I Summary: The game called Alpha was introduced to a girl named Flaky by her friend when she was 12, to boost her confidence and spirit. Sadly that only effected herself for in the game but not the real world. How will this affect Flaky when she moves to her new town? Mature: Violence, Gore, Smut, A little sex scenes... FlakyxFlippy FlippyxGiggles GigglesxSplendid FlakyxSplendid

The game called Alpha was introduced to a girl named Flaky by her friend when she was 12, to boost her confidence and spirit. Sadly that only effected herself for in the game but not the real world. In reality she is a shy girl who has moved from town to town because of her father having a new job. This was the start of new term for her.

Chapter 6: I love you!

Splendid had walked me to my home and he gently sighed. "Think about it please..." Splendid softly said as I didn't make eye contact with him. I knew I was hurting him, but I was also hurting myself. Seeing Splendid, no... Sean like this was making me feel upset. I just turned and was about to open my door until I felt Splendids arms around my waist. "Just a little longer..." He muttered behind me. I blushed lightly and gently held his arm. "I didn't k-know you liked me s-so much..." I spoke as he sighed lightly against me. "Of course I do... And its not like, its love." Splendid turned me to him and I blushed gently.

"I love you..." Splendid spoke before kissing me gently on the lips. God damn it, I can still only think of Fliqpy! That's when I realized why. He did those things to me, if he never had done that... Then maybe I wouldn't be thinking of him. Maybe... If I keep kissing Splendid, then maybe them feelings will go away? I bite his lower lip gently and that's when I felt something against my leg. Holy Jesus Christ! Did that turn him on?! I basically shoved my tongue into his mouth, thrashing our tongues around with one another as placed my arms around his neck. One of my hands went through his dark blue hair and the other gently on his back. I felt Splendids arm go lower and that's when I felt his hand on my ass making me blush even more than before.

I was getting turned on, I didn't even know why! I wasn't thinking about Fliqpy now, I was only thinking of the man who stood in front of me. As we withdrew for air from our heated kiss, I panted softly as did he as we looked into one another's eyes. "I'll think about it..." I muttered as I entered my house. "Thank you for walking me home." I smiled making him blush and laugh nervously. "N-No no! Thank you." He stuttered blushing which made me giggle.

I watched him walk way down the path and I closed the door behind me. "...Crap! Flippy's date!" I panicked and ran up stairs and into my room. I jumped onto my bed and placed the nerve gear on. "Alpha Online, Link Start!" I rushed as the game loaded...

Alpha Online:

I looked around to see for some reason I was on a ship. I looked around and the only thing around me was water. My jaw dropped. How was I going to get back to land if this ship was going towards the Eastern kingdom when clearly I stay in the Northern kingdom! I gulped and looked at the communication drop. Due to being in a different kingdom, I was unable to have the contact with any of my friends in the Northern Kingdom.

I collapsed onto the boat and looked at the side. I am pretty much high enough level to get back by walking... I am at level 85... I checked my friend list again and my smile grew. I noticed one person who I know here in the Eastern kingdom! It was Toothy! I don't know why he's here but he is! I managed to get a hold of Toothy with relief- and that's when I remembered him fucking Giggles in the Human Inn... I shivered at the memory, but oh well I had to get a hold of someone right?

"Toothy? I need help!" I said through the chat channel. "Red?! You're in the Eastern Kingdom?!" Toothy shockingly asked as I laughed nervously. "Yeah... Humans shouldn't be here I know. But, I dont remember how I got on the boat..." I sighed as Toothy just laughed. "Which boat are you on?" He asked as I stayed silent. The boats have different names?! I looked around to find the name but none of the NPCs said it. I sighed as we finally reached land. "Well, I dont know the name of the ship, but I did land on a dock named Shulika." I said as Toothy wrote back. "Great! That's five minutes from where I am! Stay there and I'll come and get you." He told me. I waited at the dock. So many... What races are these? Big wolves? No way! The lycan race?! Lycans are half human half wolf, some never change out of there human forms for a reason that is unknown and some prefer to stay as the wolf beast.

"Red-Chan!" Called Toothy. I turned to see Toothy... But why did he look so different? The elf boy was taller, handsomer and his buck teeth were gone. "Toothy?! I-Is that you?!" I stuttered as Toothy chuckled. "Yeah, puberty finally took its time. All the changes were making me feel queezy and ill so I've been off school for a while." Laughed Toothy as I sighed. So it wasn't because of Giggles. "How about I show you around the Eastern Kingdom? Its more relaxing and calm here... Except when two Lycans come together to battle for dominance." Explained Toothy as he petted my head. I raised a brow at him as he linked my arm with his. "So, home come you're in a hurry to get back to the Northern Kingdom?" Asked Toothy as I laughed nervously. "Well... Lets just say I promised someone I'd go on a battle day with them." I said to him as he raised a brow. "You're going on a date?"

