please keep in mind that I have not read the manga, only seen the anime, so the events of this story may not always concur with the canon from the manga

Chapter 1: New Recruits


The man's face reminded Levi of an ancient cow that had eaten too much grass, with droopy eyes and a mole the size of a mountain on his nose. After a moment, the sparse moustache twitched and the caterpillar eyebrows came together.

"Please answer the question, young man. What is your name?"

"Levi Ackerman." Levi answered after a small pause. The cow man bent over his paper to scribble something.

"Date of bi—"

"You spelled it wrong."

One of the caterpillars lifted in contempt. "I'm sorry?"

"My name." Levi answered, "It's l-e-v-i. Not 'y'."

There was a brief staring war in which Levi emerged the victor, the cow man rewriting Levi's name in defeat.

"A-hem." He went on, "Date of birth."

"December twenty-fifth. 829." Levi replied nonchalantly, already expecting the response.

"You said 829?"


"Did you fail twice or something?" the cow man asked with an air of surprise.

"No." he offered no explanation.

Skeptical, the cow man ripped off the paper at the dotted line, holding it out to Levi. "Down the hall, second room on the left. If you pass the physical exam, you're in. Next!"

Levi was acutely aware of the fact that his standard issue pants were too long, sitting uncomfortably loose around his ankles. His boots were made for a woman's legs – they didn't carry men's boots in his size. And his cadet jacket was a little broad in the shoulders.

He was one of the last to arrive on the training field, falling into the second to last row. The redhead to his left gave him a funny look, which he returned coldly.

"Sorry for staring," the girl finally gave in, ponytail bobbing as she turned her head, "But you look a little old to be in a trainee squad, dontcha?"

"I am." Levi answered curtly, always sure to choose the shortest answer he possibly could.

"So. . .did you like, fail twice then?" she asked curiously, undeterred by his lack of friendliness.

"Do I look like the kind of person who would fail twice?" he cut his eyes at her, only to see her suppressing a giggle.

"Well with that expression I'd say yeah, you kinda do."

"Walked right into that one, buddy." The boy behind Levi added with a grin.

"ATEEEEEEN-TION!" a gravelly voice rang out over the seven rows of recruits, who obediently snapped into a salute.

"Drill instructor." The boy muttered glumly, "He taught my brother. Supposed to be a real dragon."

The drill instructor was a man of intimidating stature, at least six foot four and built like an ox. His voice was like rocks grating together as he addressed the trainees.

"You have chosen to serve humanity by going against the odds, by fighting the forces that condemn us, by challenging our very nature as humans. And for that, I commend you.

"There are one hundred fifty eight of you here today. By the time three years have passed and you are eligible for military enrollment, I estimate there will be less than half of you left. Most of the ones who don't make it will drop out. Some will be dismissed . . . a few of you may die. The fact is, if you are incompetent, you are not fit to become a soldier. Simple as that."

Several of the recruits shifted uncomfortably at his words, including the boy behind Levi. The red-haired girl did not.

"Cadet training consists of three major parts: classroom studies, physical training, and field training. The classroom studies are exactly what they sound like. Three hours of every day will be spent in the classroom. . ."

"So." The girl to the left had grown bored already, relaxing her salute. "What's your story then? Did you just enroll late or what?"

"Something like that. . ." Levi allowed, not really willing to go into the details. It hurt his pride a little to admit he'd been captured and dragged into cadet training by the Scout Regiment, one Erwin Smith in particular. It didn't help that they'd put him in the beginning class, which was two years below him in age.

"You're not much of a talker, are ya?" the girl inquired, and Levi felt his nerves beginning to fray.

"You are."

"Well I –"


The drill instructor elbowed his way to their row, leaving more than a few shrimpy cadets scrambling out of his way.

Up close, six foot four was somewhat more imposing than five rows away.

The redhead got it first.

"Cadet! What – is – your – name?!" the force of his shouting caused flyaway strands hair to be visibly blown back as he bellowed into her face.

"Sir!" her arms were saluting once again, replying with steadfast determination, "Petra Ral! Sir!"

"Well, Cadet Ral." The instructor hissed, baring his teeth in an almost feral manner, "If you want to become a soldier, I suggest you refrain from chatting with mister short stuff over here." He gestured towards Levi without taking his eyes off Petra. "Unless of course, you'd prefer to work in the fields as our first dismissal."

"Sir! I would not! Sir!"

"Then learn to keep your mouth shut, Ral."


There was a rush of air that ruffled Levi's bangs as the instructor bent down to look him in the eye. Levi resisted the urge to lean back as Petra had, standing his ground instead.

"Cadet!" his breath stank of onions, "What-is-your-name?!"

"Levi Ackerman."

"Let's try that again." The instructor said quietly, dangerously. "Cadet, what is your name?"

"Levi Ackerman." A long pause. Then, ". . .sir."

"And why did you join the military, Mister Ackerman?"

Levi clenched and unclenched his jaw before answering. "Because I had to . . .sir."

The instructor gave him a long look. "Don't tell me you're the one Erwin sent down here. I expected a prodigy. Instead I get an arrogant toad in women's boots?"

"Do I look like a toad to you, sir?" Levi asked tightly, groaning mentally as soon as he'd said it.

"Actually," Onion-breath smirked, "You kinda do." He straightened, apparently finished belittling Levi. "Alright hup to, Cadet. That's five laps for being an asshole and five because I don't like you. . . NOW!"

Levi hupped to, an angry voice shouting behind him "QUIT GIGGLING, RAL! YOU ARE NOT FIVE YEARS OLD!"

Followed by a hasty "No sir!" and the thump of a salute.

thank you for reading, please review!