AN: Yep still don't own it.

Chapter 8: A Choice Made

Dragon 9:30, 5th of Firstfall, Wilds Hut

If Roth was honest he didn't know what it was he was expecting when he followed after Morrigan. She claimed that it was her mother that had taken the scrolls but that explanation rang rather hollow to the warlock. The documents should have only been valuable to the Wardens and no one else, what reason would the mother of a wild mage have for them? He glanced backwards, observing his fellows as they followed suit each dealing with their situation in their own way. Daveth and Jory seemed to be rather beside themselves about the whole situation. The latter of them looked as though he wished to be anywhere but where they currently were and Daveth kept shooting nervous looks towards their guide, flinching every time the woman cast a glance backwards at him when she felt his eyes on her.

Alistair marched forward, a resolute look on his face that hardened every time the woman made the slightest twitch; his eyes weren't glowing but the aura that seemed to come with them clung to him like a thick fog. And finally came Jowan and Lily, while the former sister seemed to be lost in her thoughts it was Jowan that held his gaze. His long time friend had a faraway look in his eye as he idly toyed with a knife. For a moment he would almost seem to test the edge of the blade on his thumb before returning to lightly spinning it.

It was a strange routine one that set the Warlock on edge, so much so that he reached out with his senses, feeling his friends magic as it twisted and churned. Jowan wasn't trying to cast any magic but he was obviously thinking about something and it was troubling him. He would have spoken to get his friend out of his stupor had Morrigan not done so first.

"We have arrived." She announced, her face a cool mask of indifference. Roth observed the surrounding area and found himself confused. What lay around them was much of the marshes that the Korcari Wilds were known for but he could faintly see wisps of magic rising and dissipating from the waters. Ahead of them was a clear path that had a statue on either side of it, both of the effigies were worn by the passing centuries they must have stood. One thing about them however set Roth off, they looked nothing like the statues he'd seen back at Ostogar, even though they were heavily worn he could make out a clear difference in the creation of these statues. He diverted his attention from the statues to the building at the end of the path, filing away the statues for later; perhaps there had been another civilization here before the Tevinters? He shook his head and focused back on the hut, noting that the one door it possessed had opened revealing the figure of a woman. She seemed to be at first glance shorter than Morrigan, although she hunched herself over slightly. Her hair was gray as thunder clouds, creases stretched across her face, hinting to the woman's advanced age, and her eyes a muted white, hinting to some form of blindness, though she certainly didn't move like she was blind, as she quickly strode forwards to met the party. She was clad in well worn clothes, not unlike that you would find a peasant wearing. All in all she looked like an average elderly woman who just so happen to live out in the Wilds. Roth would have believed that himself if it weren't for the veritable smog of magic that hung around the woman like a cloak, cradling her like a lovers embrace and yet giving the Warlock a distinct uneasy feeling. The magic that surrounded her was powerful, far stronger than anything he could currently muster, but he noticed something else about the smog, something that confused him the moment he noticed it.

"It's not yours." He said aloud before he could stop himself. It looked as though none of his party, not even Morrigan seemed to hear him. The woman however? Her eyes locked onto him, in that moment he saw a flicker of emerald light flash through those eyes. The smog seemed to react to this reaching out to him almost as if it were a viper preparing to strike. It was however suddenly halted when Danamacil materialized before him. The Halfling suddenly became aware of the fact that she had saturated the surrounding the area surrounding him with her own magic. If the magic the witch had released was smog, Danamacil's magic was like fire encompassing her student entirely and violently, almost jealously. It lashed outwards at the offending magic. The effect was immediate and the ethereal mist pulled backwards, he caught the slightest hint of a flinch on the old woman's part but it disappeared right after.
"Greetings Mother." Morrigan began, wholly unaware of the invisible exchange that had just occurred. "I bring before you these Grey Wardens who-"

"I see them girl." The woman cut her off, waving the raven beauty off, "Much as I…" She briefly turned her gaze to Roth before focusing on the rest of his party, "expected." Alistair raised a single eyebrow in question, a look that bordered between amused and suspicious. "Are we to believe that you were expecting us?" he asked, giving the woman a once over.