My whole face turned completely red as he laughed at my reaction. "So cute." He winked which made me punch his arm in annoyance. "Shut up." I pouted. "So, your boat ride aye? The next boat ride is in Talana Baye on the other side of the Eastern Island." Explained Toothy making my jaw drop. "Talana baye? Isn't that Lycan territory all over?" I asked as Toothy nodded. "Yeah, but they have no problems with elves or fairies." He shrugged as I pouted. "I'm not a fairy or an elf character." I said as Toothy raised a browe. "You are a fairy? I can see on your character sheet." A little scroll appeared to show my characters base. Red, level 85 Dark Fairy. I blinked. I swore I was human... "B-But... How?! I started off as a human!" I stuttered as Toothy sighed.

"Right, Humans will always change into 4 different races at a high enough level. Level 80: Dark Fairy, Level 75: Water Lord, Level 75: Psychic Maiden, Level 80: Lycan." Explained Toothy as we stopped at a shop. "It depends really, if your character has more physical attack moves, its a lycan. Water moves, its a Water lord, Psychic moves for the Psychic Maiden and Dark Fairy are the strongest and rarest of all as only 2% of people ever get that race. It all depends how your moves are layered out, how they're done to be." Explained Toothy as I listened. How fascinating, I've never heard this before! Humans evolve? Sounds amazing!

I looked at mu avatar profile and whistled. "So, I have wings now... And my hair got slightly darker." I muttered as he nodded. "You'll be able to fly at level 90." Toothy said as he sat on the crate infront of me. Looking at Toothy helped me for a moment. He's turned out to be quite handsome. Wait... "How come you fucked Giggles in that Inn?" I asked him making his jaw drop. "Y-Y-You saw?!" He yelled as I sighed. "I came looking for Giggles for something and then I saw her riding you like a bitch in heat." I bluntly said. God, talking about this is embarrassing...

"I only did it to ask for help, but after we did it she told me to go ask some other girl." Toothy sighed in frustration. "You see, my little sister Bracey (Pun intended) has gotten into trouble with a Lycan leader, since she is also a Lycan in their team they treat her like the pack mule. They're so strong and I needed a female to help me change their minds on forgiving my sister." Listening to Toothys story made me think, what did this girl do to upset the Lycan? "My sister, she told the Lycan leader she will not marry him because of how cruel he treats females and the people around him. So, he kicked her to the mule stage were no Lycan dares to speak to her." Explained Toothy as I sighed.

"Let me talk with this bastard, I'll beat the living crap out of him." I grinned at him, taking out Excalibur from my sword pouch. "Y-You will?" Toothy blinked as I nodded. "I'm a level 85 Dark elf, I'm bad ass in peoples eyes." I laughed lightly as Toothy smiled. "Thank you..." He told me with utter relief. "So, where do they hang out?" I asked him. Toothy stood up and looked around. They hang out at the Crimson Blood Bar outside the major city here." Toothy told me as we walked to the bar. On the way there, I checked my friend list to see if anyone else was here in the Eastern Kingdom. I only noticed Toothy, the others were in grey as they were in the other part of the Kingdom. "We're here." Toothy told me. I looked at the place and held in a laugh. "They definitely are Horn Dogs."

The pub was layered out like a strip bar. Only by looking on the outside was I able to tell this place from the rest. "So, the leader of the Lycans are inside right?" I asked as Toothy nodded. "No one knows his name, but everyone nicknames him as 'The Mole' as you only ever see him night time and durring the day time, he can't see a damn thing." Explained Toothy. "Interesting." I said as we walked in. As we entered, the music stopped and all eyes landed on us. A large man with dark black shaded made his way over to us, he was fairly tall and his hair was a darker shade of Purple to Toothys. "Well well, I see you brought us Lycans a nee chew toy." Laughed the man as I held my sword Handel. "I've come for my sister." Said Toothy as he spotted Bracey with a male Lycan. "Bracey! I've come to save you!" Toothy yelled.

