Was all that Gibbs said, before doing just that.

Tony's smile widened as he listened to Gibbs walk away and the basement steps. He slowly turned around and looked at the direction that Gibbs had disappeared to. Gibbs didn't say much. He said what you needed to hear. He said what he meant. But sometimes, he didn't say them with words. And for Tony he didn't need to actually say those words. Because his actions spoke them for him.

And so while Tony shook his head, he said, ''Love you too, dad'' Before slowly walking to the kitchen and going upstairs. He checked on Mason first, who was sleeping peacefully, with 'Bear' tucked under his arm. And slowly made his way further up and opened the guest room. He smiled as he saw his two girls sleeping.

Danni was sleeping with the whole blanket wrapped around her and tucked tightly under her chin, Zembla at her feet, looking up at Tony for a moment. Mia had somehow turned in her sleep. Her head was now at the foot board, and she was hugging Nova, who had his head on her shoulder. Mia's left leg was dangling next to the bed.

''I love you both'' He whispered quietly and closed the door again, while missing wet emerald green eyes opening and looking at the spot he had been a second ago.

Walking one stairs down again, he walked into Olivia's room and slowly pulled off his shirt, shoes and jeans, before crawling into bed. As soon as he pulled the blanket over himself, Olivia turned towards him and a arm loosely fell over his waist. He smile, kissing her cheek and crawled deeper into the blankets, before letting out a contented breath and was gone within minutes.

The remaining man, who stayed awake for a couple of more hours, was thinking about the almost one sided conversation he had had. He still wasn't quite sure it even happened, but he thought it did. His mothers words had gotten to him. Making him think everything that happened over again. He still couldn't remember himself being sick. But he had to admit, that it would be something he would do for someone he cared for very much.

The action of his mother, that had made no sense at all for an angry, lonely thirteen your old boy, made more sense now. As he thought about it, his mother sacrificed her short time to live to make sure he would not get too sick, to keep him alive. An sacrifice he would've made for his own wife, daughters, son and grandchildren or even his team, without even thinking about it.

And so he let go over all the anger he had for it. He forgave her actions, because really admitting it, there was nothing to forgive. He smiled as he worked, thinking about that. He didn't know if he could ever forgive his father for the choices he made in the past, but he was now willing to really try and see what happens.

Gibbs felt a familiar breeze and shivered. ''Thank you''

''Your welcome, Jethro'' Shannon said, smiling, happy that he had find the closure, he didn't know he even needed.

The End

I know what you are thinking! Such a long wait for just one freaking chapter? I know, I know. But this story is finished... Doesn't mean the verse is too, though! :D Of course not.

But! I would like for you to say what you thought of this chapter, what you thought of the over all story and just random thoughts LOL, but be nice, kay? ^^

Next to that. I WILL upload the first chapter of another story in the next next week. Before next wednesday. I will PM you or you could just follow me for the update ^^

Summary next story:

One mistake, one phone call and one agrument can have catastrophic results. When Tony is called by the principal, because of his oldest daughter, No one could've forsee how a beautiful day could reveal a big secret or how the day ended with another phone, that made every others heart break.

Okay! So it's done for this story. Review please? :) and I will let you know when the first chapter of the next story is uploaded soon!

x Leonie