The woman scoffed, shaking her head at the junior warden as she did so. "You are required to do nothing lad." She scolded, "Least of which is believe. Shut one's eyes tight or open one's arms wide… either way, one's a fool." She smiled a wide and dangerous smile, one that put Roth on edge even more than her previous act.

"She's a witch of the Wilds she is!" Daveth warned, taking a step back from the woman and her daughter, "We shouldn't be talking to her." Surprisingly it was Jowan who spoke up, his voice slightly exasperated.

"Then you shouldn't anger her Daveth. If she is a witch killing you would be rather simple." Roth glanced backwards at his friend, mildly surprised by the uncharacteristic jab. Jowan had been quiet most of the trip, only speaking when needed. When the mage felt eyes on him he retreated back slightly, averting his eyes to the ground as he did so.

"Smart lad." The supposed witch praised. "Sadly irrelevant in the larger scheme of things but I cannot control what you think. Believe what you wish." She turned to Roth, her smile shrinking slightly as she focused on him. "What do you believe then?" she questioned. Roth thought for a moment before he responded.

"The belief of something matters little. Some things must simply be accepted." The woman's smile broke out once more as she laughed harshly; giving Roth the distinct feeling that she was somehow mocking him. "There lies a truth I hoped to find." She shook her head but still gazed at the half elf expectantly. "Even so tell me little elf, what do you believe?" Roth pondered the question, thinking of what answer it was that she expected and what answer would be the best to put forward. Just as he was about to answer he felt his teacher's magic brush past him, reminding him that she was still there. Emboldened by this Roth looked straight on and answered the supposed witch.

"You are dangerous." He stated firmly, "Dangerous and powerful, you think that you are right but age as blinded you." Roth blinked once, twice, three times as he shook his head. 'Where the hell did that come from?' he thought. What had brought on that, he'd meant to stop, but once he had begun speaking the words seemed to take on a life of their own. The old woman eyed him curiously, an eyebrow arched in was seemed to be genuine confusion.

"Has it lad?" she questioned skeptically, amusement dancing through her aged voice. "Well, mayhap it has." She turned to Alistair, her smile turning upwards a margin. "But enough of this yes? I can guess you're purpose here." She turned and quickly strode back into the hut. When she reemerged she did so with a small wooden case. "And before you pitch a fit your precious wards wore off long ago." She shoved the case into the former templar's arms. "I have protected these." Roth raised a skeptical eyebrow at the woman.

"The Ward wore off? Or did you break it?" He questioned, drawing surprised looks from his party. The woman smiled, seemingly amused.

"Whatever gave you that idea lad? I am but an old woman in a swamp. What could I have done hmm?" She questioned, the amusement never leaving her voice. Roth scoffed shaking his head as he did so.

"I've studied quite a bit when I was a mage in the Circle." Roth caught the barest hint of a scowl flash across Morrigan's face before she schooled herself, "And what I learned there was that there is never a case when only one ward is placed on an object. There are over a hundred wards placed on the stone of the Circle tower, each one serving a different function." The woman's smile seemed to widen, though for what reason Roth didn't know but he continued nonetheless. "The longer a ward is set in place magic saturates the very air. By their nature wards wear down the veil and the magic of the Fade seeps through and strengthens the wards." He gave the woman a pointed look. "Quite simply it is impossible for wards to wear off because they constantly have a supply of magic to support them." The woman shook slightly before letting loose a quick but loud bellow of a laugh, the sound echoing throughout the small clearing. She turned to her daughter, who had the same startled look the Wardens now wore.

"Do show them out of the woods dear." She stated, smiling impishly at the woman. "I must go to check upon the stew, I'm sure it must be bubbling by now." The woman turned retreated back into the hut, tinkling laughter following after her. Morrigan's eyes followed her mother as she left before she turned and sighed, obviously irritated with the order she had been given. Roth blinked several times before he let out a grunt, put off by the woman's sudden dismissal of him.

