*Broken Dreams*

Part III of III

by: WhiteGloves

"I can't see Sasuke without Sakura."~ Kishi

He'll be breaking my dream if he does say that.

Thank you for waiting the end!

I hope you enjoy!

Her heart thundering, Sakura held Sasuke's eyes.

Oh no, she thought with the awkward pause falling between the two of them. Does it really look like she was caught cheating? Sakura tried to calm her failing nerves as Sasuke's eyes focused on her as if waiting for her to say something, the same as how she was waiting for him to speak. She wondered what she was going to say—and wondered at the same time what he was going to say—

What if he starts asking questions about Kanji-kun? Will she start the story two years ago where Kanji-kun boldly confessed to her in fear of dying without dealing with his feelings? Will she also tell him how friendly they have been lately albeit the feeling between them was unrequited? And will she also tell him that Kanji-kun knows she was in love with him—Sasuke—but was still watching over her like what happened just now?

Because Sakura knows how Kanji-kun was feeling... to fall in love with someone so much you are willing to set aside anything even do everything just to be beside that person...

But then again saying and explaining all of that to Sasuke would sound so presumptuous—it was as if they really are in a relationship.

Sakura's paused lengthened as she considers this, her hesitation obvious.

Wait... what am I to Sasuke?

"What's the matter?"

It was funny how the words had come out from his lips but the medical ninja still couldn't believe it. For Sasuke was not one to say such words easily—and with such gentle voice.

She shook her head all of a sudden, all her thoughts disappearing at the sound of his voice.

"Sasuke-kun!" she blurted out, "Um, you know— that was Kanji-kun and— and—!"

Where was she supposed to start again!?

Sasuke gave her a searching look before averting his eyes and closing it.

"Sakura," his voice was casual—quiet and composed—a reaction that gave the pink haired ninja a sudden jolt for she couldn't understand why he was still so calm when she herself was having another breakdown— "If you don't mind, I'd like to go to the men's room. You're in the way."

"Eh?" Sakura blinked several times before stepping aside with a forced smile on her lips, "of course—I—yeah..." but Sasuke had already walked pass her and had disappeared.

As I thought... Sakura bowed her head and leaned on a wall for support, her face flushed and funnily tearful, just what exactly am I to him?

"I'm an idiot!" she hissed to herself.

Dealing with this dilemma, she wasn't in any mood then to rejoin the group and sat on another table looking depressed. What was she expecting anyway? For Sasuke to bombard her with questions about who Kanji-kun was? About all those flowers and letters she's been receiving when he was away?

And what exactly do they have between them anyways? When he told him he'll be back for her—did she expect that he'd be opening his arms to catch her? And how about her? Was she expecting to find his woman waiting for him to accept him just like that? Or was she just like a possession he'd like to claim when the occasion calls for it?

Sakura sighed and looked down her entwined hands.

But why did he hold her hand if nothing was between them?

It wasn't at all that complicated if you look at it, Sakura thought sadly. She loves him and that in itself was clear... but why wouldn't he make it clear too? Telling her he'd be coming back for her and then not bothering to return for a long time... and still even now not making a move about it...

Maybe Sasuke's feelings wasn't the same after all... it was no good; she was not good with reading other people's feelings.

There was a long silence around her as she pondered over this. Then...

"Stupid Sasuke..." she muttered, a tear falling down her hands.

"Ahhh... Haruno-san!"

Sakura automatically wiped her tears away upon hearing a male's voice and when she looked up- found herself surrounded by the four familiar medical genins all of whom working with her at the hospital. She recognized them to be the guys from the pharmaceutical team—young vibrant and truly enthusiastic ninjas of their time. They were constant companion to her and were skilled medical ninjas as well. Seeing them surprised her, especially since she was feeling down.

All of a sudden she felt pathetic. She couldn't show her weakness to these guys for after all—they all look up to her.

"You guys..." they rounded on her table looking at her with smiles.

"You're right, it's Haruno-san," says the voice of Chiba, the brown haired ninja with large eyes.

"Sakura-san!" waved Shinta, the youngest of the group possessing short black hair.

"Oi! Didn't we agree not to call her too familiarly?!" cried an angry looking medical ninja with red hair called Akai and snipped Shinta's cheeks. "You moron!"

"Owwww! Hey that hurts!" he pushed the man away, "so what? I like her!"

The corner of Sakura's mouth twitched. Yep. She definitely can't show any weakness to these people. After all—they were one of those people who had sent her their deepest admiration. But these kids still acting like kids...

