Hey guys! It's been a while since I updated, but here y' go! :)

Rin quietly opened the door that led to his dorm and peeked in, to make sure that no one was in the entrance hall. He sighed in relief when he saw that no one was, and he led Shiemi in by the hand.

He gestured for her to stay quiet as he re-locked the door behind him. He could hear Yukio upstairs and he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. What were they going to do now?

"R-Rin? How are we going to, uhm... Explain... What... What happened?" Shiemi whispered, her face beet red. She was back to her normal self, though she didn't seem to regret what had happened between them.

Rin smiled at her and ruffled her. "Well, we don't have to explain, if you don't want to." He said. She gulped and turned an even darker shade of red. She tugged at her collar in embarrassment, and Rin caught sight of the bruises he'd made on her. They'd become more prominent, and while the bite marks could be explained as the demon they'd been fighting, he wasn't sure how to pass off the love bruises as just bruises.

He exhaled through his nose and raked his fingers through his messy hair. "Well, whatever happens, happens. We'll take care of it when it comes up... If it comes up." He added, clinging to the hope that no one noticed.

Shiemi nodded and took a few painful looking steps toward him. He swallowed, feeling guilty. What if she had just been affected by... By whatever had happened? What if she hadn't wanted what they did? What if she didn't actually like him, and he had just imagined the fact that she had.

The flow of thoughts was disrupted by Shiemi's fingers curling gently around his. He relaxed. No, he hadn't imagined it. Whatever had happened, Shiemi had wanted it, however... non Shiemi-like she'd acted. Well, at the time, he wasn't really acting himself either.

"Let's... Let's get you back to your house... s-stay here, and I'll steal Yukio's key." He muttered, blushing a bit. Shiemi nodded and let go of his hand after a brief moment. He smiled at her and went for the stairs.

He went up as quietly as he could, hugging the wall. He knew that Yukio was still awake, probably waiting for him, but he had to somehow draw him out of his room, so he could get in and steal his key, the one that would lead to the supply shop.

He paused outside their dorm room door, wondering what to do. He sighed under his breath, and, hoping that Yukio hadn't heard him, walked past. His "plan" was to cause some sort of commotion in the bathroom, sneak out before he came to check it out, hide until he was in there, lock him in, and then steal his keys! Simple as that. Although, if he brought his key ring with him then-

"Nii-san, get in here now!"

Rin froze, and a bead of sweat trickled down his neck. Dammit. Well, there was no use in hiding now, he'd been caught. And what had he done wrong, besides coming back extremely late after kidnapping Shiemi? At least, that's all Yukio thought Rin had done, right? How could he have known what had happened between the half-demon and the pretty blonde?

He backtracked and entered his dorm room, hands in his pockets in a pitiful attempt to look casual. Rin knew his face was redder than an apple, but he had to play it cool as much as he could. "Hey... wassup, Yukio?" 'Nope, too casual. I sound guilty... Wait, I AM guilty!' He thought, panicking.

Yukio was sitting at his desk, facing him with his arms crossed, with a small blush on his face. Rin cocked his head. What was Yukio blushing for?

"So... Mind telling me where you were, Nii-san?" He asked.

Rin averted his eyes. "W-well, I guess I kinda blacked out... When I woke up, I was healing Shiemi with... With my flames in the middle of this forest." He said. It wasn't a lie, he just... fudged the truth, yeah!




"Sir Pheles told me some interesting things regarding your recent behaviour." Yukio started. Rin looked up, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"My behaviour?"

"This may be a bit strange to hear from your brother, but as no one else is going to tell you, it's... my job." He began, pushing his glasses further up his nose as he spoke. "You... Uh..." Yukio coughed. "You have entered what Sir Pheles described as 'mating season'." He finally said, his words a rush, as if he were embarrassed to deliver the news. And why shouldn't he be? It was fuckin' awkward!

Rin flushed and took a step back, appalled. "Huuuuhh? Mating season!? Like... like a lion or somethin'!?" He asked. Yukio stood up.

"Apparently so, yes." He replied, still pink in the cheeks. "And after relaying to me what could... happen, during... 'mating season', Sir Pheles would..." Yukio's face scrunched up in embarrassment, and a vein popped in his forehead. After a second of painfully awkward silence, he ripped his phone out of his pocket and furiously dialed a number. It only rang twice before the man on the other line picked up.

'Ah, Okumura-kun!'

"Do I really have to say this to him!?" Yukio yelled into the phone, acting quite his age for once. Rin could hear laughing on the other side, and he recognized it with a groan.

'Yup, yup! Do put me on speaker phone, if you want me to tell him! He simply must hear this, it's only natural!' Rin heard Mephisto laugh and Yukio turned on the speaker phone option. Rin wanted to crawl into a hole for the rest of his life after hearing the demon's next words.

