The next day as Dylan drove to work he couldn't get Rita off his mind. She had been sat on his boat and they had talked, just a nice conversation without all the awkwardness of romance.

She looked nice last night, how come he hadn't noticed how beautiful she was before. No Dylan! He scolded himself Rita is just a friend! He didn't need all that kind of trouble. Not again.

He arrived at work 10 minutes before his shift started, so he decided he would go have a cup of coffee in the staff room. As he walked into the hospital he was greeted by Zoe.

"Dylan. Have a goodnight last night?" she said smiling.

"What do you mean?" He said suddenly thinking about Rita. Stop it Dylan.

"Isn't Dervla at the vets for a few days?"

"Oh, yeah. Yes she is. My night was good." Releasing the breath he didn't realise he was holding.

"Dr Keogh had a good night. That's unusual. I didn't know you could have fun without that dog of yours." She said laughing. He rolled his eyes.

"If you don't mind, I fancy some coffee?" He said, back to his grumpy self again. He walked into the staffroom which was empty apart from one person, Rita.

"Hello." She said cheerily.

"Hello." He said walking towards the kettle which still had some boiling water inside, he poured himself a cup then sat down opposite her. "Get home safe?" Of course she got home safe, she is here smiling isn't she, you idiot!

"Yes thanks. It was nice last night, nice to just talk to someone about anything." She said shocked at his interest about her wellbeing.

"Yes, it was. It was indeed" Finishing his coffee quickly and burning his mouth he got up to leave. "I should probably get ready for my shift. See you later, I suppose."He didn't want to leave but he was right. He needed to get ready for his shift.

"Yeah, see you later." She said.

The day went by quickly and by the end of his shift Dylan was tired. He walked outside the hospital and standing alone shivering in the cold stood Rita.

"Hello, are you waiting on someone?" He asked.

"No, I was just about to call a taxi but I have no battery left in my phone. I couldn't borrow yours could I? Her teeth chattering as she spoke. He paused briefly.

"Do you want a lift?" He asked nervously trying not to sound to happy about the idea although he hoped she would say yes.

"That- That would be great, thank you." She said smiling but her teeth still were chattering.

"Come on then, quickly before you turn into and ice sculpture." She couldn't help but laugh at his comment and jogged up to walk beside him. "Can I ask you a question?" She asked with her bright smile.

"Sure." He replied starting to get slightly nervous on what might follow.

"I don't mean to be rude but do you ever smile or laugh or generally just be happy?"

He couldn't help but laugh, which she liked. "Does that answer your question?" He opened the doors to the car and they both hopped in. "So where am I dropping you?"

"By the bay, I might not live on a boat but I do like to be near them." She smiled warmly and Dylan couldn't help but stare. After far too long he started the car and drove off towards the bay. He parked the car outside where she said she lived. "Do you want to come up, for a drink or something? My way of saying thanks for the left. She asked nervously.

Say no Dylan. Don't give yourself false hope. False hope? That means you like her. Dammit. Just. Say. No. "Yeah sure, I don't have anywhere I have to be." Idiot!

The walked up to her flat and as she went to make coffee for the two of them he sat on the couch in silence. She came back a few minutes later with two steaming hot cups of coffee in her hands; she passed one to Dylan and placed hers on the table. "It's not much but I like it. I mean we can't all live on nice boats." She smiled as she spoke, he stared for a little too long at her but soon realised and started to drink his coffee which burnt the bridge of his mouth. He did his best not to flinch and she didn't seem to notice, she just kept smiling. How am I supposed to focus when she looks amazing whenever she smiles, well all the time really? Don't think about it Dylan. Just don't.

"It's nice, I like it." He said trying to distract himself from her.

They talked for about an hour until he realised he was starting to feel as if he might doze off soon if he didn't get home. "I should probably be going; it has been a long day." He really wished he had had more caffeine to keep him awake, to keep him here longer. He walked towards the door, Rita following right behind him. He paused at the door and turned to say good bye, but before he could say anything, her lips were on his. At first he was shocked but as she pulled away embarrassed he looked into her eyes and pulled he back towards him. This time she was hungrier; they both were.