
9:30 Dragon

Chapter One


"The heart and soul of Ferelden. It was the city of King Calenhad, the birthplace of Andraste. As stubborn as a mabari, and as good to have on your side."

-Arl Eamon

The smell of toasting bread assaulted my nose as we trudged through the capital's rather dense market. A couple of vendors tried to peddle me some goods but were effectively discouraged by a few threatening glares. As dense as the market square was, it was noticeably less packed than it would have been on a normal day. The blight hadn't reached Denerim yet, but the darkspawn threat loomed overhead and the fear and anxiety could be felt even in the midst of a noisy crowd. The populace knew that it was only a matter of time until the darkspawn came. Loghain's reassurances were becoming less and less convincing as time passed.

"So this is it, huh?" Alistair's armor clunked as he walked beside me. "We're finally in Denerim. Once Arl Eamon deposes of Loghain, we'll finally be able to focus on the real threat."

I nodded. "That's the plan." I momentarily stopped as a running child crossed my path. "Although no plan ever survives contact with the enemy." I muttered.

"Have faith, Warden." Wynne chuckled. "We have faced werewolves, ancient curses, golems, broodmothers, abominations, demons, blood mages, and who knows what else yet we still lived to tell the tale."

"You forgot darkspawn." Alistair laughed and shook his head. "Out of everything we've fought, how could you forget darkspawn?"

"We fight so many of them on a daily basis, that they seem almost forgettable." Zevran quipped. "Almost."

I smirked and laughed along with my companions as we marched to Arl Eamon's estate. However, I had the feeling that inside this comfortable, guarded and walled city lied our greatest test.

-Arl Eamon's estate-

Once we arrived at the estate, my companions scattered and perched themselves in comfortable spots. Only Alistair and I remained at the main hall with Arl Eamon.

"I cannot stress the importance of defeating Loghain here, Warden." The arl paced across the room, completely ignoring the fidgeting Alistair at my side. "If we defeat Loghain here, in his city, the rest of the nation will follow us."

"You would call Denerim Loghain's city?" I frowned. The capital of Ferelden was and should only be the city of the reigning monarch.

"I would." He answered. "As regent, Loghain controls the Ferelden army; his influence is great." He hammered his right fist into his left palm as if remembering something. "By calling the Landsmeet, I've struck the first blow. The advantage, for the moment, is ours and he will have little choice but to show himself. To oppose us directly."

"And he's coming right?" Alistair asked, anger clear on his features.

"I don't doubt it." I muttered as I crossed my arms. True enough, only a few minutes later, Loghain arrived with a female knight at his side.

And Howe.

Loghain and the female knight marched over to us, righteous anger in their eyes. I didn't bother to look at Howe's eyes since I had no intention of learning or understanding the depths of his depravity. I did my best to ignore the snake and focused instead on the "Hero" of River Dane.

"Loghain. This is an honor… that the regent would find time to greet me personally." Arl Eamon started diplomatically.

"How could I not welcome a man so important as to call every noble away from his estate while a Blight ravages Ferelden?" Apparently, Loghain wasn't in the mood for diplomacy.

"Oh so, now you deem the Blight worth your attention?" I uncrossed my arms and glared at him. "Didn't seem like it."

Loghain glared at me and started to open his mouth but seemed to think better of it and narrowed his eyes at me instead. "You…" He chuckled bitterly. "You should learn to curb your tongue, boy. This is my city and it's no safe place to speak treason."

Treason, my ass. You left King Cailan to die at Ostagar, hypocrite.

"The Blight is what I'm here for, Loghain. With Cailan dead, Ferelden must have a king to lead it against the darkspawn." Arl Eamon pointed out.

"Ferelden has a strong leader. It's Queen." Loghain was adamant. "And I lead her armies."

"You lead her armies against what?" Alistair angrily argued. "Against the Bannorn?"

"The royal bastard speaks!" Loghain chortled. "And here I thought you only let others speak for you." He snorted. "I had hoped to talk you out of this rash course, Eamon. Our people are frightened, our king is dead and our land is under siege! We must be united now in order to endure this crisis but you divide Ferelden and hamper our efforts against the Blight all for your selfish ambitions to the throne!"

