Give me another chance~

So this is a random Bigby x reader shot that I made up at the last minute, I'm in love with this beast wolf (*drooling*) So this is the back story of your character, you were Cinderella's sister but you were the opposite of her. You were always getting into trouble and destroying things. Ever since Fabletown, Snow White and Cinderella were talking that Snow and Bigby were to watch over you and make sure that nothing bad were to happen to you, but sadly when Fabletown came along, you were always beaten up and threatened when you were with them. So during the night, you ran away from them, only to run into the Crookedman and Bloody Mary. They took you under their wing, little did you know that Bigby and Snow were frantically looking for you...

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there lived a peaceful town called Fabletown, never to know that there was a deep dark secret. It was a dark, silent, cold night, with the moon shinning down upon the busy town that it was. Every single fairy tale lived there under a mask, trying to redeem there old identity. People walked up and down the sidewalks, thinking about what to have for dinner and about their life, little to know that death it's self larked around the corner in an alley way. A shadow stood against the blood covered walls, in one of their hands held a scythe that was covered from its tip and staff in blood. On the ground laid a bloody dead corpse with its limbs and blood splattered everywhere. The shadow pushed off the wall and broke down so that it was a pocket knife that slipped nicely in their boot, they retched in their pocket to pull out a lighter that had a skull on it. The shadow lit the lighter and set the body on fire, before retching in their other pocket to pull out 'Huff 'n' Puff' and lit a smoke. The shadow jumped from wall to wall like a graceful dear, landing gracefully on the roof as the dead body lit of in stronger flames, gathering lots of attention. The shadow towered over the small people that looked terrified at the scene, it's cape fluttering in the breeze, their combat boots holding onto the building that you towered on.

"Well, well, well... Look's like someone wanted a camp fire."

The shadow looked over their shoulder to see Bloody Mary herself, with that smirk on her thin pale face. The shadow took their smoke out from between their lips and blew out a skull within the smoke, making Mary chuckle and walk up to the mysterious person.

"Why do you hide that you are so beautiful when you go out (name)."

Mary pulled their hood back to reveal (h/c) locks that floated in the wind, pale delicate skin that was covered with scars and bruises. Mary gently turned their head towards her to reveal (e/c) eyes that had a scar over one of them. She huffed and kissed their forehead, bringing them into a gentle caring hug.

"I wish I was there earlier before anyone hurt you (name)."

You sighed, wrapping your skinny arms around her waist. You had a thing of not eating a lot because you were always on the run from Bigby that wanted to catch you ever so badly and take you back. She took your thin hand within hers and brought you back to the hideout, where a few special guest's awaited you. You walked in, only to get brought into a tight hug by Tweedle Dee who squeezed you half to death. You were tooth pick skinny, so skinny that you could easily break under so much pressure.

"Tweedle, she can't breath!"

Mary prided you from his arms, only for you to stumble into Tim's arms. You looked behind you and smiled, Tim smiled back and embraced you with his think arms. You hugged him back, inhaling his scent. He ran his fingers through your soft silky hair, making you melt some into his touch.

"Now Tim, don't hog my dearest daughter."

You released Tim and turned around to see nobody else but the Crookedman himself. You smiled and walked over to him as he stood up, he opened his arms which you gladly walked into and hugged him as he hugged you close to him.

"Sweetheart, have you not been eating again?"

You sighed and let your head drop onto his chest, you heard him groan some as he played with your hair.

"Dearest, you need to eat. I would hate to see you die of starvation."

Ever since you have been working with Crookedman, he has become like a father to you, as you have become a daughter to him. He took a seat on the sofa and pulled you down next to him, which you gladly rested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, which made you nuzzle closer to him. You were about to fall asleep, until you sensed that someone has entered the layer that has been expected for a while.

"He's here..."

Mumbled Crookedman while pulling you close to him. You opened your eyes, just to see Tim opening the door.

'It's Bigby... Wow he looks all beaten up, not to mention really toned. Wow that shirt really brings out his muscles...'

You caught yourself staring at Bigby, almost drooling at the sight of him.

"(name), that you?"

You snapped out of your trance to see Bigby looking at you with wide eyes. You sighed and nuzzled your face into Crookedman's chest, he leaned down and gave your head a delicate kiss.

"Yes it is her Bigby, but right now she wish's not to talk to anyone."

You heard the clicking of shoes coming closer to you.

"I need to talk to her, privately."

Crookedman frowned and glared at the wolf now standing a few inches away from him and you.

"Whatever you want to say to her, you can tell us all since we are the ones that have been taking GOOD care of her."

He put a lot of emphasis on the word good, since he knew what went down when you were still with them. Bigby sighed and stood up straight.

"I want for (name) to come back with me, back to Fabletown where Snow is."

You opened your eyes and glared at Bigby, making him take a few steps back. You stood up and gave the wolf a steady death glare.

"What makes you think that I even want to back to Fabletown with you!"

Bigby flinched at your words, never expecting that kind of reaction to come out of you.

"What do you-"

"Have you not taken any of the hints of the death's there!"

Now it was Bigby's turn to glare at you.

"So you're the one that has been causing the death's!?"

You walked over to where he was, so that your chest was touching his.


Bigby grabbed hold of your shoulders, looking you dead in the eye. You were expecting him to yell at you but just as you were about to kick him in the groin, you felt a pair of rough but soft lips pressed against yours. Your eyes widened to see that Bigby was the one kissing you. You brought your feet up and kicked up away from him, landing on the ground, you flipped back up to your feet in a instant. Bigby landed on the ground with a painful thump.


Bigby looked up at you confused.

"You are with that chick Snow White! Did you forget what happened that day before I left!"

You and Bigby have worked together on a lot of cases while you were there, and never to think that you and him actually started to develop feelings for each other. One day, you were brave enough to confess your feelings towards him, sadly Bigby never thought that you would ever return the feelings. But, when you walked into his office, you saw Snow sitting on his desk with her arms thrown around his neck while he had one hand on her leg and the other one on the inside of her shirt. You slammed the door and took off running, running away from your broken heart and shattered dreams, never to return.

Bigby's eyes widened, not realizing that it was YOU, you were the one that slammed the door, you were the one who was always getting him new packs of smokes, getting him something to drink, you were always there for him. he stood up and went to grab you, only to get kicked down by Mary.

"I don't think she want's you here anymore dog!"

He glared up at her, his eyes drifted over to you only to see you crying into Crookedman's jacket.

"Please (name),"

He begged as some tears filled his eyes.

"Give me one more chance, to try and fix things. Please, just another chance."

You whipped your eyes and looked down at Bigby who were giving you those sad wolf eyes. You sighed and rubbed your right arm, not sure if you should forgive him or not. Crookedman placed his index finger and middle finger under your chin, lifting your head up to his eye level with a gentle smile.

"Go ahead, remember if you ever want to come back, you remember the locations where to find me."

You nodded and gave him a hug, before standing up and walking over to the wounded wolf on the ground.

"Fine, I will give you a chance."

Bigby smiled and stood up, offering his arms out for a hug. You smiled some and gave him a hug, only to have his arms instantly coil around you. You hated to admit it but, you might the warmth of his body.

"Trust me (name), I will fix everything."

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