Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson, all rights belong to author Rick Riordan.

Percy's POV

"Annabeth!" I whined. "Please don't make me go through with this!"

I didn't want to have to pretend to be interested in Skylar, and I was complaining to Annabeth for maybe the thousandth time.

"You have to, Seaweed Brain. It's the only way to get her to let her guard down," she said. "I don't like it just as much as you, but we have no choice."

"Fine, but can I get a kiss, I wont get to kiss you until lunch today," I asked.

She kissed me for a few seconds for a second, then Thalia tapped on her shoulder.

"Skylar is coming," she said.

"You know what to do," Annabeth said.

I nodded.

Time for the act. "Fine!" I yelled as loud as possible. "If you don't like that I spent time with another girl, I'll just find someone who cares for me!"

"Why don't you do it then? Skylar seems like she would want to join you!" she yelled back.

Annabeth said that after looking over at Skylar who was grinning with wide eyes.

"Oh! Fighting are we? That's a shame, but I'm here to help, Percy," she said with false sympathy.

"Yeah, let's go to class, I need to blow off some steam," I reply.

I glanced back at Thalia and Annabeth, they were in deep conversation with one another. Probably discussing the next step in the plan.

"Look this way, honey," Skylar said to me. She had locked her arm in-between mine.

This was going to be a long day...

Annabeth's POV

Okay, so I felt bad for Percy, but I needed to get this plan done. I had gym while Percy was in Math class. Skylar is in that class too. We were just finishing up class when I saw Leo walk out of the locker room. I hoped that no one noticed him leaving the girls locker room, but I didn't have to worry. Leo told me that Skylar's shampoo was mixed with a special dye, one that wont come out for at least a week. He also said that the camera was primed at ready to snap pictures.

That brought a smile to my face. I told Halle and Thalia that Leo actually did his job right and we just needed to sit back and watch the show after class.

"We just need to relax for a little, then the embarrass Skylar show will start," Thalia said.

I smirked at that thought. Leo had filled- sorry, replaced- her shampoo bottle with bright orange hair dye, with the same sticker. I imagined Skylar's hair the color of a fire. Nothing could possibly hide that.

We walked into the locker room and I quickly showered, Thalia and Halle went after me. There weren't many showers there, but the teachers make exceptions if you're late because of the shower problem. There were a total of three and Thalia, Halle, and I showered at the same time. When I got out, Thalia was already dressed and Halle was getting dressed. Skylar was just walking by and smirked at me.

"You know," she started, "when you and Percy fought this morning, he came to me for help. I gave him advice, saying he should break-up with you and date someone who actually cares for him."

I really wanted to punch her for that comment, but I controlled my anger. "Well, we haven't broken up, so I assume you are just hoping that we breakup."

"Whatever," she spat.

I just sat down and got dressed, thinking about what Skylar said. "...someone who cares for him.". I fell into Tartarus with him, so I think I care more than her. Also, I've known him since we were twelve.

My thoughts were interrupted by a screaming Skylar. She had just taken off her towel to dry her hair and noticed what happened.

"YOU!" she screamed pointing at me. "You did this! I KNOW IT."

"Prove it!" I retorted.

Thalia, Halle, and the other girls in the room were trying not to burst out laughing at the Skylar with bright, neon, colored hair.

"I-I..." she faltered. "Fine! You win this time."

She quickly got dressed and left. I noticed Leo switched her clothes when she screamed at what was in her locker for clothes. She held up an outfit that I feel Piper would hate, and she doesn't care about any clothes. There was a bright red t-shirt that said: Skylar Loves Leo Valdez!, and her pants were neon yellow. Her shoes were the shoes that the Aphrodite kids used to wear as punishment, and her make-up was gone.

I'll have to remember to compliment Leo on the clothes choices. Though the shirt probably was the Stolls' idea.

Thalia, Halle, and I left the locker room to only hear Skylar screaming her head off. When we were out of hearing distance for the locker room, we burst out laughing.

"Did you see... her HAIR!" Halle exclaimed trying to talk, but failing.

"Her clothes! Oh my gods! 'Skylar Loves Leo Valdez'! That will totally embarrass her," Thalia said.

"Excuse me? What do you mean her liking me will embarrass her?" Leo said, trying to pull off a look that made him look like Skylar when she was mad.

We laughed even harder at that.

"Good job, Valdez. You may be even better that the Herm-Stolls' cabin at camp." Thalia said. Almost slipped and called them the Hermes cabin. That would lead to a very suspicious Halle.

"Yeah, but they gave me the idea for the clothes and makeup, something they did to Piper's cabin at camp. Took all their clothes and makeup and hid them in the lake."

"Well it was perfect, now we just need to hold out until lunch and Skylar should be off our backs, then tomorrow we get Justin back. I haven't seen him around school today, so we can't get him," I said.

Lunch was almost too funny. Skylar walked in behind Percy, trying to hide so people wouldn't see her, but she was hard to miss. She looked like a raven in the snow, completely out of place.

I saw a lot of people turn and whisper to their friends, some people took pictures and were texting away.

Percy glanced at our table; he looked like he really wanted to be sitting with me .Just go with the plan and everything will be okay, I told myself.

Eric was back. He was sitting waiting for the signal to get started with the show. Leo was bouncing up and down in his seat like a little kid. Piper and Thalia were talking to Halle, and Jason was talking with Noah about what was going to happen.

I gave Eric and Leo the okay signal, and they immediately jumped up. Now I knew Eric was going to get into serious trouble if anything bad happens, but he was really desperate to get revenge on Skylar. After all, she was the reason he got in trouble in the first place.