"Follow me then." Morrigan deadpanned, stepping past the party and quickly disappearing into the woods. The group hesitated for only a moment before following after the strange woman. While Roth clearly wasn't satisfied with how the encounter had played out, and Alistair was rather confused with how to feel about the whole thing in general, they had achieved their objective. Now they just needed to follow Morrigan and make it back to Ostagar before nightfall.

Dragon 9:30, 5th of Firstfall, Ostagar Warden Camp

Roth let out a slight grunt as he adjusted the strap on shoulder, attempting to alleviate some of the pressure that came with wearing and fighting in armor for hours on end. The Warden recruit robes he and Jowan had been given were a great deal different from the robes of the circle. While those had been made as a means of picking a mage out in a crowd, they were also lighter and softer than that of which he currently wore. It was all rough leather and a heavy chain mail vest, a thing he was sure he would become used to. As of right now however he would be happy to get out of it. He sighed as he took in the numerous Wardens that walked about the camp, each going about their work quietly, although they would occasionally twitch slightly, almost as if they could hear something that Roth couldn't. The party had made good time with Morrigan as their guide. They managed to make it back to Ostagar just as the sun was beginning to set. Alistair had told the group to rest while they could before leaving to find Duncan and report on their success. Jowan and lily had gone off on their own, to do what Roth didn't care to guess. Jory and Daveth also went their separate ways, one to look and see if there were any women who could tolerate him, and the other to seek a Chantry sister to pray. Roth had first gone to the kennel to give the master the flower. The man was overjoyed at the Halfling's success and quickly went to work at creating the balm for the hound. He had said that if the mabari recovered enough of its strength he would see if he could be imprinted upon Roth.

The half elf chuckled lightly at the thought of having a dog. In his youth before he had been taken by the Templars he had constantly pestered his mother about getting a 'puppy'. And while he remembered how he begged and begged his mother remained adamant and refused, always saying he wasn't ready for the responsibility. Of course a mabari war hound wasn't exactly what he wanted as a child but he wouldn't be against it.

'Although Dar'U seems to be less than pleased with the idea.' He mused, remembering how the demon kept grumbling, though he insisted that it was nothing of the sort, about being replaced by a 'mangy mutt.' Roth however didn't get the chance to be further amused by his demon's distress as his thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.

"You Roth?" the half elf turned, catching sight of the man who had addressed him. He was tall, standing nearly a full head above the warlock. His hair was dark and long, strands of it falling over his emerald eyes, partially obscuring them. At his back were two standard issue daggers, and an even greater array of throwing knives strapped to his leggings and more so on his tunic. Roth gave a short nod in affirmation causing the man to sigh, most likely in relief. "I was told to bring you the message to go to the temple. Your commander is apparently doing something with the other recruits." He stated, looking wholly uncomfortable. Roth nodded, rolling his shoulder one last time as he did so.

"Why send you and not another Warden?" He question, a single eyebrow arching in question. The man shrugged, looking just as curious as Roth himself.

"Hell if I know. I was minding my own business when a warden comes up to me and tells me to deliver the message to you. He spouted on about the other wardens being preoccupied with preparation for the upcoming battle." Roth nodded, all the Wardens in the camp seemed to talk about was the horde of darkspawn that came closer and closer. Occasionally he would hear a phrase spoken here or there, always in hushed whispers. It always turned out to be something about nightmares and dreams. What specifically he didn't know but that wasn't important right now.

"Thank you for passing it along…" he trailed of, extending his hand out to the man as he did so.

"Kassadin." The man announced, taking the offered limb. "I hail from a village a ways to the north of here. Lothering." Roth nodded, remembering the small village. "Word around camp is that you're a blood mage." The man continued, causing Roth to let out an exasperated sigh. "I hope to the Maker that's true." Roth blinked, taken aback by the conffesion.

