Hi! I'm new so I really hope you guys like my stories^^! I do NOT own Bleach, I only own myself(Brielle)!


A group of kids and a dragon are on their way to Las Noches. In this group, there is a teenage boy with bright orange hair, brown eyes, and wears a black uniform known as a shihakusho. This boy is a substitute Soul Reaper named Ichigo Kurosaki, and with him are two other Soul Reapers, a Quincy, a human, and three arrancar. The two Soul Reapers are named Rukia and Renji. Rukia has black hair, purple eyes, and she is also short. Renji is a little taller than Ichigo has red hair, and brown eyes. The Quincy's name is Uryu Ishida. He is the same height as Ichigo, has blueish-black hair, and blue eyes. Now the human boy's name is Yasutora Sado, but everyone calls him Chad. He is the tallest of the group including the dragon - brown wavy hair, and brown eyes. Finally the dragon – the dragon is a female with black and red scales, red on dark purple eyes, and a little smaller then Ichigo. Her name is Brielle Kurosaki; she is Ichigo's soul sister. The arrancars that are with them are Nel and her brothers.

They have been running for awhile, fighting everything in their way, but finally got to Las Noches.

"Jezz, I never thought we'd ever get here!" Ichigo said exhaustedly.

"Exhausted already, Ichigo?" Ichigo glared at Uryu, and he just smirked.

"Will you two ever get along?" asked Brielle, who had a sweat drop on her head.

Ichigo looked at his sister, and scowled. "Shut up." Brielle just rolled her eyes.

"Hey, c'mon! We got to go!" Rukia said angrily.

"Yeah, but how are we getting in?" questioned Ichigo.

Brielle smirked, "Well, when there is no door, YOU MAKE ONE!" The wall was blasted open thanks to Brielle's sharp claws. Everyone was wide-eyed at the size of the hole and Ichigo made an "oh" with his mouth. "Well you people coming?" They all went in through the hole and later on found a five-directional hallway.

"Great, a fork in the road." Ichigo said, not looking too happy.

"We'll have to split up." Both Brielle and Ichigo looked at Rukia like she had gone nuts.

"Are you crazy!" they said at the sometime. Renji stepped in front of them.

Rukia explained, "It will be faster to find Orihime if we split up." Brielle understood, but she knew it was a bad idea.

"Fine." Was all Brielle said.

"What! Brielle, what are you thinking!" Exclaimed Ichigo

"I know it's a bad idea, but what can we do about it? You know that the faster we find Orihime, the better." Ichigo understood after that. "Fine, we'll split up." After Ichigo said that, Renji did something like a "good luck" ritual. When that was done, they split up choosing different paths. Ichigo and Brielle are together and everyone else is alone.

Nel and her brothers wanted to go with them, so they went after Ichigo and his sister.

"Hey, wait up Ichigo! We want to come too!" Nel and her brothers exclaimed. Ichigo jumped from the loud voice yelling, but calmed down when he noticed it was them.

"What are you guys doing here? Go home." Ichigo said, Brielle nodded her head in agreement.

"Well, Nel wanted to stay with you. So we're coming along." explained Pesche.

"So…that means we're stuck with you then?" question Brielle. They nodded "yes". Ichigo sighed, and then said, "Fine, I guess you can come, but when we are fighting, hide somewhere. Got it?" They nodded. "Good." And they started down the corridor.

They have been running, but still no arrancar showed up.

"Where is everyone?" asked Ichigo.

"How should I know?!" exclaimed Brielle.

"Hey, there is a door over there." said Nel, while pointing at the door. Brielle and Ichigo saw the door and said, "Good work." Nel looked pleased with herself, then went through it.

What they saw, they didn't like it. There was a man standing in the middle of the room. The man had short, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, wears a white arrancar uniform, and was a bit taller than Ichigo.

"Hello, Ichigo and Brielle Kurosaki." The man said in a calm voice.

"Darn it, I was hoping that Orihime was behind that door." Brielle did not sound pleased. Nel and her brothers are whimpering in fear and Ichigo is cursing under his breath. "Aizen." Ichigo hissed. The man known as Aizen just smiled.

"C'mon, Ichigo, there is no need to be angry." Aizen said, trying to calm the boy down, but of course it didn't work.

"Like heck there isn't!" Ichigo and Brielle said in unison. They were about to attack, but they felt pain in the back of the head.

"Ichigo, Brielle!" Nel screamed with worry. Ichigo and Brielle are now unconscious.

Nel saw two men that knocked them out. One had silver hair – a face that would remind anyone of a fox, and is very tall. The other man is around the same height, dark skin, black-braided hair, and is blind.

"Well, that was easy." Said the silver haired man, poking Ichigo's face.

"Gin, knock it off." The blind man said annoyed.

"Aw, you're no fun Kaname." Gin complained.

"That's enough you two." Aizen started walking to the unconscious Ichigo, then bent down to pick him up. "Kaname, go see how the other intruders are doing. Gin, pick up Brielle Kurosaki and follow me." When Aizen was done talking, Kaname went to the control room and Gin picked up Brielle and followed.

Aizen and Gin stopped at a door and went inside. They put the two soul siblings on the bed and left locking the door behind them.

"Gin, send the three arrancar to the meeting room, I would like to talk to them." Aizen said calmly.

"Yes, sir." Gin said kind of childish.

Ichigo was the first to wake up. He saw Brielle still asleep, so he tried to wake her.

"Brielle, wake up." He said quietly, shaking her shoulder. She groaned, then started to open her eyes.

"I'm up." She looks around, trying to remember what happened. Then her eyes narrowed. "Oh, that son – of – a – gun." She said dangerously calm. Ichigo shuddered at the voice.

"Hey, they're awake!" said a voice. Ichigo and Brielle looked and found the source of it. It was Dondochakka. Pesche and Nel are also there with him.

"Ichigo!" Nel yelled suddenly and ran up to him.

"Hey, Nel. What are you guys doing here?" asked Ichigo. Nel and her brothers looked at each other.

"Well…" Pesche started to explain.

~flash back~

"What are we going to do?" Dondochakka said with fear.

"How about we go home now?" Pesche suggested.

"We can't leave Ichigo!" Nel exclaimed. All of a sudden, Gin appeared in front of them. "AH!" They jumped and started whimpering.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." Gin continued, "Lord Aizen wants to talk to you three." They didn't calm down in the slightest when they heard that last part.

They went to the meeting room, and at the head of the table is Aizen.

"Good afternoon." Aizen said calmly the three arrancar didn't say anything, because they are frozen in fear.

"You can calm down, I'm not going to kill you." Aizen smiled sweetly at them. They calmed down after hearing that.

"The reason why I brought you here is to ask you something." he paused, then continued, "Would you like to stay with Ichigo and his sister?" They stare at him with wide – eyes.

To be continued…

I will put a poll up on my profile sometime god knows when; I just want you guys to see how my oc is like so you guy can vote if you want her in some or all future stories. I want to be as fair as possible for you guys; and then, when that is done you guys can pick what story you want or don't want her in^^! But for now please review