Chapter Eight- Drunk
10.22pm- Pfft, sorry, I'm just really happy right now!
10.23pm- Lou invited me to a party and I'm having SO MUCH FUN!
- Wrong Number, Chapter Six
When Will arrived at Lou's house, she was already dressed for the party, in an outfit that made her look somehow otherworldly gorgeous, which was pretty much what she ordinarily looked like. What was not ordinary, however, was her hair.
"Oh my- Lou!" Will breathed, reaching out to run his hand through the short, violet locks without thinking. Lou swatted his hand away playfully. "That is definitely new and unexpected."
Lou grinned, leading Will inside. "And hot as fuck, right?" She fixed her fringe in a hallway mirror, making a kirby face as she did so. Will couldn't help but smile.
"It is very nice, yes." He said amiably. "It suits you."
Lou beamed at him, giving him a kiss to the cheek in thanks. "You're very sweet," She said. Will grinned, shrugging.
"I try," He replied, and she rolled her eyes. Quickly, she re-applied her cherry red lipstick, and then turned back to Will.
"Do you want anything before we go?"
Will shook his head, giving Lou a once over. "You should probably grab a coat though, it'll get cold later on."
Lou looked down at her short black and white dress, thinking over Will's words. "Okay, you're right. I'll be back in a moment."
She quickly darted down another hallway. Unlike Will, who lived in a two storey apartment, Lou lived in a small condo near Long Island Sound. It was quite a nice place, and the perfect size for her and her mother.
Will pulled out his phone, scrolling through his contacts before landing on 'Sunshine'. He wondered if he should send Nico a text message- he usually would without thought, something silly or a pun, but tonight was meant to just be for Will and Lou to go out partying, and Will didn't want to be rude, even if he was rather reluctant to go.
"Okay, I'm back!" Lou announced, now wearing a dark coat over her dress. "Are you ready to party?"
Will blanched slightly and sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be."
Lou grinned mischievously. "Excellent."
Will wouldn't exactly say he wasn't enjoying himself- because he was, in a strange way. He admitted it was probably because of the alcohol. He liked to think he was merely pleasantly buzzed, but he knew he was probably smashed off his face, considering he was currently situated on a random guy's lap, with a mouth moving across his neck.
It was too bad he wasn't turned on in the slightest. The guy was cute- black hair styled in a quiff, fair skin, blue eyes, and he was a bit older than Will too, maybe twenty five-ish, which was a plus because Will really didn't think he really liked guys who were younger than him, no matter what Lou said.
Will kind of felt sorry for this guy- earlier, Lou's friend Carrie had mentioned that he was going through a rough patch with his boyfriend, which was just heartbreaking because this guy- what was his name? Will was sure it started with a P- was really adorable, and looked like a kicked puppy.
With that thought in mind, coupled with that fact that Will wasn't into it at all, really, Will stumbled off the guy's lap. Will didn't feel much guilt over it, for the guy didn't protest and just sat back, looking up at the ceiling, drunk and exhausted.
"I think I'm going to go home," He said after a few moments. Will nodded, though the guy couldn't see because he was still looking up at the ceiling.
"You should."
The guy looked at him, eyebrows drawn together, troubled and guilty. "I'm sorry for kissing you when I have a boyfriend."
"It's okay," Will replied. "But if you're apologising to anyone, it should be your boyfriend."
The guy nodded, and sighed, standing up. He brushed off his blue with black hearts shirt, and sighed again. "It was a pleasure meeting you." He said politely to Will, who had to smile a little, because they didn't really meet, did they?
"You too," He said. The guy walked away, and Will swore he heard him say 'Why would I do that to Dan?' Will assumed Dan was the boyfriend.
Will stood up, and seeing Lou, walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, rawring like a dinosaur gently in her ear. Lou laughed, and they began swaying to the music together, Will resting his chin on the top of her head. He didn't know why, but he was suddenly very happy, and this party wasn't really that bad after all.
"You know, we probably look like a really cute couple right now," Lou giggled and Will laughed.
"God, how many times have we been mistaken as a couple before?" He asked, and Lou shrugged, leaning back against Will's chest.
"Too many times to count, babe." She turned and grinned goofily at him. "But you are the sun to my moon,"
"And you're the stars in my sky," Will said in the cheesiest voice he could muster. They both broke down giggling.
Somehow, Will found himself sitting cross-legged on the floor, scrolling through his Instagram. Lou had disappeared, probably to hook up with Mitchell, which was really her only reason for coming to the part in the first place. Not that Will could blame her, Mitchell was incredibly funny and nice to be around, and had really gorgeous brown eyes. But seriously, Will wished she hadn't left him here by himself. He didn't know anyone at the party, other than Lacey, Mitchell's younger sister, but she was busy being hospitable.
Will jumped in surprise as his phone vibrated and a bright grin lit up his face when he saw that Nico had texted him. He really liked Nico. And because of that, he sent a chirpy message, instantly getting one back that questioned the use of exclamation marks. Will grinned goofily and texted back, stumbling over his words. Nico's reply was just as snarky as Will was used to. Will explained to him that he was at a party, and looking around at all the people, decided to be sarcastic and tell Nico he was having so much fun.
A few more texts, a Zuko reference and a call to Will's brother, Lee, Will was standing outside in the cold, after checking to make sure Lou was okay. Lacey reassured Will that nothing bad would happen to Lou while she stayed at the house.
"How was the party?" Lee asked when Will slid into the backseat of the car. Will sighed, snuggling into his jacket.
"It was alright. I'm pretty intoxicated."
Lee glanced at him from the rear-view mirror. "Are you okay?"
Will and Lee hadn't always been this friendly. If it had been a year ago, Will wouldn't have even thought of calling Lee for help. And now Lee was showing concern for Will, and Will felt his body warm in fondness for his brother. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just need some water and some sleep."
Lee nodded and started the car, backing out of the driveway. "Did Lou leave already?"
Will shook his head. "She's staying the night, in Lacey's room."
Lee nodded again, relaxing slightly. He knew Lacey and he knew she could be trusted. "Good, I'm glad she's safe."
"Yeah, me too."
Even if Will didn't particularly like getting drunk and going to parties, he always did like being around Lou. And the parties weren't bad, when he was around people he actually liked.
"Lee, I'm going to have a nap, is that okay?"
"Go for it."
And so Will did.