"You make a habit of wishing mages take on the practice of blood magic?" He questioned, shooting the human a look. Kassadin shrugged, knives clinking lightly as he did.

"No not really." He allowed, "But I'll take any advantage against these Darkspawn we can get. Magic is dangerous, so I say we let loose all of it on these bastards. Not like they have templars who will lock the mages away right?" The man smile slightly and Roth appreciated his attempt at a joke. The man certain had an interesting view of magic but he was just grateful he wasn't getting another lecture on the dangers of blood magic. Especially since he didn't even actually practice it! 'Damn you Jowan.' He thought, 'And damn me for following you.' He sighed before giving the rouge a solid slap to the shoulder.

"Thank you again. Perhaps we'll see each other on the battlefield." Kassadin smiled a wolfish grin that had equal parts of menace and mischief in it.

"Maybe." The human allowed as he turned. "If what I've heard about you Wardens is true then I'll merely have to look for the slew of slain darkspawn." And with that he turned, walking back towards the main encampment soon disappearing from the halfling's view. The Warlock rolled his shoulder one last time and made for the temple. After some time, and a great deal of swearing that he would get the straps of his robe checked, he arrived at the temple and was immediately directed farther inwards by another by one of the guards who stood watch outside it.

'Have any ideas on what it is the Wardens will have us doing here?' he questioned silently, unsurprised when his teacher popped into existence beside him.

"I can thing a great number of things that the Wardens could have you do Naz'beca." The spirit answered, "All of which vary in degrees of probability but that is not the question that should be asked." She turned to her pupil golden eyes peering into his soul. "What do you believe will be done here?" Roth opened his mouth only to close it right after. He turned and thought, piecing all that was available to him so as to help him form a greater picture, to help him discern his and his fellow recruit's purpose here.

"It has to do with the darkspawn blood." He answered aloud. "Alistair seemed to have some kind of uncanny awareness of the darkspawn's locations when we were in the Wilds. Ambushes that should have been impossible to detect were discovered almost instantly." He paused, recalling how in the beginning of their search for the Warden outpost a group of gunlocks had sprung up from the ground, seemingly out of nowhere, but Alistair was the first to react. The failed templar had moved with a sudden speed and ferocity that surprised Roth. It seemed to have surprised the Genlock he attacked because it could mount no defense before he separated the beast's head from its shoulders. As he recalled in every skirmish Alistair was always the one most sure of himself in the fights, always at the forefront.

"Perhaps the Wardens do something, a ritual of some kind that imbues them with the ability to sense the darkspawn." Roth frowned, his thoughts flying through his skull. "But if they had such a thing why would they keep it a secret?" Danamacil raised a single eyebrow in question, prompting her student to continue. "in every text about the Wardens that I read while I was in the Circle never made any mention about the Wardens having the ability to sense the darkspawn. Not even the slightest mention or footnote on any such thing. So if have discovered how to do such a thing why would it be kept secret?" Roth turned to his teacher his face scrunched up in confusion.

"The darkspawn are singlehandedly one of the greatest threats to the whole of Thedas. A horde of monsters that exist under the very ground that seem to wish for nothing more than the utter destruction of all not like it." He let out a sigh. "Why would they keep such a boon, such a decisive and powerful thing hidden?" He ran through all the possibilities thinking everything his mind could bring forth. He was startled out of his introspection however, when he heard the light ringing that was his master's laughter. He turned to her, catching sight of a strange smile on her lips.

"All these years my Naz'beca and still you ask such simple questions." She shook her head. "T'would seem I am a poor teacher, for you have forgotten an important lesson." Roth blinked, before his eyes widened in realization and his ears burned red with embarrassment as he did. "Ah now you remember my student. Now tell me what reason would such a thing be hidden?" Roth ducked his head slightly before answering.

"The process to gain such an ability would most likely be costly, or dangerous." He bowed his head slightly in apology. "Forgive me for the… unnecessary question." The Warlock sprit simply waved him off, smiling warmly as she did so.

