Tris has been waiting for her boxes to be brought up to her dorm for almost three hours now. When she checked in, she was told that it would be a half hour…tops. She's been pacing in the empty room for what seems like forever until she finally decides to go back down to the lobby to check on them.

Bolting out of the door, she barely sees the tall boy carrying a suitcase, let alone has the time to move out of the way. They collide, falling to the tiled floor with a whispered "oof."

"Oh shit," the boy groans. "Are you alright?"

Tris stands, dusting off the imaginary formed dust on her jeans. "I'm fine. Are you?"

He laughs, the white of his teeth shining in the low light of the hallway. "I'm good. What were you doing in my dorm?"

Tris narrows her eyes, looking over her shoulder and into the room behind her. "Your dorm? This is mine-"

He shakes his head, the left side of his mouth forming a smirk. "This is the guys floor. What is the number on your key?"

She rolls her eyes defiantly but fishes for the key in her bag anyways. "618." Tris reads.

The boy smiles pityingly, "One floor up."

Tris' cheeks immediately flush in embarrassment. "Oh. Um, thanks. I'm Tris, by the way."

"Tobias, but I go by Four."

Tris raises her eyebrows at his strange nickname, but doesn't question it. "Well, um, thanks."

She awkwardly passes by him. "See you around, Tris." He calls after her.

She smiles and waves. "Yeah. See you."

When Tris finally does finish unpacking (in the correct dorm this time) she decides to go job hunting. Granted, she thinks, she could do this sometime later this week. But we all know what she is avoiding: meeting her roommate.

While walking down University Boulevard, Tris notes how much she likes the campus. The town feels small, secluded from the giant city of Chicago. And the buildings are so beautiful it takes all the self-control she has to not stop in the middle of the street and pull out her camera.

Spotting a help wanted sign on a small shop, Tris walks in. She's immediately hit with the musky smell of old records and boy cologne.

"Hello?" she calls into the dimly lit room.

"In the back! Follow the light!" A voice yells back to her.

Tris looks around nervously before deciding, Fuck it. I need a job.

When she reaches 'the back' of what she thinks is a radio station, a boy greets her with a welcoming smile. He has dark skin and bright eyes. "Did you see the help wanted sign out front?"

Tris nods.

"Finally. It's been up for months but no one has bothered to apply. I'm Zeke." He holds out his hand for her.

She grips his palm firmly and shakes it twice. "Tris."

"So are you a student here?" he asks.

She nods. "I moved in today."

He smiles again. "Nice. Can you start tomorrow? I have to talk to-"

Tris' eyes widen in surprise. "Wait I got the job? Don't you need to know if I'm a drug addict or something?"

He looks at her up and down before laughing. "I think we're clear. Welcome to 98.5! The best alternative-rock station in the Chicago area!"

Tris smiles. Maybe her life has finally figured it self out.