Authors Note: Probably my last chapter of this story. Thank you to everyone who read it. And thank you to Sam for inspiring me to write it.

As they stepped into the darkness they could hear the sounds of their shoes hitting the floor. While they could not see anything in front of them or around them, the consistent clack of Bo's heels against the floor gave Tamsin some relief that she was not alone.

A gust of wind swept through both the girls hair as Tamsin felt her Valkyrie wings escape her body once again.

"What do you need those for right now?" Bo asked quietly.
"Hopefully nothing… As you know the embrace of a Valkyrie's wings symbolizes a warriors death."
"Oh no…" Bo replied.

As they continued to walk forward Tamsin felt Bo's hand intertwine with hers. The feeling of their fingers interlocking made Tamsin feel safe and warm. She longed for this feeling to stay with her and make her strong.

As they continued to walk forward Tamsin could feel her breath beginning to shorten. She tightened her grip around Bo's hand to let her know she was there for her.
"What's going on? I feel like the air is getting thin?"
"Like something's pushing in on your chest?" Tamsin replied.
"Yeah…exactly." Bo answered.
"It means that we are getting close."
"Close to what?" Bo replied with a tone of despair in her voice.

Suddenly, a large blast of wind came and hit the girls down to the ground with a thud. As Tamsin struggled to hoist herself back up to sit, she felt around in the darkness for Bo to check on her, she feverishly patted her hands around in the dark looking for her and found nothing. Her breathing started to become short as she panicked and called Bo's name out "Bo?!... Bo?" No response came and Tamsin began to feel the tears well up in her eyes as her breath continued to become shorter and shorter. Tamsin pulled herself up onto her feet. She would not let this happen again. She would not lose someone else. She knew she needed to be strong.

With both feet planted firmly on the ground in her black boots she called upon her Valkyrie strength. She made two fists with her hands by her side and called out into the darkness with anger, "WHERE IS SHE?" The deafening silence was too much for her to hear. "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. IVE KNOWN YOU MY WHOLE LIFE. YOU CAN HAVE ME, BUT YOU CANNOT HAVE HER."

From every angle around her she began to hear that same deep growl, however it was now so loud she could barely resist the urge to cover her ears. As the growl got louder and louder, and closer and closer, it began to turn into something else. It took a moment for Tamsin to realize that the sound she was now hearing was that of laughter. Not the laughter one would hear from enjoyment, but a cruel and menacing laugh at someones despair. The laugh continued until she heard the deep voice finally respond,

"If I can't have her...Neither can you."

Tamsin felt her face drain of all energy and hope. She had always known deep down she couldn't hold on to anything. This darkness that was always following her around would always take everything good in her life away. And now here she was, facing it in person, and the overwhelming truth that this thing had it's hold on her. She began to break down and cry as she fell to her knees. She loved her. She loved her with everything she had. But she also knew she wanted to protect her, from this, from herself.

"Please. Just let her go. You can take me. I'm who you really want." Tamsin replied out meekly, wiping the tears from her eyes as her head hung towards the ground.

"You have always been mine. I cannot let you be free." The dark voice called out.

"I know." She whispered back. "Just let her go."

Tamsin pulled herself back to her feet and began to slowly walk further into the darkness to accept her fate. Each step she took felt like she was walking on needles. She could feel every last bit of happiness draining from her body. At least she could always remember how she felt when Bo and her were together. Maybe they wouldn't get a lifetime, but at least they had a moment.

All of sudden from a corner of the darkness behind her Tamsin heard a voice call out with authority "Stop right there Tamsin. You're not leaving."

Tamsin turned around to try and find the face of Bo somewhere in the darkness. She started to walk towards the voice trying to find her way back to her lover.

"Look who made her way back. The succubus. You think you can save her?" The darkness called out.

"I know I can try." Tamsin heard Bo replied.

"Are you dark fae or light fae? Tamsin will always be dark. Just like me."

"I go both ways." Bo replied.

Tamsin let out a small smile at Bo's quip. All she wanted to do was touch her but she could not find her amongst all the darkness. She continued to walk in the direction that she last heard Bo's voice.

"I was promised a Valkyrie heart. I will have her eventually" The voice called out angrily.

"You can't have her."

Right after she said those words Tamsin felt Bo run into her arms. They embraced tenderly as tears ran down Tamsin's face. Bo rubbed her hand along Tamsin's back comforting her and laying soft kisses on her cheek. Behind them they heard the growl begin to get louder and louder. They could feel the darkness closing in on them.

Without warning Tamsin felt her face beginning to morph into her Valkyrie form, she could feel her eyes and cheeks begin to sink in as her Valkyrie wings began to rise up from behind her. She quickly ripped herself away from Bo. The darkness continued to laugh her misfortune in the back.

She felt her body pushing itself towards Bo's again. "NO!" She yelled out.

She could not be taking Bo's life and soul. She did not want this and she did want her darkness to destroy Bo. Her body had completely overtaken her and was projecting itself with speed towards Bo. Her wings continued to rise until they were at their full length and height and began to wrap themselves around the two girls.

Tamsin cried and embraced Bo with her arms around her, not knowing what else she could do. She was taking her soul to Valhalla. That is what this form meant. Her love had destroyed everything she ever loved.

She quietly whispered into Bo's ear while holding her close "I'm so sorry."

Suddenly a strong and radiant burst of light shone into both the girls' eyes from below their feet. They could now see around them and below as the floor began to give way, and their bodies began to fall back down while still wrapped in each other's embrace. Tamsin could hear the growl begin to scream and roar in the distance, but got fainter with each gust of wind bringing them downward. Suddenly a final strong blow shot the girls in a downward motion, until they finally landed with a thud.

Tamsin slowly began to open her eyes and look around her. She had no idea what had happened. This had never happened in one of her journeys before. She slowly peeled her body of the ground frantically searching around her until she realized they were back in the Ally behind the Dal. She looked a few feet over and saw Bo lying on the ground. She sprinted over.

"No. No. No. BO! WAKE UP. CAN YOU HEAR ME?" She said, holding Bo's head in her hands. She began to cry. She had lost her in this journey. This was all her fault. Tamsin hung her head and began to sob.

"Hey." She heard a meak replied as she opened her eyes to see Bo slowly opening her eyes.

"Hi." She sighed with tears in her eyes.

"Do you mind?" Bo weakly asked, and before waiting for an answer, Bo began to feed of Tamsin's energy. Pulling her body to rest on top of hers and embracing her in a kiss while continuing the strong energy flow to heal herself.

After she had taken enough to heal, the girls sat up.

"Well that was something." Bo said.

"I'm so sorry." The blonde Valkyrie replied. "I just thought if you saw it…you would understand…that I never meant for any of this…"

"I wasn't going to let that thing take you, Tamsin. I love you. I'm here for you. I now understand this part of you that hurts you so deeply. You never asked for this. But you did ask for me, and I'm here."

"I love you too." Tamsin replied with a smile, taking Bo's hand into her own.

"I thought you only embraced warriors who have died with your wings?" Bo asked.

"So did I" Tamsin replied"But I do remember as a young girl an myth that there was a rare time, once in a Valkyrie many lifetimes, where their wings could be used to give life, rather than take it."

"What was the myth?" Bo replied.

"True love." Tamsin answered.

The two looked at each other and smiled sweetly.

They then got themselves off the ground and brushed themselves off, leaving the ally and making their way hand in hand made their way back to the Dal.