"Haruno-san," a deep voice called to her, making her look up to find Nanjiro, a tall black haired ninja whose serious features was that of somebody she knows, except that he was wearing glasses, "Have you been crying?"

"Ehh?" Shinta leaned forward the table, "it's true, were you crying, Sakura-san? Your cheek's all red!"

Sakura's evil smirk kicked in.

"Why would I cry in public, seriously?" She was glad her voice was the same as she put her right elbow on the table and lean her chin on it, surveying the medical ninjas coolly, "it's the cold, I tell you. D'you know what temperature we have now? And what's up with you guys hanging around each other? Aren't you tired seeing each other's faces every day?"

"That's a good point," Nanjiro quietly agreed and sat down opposite the pink haired girl, "I don't know how they managed to convince me."

"Don't be so cold, you!" Chiba said as the others sat around Sakura, "you should thank me I invited you! See here, if you didn't agree with me we wouldn't be seeing Haruno-san all alone, nah?"

"True," Shinta agreed grinning at her after pushing Chiba away beside her, "ahh, you're really an eyesight, Sakura-san!"

"Enough with her name," grumbled Akai as he sat beside Nanjiro, his eyes not meeting hers, "it's fine to see her every day anyways."

"You're not being honest again, Akai-kun." Chiba chided in glee, "you like her too don't you?"

"Shut up!"

"If you don't like it here then go!"

"Why would I go? You go! It's cold outside as it is!"

Sakura couldn't help but to chuckle as the two argued. It was true they liked her, but she was glad they were still able to act like themselves in front of her—in short—like kids.

"You really get along each other, huh?" she teased, making all of them look at her in horror, "why don't you just go ahead and find yourselves some real girl friends?"

The question was like a bomb as Chiba, Akai and Shinta all looked at her with bright faces. Nanjiro coughed in the corner, letting a sweat drop on Sakura's head.

Oh... she was really no good with other people's feelings, she thought.

"You idiots," she gave all of them a poke in the head, just like how she would to Naruto, "there are way better suited girls for you guys, why don't you open your eyes?"

Again, people who say incredible advices are always actually half meant for themselves.

Shinta sighed while the others closed their eyes with faces still red.

"But I want Sakura-san to be my girl friend." He said out loud, only making Sakura's eyebrows twitch.

"You brat..." she sighed and expected more bantering coming from them when all of a sudden everything went silent.

Their sudden silence made the lone medical ninja lady look up. There she found the four genins all looking above her left shoulder with jaws slightly opened and eyes wide. That was when she saw a shadow standing at the corner of her eyes—looking on her side—

She found Uchiha Sasuke standing there, solid as a stone.

"Sasuke-kun!" she gasped. Sasuke's eyes were on her male companions. Again!?

"U-Uchiha...?" Chiba muttered, his eyes recognizing the name, "You mean..."

"That Uchiha...?" Akai's sharp eyes made contact with Sasuke's cold one. Nanjiro's eyes narrowed.

"Sakura," Sasuke's voice was of the same level, yet every word he use seemed to affect her in some way, "who are these people?"

Startled, the pink haired ninhja tried to collect her already jumping heart.

As if you care... Sakura gave a conflicting side glance at him before introducing her male companions.

"They are buddies of mine from the hospital," she tried to fake a smile up at Sasuke only to find him the least bit happy. That caught her attention again.

"Sakura-san..." Shinta suddenly leaned closer to her to whisper on her ear, "what is this guy doing h—"


Before she knew what was happening, she was already on her feet. Sasuke had just grabbed her hand and had pulled her up from the chair for some reason. The four genins were all surprised at the abrupt action and were left to stare at the black haired man whose aura was too intimidating to defy.

"S-Sasuke-kun?" Sakura felt her heart thundering on her chest—what was that just now?

"Sakura's medical group, right?" the man surveyed the genins once again, "thank you for taking care of her. We will be going ahead."

And walked away, taking the pink haired ninja with him without another word.

Leaving the four genins staring at them with wide eyes.

"That guy... said... thank you...?" Chiba muttered with a sweat drop at the side of his head.

"More than thank you," Akai grumbled with a frown, "more like he wanted to axe us, huh?"

"So that's Sakura-san's boyfriend?" Shinta said with a hopeless look on his face, "ahhhhh... he's so cool... we don't stand a chance at all. It's like facing off a mountain... scary."