'CONGRATULATIONS, LITTLE BROTHER! Please give Moriyama-chan my love... although, you've probably already given it to her today, haven't you?' He teased. Rin growled and turned a beautiful shade of magenta as he unceremoniously slapped the phone from Yukio's hand. Yukio, surprisingly, didn't complain as the phone hit the wall and snapped shut.

The two brothers stood there, both blushing, both flustered. Rin stepped away, breathing heavily. "What... what was that damn clown talking about? C-congratulations... on what? Learning that my flames can heal people?" He blinked and his embarrassment was forgotten for a moment. "Oh, yeah! Yukio, my flames can heal people! Isn't that awesome!?" He cried out happily.

Yukio didn't respond immediately. He dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out his key ring. He took off one of the keys and handed it to Rin. "That's great, Nii-san. Amazing. Take Shiemi-san back to her house... I'll see you when you get back." He said, turning away as soon as Rin took the key.

Rin hurried from the room, tail flicking with agitation. 'He knows... it's obvious... ahhhh... shit...' He mused as he went back to where Shiemi was sitting on the floor in the entrance hall, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed.

Rin was about to call to her when he noticed her deep, even breaths. He smiled. He walked over, picked her up gently in his arms, and put the key into the locked door of the broom closet. It opened up to the long bridge, the one that led to the supply shop. He could see a light on and blushed again. What was he going to say to Shiemi's mother? 'Sorry, I ran off with your child and we had sex?' no, that wasn't right. He would lie... again... it probably wouldn't be believable though.

Eventually-too soon for his tastes-he found himself standing at Shiemi's door. He took a deep breath and knocked. He only had to wait for a moment before the door was flung open and Shiemi's mother stood there, looking anxious.

Rin smiled sheepishly and nudged Shiemi awake. As the tired girl woke up, he set her down next to her mother and apologized for bringing her back late. "I'm sorry, something came up during the mission, and I couldn't get her back before now. She's fine though, don't worry." He assured the older woman.

Mrs. Moriyama merely smiled, apparently too glad to see her daughter to care why she was late. She waved it off and patted Shiemi's head. When she thanked Rin and turned around to go inside, Rin exchanged a glance with Shiemi. He smirked at her and winked, and she blushed. She waved goodbye and she closed the door. But Rin caught the small smile on her face before the door shut completely.

He started his way back to the dorm with a light feeling in his chest.

Mating season. Shiemi. Tomorrow... Too many thoughts were swirling through his head to deal with... well, at least not at that moment. He'd deal with them once he'd woken up.

And god, did he need the sleep.


"So. What's with that look, Okumura-kun?" Shima elbowed Rin and the black haired teen was jolted out of his thoughts. He looked at the brown eyed monk with a confused expression.

"Huh? What look? I didn't have any look." He said hurriedly. Shima scoffed and leaned forward.

"You look deep in thought... that's not normal for you." He joked. Rin slapped him upside the head.

"What the hell, I think a lot!"

"About what, your deary little Shiemi-chan?" He teased Rin, referencing to the other male's flirting the day before.

At the mention of Shiemi, Rin promptly died a little. His face burned and he turned away. "No. I'm... I'm thinking about what I should make for lunch tomorrow." He lied, trying not to stutter. Shima poked him.

"C'mon, you toootttaaallly have a thing for her! It's so freakin' obvious!" He crowed. His attention was diverted to something over Rin's shoulder, and he waved to the two approaching people. "Bon, Neko! C'mere and help me tease this guy!" He laughed. This earned him another smack.

Bon and Konekomaru came up and sat on the edge of the fountain next to Shima.

"What's going on?" Bon asked, curious. Shima grinned and jerked his thumb to gesture at Rin.

"This guy won't stop fantasizing about Moriyama-chan!" He dodged yet another attack from the flustered boy.

"I'm not fantasizing about anyone! I told you, I'm planning tomorrow's lunch!" Rin insisted, but his face gave him away, and the Kyoto trio cracked up.

"Sure, sure... it'll probably end up being some weird portrait of Moriyama-san made out of food!" Ryuji snickered, and Rin threw his chopsticks at his two-toned head.

"Shut up, Rooster!"

"Eh!? Who're you callin' rooster!?"

"Ah, speak of the devil! Moriyama-san!" Konekomaru called and waved to the girl, who had been passing by the entrance to the courtyard. She looked up and caught Rin's gaze. The two of them both turned red and Rin (much to the amusement of the three other boys), fell backwards into the fountain.