"You're the one dividing Ferelden, Loghain!" I had enough of his hypocrisy. "What efforts can there be to defeat the Blight when you outlaw Grey Wardens?!"

"Silence, churl." The female knight warned me aggressively. "You are speaking to the hero of River Dane."

Howe chuckled. "I don't think they plan to surrender, my lord." The snake had a mocking grin on his face. It took all the willpower I had to restrain myself from severing his head from his shoulders right then and there

"Enough!" Loghain glared at each of us in turn. "We will settle this at the Landsmeet." He stormed off towards the exit, his two lackeys following beside him.

Once they were gone, I let out a breath that I wasn't aware I'd been holding. "Maker's breath." I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair.

Arl Eamon chuckled. "That was definitely bracing."

"I'll say." Alistair muttered.

The gravity of the situation left us all speechless for a while. "The two of you should go and rest." Arl Eamon sighed. "We can discuss any strategies to be had after dinner."

Later that evening, I found myself staring at the room I was assigned to. It was far larger than any of my other companions had, and definitely meant for more than one person. The room was familiar, warm and inviting. Yet the thought of sleeping on the soft bed filled me with dread. It was familiar… yet it seemed so alien.

I sat gingerly on one of the bed's corners and stared at the wall. My things were all placed by the wall opposite the door, still lying unpacked.

I'm being ridiculous. It's just a bed. Just a bed. Just a bed…

I rubbed my clammy hands together and let out a deep breath. My fidgeting was interrupted by a loud knock from the door.

"The Arl has asked me to fetch you, m'lord." One of Arl Eamon's elf servants said once I had opened the door. "He says he has urgent news."

I nodded and thanked the elf. "I can't believe I'm thankful for bad news…" I muttered and sighed.

The arl was there with an unfamiliar elf once I had arrived at his study. The elf was female and was dressed rather well for one… too well in fact. She squirmed under my suspicious glare.

"Who is this?" I turned to Arl Eamon.

"Warden, this is-" The arl started to say.

"I am Erlina. The Queen's handmaiden." The elf interrupted, surprising me with the speed at which she regained her composure. I also noticed that she had an Orlesian accent... rather odd for the Queen of Ferelden's handmaiden considering the history between the two nations.

Arl Eamon chuckled. "I suppose she would prefer to speak for herself. In any case, Erlina has informed me that…" He turned to her with disbelief in his eyes. "Queen Anora has been captured?"

I raised my eyebrows. The Queen… who and why…?

Erlina nodded and quickly explained the situation. "The Queen fears for her life, Warden. I barely escaped Howe's guards."

Howe. Again.

"Does Loghain know about this?" Arl Eamon asked as he calculated all possible situations.

"I-I do not think so, m'lord." Erlina pondered. "The regent may have participated in Howe's deeds in the past but I do not think he would be so heartless as to kill his own daughter." The Orlesian elf shook her head. "However, I heard Howe say that the Queen would be a greater ally dead than alive. Especially if her death could be blamed on Arl Eamon."

"That could be problematic." Arl Eamon agreed. "That bastard."

"This is all very convenient, Erlina." I narrowed my eyes at her. "That the Queen's handmaiden would overhear something like that?"

My statement made Erlina quite frantic. Whether she feared for her life or that I wouldn't agree to rescue the Queen… I didn't know. "Loghain is a subtle man. But Rendon Howe? He is privy to all the secrets and is not so subtle." She tried to reason with me. "The regent would not answer my lady's questions so she went to Howe, a visit from the Queen to the new arl of Denerim is only a matter of courtesy, no? She went to Howe and demanded answers." She shook her head. "It did not go so well. Please, Warden. Help her."

I closed my eyes in frustration. I didn't want to believe her. "This could be a trap." I lamely offered.

"Then I am afraid that we are already caught in this trap." Arl Eamon sighed. "If we do not act, Howe's men could kill Anora and lay the blame at my feet." He paused. "We have no choice, Warden."

"No… we don't." I sighed in response. "Fine."

Author's Note: Reckoning is my first try in writing for the Dragon Age series although I have been lurking here a lot. My story was inspired by Isabeau of Greenlea's "Corin" and DragonHunter88's "Warrior", both extremely good stories focusing on character development. I only hope to be able to do the same with "Reckoning." Thank you for reading!