I own nothing. Thanks for reading

I'm going to win you that bear.

"Phil, you don't have to do this." says May

"I said that I would and I will."

"You've already wasted twenty bucks trying to win be a giant bear that I don't need by failing to hit milk bottles."

"I'm not complaining." says the game booth attendant and he walks to the other side of the booth when May glares at him

"I'm just saying that I appreciate the effort." says May

"I'm glad that you do but I'm getting that bear for you. If only we brought Skye with us, she could knock them down."

"You want to use Skye's powers to win at a carnival game. You're unbelievable."

"It's not cheating because the game is already rigged. Excuse me sir, three more balls please."

"Here you are." says the attendant

Coulson throws two of the balls and they both fail to knock down the milk bottles. May throws the third ball and successfully hits the bottles.

"Showoff." grumbles Coulson walking away from the booth

"And we have a winner. Here is your prize." says the attendant and he hands May a giant pink bear

"Thank you." says May walking away from the booth and running up to catch Coulson

"Don't worry the others will only know that you got it on the first try."

"Thanks May. You're the best."

A session with Skye and Doctor Garner (requested by af1011)

"How are you Skye?" asks Garner

"As good as I can be." she replies from the couch

"What about your powers?"

"They're under control when I remain calm."

"Are you calm now?"

"Now that I'm in a building that I could currently topple at any moment. Yeah I'm calm."

"You don't want to be here."

"I can kill people in this building in a blink of an eye. This is one of the last places in the world I want to be right now." she says getting up from the couch and pacing around the room

"They why are you here?"

"To have my session with you? Why else would I be here?"

"No why are here in this building?"

"The appointment got moved because of Mama May's retirement home mission."

"Retirement home?"

"You don't know. Didn't May tell you."

"She doesn't tell me anything but back to the point. Why are you here?"

"May thought I could come here and not topple the building." she says sitting back down

"You don't believe her."

"No but she's right so far isn't she."

"She usually is."

"Yes she is."

"So you wanted to come here to prove her wrong."

"I guess and to see if I could do it."

"And you did. I think you should go out in crowded areas more. Maybe a mall or something. Doctor's orders."

"You think I could convince May to take me to Hershey Park. I bet its crowded."

"And has plenty of chocolate. If you manage it I'll be impressed."

"You could write a prescription and make it official."

"I'll talk to her about it."

"But that's no fun."

"How about a doctor's note?"

"That'll work."

Hunter sees the laser tag footage (requested by Guest)

"Hey Billy, where's the footage of last nights laser tag game?" asks Hunter walking into Billy's office

"Which version do you want? I have one in night vision, infrared, hi def, and your gear had cameras on it so you could get one from your point of view. Sam managed to edit one with noises and one with his narration of the game. Its mostly him praising Agent May." says Billy

"I'll take the point of view one."

"Great. I'll set it up. Do you want any snacks or beverages?"

"No I just ate."

"If you're sure." says Billy before he starts the video

"How are we going to play this?" asks Bobbi

"We're going to win. Its six against two, there's no way their going to win this. It's what they get for going off and having fun without us." says Skye

"I say three of us go for the flag and the rest stay here." says Simmons

"Oldies and Newsies." says Fitz

"Right. So we'll stay here and you guys go get the flag." says Mack

"Wonder who they're sending over here?" asks Skye

"Either way we better be prepared." says Hunter

"Hope you guys are ready." yells Coulson from his side

"I'll countdown from three and I'll hit the lights." says Mrs. May

"Three. Two. One."

"I'll take the middle. You guys take the sides. There is no way they are getting pass us." says Bobbi

"That would be a good idea if we all weren't hit and the flag wasn't missing." says Mack pointing behind them

"Oldies they got the flag. Be on the look out." yells Hunter

"Its only been thirty seconds how did that happen." yells Skye from outside of the arena

"You're already out how did that happen." he yells back

"Flag captured. Reset. I'll give you guys sometime to come up with a better plan." says Mrs. May

"Okay new plan." says Fitz

"We'll go get the flag you guys stay here." says Hunter

"How's that going to help?" asks Simmons

"It probably won't." says Skye

"Times up. Let's begin." says Mrs. May

"We'll need a diversion. Hunter you'll be the bait." says Bobbi before running off to one side

"Great. I guess I'll go up the middle then."

"It's all clear on this side!" yells Mack

"Same here. Hunter go for the flag." says Bobbi

"On it."

"Newsies. Hurry up they have the flag and I've just been tagged." yells Simmons

"Hey that rhymes." says Hunter

"Hunter now is not the time. Let's go." says Mack running towards the other end of the arena

"I'm out." says Bobbi

"So am I." says Coulson

"Yeah I got you. Great. Now I'm out. Geeze May, you couldn't let me bask in my glory. " says Skye

"Well its still three against one. Run Hunter Run." says Bobbi

"I'm almost there. May." says Hunter as he meets May in the middle of the arena


"Good luck."

"You'll need it." she replies walking further away from him as he stands in the same place


"Flag captured. Better luck next time." says Mrs. May

"We were so close, Hunter. You need to learn how to walk and talk." says Skye

"Hey, I was watching that." says Sam when Hunter pauses the video

"You've seen it enough." replies Hunter

"I know. They kicked your butts."

Engaged? (requested by Guest)

"So I've been thinking." says Coulson as he and May are walking through the Playground hallways to bid farewell to Mrs. May

"This can't be good."

"Well I was just thinking about what Skye was talking about."

"Changed relationship statuses."

"Yeah and how I hope you're the reason for that change."

"I know you just said it in you're office."

"I know that. I just want to know if what I want is what you want. I want to hear it."

"I want what you want."

"You just don't know if it's the best time for this to happen. You want to know what I think."

"Not really but go ahead."

"We could die at any moment and yeah it may not be the best time but I was given a second chance and this is how I want to spend it."

"With me. Are you sure about that?"

"Absolutely and hey maybe we'll end up getting married."

"If we both live that long, sure. Why not?"

"So what a year from now."

"If we're both alive."

"Did we just get engaged?"

"I believe we did."

Glad you guys enjoyed my story. Like I said. I may do a third story to make it a trilogy. We'll see.