"You guys," the black haired man wearing glasses called out without glancing at them, "are we here to eat or not?"

But it was clear between the four. It was a major defeat.

Sasuke and Sakura went pass the group of Naruto where Choji was feeding the group his super extra delicious meal. Upon seeing the two coming along, the blonde haired ninja hero raised a fork and waved at them—

"Oi! You two!"

But it was to everyone's surprise to watch as Sasuke and Sakura went pass their table without much as a glance, making the others look at them in surprise.

"Eh?" Naruto blinked several times, "what the hell's wrong with them? This party's for Sasuke!"

"Kyaaaah!" Ino's sudden scream was enough to make everyone look at her, "it's all going on smoothly! I feel jealous!" and without stopping—she turned to Sai who was just beside her and started kissing him on the spot, making the others gape and frantic.

"Oi!" Lee and Kiba pointed with faces red while Naruto and Hinata glance at each other before looking away with faces burning.

Ino then let go and nearly strangled Sai with her tight hug, her arms around his neck.

Sai looked thoughtful for a second, before wrapping his hands around the blonde haired girl too. He then turned a look at Naruto.

"She's crying again, isn't she? Sakura?"

Naruto gave his former team mate a look before looking at the restaurant's threshold, his expression hard. Then after awhile, his doubtful expression disappeared and he smiled to himself.

"Don't worry. Sasuke's with her."

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura tried to catch her breath as she was half dragged into the snowy road with the black haired man's hand still clutching hers, "wait—! Hey!"

But he didn't look at her, not even glanced at her. He just went on and took her with him.

Why won't he look back? She wondered. After that display—was he angry? Was he jealous? Or was he just acting on male instinct because he thought he owns her?

"I said WAIT!" and flung her hand away from his reach—thus their marathon stopped.

The two stood in the middle of the road with only the lamp to shed them light in the whiteness of the surrounding, Sasuke still facing front... Sakura with her eyes hidden at the shadow of her hair.

"What's that suppose to mean?" her voice was weak... it made her wonder what happened to the voice she used so confidently on the four genins she was talking to awhile ago and how come this person can make her feel so vulnerable...? "Holding my hand... yet ignoring me about Kanji-kun... then taking me away in front of those guys... Sasuke-kun... just what exactly am I to you?"

Sasuke straightened himself but still... didn't look back.

Sakura bit her lower lip and started crying, her tears that had been so forcefully kept inside flowing down her cheeks like a storm. Funny enough, it seemed that the snow wanted to sympathize with her as slowly, it started falling from the night sky again.

She couldn't remember when it was, when she decided not to give up on Sasuke-kun. When they were just chunins... when he was given the curse by Orochimaru... when he attempted to kill her several times... when was it she decided she won't give up...?

Tears... overflowing tears... yet her heart, though exhausted, still didn't want to stop beating for him.

She knew she has long been beaten for people who fall in love first are already defeated in the war state of love... and between her and Sasuke there was really no war... just a one sided affection that may not even be reciprocated if fate continued to play with it.

She clutched her hands closer to her heart. She wanted to tell it to calm, for it was still beating too loud; she wanted to tell it everything was okay, all the while mustering strength to be on her feet for this was the night she wanted all her questions answered. This was the night she was ready to hear his response.

"Sasuke-kun..." she whispered, looking up, her green eyes though filled with tears, determined all the same, "Do you even love me?"

She saw him turn and saw the look on his eyes.

It's no good, I shouldn't... she wanted to run but his gaze kept her.

"Sakura..." why does he sound so grave? "I—"

She bit her lip and closed her eyes tight, tears welling down all over her cheeks—ready for his response—

"Don't be stupid." He said.

Wahh! Sakura opened her eyes, everything around her blocked by her shock—was she just dumped!?

But then she felt his arms around her and had given her a close embrace, her forehead on his shoulder.

The pink haired girl couldn't help but to wail—

"Is this your sympathy hug, you idiot?" she asked, all the same not removing her head from his shoulders, especially when she felt his right hand move at the back of her head. She gave all her weight on him and didn't care if he thinks she was heavy— "Stupid Sasuke!" and cried on.

"Why are you calling me stupid?" he said with the warmth of his breath touching her ears, "You're the one who's crying here in public."

And true enough, Sakura heard people walked by them in whispers.

"You think I'd care about them?" she sniffed, her heartbreak slowly sinking in after a minute of numbness, "Right after I got dumped you think I'd care about them, stupid?"

