Something like fate chapter 4: The first time

Klaus brought his motorcycle to a halt in front of the Forbes massive manor house. The wheel of his bike skidding slightly against the pressed gravel of the round about driveway. Caroline was standing on the stoop of her summer home dressed in a pair of faded jean shorts and a flowing white tank top. She had on dark oversized sunglasses on which she pushed up onto the top of her head when she saw Nik's bike come to a stop in front of her. She walked down the few steps and onto the driveway, pulling her long strapped leather bag over her shoulder.

" Well well, who knew little clean cut Klaus Mikaelson was such a bad boy." Nik laughed as Caroline climbed onto the back of his bike and wrapped her arms around his waist. Klaus could feel his skin set fire on the places where their skin touched.

" You've still got a lot to learn about me." He stated, before he revved the engine of the bike and sending them flying towards the main road.

Caroline loved the feeling of the wind against her face and the comfort of being able to hold tightly to Nik. She couldn't help but laugh as they took corners or passed other vehicles. Feeling exhilarated and excited. It was her first time on a motorcycle, but it wasn't her first first she had shared with Nik and she smiled to herself while thinking about that night last summer.

(Flash back)

Summer 16

" I love you" Caroline's breath caught in her chest and she looked up at him in complete shock and awe.

" You what?"

" love you. You may think that it's too much, that i don't know you well enough, and you don't know me, but every other thought i have is that i love you." Klaus heart had stopped as she searched her face for any sign of emotion. After a few hour long seconds, Caroline's face broke into blinding smile.

" well then i guess when you put it that way, i love you too." They both let out a sigh of relief as they grinned goofily at each other. Klaus couldn't hold out any longer, he broke their dance and brought his hands up to cradle Caroline's face. It had been a year since he had kissed her, and he couldn't wait anymore. He crashed his lips down on to hers eagerly at first, and then remembering himself, slowed down and savoured every moment. Caroline's hands rested on his sides as they swayed back and forth and side to side. Every inch of Caroline's skin was like fire, as she took handfuls of Klaus's shirt and pulled him closer to her. Klaus removed one of his hands from her neck and wrapped it around Caroline's lower back. He leaned forward dipping her as if they were still dancing while never breaking their kiss.

By the time they broke apart they were both breathing heavily. Nik looked at her putting a lot of questions into his stare. Looking up into his face meaningfully , she nodded slowly. Barefoot, the young couple dashed across the lawn, hand in hand laughing all the while. They ducked into house through the kitchen door, dodging the waiters and staff who were still busy dealing with the party that Klaus and Caroline had almost forgot was happening. They ducked up the back stair case and to the upper floor where the bedrooms were and the party guests were not. Klaus took her hand again and guided her down the twisting and turning hallways. The moment they reached Klaus's room a switch flipped within them once again and they were unable to keep away from each other any longer. Klaus allowed his hands to roam Caroline's body in ways that he had not before. Her hands moved to the collar of his shirt and pulled at his tie. She worked on taking apart the knot before finally pulling it off his neck and working on the buttons of his shirt.

Klaus lifted her off his feet, and over to his bed. He laid her down on top of his comforter and lowered himself down to her. By that time Caroline had successfully unbuttoned his shirt and pushing it off his shoulders. The straps of her dress fallen from her shoulders as he moved to kiss his way along her neck and collarbone. He pushed away the fabric of her long dress, the bottom of which was wet from the dewy grass they had been dancing on before. He felt the soft skin of her thighs against his fingertips as he lightly ghosted his way along her legs. Things continued to escalate when Caroline broke their kiss.

"Nik-" He immediately stopped pulling himself away from her.

" Caroline ….im sorry-" She cut him off

" Do you have.. something?" This was not what Klaus had been expecting. He was sure that he had done something wrong, something to offend her.

"Um….shit." he thought hard for a moment.

" Finn's room." Caroline started to laugh in spite of herself.

" So we're going on an adventure?" she asked and then they were laughing together.

So there they were. In the upstairs hallway of his family home on a mission to find condoms. Nik didn't have a shirt on and the back of Caroline's dress was undone and her hair was a mess. They laughed and they dashed down the hallway, to the other side of the house where Klaus's older brother Finn's room was situated. After digging through several drawers caroline unearthed a small box. Just as they were exiting finn's room a door a few feet down the hallway cracked open. Damon Salvatore emerged and glanced their way, stopped and stared at them again.

There they stood, Nik without a shirt and Caroline with a box of condoms in her hand.

"There was a line for the bathroom downstairs." Damon stated awkwardly and turned to leave. On a second thought he turned to them again.

" I'm glad you're being safe." and then he was gone back down the hallway. As soon as Damon had turned the corner Caroline and Klaus burst into laughter.

They made it back to his room, after stumbling down the hallway laughing and pick up where they left off.

"Are you sure?' He whispered to her. She looked up into his eyes, the eye's she dreamed about all year and whispered back


Caroline shook away her thoughts of last summer and focused on the here and now. They drove through the sleepy country lanes before finally arriving at the nearby town. Klaus parked the bike and assisted Caroline off.

" You know, i've been to your house what at least twelve times? But i have never once stepped foot in this town." Klaus chuckled as he took her hand.

"Well allow me to give you a tour." They wandered down the tiny alleys and poked their heads into the kirky country shops. They stopped in at the small ice cream by the town square and sat down at a table outside under a bright yellow umbrella, sipping thick chocolate milkshakes and talking about what they had been doing in the previous year.

"Nik?" caroline placed her milkshake on the table in front of her and folded her hands in her lap.

" Hmm?" Caroline was looking at something over his shoulder.

" Now this is just a guess, but i would say that your ex girlfriend is over there staring daggers at us and planning my slow and painful murder. Klaus glanced around and sure enough Haley was standing across the street looking furious.