Eric and Leo got up and went over to the table Percy was sitting at with Skylar. None of the football players were there, instead there were a bunch of girls, all giggling and probably flirting with Percy. I calmed myself quickly, I wasn't going to mess up this plan because I got territorial over my boyfriend.

Leo's POV

This day was awesome! First, I got to prank the most annoying girl ever, now I get to embarrass her in front of the cafeteria!

Eric was coming with me to their table as backup, in case something goes wrong, not that I would mess up, ever.

We arrived at the popular table and there were about six other girls talking to Percy and Skylar. Dang, those girls were pretty, but they probably wouldn't be interested in me. Skylar noticed me and Eric coming over first, and glared daggers at us. We happily returned the glares, though I'm not good at glaring and scaring people.

"What do you two want?" Skylar asked.

"I'm sure they are just saying 'hi'," Percy said.

He stood up and walked over to us.

"But, I'm always wrong. Leo you know what to do."

"With pleasure," I replied.

II grabbed a mini microphone that was hooked up to some speakers scattered in the cafeteria and started talking.

"Attention students!" I said into the microphone. "Please turn your attention to the awesome Leo Valdez and his friends! We have a gift for you all!"

All the students in the cafeteria turned and looked at our table. Skylar was desperately trying to hide behind two other girls, but she was in the center of the cafeteria. There was nowhere for her to hide.

"Here," Eric started, taking the microphone from me, "we have the wild Skylar, in her natural habitat. Notice how she had orange hair, and bright colored clothes. Those are said to help her species attract a mate, possibly from the Chess Club, or maybe the Quiz Bowl team? She is a very rare species of human, one that is very shallow, and disregards everyone's feelings. She only cares about herself and her looks, but I guess she decided it was time to attract a mate."

"Uhh... Eric?" I said to him, tapping him on the shoulder. "That was a good touch, but not part of the plan."

"I just added it, thought it would be funny." he replied.

I grinned.

"Very, but let's get back to the plan."

"Got it."

He handed me the mic to speak. "Ladies and gentlemen of Goode High, please take out your cellular devices and check your messages. You should have received a picture of Skylar, well not one picture, more like twenty. Every embarrassing picture of her we could find."

Just then the Stolls came up to me. Travis was grinning and Conner was jumping up and down like a kid on a sugar high.

"We also have a video posted on the school website! It is about Percy and Annabeth's relationship!" Travis said into the mic.

"For those of you who heard, Annabeth and Percy had a little fight this morning! Some think it will lead to a breakup, but we know better!" Conner said.

"Annabeth Chase, please come up to the front!" I said into the mic.

Annabeth came up grinning, looking right at Percy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Annabeth and Percy are not breaking up, EVER!" Conner and Travis said simultaneously.

Annabeth and Percy kissed each other, almost like a wedding. Huh, wonder what their wedding will be like- I mean what?! Who said anything about a wedding. Glad I thought this instead of saying it. Then Percy wouldn't let me be the Best Man.

"YOU PLANNED THIS!" Skylar screamed. It really hurt my ears, it was that loud. I don't think monster scream that loud.

"Well, duh!" Thalia said walking up. "Why would Percy ever go to you for comfort? You are the most inconsiderate person I've ever met."

"Well, you didn't have to embarrass me in front of the whole school!"

"Apparently we did, since you are very dense,"Eric spat.

"Shut it, bat boy. I could get you expelled if I wanted!"

"I really don't care what you say!"

"Why don't you go back to Foster Care where you belong!" Skylar spat, trying to get Eric to snap.

That made me very angry. I went to a lot of Foster Cares, and I could tell you first hand they are not fun. Maybe calmer than this place, but not fun. I looked at Eric and an understanding passed between us. He grabbed Skylar and brought her over to me, the direct center of the cafeteria.

I proceeded to use my special handcuffs and cuff her hands behind her back; feet together so she can't run. I then proceeded to use a little Valdez magic and gave her a makeover she needed. Except I didn't have makeup, so Eric and I improvised. Ketchup,Mustard, Mayo, BBQ sauce. All the condiments were our makeup.

When we finished, she looked like a person drew a face on their hamburger, or tofu burger in Piper's case. Eric, wisely, set her back down at her table. Surprisingly, there were no administrators, which was a good thing.

"You're dead! Valdez, Colturi! You hear me! DEAD!"she yelled at us.

"Save it for the circus," Eric said.

I fist bumped him for that.

Everyone went back to their tables, this time Percy was with his originally squad. The DemiSquad! See what I did there.

Percy and Annabeth were holding hands; leaning on each other. The others were laughing along with them about what happened to Skylar.

"Hopefully she stays away for good!" Annabeth said.

"I hear ya, but if she doesn't, I wont mind doing this again," I said, happily.

"Let's just hope Jason's fans don't have to go through the same things Skylar did," Piper said.

"I'm sure we will have some peace for a little," I assured them.

I spoke way to soon thought. I imagined the Fates laughing at my comment, because the voice of the principal was heard behind me.

"Mr. Valdez! Mr. Colturi! My office, NOW!" the principal said.

"Man, we almost got off scott free," Eric said.

"S'okay, we'll just tell him the truth," I said.

"Leo, the truth will get you in more trouble," Annabeth pointed out.

The others nodded.

"Don't talk!" Conner yelled. "We'll get you a lawyer, just say 'I plead the fifth' and you'll be fine!"

I laughed at that.

"Mr. Valdez, Mr. Colturi, Hurry!" the principal shouts, Skylar is following him.\

"See ya in a bit," Eric said.