Sasuke was silent for a moment and this didn't improve Sakura's mood. Maybe she should just run like a jet plane and disappear from his sight... after all, how can she face him now knowing there was really nothing between them?

"You really are amazing, having these ideas..."

"Are you calling me stupid...? *sniff* You idiot you just broke my heart!" she cried more and with claws raised, she dug her fingers deep on his chest cloth, "you're not even...*sniff* you're not even allowed to hold me this way anymore... *sniff* What if my future husband... *cries* what if my husband... saw me...?"

"That won't be good." Sasuke's voice had become so gentle, and was it only her, or did Sakura felt him pull her closer?

"You bet it won't!" her voice was already failing her. It was really no good... everything...all those years of waiting tolling up on her, and all she wanted to do was to stop feeling and fall down... yet his strong arms were keeping her up, "I'll show you... I'll find a good husband... more handsome than you..."

She was tired... so tired. Yet her hands were still strongly clutching on to him.

"Sasuke-kun..." and she broke down completely. "I love you so much.. more than you can imagine..."

"I know."

This angered her, this made her want to smack him yet all the power has left her body...

"You're so stupid... Sasuke..."

"I know. So stop crying. Stop showing your tears to other people. It bothers me."

She was telling him her heartfelt love and all he was worried about was other people seeing her cry? How heartless can he be!? That was it! He will forever be banned from her list of wedding day invites! Curse this brainless—heartless—


His cold lips found hers.


He kissed her. Gently. Passionately. Rousingly.

What.. what what what what what!?

She stared up at him the moment he broke free, her eyes full of question. What What What?

"Sasuke-kun..." she whispered, dazed and still full of disbelief, wondering if her hallucination knew no bound. She was just dumped awhile ago right?

"That's why I said you're stupid," Sasuke muttered, kissing her more, "stop showing people your tears... stop going ahead with your ideas... just stay with me, okay?"

"What?" her face was blank, dammit her heart has even stopped beating.

Sasuke frowned at her, as if making sure that she was with him. He even raised both his hands and placed it on both her cheeks, making sure her eyes were only on him.

"Stop being an idiot."

"I'M NOT AN IDIOT ALRIGHT!?" she was pissed, "now what the hell was that kiss just now?"

He's making fun of me... the very thought sent tears down her already damp cheeks.

"Isn't it obvious?" his frown deepened, as if what he wanted to say was the most obvious thing in the world, "I didn't know you understand me so little."

"SASUKE—!?" she was near in pouncing at him—

"I like you."

Being a medical ninja, Sakura wondered if it was still normal for a person to have their heart stop at consecutive times in a matter of half an hour. She tried to feel her heart but there was nothing.

Absolute numbness.

Yet what were those rivers of tears washing down her cheeks again? Was she ever going to stop crying?

Apparently it was Sasuke's question too but Sakura clinging on his body like a baby stopped him.

The snow joined her tears again yet she knew that night was going to be warm.

"You're the one being stupid!" she hissed on his ears. "You don't confess to a girl... *cries* by calling her stupid, stupid! Y-you don't even say the right words...! Didn't you hear me? I *sniff* I said I love you! Y-you can't even say that?"

Sasuke's hold on her body sudenly went tight. Then leaning close on her ear, she heard him speak those words again and again and again...over and over...

Sakura cried more. It was really no good. This... his voice...

This just made her even maddly in love with him and clung on his neck like there was no end to the night.

The only guy who can break her... and fix her all the same... this hopeless, brainless guy...


Early the next morning a bright Haruno Sakura surprised everybody in the hospital both medical ninjas and patients alike. Everyone noticed it. She was the most charismatic medical ninja of all but her brightness just then was incomparable to how she used to be.

"Sakura-san looked lovelier than ever!" Shinta muttered to the other three beside him as they were all behind the counter for medical supply, all three of them watching the pink haired lady walk around the hospital.

"That's no good," Akai muttered with crossed arms while Chiba sighed and Nanjiro remained silent.

"Eh? Why?" Shinta blinked and then his eyes followed her back once more, unable to help himself. "She really looks beautiful."

Unmindful of everyone's eyes, Sakura continued checking the patients till mid afternoon with her bright aura affecting all the people around her.

"Sakura-san, you looked energetic today."

The pink haired ninja turned behind her and found herself face to face with the familiar face of Kanji-kun. She was just on her way outside the building when she was called and here he was in front of her.

"Hey," she said, smiling at once, "glad to see you. Are you our patient again?"

