Before this chapter starts I would like to say that most of these will be my personal headcanons for the creatures I write about. That is all, please enjoy.

TItle: Vampire's are bats, all bats have wings

Biteology and Aah!natomy was somewhere between the frenemy line for Frankie. Her curiosity practically ate up the information the professor spewed in class, but her queasy stomach protested and often wanted to forcibly eject it back out. Half of her brain usually had to focus on something trivial like tapping her pencil or bouncing her foot to keep from hurling occasionally.

Today's lesson however seemed particularly interesting. Scrawled across the chalk board in the teacher's large, loopy writing were the words 'Monster types and their special abilities & secrets'. Frankie could feel her bolts practically tickling her neck, charged with electric excitement. She of course knew of some monster's abilities; take Deuce for example. As a gorgon he could turn people to stone.

Her eyes swept the room, gazing at all the different monsters, some she knew, others she hadn't spoken to. What possible things could they be hiding? Could some breathe fire? Hypnotize? The possibilities were close to endless. The professor cleared her throat to get the attention of the chattering class, and Frankie leaned forward in her seat eagerly, pencil poised to jot notes down. Professor Shrieke smiled at her students before speaking, "Each of you has a special or secret ability. Weather you know how to utilize it yet or not. Some may also be more obvious than others, while some can be completely invisible to the naked eye."

She placed her hand on a large, metal frame holding an equally large black glass looking sheet.

"Take, say, a vampire for example. Each eventually gains the ability to transform themself into a bat. However, what you may not know is that their wings are still very much there in their more human forms," Shrieke excitedly elaborated. "Do we have any vampires in this class?" Her eyes scanned the room until they fell upon the figure of a male vampire with two toned hair.

"Valentine!" she beamed, "Won't you come up here, sweetie? A demonstration would be wonderful, don't you think?"

Valentine tensed, raising a dark brown and frowning, "No, ah don't think it would be."

Shrieke simply smiled and batted a clawed hand at the air, "Nonsense, come here." With that she took it upon herself to grasp Valentine's sleeve and pull him to the front of the class, the vampire slack jawed all the way.

Frankie chewed the tip of her pencil, nervous jitters tickling her skin, she wasn't so sure about this now. Valentine was clearly uncomfortable and didn't want to do this. No matter how much of a jerk he was sometimes no one should be humiliated in front of people so openly. As she took the pen from her mouth to state her mind Professor Shrieke pushed Valentine behind the now known special x-ray machine, and her eyes widen, pen dropping to her desk. She wasn't the only one stunned either, if the class murmuring was anything to go by.

The machine showed Valentine, like some sort of spell had been cast so the vampire was visible, but that wasn't what he;d their attention. No, it was the shockingly large, intimidating wings on either side of Valentine. They didn't bend up, but rather down. Long enough so that the bent arch could rest against the floor, and the layered webbing between the durable bones fell atop each other and splayed on the floor either side Valentine's boots. The vampire growled, and the wings swept closer to hide more behind his body, and rose garnet eyes glared at the smiling teacher.

"Obviously yah don't know, ma'am, but a vampire's wings are considered special. Not sumthin' tah flash for show," He snapped. Walking across the length of the screen to return to his seat.

Even after what Valentine had told them Frankie couldn't seem to look away from the newly revealed appendages. They were mesmerizing, when the vampire moved the wings moved, too. One foot forward and the complimentary wing followed suit, hitting the ground and causing a ripple affect through the length. When Valentine was finally back to his seat Frankie found herself slightly disappointed.

The bell rung, signaling the end of class, and Valentine wasted no time in storming out of the room, and Frankie couldn't help but picture the wings again.

At lunch Frankie was greeted with a sudden blur of black and pink. Draculaura scowled, and angrily speared her salad.

"I can't believe what Shrieke did today! I mean, sure, Valentine can be a major jerk and deserved a twist in his fangs. But that was too far. No vampire should be forced to do that!" she fumed.

Frankie fiddled with her stitches under the table, "Yeah, it was horrible."

Guilt seeped into her as her mismatched eyes flicked to her notebook, where there were sketches of Val and his wings she'd done during study howl. Grabbed her heart when she thought about the text she'd sent to some of her other ghoulfriends.

"They were pretty, though," she muttered.


"Nothing!" she waved her hands.