Angel, Spike and Riley get together. This is what happens. The characters are not mine so don't sue. Please.

"Are you kidding Spike, like Buffy could ever love you, your a Vampire" Angel

"Erm technically so are you" Riley

"I have a soul" Angel

"Yeah well I have a chip, Nancy boy" Spike

"Like that means anything to me (mimics) "I have a chip" Angel

"Look guys I don't care who of us has a chip, since you both are over 100 its

Cradle snatching I'm more her age..." Riley

"Physically not mentally" Angel

"Yeah and the only Chip you have is the one on your shoulder, you had Buffy you

Cardboard cretin and you let her go." Spike

"I mean what's a chip anyway, I have a soul... (Mutters)" Angel

"I hate to break it to you but your both dead." Riley

"And you'll be joining us soon you little poof" Spike

"I mean a soul is better than a chip and I had Buffy first" Angel

"Well I'm the only one who hasn't tried to kill her" Riley

"Actually you tried to kick her ass the first time you two met in the corridor

When you were trying to recapture me! And I'm the only one who hasn't broken her

Heart" Spike

"Only because she wont let you, you platinum prat" Angel

"Loser" Riley

"Poof" Spike

"Freak" Angel