"Sakura-san," he chuckled, scratching his head, "I already confessed to you about that... well, this time at least I didn't have to come on pretences now that you know it."

Sakura recalled what he said about feigning being a patient or bringing in real patients just for the convenience of seeing her. That reminded her all of a sudden—

"Kanji-kun, you know about that—"

"Sakura-san looked different today," the genin continued with interest, "you look more... dashing. Did something good happen last night?"

A bright red Sakura blinked several times, making Kanji stare at her in curiosity.

"So am I right?"

"Uh, well... kinda... hahahhaa..." she felt her cheeks flushing, her entire body heating up. Just last night... with Sasuke... "K-Kanji-kun? I-if you don't mind, my shift has ended... I should be—"

"Oh that's good!" the man replied at once looking unsurprised, "if you don't have any plans for today how about...well... you know, spend time together?"

He smiled mischievously and Sakura just knew it was the time for him to be told the truth.


"Hai?" his eagerness made her hesitate. But as she was preparing herself to speak, someone else stole the glory.

"You again, huh?"

Both Sakura and Kanji looked at the new person walking towards them—a tall, black haired young man whose sharp, cool eyes was as domineering as ever. One look at him would make anyone perspire for he was the infamous Uchiha Sasuke, the one and only.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura blurted out, images of last night jumping one after another on her memory, "Y-you're here!"

"I came to pick you up." He said quietly, his eyes travelling toward the genin who looked back at him, aware of whom he was. "Is this the friend you were talking to last time?"

"Y-yeah," Sakura tried to calm herself, frantic as she already is for having been caught with the same guy in less than 24 hours. "This is Kanji-kun... a good friend of mine."

Kanji looked uncomfortable for awhile but tried to push it off with a smile.

"If it isn't Uchiha-san..." he started, aware that Sasuke's full attention was on him.

"Kanji-kun," Sasuke gave a slight smile, then his eyes glinted as he continued- "thank you for taking care of Sakura."

The genin froze at his words as Sakura took Sasuke by the hand and lead him away.

"Kanji-kun, we'll go ahead!" she called and half dragged the Uchiha away from him, all the while snaking her arms on his, "I didn't know you'd come to pick me up!"

"Tsk," Sasuke looked away, "stop looking at other men will you?"

"What?" she nearly choked with her own breath, "what's that supposed to mean? You were the one who always drags attention of other women! You should be the one to stop looking at them!"

"I never looked." Was the quiet answer, "they're all annoying. I couldn't stand them."

Sakura flushed scarlet and grinned up at him.

"What's this? Are you saying I'm not annoying?"

Sasuke gave him a raised eyebrow.

"Why are you comparing yourself to them? And it's not about them—I trashed all your the stuff you received from your suitors. So spill it. Give me all their names."

"Ha! I told you stop doing that! You'll scare away people, Sasuke-kun!"

It was a fact that Sasuke had returned, and it had been years ago then but Sakura was still worried that other people may judge him. There was not a time of the day that she wasn't thinking of his well being. So she hoped he would stop being mean to others. Not that Sasuke wanted to affiliate himself with others anyways.

"I'll scare anyone who dares get in my way. So stop talking to them, alright?"

The pink haired ninja gave a pause with cheeks reddening. Sometimes Sasuke was just at fault—to be so mean even to her that it was making her heart go all wild.

"What are you spacing out for?" the man asked, taking her hand and walking beside her.

It was strange how giddy she was around him when a few hours ago she felt the world had turned its back on her. Last night was a memory she will never forget... together with his promise of lifetime affection.

On the side note, Sasuke did say he will still continue his ventures outside the village and though she asked to come with him, he said he'll be feeling much better if she was here in the safety of the village.

If he had been more expressive when he left the village years ago then maybe...

But well, that's what made him Uchiha Sasuke... yet slowly; Sakura could feel him reaching out. She could feel him willingly taking her in... all those times of loneliness now gone, all her wishes that was once only inside her dreams now becoming true...

For Sasuke too, was in love with her.

The thought itself was history.

"Sasuke-kun!" she called as they continued walking with the purpose of visiting her parents. When he looked down she gave him a peck on the cheek.

She visibly saw Sasuke turn bright red. So even he can blush.

And just when she thought he couldn't be even redder than last night.

Well, that was it. Dreams do come true.


A/N: Not sure. Any extra manga out for this two?

And the last movie- did it even show them at all?!

Never mind haha!

Thanks for reading!