"Why would she want to be saved?" Questioned the man infront of us. He moved his shades from his face to show off his sapphire eyes. "She's very happy, she's got a husband and she's in the best Lucan crew ever." Sniggered The man as I held my sword Handel tighter. "Its true big brother! I'm happy with mu hunny and my crew." Bracey smiled. Behind that smile I noticed bitterness and sadness. "Don't lie to me." I spoke as I walked over to her. "The fake smile is my card game hunny." I said as I lifted her and placed her over my shoulder. "If you try and stop me, my Excalibur will be so far up your ass you'll never be able to go to the toilet with out thinking of the pain." I smiled sweetly. I passed Bracey to Toothy as they walked out the bar together. The lycans growled at me. "That bitch ain't leaving without a fight!" Yelled one Lycan. I stood in the door way and took out my Excalibur. "Hm, so you wish to fight the best character in all of the northern kingdom?" I grinned at them with a bit of a insane gleam in my eyes. "Red-Chan!" That voice... Oh please god no... Giggles ran next to me with her wand and smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"This is my main island silly!" I couldn't help but groan as the Lycans backed away. "Now, you. The one they name The Mole, stay away from my friends or ill destroy you back to level one." I sweetly smiled. With that, I turned until I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned to see The Mole on one knee and him holding my right hand. "You are my soul mate! Aggressive and hot! Fiesty yet cute! Sexy and Sassy! Be the queen of the Lycans!" He said with a toothy smile. Oh hell nah! I raised my foot and kicked him to the bar stools, causing them to break. "By wolf boy." With that, I walked off with Giggles following behind me. "Giggles, Toothy but if I don't get to the other kingdom right now I'm gonna be hog meat."

"I'll teleport you there if you like, I'm level 71 now!" Giggles smiled in delight as I turned to her. Well... Flippy could wait a little while right? I mean, I do want to explore the Eastern Kingdom a little more. I checked the time on the watch of my character to see it was almost 7, I could just text him? Yeah! Log off and text him and then log back on? "Save your Mana, I'm going to walk there." I told her as she pouted. "I'll be back on in 10 minutes, I wont be long." I told them as I logged off. I took the nerve gear off my head and sat up. I turned to my desk and picked up phone to text Flippy. However I heard something tap on my window? Who would be tapping on my window? I crawled over on my bed and opened the curtains. I couldn't help but smirk at seeing Flippy drenched, sitting on the tree branch.

"You look like a drenched bear." I smirked as I opened the window. Flippy climbed through and I closed the window behind him. "My parents told me to stay at a friends house because they're arguing again." Shrugged Flippy. "W-Well... My mom is my aunties for the n-night because my grandad is in h-hospital and they're g-going in the m-morning and Dan is staying at a friends house... S-So you can stay in Dans Room tonight." I told him nervously as he nodded. "Is it alright if I use your shower, I dont want your brothers room stinking of rain water." Flippy asked me as I laughed lightly. "It already s-stinks." I smiled at him as he laughed at me. I shown him to the bathroom as he entered behind him. I went into Dans room and coughed. "God this room stinks, hes gotta clean up after him self with all these tissues.." I muttered as I got to wardrobe and opened it to see a pair of pajamas hanging up. I grabbed the pants and the shirt so Flippy could at least have something to wear.

I left Dans room and sighed. Dans rooms such a mess! I can't let him stay in there with the way it looks! I went downstairs to make some food for us as I turned on the TV for some noise whilst I cooked. I chopped the vegetables up and hummed. I heard the shower turn off so I decided to go upstairs and pass him the pajamas. I knocked on the bathroom door and noticed it was open. Did he just leave? I knocked again and poked my head around the door. "Flippy-" I was suddenly pulled in and hugged to him making me blush. Was he... I moved my leg against his making my whole face turn completely red. He was naked! "Fl-Flippy! G-G-God man put some clothes on!" I panicked as he looked at me. "Flaky..." He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. His eyes weren't filled with lust... Just sadness.

"Flippy..." I pulled him close to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him to me. For the first time, I didn't feel so scared of him. He was like a child actually, hugging me tightly whilst he shook. I gently pecked him on the forehead and gently smiled. "Dans room is a mess so you can stay with me, also I brought you a pair of his pajamas." I placed them on the floor next to him and smiled. "Dinner is almost ready so come down when you're done." He nodded as he released me.

After leaving the bathroom, my heart was racing fast. Why is it always Flippy that makes my heart race uncontrollably?! I slowly went down the stairs as by each step, I couldn't help but blush even more. As I went into the kitchen to prepare the rest of the food, my heart was pounding. My palms became hot and so did the rest of my body. I shook my head as I placed the vegetables in the pot and the chicken into the oven. "Your brothers clothes are way to small on me." I heard Flippy say. "What ma-" my jaw dropped. Every girls dream body on a guy was infront of me! His perfect abs, amazing pexs and that V-line! I turned away quickly, blushing even more. "Th-The pants f-f-fit well on y-y-you..." I stuttered even more as I heard him chuckle.

"They do come up a little on my legs though." Spoke Flippy as he sat down at the table. I felt like he was watching me, I don't know why I feel like this but I did! "Hey Flaky..." I turned around and he was closer than I thought, he was just next to me. "Y-Y-Yeah?" I muttered in response to him as he pulled me to him, making a little squeak come out of my mouth. I was on his lap now as he looked at me with what looked like a frown. "You always stutter, can't you at least try not to?" He asked me as I nodded. "Say my name, without stuttering." He told me which made me blush. This was so embarrassing! I looked into his eyes which made my heart pound even more. "Fl..." I stopped myself as I shook my head. "Philip..." I spoke softly as I looked at Flippy.