"You need not worry, you are still the student, and I am still the master. This will continue till such a time when you have no more questions to ask." She laid an ethereal hand on his shoulder, sending a warm pulse of magic through his body. He gave the spirit an appreciative smile before turning his attention to an archway a ways ahead of him, catching sight of his fellow Warden recruits.

"I don't like it." A voice, Jory's voice he guessed, announced. "The longer we wait here the more I think on this Joining." As Roth came closer he caught sight of Jory, the Redcliffe knight looked quite nervous, shifting from one foot to the other. "And the more I think on it the less I like it."

"Would you stop that blubbering of yours?" Daveth's voice snapped. "Are you a knight or aren't you?" Roth sighed, rubbing his temple as he did so. This was going to be spectacular.

"I am a knight!" the warrior growled, turning to glare at the rouge. "But why all these damned tests. First Duncan conscripts me after I win a Tourney in Higherver, but now I am sent on errands? Retrieve the blood, find the scrolls. Have I not earned my place in the Wardens?" Daveth rolled his eyes at the man, smirking as he did so.

"Perhaps its tradition." He pondered, "Perhaps they simply wish to annoy you. That'd at least be funny."

"Do me a favor and be quiet." Roth spoke, drawing their attention to him. "I've very little desire to listen to the two of you bicker." He caught sight of Jowan and Lily, the two sitting next to one another, hands intertwined. He gave a quick nod to them before turning back to Jory. "Calm yourself, your complaints will do nothing in this situation. We will undergo the joining when Duncan says. Worrying over it is both pointless and dangerous." Jory looked as though he still had something he wanted to say but instead let loose a strained breath.

"Of course I know that." He said, "But whenever I ask about the Joining all I get are strange looks and half answers. It is enough to drive me mad. Why all the secrecy?" He turned to the side, looking reluctant. "The more I think of how they dodge the question the more I come to the conclusion that this Joining is dangerous. I have a wife in Highever who is with child." Roth winced; he could certainly sympathize with the man on that. He was uncertain of his future and the future of his wife and child and was understandably worried. "If they had warned me…" his gaze traveled to the floor. "It just doesn't seem fair."

"Life got fair and nobody told me? Damn." Daveth quipped earning a glare from the knight. "Would you have even come if they had warned you? Would you have left your pretty wife and child if they told you of the dangers?" Roth gave the rouge a look, mildly surprised he was the one asking that particular question. "My Ma and Pa told me stories 'bout the Wardens. 'They do what they must' they said. If such a thing is true then that is why they didn't tell you."

"Do what they must?" Jory echoed, scowling as he did so. "Including sacrificing us?" Roth frowned, that was a dangerous line of thought he was contemplating. Daveth shook his head.

"No one said we'd be sacrificed." He pointed out, "Hell no one said that this Joining is dangerous, that's just some speculation." The rouge turned looking off into the distance. "Besides I'd sacrifice a lot if I knew it would end the blight." Roth blinked, surprised that the declaration. And if the looks that the rest of the group was shooting him were any indication neither did anyone else expect it.

"I've just never encountered an enemy I could not engage with my blade." Jory snapped, turning away from the man.

"I wish I could alleviate your worries." A voice suddenly confessed, prompting the group to turn. There stood Duncan, with Alistair behind him holding six very familiar vials and another warden to his side, a large silverite chalice in his hands. "But I cannot do so." Duncan continued, stepping forwards. "And now is the time of the Joining." He announced, getting a number of looks from the recruits. Alistair and the other Warden placed the vials and chalice upon a stone table just to the side of the room. "The Grey Wardens were founded during the first Blight. When the world stood on the brink of destruction did the first of our order." He sighed, looking as though a heavy weight had been placed upon him. "It was then when the first Grey Wardens drank of darkspawn blood, and mastered their taint." Roth shook with surprise, his eyes darting to the vials. The others gaining similar looks on their faces of shock and disbelief.

