"So, I heard you got more or less knocked off your feet," Derek Morgan said to Blake as the team bordered the jet. Blake's eyes widened in surprise, thinking he was referring to her overpowering lovemaking with JJ.

How the hell would he know anything about that?!

"Uh, well…"

"Yeah, that was a nasty flu," JJ stepped in to save her. "I've never seen her so miserable."

"I wasn't that sick," Blake protested. JJ exchanged looks with Morgan.

"She was," JJ said and went to sit down. She walked like she was… ahem, somewhat sore. Blake felt proud and embarrassed at the same time, hoping for dear life that nobody would notice the change in relationship between them. Though hoping it would pass unnoticed was a vain wish; these were the best profilers in the country and there was an old saying that you could hide anything but love and a cough.

"How come you never take care of me when I get sick?" Morgan joked and sipped his coffee.

"Because you never get sick?" JJ shot back and they both laughed. Blake watched their exchange with complete focus and a little touch of jealousy. Jealousy, huh? She usually wasn't at all possessive about her partners, but apparently that was different in this case as well.

She was so focused on JJ that she didn't noticed that she too was watched. By Dave Rossi, who looked from Blake to JJ and back again, thinking hmmm this should prove to be quite interesting.

"You're not going to ditch the flu shot next year, are you?" Morgan continued, looking to Blake. She sighed.

"Nope, I'll be first in line." She shook her head a little and looked through the case file. "Sorry I missed this case. How did you find out about the significance of the hair?"

Reid began to explain, and Blake listened, though only with about half her concentration. The rest was aimed at JJ, who kept stealing glances of her new lover, quick but frequent. Blake physically felt those glances although she did not look up; they felt like quick, feather-light kisses, and each time, the corners of her mouth curved slightly upwards in a secret smile.

And even though she did not know this, it was obvious to Rossi and Hotch that whatever passed between the two women was something far deeper than friendship.

"JJ and Blake?" Rossi mouthed to Hotch as they both went to fill up on coffee. Hotch nodded.

"So it would seem."

"Strauss must never know, Aaron," Rossi continued in a low voice.

"She won't hear it from me," Hotch replied and sighed. "But they will reveal themselves sooner or later. It's inevitable. Look at them."

Rossi did as he was asked, and just then JJ said something and her voice caught Blake's immediate, full attention. Her eyes were shiny, wide and it was clear as day that she saw nothing but JJ. Rossi sighed too, and sipped his coffee.

"I see what you mean. Do we interfere?"

Hotch pondered this.

"Let's give them a chance to handle it first."

"Good call."

"I hope it is."

The last thing he wanted was to embarrass them, but on the other hand, if they were oblivious to the glow that enveloped them and unable to be careful about who saw it, the fall could be fatal, career-wise. The Bureau wasn't exactly overjoyed with its agents falling in love at the job. It had gotten better the past few years, but it was still risky business.

A text came in to JJ's cell phone and she looked down and read it.

"For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where thou art not, desolation."

- William Shakespeare

JJ smiled; her heart felt too large to be held in her chest. She had to fight the urge to simply rise from her seat, walk over to her beautiful dark-eyed lover, and kiss her fiercely right in front of the whole team. Instead she sent a text back and put the cell back onto the table.

Blake's cell phone buzzed and she took it up and read the text from JJ.

"I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!"

- SpongeBob SquarePants

Blake began to laugh and tried to masquerade it into a cough, succeeding a little too well. She coughed so hard she felt like she was more than a little likely to hack up her lungs while she was at it. She was starting to get a couple of concerned glances from her colleagues. She waved it off, little by little getting herself back under control again. Her cell buzzed with another text. At first she hesitated if she'd dare reading it at all, but curiosity got the best of her and she glanced at the screen. The text consisted of a single word.


She shook her head and sought JJ's eyes. The smiles they gave each other made current affairs obvious even to Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid.

And neither Blake nor JJ really cared. They were ready to do this, together. No matter what was going to stand in their way, they would make this work.

They were ready, but even if they hadn't been, there had been little they could have done. Because when love finally shows up, there is little else to do but to follow where it leads you.


Okies… I have plans for a sequel to this story, exploring their relationship and how they'll deal with Strauss. Because it is true; love cannot be hidden for long, sorry to say. But right now, I'll just let them be happy for a little while. And bide my time, because I'm really not too pleased with how this story turned out; it didn't go anywhere I had planned. SIGH! Okay, what's done is done. XD