Hey there! Just a quick little chat. I based this story around the official Tolkien timeline of the Third Age, which was Gandalf spent 17 years coming to and from Bag End after Bilbo's 111th birthday. Also the War of The Ring was 77 years after Bilbo returned home from Erebor.


Narwain - January

Ninui - February

Gwaeron - March

Gwirith - April

Lothron - May

Norui - June

Cerveth - July

Urui - August

Ivanneth - September

Narbeleth - October

Hithui - November

Girithron - December

Also big Kiliel shipper so this definitely not what happened, just me trying to mend my broken heart after the Battle of the Five Armies.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Lord of the Ring or the Hobbit and anything regarding that is based around this story. All I own is my OC and view that Kiliel will never die.

Thanks xxx

Chapter I

Hithui 23rd 2941

Victory for the Dwarves, Elves and Men was nothing compared to the biggest loss of them all.


That's all Tauriel could sense in the icy Rhovanion air. She was looking at all her elven brothers and sisters who lay stiffly upon ground, the elf wondered if Legolas and Thranduil knew exactly how many lifeless elves were out here. As she continued her tears persisted and they started to cloud her vision and her mind. The elf was confused at how quickly this all happened, one moment they were on the shore with the villagers from Lake Town just after the Bard defeated Smaug. Tauriel suddenly realized that she wasn't thinking of the elves anymore rather a certain dwarf whose promise was still in her surcoat pocket.

Kili consumed her thoughts. Where could he be? Could he have died from defending his uncle from those orcs? She got lost in negative thoughts as she walked around where the sound of slaughter was hushed.

She started to lose hope, weak from her wounds, she continued on until she knew whether he was alive or not. Her heart ached, she wanted rid of this feeling. All Tauriel wanted was to find out the truth, then go to sleep for a few decades but she knew she wouldn't be true to herself if she hid away.

Up ahead she could see some dwarfs that looked familiar. One was that healer from the bards' house and that other who had found the Athelas, before she knew she had broken out into a run and had reached where the dwarves are.

One of the dwarfs, hearing Tauriel's footsteps, turned around while the other continued healing "Lass what are you doing here?" Said the dwarf with the ridiculous looking hat.

For once Tauriel was speechless, what was she doing here? She could barely form words when he spoke again.

"Were you looking for someone?" He asked that knowing the exact answer to that

Tauriel replied in a quiet unsure voice "The princes, are they alive?" The dwarf turned and looked at the other then back at the elf.

"We found them at dawn"

She suspected as much. It was like someone ripped her heart out with bare hands and pushed her down and to act as if nothing had happened. She turned and started to walk away when it finally settled in that the line of Durin, specifically the youngest had died. She fell into the mud clutching both her chest and stomach, Tauriel had lost the will to live. Was it real enough for her to feel as if she won't remain living without him?

"Lass are you okay?" Not understanding what was happening, he turned to another dwarf healer "Pym quickly find an elf healer, I saw one over by the west hurry up" He turned back to Tauriel making sure she was still alive.

The elf was getting weaker every second, Tauriel's' naturally instinct was to make sure she didn't drift into darkness. With the hat wearing dwarf supporting her back she couldn't hang on any longer, she let herself go into the darkness hoping that she could wake up but wishing she could just see him and her elven kin one last time.