"We… we're going to drink the blood of those creatures?" Jory questioned, his face becoming pale. Duncan nodded his face shadowed, eyes dark and piercing.

"Yes." He confirmed, "Just as the first did before us. Just as we did before you." Lily shook her head, shying away from the Warden Commander as she did so.

"But to take in the blood of those vile beings?" she questioned, "To bring in something against the very Maker into our bodies?" she shook her head standing abruptly as she did so. "No! I'll not do it." She declared, shying farther away. "I'll not accept that sin against the Maker into my body. To taint me…" she shivered, looking disgusted. "To corrupt me…"

"I'm afraid you must my dear." Duncan announced sadly. "For the blood is the source of our power as Wardens, the source of our Victory." He turned pouring a vial into the chalice as he continued. "Those who survive the Joining become immune to the taint, through this we gain the ability to sense the darkspawn and the taint in them." He placed the empty vial down taking the chalice in hand as he did. "In time we grow stronger as our bodies adjust to the taint."

"The Chantry would be outraged if they knew of this." Jowan stated, drawing the attention of all present. "They would decry the Wardens as practitioners of blood magic. They could call for a crusade, demand the Wardens be disbanded or destroyed." Roth sighed, silently agreeing with his fellow mage. Duncan seemed to share the sentiment as well, his face grim.

"We say only a few words before the ritual. But they have been spoken since the first." Duncan turned to Alistair, giving the former templar a look. The Warden stepped forward, bowing his head as he did so.

"Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant. Join us as awe carry the duty that cannot be foresworn.' Jory shuffled uncertainly, glancing to the full cup of blood Duncan carried. "And if you fall here, know that your sacrifice shall not be forgotten. And know that one day, we will join you." All were silent as the oath, for Roth could call it nothing else, was finished. Duncan turned eyes scanning the group until he finally landed upon Jowan.

"Jowan, mage of the Circle of Magi." He intoned stepping closer to the apostate. "Come forward." The mage hesitated, looking at the blood with a glint that did not go missed by Roth or either of the Wardens present. He reached out only to have Lily snatch his hand back. He turned to the former sister, wincing at the look in her eyes. The look that told him, begged him really, not to take the cup. It was clear as day that the Trevelyan wished nothing more than to simply leave, to put the ritual behind them and run. Jowan sighed, wondering how things could have been different. He wondered about many things as of late. The apostate would have loved for nothing more to leave all magic behind to run now with Lily and forget all about everything that came before. Then he wouldn't have to worry such as he did he wouldn't have to feel or question the things he had been. But that was neither here nor there. He had made his choices, some of them good, others foolish. Now all he could do was take the cup and let the Maker decide his fate. With a heavy heart, he pulled his hand from hers, turning away so as to not see the betrayal flash through her eyes. He took he cup, taking only a second to look at the liquid before he drank. All was quite as he did, Roth hardly breathed as his friend took in the dark blood. He finished the chalice quickly, returning it to Duncan when he did. The Warden Commander took the cup almost reverently, eyes focused on Jowan. For a moment nothing happened, all just stood still as they waited.

Suddenly however Jowan cried out and collapsed forwards, only just managing to catch himself as he did. He tossed and twisted, as if in pain. Lily brought both hands up to her mouth, only just managing to quite herself as she did, eyes filling with tears as she watched the man she loved writhe. Roth could only stand there, watching as a fog of black engulfed his friend, striking and clutching at him. Then Jowan shot up to his feet, his mouth open in a silent scream, his eyes alight with ethereal energy. Then just as suddenly as it began it ended, the mage collapsing limply onto the cobblestone, the smog still hanging around him. Alistair was quick to move, checking the man for any signs of life. After a moment her turned to Duncan and nodded a slightly relieved look on his face. Duncan nodded, filling the chalice and turning to Daveth. The rouge understood almost immediately and with little hesitation took the cup. He was quick about his drink, downing the blood quickly as he would stale ale. He returned the cup back to Duncan, shaking his head as he did so. Roth blinked as the black smog that had lashed out at Jowan suddenly appeared, rushing forward and into the rouge. Daveth bowled over as if he had been physically struck, every muscle in his body contracting in an instant. He gagged, almost as if the very air was choking him before he let loose a cry of absolute agony. He fell forwards retching twice before he regurgitated, black and red blood soon stained the cobblestone floor.

