I Guess I'll go Underground ('Cause I'm a Slave for You)

Summary: Sarah joins a cult based on witchcraft headed by a husband and wife duo. What she doesn't know is that they themselves are actually slave traders to the world below, the Underground. Back in the Underground, Sarah encounters new trials and friends, as well as her old ones. An old enemy becomes a new ally, and Sarah, a common mortal, is transformed to one of the greatest queens of the Underground.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own Labyrinth or anything related or associated with it. I came up with the title all by myself. So, I guess I own that. I also own all the characters that don't sound familiar or that weren't in the original movie. Thank you.

Author's Note: And yes, I know I just got done writing Baby Brother, but I couldn't resist writing another story. Thank you to Dark Angel Hotaru who has been a big inspiration to me!

Lightning flashes and thunder roars outside as the rain slashes through the sky angrily. The wind howls, causing the old two-story Victorian house to creak and moan. The sheer force of the wind makes the ancient oak tree outside of the house beat its branches against it, creating a great constant whipping noise.

A girl sits with her back to turned to her window, unaware of the world outside, as well as the world inside. All she's aware of is her breathing and the world beyond the clouds and over the rainbow that inhabits her mind. Her eyes are closed, and a circle of candles surrounds her in an eerie glow that illuminates her pale face.

The sea of black clothes she wears drowns her, making her seem paler than she is, an inhuman illusion visiting the chaotic world of naïve mortals. She smirks as she thinks of herself as a queen ruling over her unworthy subjects.

"Sarah!" a voice from the harsh and unforgiving world outside of her mind calls to her. "Sarah get down her now!" The girl groans as the annoying voice of her stepmother breaks her trance. She wants to turn her stepmother into the rat she is at that moment, but restrains herself. Gritting her teeth, she blows out the candles around her and calls with her voice false sugar and sweetness, "Coming stepmother!"

Sarah stands and brushes all the lint systematically from her black slacks. While straightening her matching black blouse, she checks herself in the mirror to make sure she looks presentable enough to please her stepmother. Wondering why she cares what that woman thinks, she sighs and opens the door dramatically.

Taking deliberately slow steps down the stairs to stall, she surveys the living room. The coast is clear. Then, the hideous beast walks out of the kitchen in all of her pink and cream glory. "Sarah, when I call for you, I expect you to come downstairs right away. And what are you doing in those hideous black clothes? Your father and I are going to a dinner party tonight, and we expect you to watch Toby. I hope that's not too much to ask," she says in exaggerated weariness.

Glaring at Karen, her evil stepmother, Sarah says coldly, "There's nothing wrong with my clothes. And why am I always expected to take care of him?" Karen gasps in outrage, she can't believe Sarah dares to talk back to her. "You're expected to take care of him because he is your brother."

"So," Sarah says, a cruel smile twisting her ruby red lips, "You're his mother. I guess that fact escapes you." Karen's look of horror and outrage makes Sarah grin even wider. "Sarah Williams! You need to get your head out of the clouds and quit putting yourself in the role of the princess and me the evil stepmother," Karen demands.

"If the shoe fits." Sarah begins to say, but Karen interrupts her. "Don't interrupt! You're such a dreamer." This time it's Sarah turn to interrupt her. "And you're a non-believer," Sarah answers back angrily. Finally fed up with Sarah's attitude, Karen screeches in the ever-nasal voice of hers, "Robert, your daughter is having a fit!"

The door to her father's study opened from downstairs, and a tired Robert Williams appears to aid his wife. "Sarah, do what your mother tells you," he says, without even knowing what's going on.

Sneering, Sarah shakes her head causing her long brown hair to fall into her face and crosses her arms over her chest. "When will you learn, daddy. She's not my mother." Running a hand through his slowly thinning hair, Robert sighs and tries to reason with his daughter. "Please, just do as she says. It will make both of your lives a lot easier."

Karen smiles satisfactorily. "See, we just want what's best for you." Sarah knows that the beast is lying through its teeth. She raises a dark eyebrow that makes her look skeptical as she stares at the people that claim to be her parents stand in front of her. "Fine," Sarah concedes, feeling a headache coming on. She rubs her forehead and says, "Go to the party." "That's a good girl," her father says smiling and talking down to her like she's five.

Suppressing a growl, Sarah watches stoically as her father and stepmother put on their large furry coats and head out the door. "Don't forget to feed Toby," Karen reminds Sarah without even turning around and shuts the door behind her. Sarah doesn't realize that she's digging her fingernails into the wooden banister until she relaxes her tense body and her hands uncurl.

"You're going to be sorry," Sarah warns ominously aloud to no one in particular. Flinging her hair over her shoulder, Sarah turns on her heel and marches upstairs to check on her brother. A baby with a peaches and cream complexion is sleeping peacefully with dark lashes curled against his little pink cheek. Sarah sighs while looking at her brother. She doesn't want to leave him alone, but she needs to get out of there before her parents return. This is her only chance to escape. Leaning down, Sarah places her full red lips onto Toby's soft fuzz of blonde hair in a goodbye kiss.

Feeling a bit remorseful at leaving him alone, Sarah makes sure he's tucked in all right, and then returns to her room, her haven, to pack her things. Sure, Sarah often contemplated running away, but the thought that she'd actually go through with it never reached her until tonight. Grabbing a small personal suitcase from her closet, Sarah throws clothes and toiletries into it. She has a little money, but not enough to support herself for very long. She knows that she needs to find some place to go first and foremost.

That's why, one day while walking home from school, a flier hanging on a telephone pole had caught her attention. She had torn it down and stuffed it into her book bag. It was an advertisement for some sort of faction, or cult as some like to call them, that was run by a husband and wife that looked like a happy couple in the picture. The names under the respective pictures were Jim and Phoebe Moon, Sarah had noticed.

Sarah retrieves that very same flier from her bag and places it into her purse, which she slings over her shoulder and picks up her suitcase. One item she's careful not to forget is a red leather bound book that has been her hopes and dreams since she was a little girl. Smiling in recalling a particular memory that she's thought to be a dream since then, Sarah shakes her head and looks around. She has a strong premonition that she's never going to see her home again.

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