That's when I saw Flippy blush! He blushed! He looked soo handsome yet cute! "Again..." He told me as I leaned in more. "Philip.." With that I ended up kissing him! Why did I just do that?! I'm such an idiot! I kissed him! I felt his hands move up my back and pull me into the kiss more. My body felt hot, the passion of just our lips pressed together made my heart burst, again and again. I closed my eyes slowly... That's until I heard the beeping going off on the oven. I opened my eyes in shock at the sudden noise and withdrew. "I-I-I-" he kissed me once again but not for long. He gently picked me up and sat me on the table. "I'll check on the food." I muttered as I felt his lips against my neck. "You're way better than the food." Chuckled Flippy making me blush.

I got off the table and opened the oven, the steam came off the chicken as I placed the oven mitts on. I took the chicken out of the oven and placed it on the side, it was only a small chicken anyway so its enough for two. "Flippy's can you check if the vegetables are done?" I asked him as he smiled. "See, you're not stuttering." He winked at me making me blush what seemed to be the 100th time. "Ah right! I need to tell Giggles and Toothy that I wont be tonight." I said as Flippy shook his head. "I'll text Giggles so when she comes off she'll see the message." Flippy told me as he took out his phone.

After we had eaten, there was enough left for tomorrow so I left them in the fridge. "S-So..." I looked at the time to see it was currently 8:30pm so we practically had all night for ourselves. "Y-You wanna watch TV?" I stuttered again which made him sigh. "You're stuttering again." Said Flippy as I laughed nervously. "S-Sorry, I-Its a habit..." I slowly said, averting my eyes away from his face. Why is it always him that makes my heart race? Everything about him makes me nervous - even Fliqpy has that effect on me! "Flaky..." I turned to face him and that's when I was suddenly pinned against the sofa. I blushed lightly looking up to see Fliqpy infront of me with his usual cocky smirk. "What's with the smirk." I pouted as he grinned. "I want to play a game." He whispered into my ear.

"Wha-" He placed a finger to my lips and grinned. "Its simple, if you moan I'll punish you, if you don't then I'll reward you." He grinned at me as I blushed. This bastard... Turning me on even more and we haven't even began. I felt his hand enter my shorts making my eyes widen. "O-Oi-" he placed a finger to my lips and winked. "You do understand the game right?" He told me as I blushed. Of course I do, but its just so fucking embarrassing! Feeling his lips against my neck made my body shake, I was biting my lip to hold back any moans that would appear from my mouth. That's when I felt it enter inside me. My eyes widened and I threw my head back. His fingers were thrusting in and out of me whilst rubbing me so roughly. Gosh I was going to burst! I gently moved my hips against his hand as I held in the moans that were desperate to come out. "How about I reward you? I thought you would of broke by now." He chuckled at me.

Why am I even doing this? Is it because my body is enjoying the fact that hes touching me all over? Is it because I'm weak? Or is it because... Am I? I looked down to see my clothes had come off and so had Flippy's. My eyes widened as I noticed how big his member was. Oh my... Wait... IS HE GOING TO PUT THAT IN MY FANNY?! My eyes widened at the thought and I gasped. I was suddenly on top of him, his hard penis was against my inner thigh and his hands were around my waist. "How convenient, you have a mirror infront of us." Fliqpy winked as I blushed, feeling his his chest against my back. I was about to lose my virginity and to be honest, I was so freaking happy. I gasped and accidentally let out a loud moan. "N-Not there!" I complained, feeling his penis rub against my core.

"Dont you like it though?" Whispered the voice of Flippy which made my heart jump. "Flippy?" I looked at him as he smiled at me gently. "I'll be gentle." He whispered to me as I nodded. I was just going to let him do it? He was about to take away my virginity, right here and now. I took a deep breath before he thrusted into me making me cry out in pain. Don't get me wrong, the pain wasn't a bad pain but a pain that would only hurt for a few moments. "Are you okay?" He gently asked as I nodded. "Yeah..." He smiled before kissing my cheek. I panted softly, it was me who had to do the moving though since I was ontop of him. I gently began to move my hips against him and I moaned in pleasure. How it fitted in, I will never know but god did it feel great! Flippy placed me on the sofa before he started to thrust into my making me cry out in pure pleasure. "Philip!" I cried out as he gently kissed me, moving my legs further apart so he could have more room. "Nn-Ahh!" I could feel it coming and I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Florence..." Flippy whispered before he withdrew from my core Cuming onto my stomach and me onto the sofa. I panted softly as he smiled at me. "I love you..." I told him which made him smile at me, kissing me gently on the lips...