What if after the war. The giant war. Percy was summon beside Saito. Also Percy and Annabeth decide to break up and stay friends. So don't get piss. He be in a different world and never saw the romace between the two. Like true love shit. I see Percy with Thaila or Zoe. So yeah. Anyway, back to topic. How would the magic world handle the strongest demigod to exist. Let find out.

Louise was nervous. It was her turn to summon an familiar. It was her last chance to prove she can perform magic and that she not an zero. She have to summon an strong familiar to shut everyone up for once.

"Bet Zero will only summon an explosion." One of the student said.

"Yeah. That all Zero good for." Said another.

"Shut up!" Louise snaps. She took an deep breath and release to calm her nerves before starting the ritual.

(In a different world.)

Percy Jackson was enjoying his birthday party at camp half blood beach. All the gods, demigods, some good Titans, and primordial gods, has shown up for his birthday. It surprise him that the last two mention shown up. He was sure they didn't even care for his birthday. But hey, just go with the flow, right.

Percy was enjoying an nice chat with Zoe , who he save from Tratrus, and Artemis, when he heard an voice.

" I beg you."

"Huh?" Percy look around confuse.

" O five eelements spirit."

"Percy, Are thou okay?" Zoe ask in concern.

" Find my servant who exists in the know and unknown universe."

" Well that doesn't sound good." Percy comment . Scaring the two, making them think he finally gone mad.

" Oh Sacred, beautiful, and powerful familiar spirit."

Percy saw an green portal. He knew what will happen if he go through it. He was use on doing these kind of things, with being an demigod and all. He will see an lot of crazy shit. But the voice sound desperate, he couldn't leave the voice be. So he turn to the and said " Got another adventure to go to. Don't wait up."

He then process to the green portal, leaving behind two confuse hunters.

" I desire and here I plead from my heart."

" Don't worry. I'm coming. Now, GERONIMO!" Percy scream as he jump to the portal, not knowing he gave all the guess an heart attack. Heard these words before his vision got cover.

"Answer to my guidance!"

( Back with Louise.)

An big explosion happen leaving everyone coughing and wiping the dust out of there eyes. When the smoke clear, all the girls blush at an handsome looking teen standing their in an orange T-shirt and light brown kargopants. He smile at them all and say.

"So. Who order an demigod?"

I know short chapter. But sweet and straght to the point. Review and stuff. Bye.