-/- 5 months later

It was early on a Saturday morning. Luckily, Gabriel had gotten time off work so he'd been able to spend the night at Sam's apartment which was actually a rarity. As Sam worked for himself, he'd allowed himself Friday night and Saturday morning off to spend time with his boyfriend. Mostly it was an attempt to show Gabriel that he wasn't a complete workaholic all the time, he just loved his job.

Gabriel shifted around in Sam's large bed (he doubted that the tall man would fit in anything smaller) as he began to wake up. Beside him, Sam remained stubbornly asleep as a stressful week of meetings with publishers and so forth had caught up with him. The barista really didn't have the heart to wake the floppy haired man especially while he looked so gorgeous.

Golden eyes scanned the room in search on entertainment while he waited for Sam. He didn't really want to leave the warmth of the bed to go and watch tv in the living room and it seemed to early for breakfast. It was only the second time that he had stayed at Sam's place, as his own apartment was closer to work for him, so he still wasn't quite sure every everything lived.

He had to hold in the cry of triumph when his eyes settled on a bookcase in the far corner of the room. It was stuffed full off books of all different genres and types. Gabriel hadn't been much of a reader until he found this unfinished trilogy that so far had two books. Darkening Shadows and its sequel Returning Darkness had instantly become his firm favourites when he was given them as a present for Christmas a year back. Originally he wasn't planning on actually reading them but a sickness bug had confined him to his bed meaning reading was the only option.

He did not regret the moment he picked up that first book despite it taking over his life for a few weeks. The deep fantasy/adventure genre was a perfect mix of action and thriller. Set during the beginning of the apocalypse, the human race have to stop their own species being wiped out by plague, disasters and disease. Not to mention that people formed tribes or cults to protect themselves when everyone was fighting for survival. It had hooked the sick man from where he lay vomiting and sweating.

He'd been trying to find out more about the third book but everything seemed very closed lipped. Not to mention that the author seemed like some sort of hermit or recluse. This author had ignited his new found love for fantasy and adventure. It'd be a dream of his to one day meet the guy. Although, he'd probably been using fake name for his book as many authors do. Maybe I'll ask Sam if he knows him, Gabriel mused because in Gabriel's mind every author must automatically know everyone else in the writing community.

The little man padded over to the largely stocked bookcase and began to browse through the selection. Much to his disappointment, the majority of the books were non-fiction works or what seemed to be law textbooks (he resolved to question his boyfriend on that later).

His eyes then glanced over a familiar dark blue with silver writing along the spine. With baited breath, Gabriel plucked the book from the shelve with the care of a religious person holding their holy text. Darkening Shadows, the silver lettering on the cover gleamed under the pale light coming from under the curtains.

Oh my god, Gabriel silently screamed, Sam has the books. Sam has my favourite books.

The two books had been standing side by side on the shelf. Although, they didn't even look read. This disappointed the barista slightly as who could not like this masterpiece?

Grabbing the second book, Gabriel hopped back onto the bed and settled back down to read his favourite section, page 190-220. The scene was so heart in throat that he couldn't help but read them over and over again. It was 30 pages of true genius.

He opened the hardback cover gently but froze when his eyes met with what was on the first page. The allusive author's scrawled signature was scribbled beneath the title. How the hell had Sam gotten the author to sign this?! Gabriel mentally freaked out.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh My God." He puffed out as his boyfriend owned signed copy of his favourite book of all time.

"Gabriel?" Sam mumbled tiredly, "What's wrong?"

The smaller man was practically bouncing where he sat, in hindsight, that's probably what woke Sam up.

"Sasquatch! These are my favourite books of all time!" He was squealing like a fan girl while waving the books around enthusiastically.

"Which ones?" He allowed his eyes to drift closed again as he muttered the question.

Gabriel felt bad for waking his partner up but he really was super excited. How had Sam even been able to meet the guy let along have him sign stuff?

"The Darkness Trilogy by Matthew Delson!" The enthusiasm rolled off his small frame in tsunami sized waves. He was going to demand that Sam answered all the questions.

Unfortunately for Gabriel, he didn't notice the tall man's eyes snap open or his partner freeze. The man was too busy enthusing about the book to take notice of anything around him.

"-but that wasn't my favourite. My favourite is Anell because I mean, have you even read chapter seven? Like with that group of nomads in the city. Really wow. He was so brave... I see a bit off me in that character." He ended with a light joke that made himself chuckle.

"... I was gunna kill him off in that chapter." Sam said quietly. He was actually quite glad that he hadn't killed him especially now learning that it was his boyfriend's favourite character.

Gabriel stared down at Sam for a moment before bursting into laughter, "Yeah right, Sam. I think I would have known if you happened to author my favourite books." The man began laughing harder, "Hey, hey Sam? When's the third gunna be finished, kiddo?" Tears of laughter were steaming down his cheeks.

"The publishers want it done by June 6th."

Gabriel blinked down at him, "Don't be silly, Sammy. I know you're a good writer but... You're not Matthew Delson."

"'Fraid I am." The simplicity of the words hit the small man.

"You're not...You can't be... No way..." Uncertainty coloured his tone.

Sam just shrugged and rolled back over to drift back to sleep which left Gabriel as a boiling bag of excitement on the other side of the bed.

Sam Winchester, his very own boyfriend, had authored his all time favourite books. It couldn't be possible but yet... It could. The smaller man nibbled at the skin of his lip as thoughts crashed through his head when a massive question struck him.

"You are releasing another book... Right?"

Sam faced him and rolled his eyes wearily, "Honestly, Gabe... What do you think I've been writing all this time?"

The man blushed and wanted to hide his face, "Oi, Sasquatch! I'm not the one who was painfully vague on the details when you were describing what you were writing. How was I supposed to know it was the third book!... Oh my God, Sam. Sign my books?!"

"I'll sign your face if you're not careful," Sam groaned tiredly.

Gabriel laughed at the pathetic threat. Having his all time favourite author sign his face would be an honour, after thinking this he realised that he sounded like a obsessed fan. Cool it, Gabe, he warned himself, be cool. Sam pulled the blanket up over his head to ignore the sound of his boyfriend doing a worryingly realistic impression of a fan girl. Despite this, Sam couldn't help the smile that graced him lips knowing that his work was appreciated by someone so important to him. Of course Dean had 'read it' but Sam doubts he actually paid much attention to the words on the page.

It felt nice to be appreciated. He was just glad that Gabriel now knew.

"Oh my God," The smaller man muttered, "I've had sex with my favourite author."

Sam smiled.