Shiemi, however embarrassed she might have been, boldly came forward to talk to them. "Hi guys! Are you all un-hurt? From the mission, I mean." She asked. They all nodded and Rin grumbled about being ignored, pulling himself out of the fountain as he did so.

Shima frowned and leaned down towards Shiemi, who went even pinker. "Wh-what is it?" She inquired. Shima raised an eyebrow and pointed to her neck.

"What's that, Moriyama-chan?" He drawled. Shiemi slapped a hand over her neck and Rin coughed as he caught a quick glimpse of the dark bite-mark on her soft skin.

"It-it's nothing! I must've gotten it from the fight-I mean... no-nothing's there!" She tried to cover up the bruises on her neck with her bow, but failed. Bon raised an eyebrow and looked closer at Shiemi.

"That looks like a weird spot for an injury..." He mused. Rin was scooting slowly away from the group, attempting to get away without being noticed. Shima grabbed his tail and Rin yelped.

"Hey!" Rin shouted, but froze up at Shima's suspicious expression.

"Hold on a minute... yesterday you disappeared with Moriyama-chan, and today you've been spacing out and Moriyama-chan has bruises on her neck..." Shima blinked. "Did you and her-"

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-what're you implying!?" Rin yelled, failing to cover up his guilty tone.

"Wait, you two-" Bon gasped, seeming to catch on to the situation.

Shiemi buried her face in her hands. "N-no we-"

"Wait, did Okumura-kun and Moriyama-san-" Konekomaru's eyes widened.

Rin ripped his tail away from Shima's hand and took hold of Shiemi's wrist before dragging her after him as he ran from the scene, leaving the shocked and blushing Kyoto Trio behind them.

As they ran, Shiemi tried to ask Rin where they were going, but he didn't seem to pay any attention. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they stopped at the abandoned boy's dorm.

"Rin, what are we- ah!" She yelped as he ushered her in the huge double doors. As soon as they were inside, he turned her around and pressed her against the closed doors. Shiemi blushed and blinked in surprise. "Rin, what's wrong?" She asked. She had a feeling that she already knew though.

Rin looked up and eyed her through half lidded, cloudy eyes. He smirked and leaned in, brushing his lips against her cheek. Shiemi sucked in a breath and a small smile crept unto her face. Rin's slender fingers gently undid her bow, pulling slowly on one end and letting the striped piece fabric fall to the floor. He began to undo the buttons of her shirt, and the usually timid girl helped by sliding the clothing off of her shoulders, exposing her white bra straps.

As the shirt joined the bow on the floor, Rin kissed the tip of Shiemi's nose. "We're gonna have to be more careful this time, hm?" He said, raising a dark eyebrow attractively. Shiemi swallowed and nodded. She took a deep breath and placed a slim hand on Rin's soaked shirt.

"You're just going to have to mark me a bit... lower..." Shiemi drawled. The raven haired teen grinned. This Shiemi was so unlike the one he'd fallen for, but he loved this unusually seductive side of her just the same. He bowed his head in agreement, not breaking eye contact with the beautiful girl, and touched her collarbone with a slight touch. He leaned forward again and pressed his lips her hers in a soft, innocent kiss. They stayed still, drinking in each other's scents for a moment, before pulling apart.

Then, as if something inside of him snapped, Rin growled. He nipped at her earlobe, trailed kisses down her neck, then traveled down to her smooth chest. He bit at her breasts and she gasped. Her back arched and he smirked. He pulled the bra down a bit so her chest was fully exposed. He ran his tongue over her sensitive skin, eliciting a quiet, badly suppressed moan from the girl.

Rin registered Shiemi's fingers yanking at the edge of his wet shirt, silently insisting that the clothing was removed. He complied, quickly peeling the soaking article off of his toned chest. It fell heavily to the floor and Shiemi's bra followed. Shiemi ran her hands over his water slicked chest, and she kissed him again. He pushed against the kiss, turning it into a wild, passionate one instead of soft. She didn't complain.

Rin drew a breath and whispered quietly, "We can't go any further than this, we'd have to skip class..." he said, disappointment clear in his voice.

Shiemi giggled. "Oh? Why is that?" She breathed back. Rin smiled and ghosted his lips over hers.

"Because if we went any further, you wouldn't want to leave..." He rasped.

Shiemi snaked her arms around his neck. "Well then, we'll just have to skip our classes..." She murmured into his ear. Rin shivered and gripped her waist.

"And we'll have more time after school as well..." he muttered, pulling down her skirt.

"Why is that?" She asked softly, undoing his belt.

He grinned. "No homework." He said simply, letting her skirt drop to the floor.

Aaaaaand I'll leave the rest to your dirty imaginations! Lol, don't worry, I also have one... can't look at page 69 in a book without snickering. Okai, bai now! Stay awesome guys! :P