Chapter 9
I am sorry to say my friends, this is the last chapter! Thank you for sticking with me and reading. I love you guys and your reviews made my day!
About three days later, Leo was discharged from the hospital. He couldn't dance for awhile and had to go easy on his niujutsu training but he still accompanied his brother, boyfriend and friend to the dace off grounds. Casey told them that both ex-crews were there now. They couldn't have asked for a better entrance, Raph and Mikey were at Leo's right with Donnie at his left. Once everyone saw the four teenagers, they quieted down, before a few Montague members called out to Leo,
"Leo! Man, your ok!"
"How are you feeling dude?"
Soon minor Montague members crowded around him but he called out, "Casey, April and Metal-head!" the three that were called gave the teenage boys questioning looks as they came over, before Donnie whispered to them what was happening. Karai who was alone, stepped in front of Leo and said, "I'm glad you're alright Leo, but what are you doing?"
"You'll see," he smiled then asked, "Come with us?"
"…Yeah, alright," Karai moved to stand next to April and Donnie.
"This stupid feud has gotten outta hand! I was almost killed just because Raph and Mikey are together. Do you even know what you're fighting about?"
A silence of guilty looks at the floor and quiet whispering passed before Leo said, "That's what I thought," the newly banded team moved aside for a pair of police man
"Ey what is this?!"
"Come on man!"
"Tybalt, Slash and Peter, please come with us. Don't bother running, we have the building surrounded," the police man looked around the warehouse, seeing many young adults and teens. Said teens were more or less pushed out of the crowd and struggled in cuffs.
Five years later, Michelangelo is going to a local community collage, learning how to become a professional chef. In his spare time, he still dances and skateboards, but he is usually with Raph, at their shared apartment. All four of them lived in a two bedroom apartment. Donatello was accepted into three major universities including Yale and Harvard. But, he decided to go to a close by state collage, studying in science and mechanical engineering.
Raphael and Leonardo went into business, opening their own gym. They taught different styles of fighting, including weapons, kick boxing, tai chi, wrestling, and karate. Splinter helped them in the gym but the boys promised not to teach the art of ninja.
After nearly six years, Raphael and Michelangelo were still together. They've had their fair share of fights, mostly about Raph being insanely over protective, his occasional bar fights, and Mikey's child like behavior. Since both are reactive, emotional beings, one, usually Raph, leaves the room to cool off. But no matter what, they always make up.
Leo and Donnie's relationship isn't perfect either. They had a huge fight and broke up after Leo told Donnie that he was going to Japan for a few months. Both were heartbroken and depressed during the summer and as soon as Leo got back, they made up and swore never to split again.
One of the hardest years for Mikey was a few years out of high school, while Raph was away on some crazy training, Leatherhead was killed in a car accident. Mikey went into a bad depression and hardly spoke to anyone. Once Raph came back and found out, he dedicated his time to try and make Mikey smile like he use to and hardly left his side for almost two months.
Today, Leo was watching TV, lounging on the couch. Mikey was at his part time job, a pizza shop and Donnie was at school.
"Boom!" Raph leaned against the back of the couch, shoving a box in front of Leo's face.
"Yes Raph it's a ring… oh my God Raph that's a ring!" Leonardo scrambled to stand up, taking the box to make sure he wasn't seeing things.
"Very good Leo," Raph mocked, like Leo was trying to do before freaking out.
"Wow man, so your seriously gonna ask him?"
"Hell yeah, I love that knuckle head."
They laughed, and hugged patting each other on the back before Leo said, "Man, never would've thought you were getting engaged before me."
"You're telling me."
"So, how you gonna ask Mikey?"
"Well, I was thinking about taking him to his favorite restaurant-"
"-Any place with pizza."
"Then, to the amusement park, and I donno, when the time feels right I guess."
"Whoa Raph, don't get too mushy and romantic.
"Ah shut it."
"Oh! Here he comes!"
Raph stuffed the little box in his pocket while Leo settled back down in the couch. The door opened and Mikey let out a sigh of relief.
"Hey baby," Mikey smiled tiredly.
"Hey Mike… you ok?"
"No, not really," Mikey dropped everything on the floor in front of the door, which Donnie will yell about later.
"What's wrong?" Raph went over and caught Mikey in a comforting bear hug, which the smaller male gladly welcomed, leaning all of his weight against Raph and inhaled his boyfriends scent.
"It was just, ugh, first a kid spilled pop all over me so I had to change but my legs were still sticky. Then some asshole was yelling at me about the food and I tried to explain to him that I didn't make it, so our new manager comes over and yells at me for arguing with a customer. After work, Dave's car wouldn't start so we had to walk a mile to a bus stop and I'm pretty sure I sat in gum."
"I'm sorry baby," Raph said, rubbing his back, he kissed the top of Mikey's head.
"Not your fault," Mikey mumbled before he peeled away from the hug he didn't want to leave.
"Do you wanna do anything today?" Raphael asked as Mikey went into their room to changed.
"No, I'd rather stay home," Mikey said, changing in front of their closet. Raph leaned against the doorway with a smile as he watched Mikey pick out a pair of Raph's boxers and shirt.
"Is that ok?" Mikey asked, tilting his head at his boyfriend.
"Yeah that's fine," Mikey smiled and kissed Raph as he passed him to the bathroom.
Mikey decided to take a relaxing bath. The lights were dimmed and the water wasn't to hot. So when Raph came in that was just gravy on top.
"Scoot up," Raphael said. Michelangelo moved up enough so that Raph seated himself behind his orange loving boyfriend. Mikey settled in Raph's chest, he moaned happily when Raph started to kneed his shoulders, rubbing away his stress. Raph kissed the back of Mikey's neck.
After the soothing bath, Mikey felt much better and after they dried off they laid in bed watching movies. Raph was in nothing more than his boxers, while Mikey was in both Raph's shirt and boxers.
"You…you know I love you right?"
"Yeah?" Mikey craned his neck to look up at Raph, who then moved to sit up, "Raph?"
"I want to… I- you…" while Raph was trying to find his words, Mikey was having a panic attack, his mind going to the worse while his chest clenched.
"Aw hell, Michelangelo will you marry me?" Raph took out the small box, showing the smaller male the ring.
"Oh my god Raph, yes of course you idiot!" Mikey practically tackled Raph off the bed, laughing and smiling.
A few years later they got married. Leonardo and Donatello were of course the best men. After Donnie graduated school, Leo took him to Japan and proposed to him, they got married nine months later with a small wedding.
I kinda threw this together so if there are mistake I apologize, I may fix them later. Anything that's it! Thank you for reading!