"Makers Breath." Jory exclaimed, stepping away from the horrible vision before him. Roth felt sick to his stomach, the smog pouring from Daveth as he continued to writhe. Then he could take no more.

"DAR'U!" He shouted as he turned away from the scene. The demon appeared quickly by his master's side and with a nod of understanding plunged his claws into the man's back. Almost immediately the rouge went limp, blood still trialing from his mouth. While all present were startled by the halfling's outburst and Dar'U's sudden appearance none voiced any objection. Daveth had been dying, for whatever reason fate sought to claim him now rather than by time or the blade of a darkspawn. Roth had simply wished the man a quick end.

"I am sorry." Duncan said simply, his face pained, eyes dark with sorrow. But he didn't or rather couldn't mourn long as he turned. "Ser Jory of Redcliffe. Step forward." The warrior jerked, turning to the Warden with wide panicked eyes.

"N-no." he whispered. "I-I have a wife. A child. Had I known… I would have never have come." He took a step back, his whole frame tight."No I cannot."

"There is no turning back." Duncan said carefully. Roth could tell however that there was more to it. There was a warning in his voice, a warning of what could happen should he refuse.

"NO!" the warrior said frantically, drawing his blade as he did. "You ask too much. Far too much! There is not glory in this!" Duncan placed the chalice down, reaching for a dagger at his back. Jory charged forward, ready to swing his blade down on the Warden Commander. Before the knight made three feet however Duncan was there, his blade wedged in the knight's armor. Roth hadn't even seen the Commander move. One moment he was standing still the next he had stabbed Jory. The knight seemed just as surprised as Roth as it took him a moment to process the knife that now pieced his side. He coughed once going limp as Duncan eased him to the ground.

"I am sorry." The Warden repeated, defeat and sorrow ringing clear though his voice. "But the joining is not yet complete." He stood, walking back to the chalice and taking it in hand. "All of you were called, to submit yourselves to the taint. You were called to do this for the greater good." He turned looking Roth straight in the eyes as he did. He extended the chalice to the Warlock. Roth hesitated, taking this chalice would make him a Warden, should he survive the joining. If he didn't take it Duncan would probably be forced to kill him, just as he killed Jory.

"Black blood stains his lips, his path chosen." Roth would have laughed were it a different situation. This it seemed was the path he was meant to walk. He took the chalice, looking into the black blood that it held as he did. 'Some choice.' He thought ruefully, drinking from the cupas he did. The blood tasted bitter and was cold and thick, more akin to slime than blood. He returned the cup to the Commander feeling sick that he had taken in the blood of such a vile creature. Black smog suddenly swarmed his vision, a scream ripped through his skull and he collapsed onto his knees. He could feel them. He could feel the darkspawn. His vision swam as the fog engulfed. Just as he felt his mind cloud he heard a noise, a roar of anger and pain. A roar of the damned. In that moment Roth heard the roar of the Archdemon.

And then all he knew was black.

WTF is this? An Update? HERESY! BURN IT! BURN IT NOW!


So yeah. I'm still here and I'm still doing this story. Although due to my rather *ahem* sparse updates I could't blame anyone who thought I'd abandon this. Still I want to try and finish this. And for those who care about my Brothers in Arms fic, me focusing on this story more or less means that BiA is on a bit of a hiatus. Still I got this chapter out there for you and I feel pretty proud of how it turned out, (This could just be due to the fact that I think I'm perfect in every way and never wrong but who cares?) so tell me what you think.

And to those who noticed I gave some dude a name from Lol, I just wanted to say that I really like the name so i figured 'why not?'

Until next time, I'm out